Overall Rating Silver
Overall Score 45.94
Liaison Robin Frederick
Submission Date July 21, 2022

STARS v2.2

Indiana University Southeast
OP-18: Waste Minimization and Diversion

Status Score Responsible Party
Complete 2.64 / 8.00 Rob Poff
Executive Director
Facility Operations
"---" indicates that no data was submitted for this field

Figures needed to determine total waste generated (and diverted):
Performance Year Baseline Year
Materials recycled 86.61 Metric tons 86.61 Metric tons
Materials composted 0 Metric tons 0 Metric tons
Materials donated or re-sold 0 Metric tons 0 Metric tons
Materials disposed through post-recycling residual conversion 0 Metric tons 0 Metric tons
Materials disposed in a solid waste landfill or incinerator 240.40 Metric tons 240.40 Metric tons
Total waste generated 327 Metric tons 327 Metric tons

A brief description of the residual conversion facility:

Start and end dates of the performance year and baseline year (or three-year periods):
Start Date End Date
Performance Period June 30, 2019 July 1, 2020
Baseline Period June 30, 2019 July 1, 2020

A brief description of when and why the waste generation baseline was adopted:
IUS has chosen to use the same reporting fiscal year for both the "baseline" and "performance" year- FY2020. The reason is so that the institution can utilize data prior to COVID. This assessment is the first report conducted on the campus, and so this is also our baseline report as well.

Figures needed to determine "Weighted Campus Users”:
Performance Year Baseline Year
Number of students resident on-site 250 250
Number of employees resident on-site 0 0
Number of other individuals resident on-site 0 0
Total full-time equivalent student enrollment 3,041 5,238
Full-time equivalent of employees 473 292
Full-time equivalent of students enrolled exclusively in distance education 741 741
Weighted campus users 2,142.25 3,654.25

Total waste generated per weighted campus user:
Performance Year Baseline Year
Total waste generated per weighted campus user 0.15 Metric tons 0.09 Metric tons

Percentage reduction in total waste generated per weighted campus user from baseline:

Percentage of materials diverted from the landfill or incinerator by recycling, composting, donating or re-selling, performance year:

Percentage of materials diverted from the landfill or incinerator (including up to 10 percent attributable to post-recycling residual conversion):

In the waste figures reported above, has the institution recycled, composted, donated and/or re-sold the following materials?:
Yes or No
Paper, plastics, glass, metals, and other recyclable containers Yes
Food No
Cooking oil No
Plant materials No
Animal bedding No
White goods (i.e. appliances) No
Electronics Yes
Laboratory equipment Yes
Furniture Yes
Residence hall move-in/move-out waste No
Scrap metal Yes
Pallets Yes
Tires Yes
Other (please specify below) No

A brief description of other materials the institution has recycled, composted, donated and/or re-sold:

Materials intended for disposal but subsequently recovered and reused on campus, performance year:

Does the institution use single stream recycling to collect standard recyclables in common areas?:

Does the institution use dual stream recycling to collect standard recyclables in common areas?:

Does the institution use multi-stream recycling to collect standard recyclables in common areas?:

Average contamination rate for the institution’s recycling program:

A brief description of any recycling quality control mechanisms employed:
IUS has a standard single-stream recycling program across campus. We utilize blue containers for recycling and grey/black containers for trash throughout all buildings. The bins include signage to assist with proper item identification and disposal. We also have visual shadowbox displays above and/or on the Recycling and Trash containers in our Retail Food Court area that provides a visual item identification placement. Our Waste Hauler does have an MRF facility and accepts 10-20% contaminated items and will reject loads of recyclables beyond that threshold. The recycling hauler provides feedback on any concerns or problems with any of the specific building locations that we can follow up on.

A brief description of the institution's waste-related behavior change initiatives:
Recycling and trash bins found in common areas – hallways and break rooms – will not change. They are emptied daily and have a liner in the bin.

IUS provides a list of recycling locations throughout our county (Floyd)- https://www.floydcounty.in.gov/index.php/floyd-county-government/floyd-county-indiana-solid-waste-district#recycling-%20locations%20incase%20our%20campus%20community%20would%20like%20to%20recycle%20at%20home%20but%20don't%20have%20access%20to%20a%20recycling%20service.

Educational Resources:

The recycling items we accept can be found on our Facility Operations website: https://www.ius.edu/facility-operations/department-services/sustainability.html

A brief description of the institution's waste audits and other initiatives to assess its materials management efforts and identify areas for improvement:

A brief description of the institution's procurement policies designed to prevent waste:
Disposal and Redistribution of University Property

All IU Purchasing Policies:

Sustainable Purchasing Policy:

IU Sustainable Purchasing Guidelines: Why Sustainable Procurement at IU?
As we face global issues in the economy, energy, climate change, equity, water, and food, it is time that Indiana University, as a leading institute of higher education, moves towards sustainability. The Indiana University Purchasing Department has been encouraging “green” purchasing over the years. Efforts are made in the areas of papers, cleaning products, furniture, carpets, and some food items, among others. It is step-by-step progress towards moving Indiana University towards a sustainable campus.

A brief description of the institution's surplus department or formal office supplies exchange program that facilitates reuse of materials:

A brief description of the institution's platforms to encourage peer-to-peer exchange and reuse:
IU Print is a global print platform that delivers the core engine for student printing and managed print services for organizations. IU Print looks to deliver a print platform that reduces cost, increases efficiency, is highly secure, and provides maximum flexibility.

Student printing: IU Print delivers printing for students across all campuses. The IU Print platform delivers printing, copying, and scanning functionality in a secure environment for all faculty, staff, and students. Students receive an allotment through the Student Technology Fee that can be used at various locations across all campuses.

Print Less Go Green Campaign
Printing is and will always be a part of the university experience. The Print Less Go Green campaign was established to provide information to students regarding ways to reduce printing while maintaining full access to printing services.

From the Print Less Go Green Campaign website:
The Student Technology Centers (STC's) are committed to finding more sustainable ways to provide you with printing on campus. The following are a few of the ways we are doing this:
Improved Wireless Access: UITS continues to improve the speed and availability of its wireless network. Rather than carrying paper documents with you, bring your laptop to campus and have electronic access to all of your course materials.

Improved Printer Accessibility: UITS has introduced printers in more convenient locations, so there is no need to print materials you might need later; there is always a printer nearby so you can print just the pages that you need to print. This also lessens the need for individuals in residence halls to own personal printers, which use large amounts of energy even in their idle state.

Adobe agreement: In 2008, UITS entered into an agreement with Adobe Systems to make available to all students, faculty, and staff, the most popular Adobe software. Adobe Acrobat permits users to mark up course materials that are downloaded from online resources and stored on the user's computer or thumb drive. By using Adobe Acrobat, users can avoid printing this material altogether. For more information about the Adobe agreement with IU, please see http://kb.iu.edu/data/axuq.html.

For all students at all IU campuses, the number of print credits allotted each semester is based on the number of credit hours enrolled.

Standardized print credits allotted per semester
Enrollment status Allotment
Full-time (4 or more credit hours) 26
Part-time (3 or fewer credit hours) 13
Admitted, not enrolled 2

Managed print services for organizations-Managed print services aim to help students gain visibility and control of their printing, and to focus on the demand side, resulting in reducing waste and paper and saving money as you make more strategic, data-driven decisions. Managed print also helps improve environmental sustainability and document security. In this context, "printing" refers to the total cost of managing and optimizing your printers and their output and the people and processes that support these devices.

Sustainable Procurement & Technology

Printing Reduction- https://ittrainingtips.iu.edu/paperless-iu/why-go-paperless/05/2015/

IU Knowledge Base: Conserve paper when printing https://kb.iu.edu/d/aqez

IU Course Management online tool (Canvas) minimizes paper and ink consumption: Canvas is IU's learning management system (LMS). Canvas includes most of the standard tools found in open source and commercial management systems (assignments, discussions, announcements, quizzes, syllabus, etc.) as well as enhanced tools and features for communication, collaboration, and assessment, including real-time web conferencing, a multimedia recorder, a Google Docs integration, outcomes and rubrics, and course analytics. All IU students, faculty, and staff can log in to Canvas using their IU credentials or an IU Guest account. You can access Canvas at IU from a web browser (on a computer, smartphone, or tablet) or via the mobile apps distributed by Instructure.

A brief description of the institution's limits on paper and ink consumption:
IU Print is a global print platform that delivers the core engine for student printing and managed print services for organizations. IU Print looks to deliver a print platform that reduces cost, increases efficiency, is highly secure, and provides maximum flexibility.

Student printing: IU Print delivers printing for students across all campuses. The IU Print platform delivers printing, copying, and scanning functionality in a secure environment for all faculty, staff, and students. Students receive an allotment through the Student Technology Fee that can be used at various locations across all campuses.

Print Less Go Green Campaign
Printing is and will always be a part of the university experience. The Print Less Go Green campaign was established to provide information to students regarding ways to reduce printing while maintaining full access to printing services.

From the Print Less Go Green Campaign website:
The Student Technology Centers (STC's) are committed to finding more sustainable ways to provide you with printing on campus. The following are a few of the ways we are doing this:
Improved Wireless Access: UITS continues to improve the speed and availability of its wireless network. Rather than carrying paper documents with you, bring your laptop to campus and have electronic access to all of your course materials.

Improved Printer Accessibility: UITS has introduced printers in more convenient locations, so there is no need to print materials you might need later; there is always a printer nearby so you can print just the pages that you need to print. This also lessens the need for individuals in residence halls to own personal printers, which use large amounts of energy even in their idle state.

Adobe agreement: In 2008, UITS entered into an agreement with Adobe Systems to make available to all students, faculty, and staff, the most popular Adobe software. Adobe Acrobat permits users to mark up course materials that are downloaded from online resources and stored on the user's computer or thumb drive. By using Adobe Acrobat, users can avoid printing this material altogether. For more information about the Adobe agreement with IU, please see http://kb.iu.edu/data/axuq.html.

For all students at all IU campuses, the number of print credits allotted each semester is based on the number of credit hours enrolled.

Standardized print credits allotted per semester
Enrollment status Allotment
Full-time (4 or more credit hours) 26
Part-time (3 or fewer credit hours) 13
Admitted, not enrolled 2

Managed print services for organizations-Managed print services aim to help students gain visibility and control of their printing, and to focus on the demand side, resulting in reducing waste and paper and saving money as you make more strategic, data-driven decisions. Managed print also helps improve environmental sustainability and document security. In this context, "printing" refers to the total cost of managing and optimizing your printers and their output and the people and processes that support these devices.

Sustainable Procurement & Technology://sustain.iu.edu/commitment/it/index.html

Printing Reduction- https://ittrainingtips.iu.edu/paperless-iu/why-go-paperless/05/2015/

IU Knowledge Base: Conserve paper when printing https://kb.iu.edu/d/aqez

IU Course Management online tool (Canvas) minimizes paper and ink consumption: Canvas is IU's learning management system (LMS). Canvas includes most of the standard tools found in open source and commercial management systems (assignments, discussions, announcements, quizzes, syllabus, etc.) as well as enhanced tools and features for communication, collaboration, and assessment, including real-time web conferencing, a multimedia recorder, a Google Docs integration, outcomes and rubrics, and course analytics. All IU students, faculty, and staff can log in to Canvas using their IU credentials or an IU Guest account. You can access Canvas at IU from a web browser (on a computer, smartphone, or tablet) or via the mobile apps distributed by Instructure.

A brief description of the institution's initiatives to make materials available online by default rather than printing them:
One.IU is Indiana University's web-based application portal that provides a common front door to online services at all IU campuses. One.IU offers easier and more direct access to the multitude of services available for students, faculty, and staff. The goal for One.IU is to create a virtual campus community -- a place to study, work, collaborate, and have fun!

Course catalogs and schedules are no longer printed, and instead are published online through the Office of the Registrar at: https://www.ius.edu/academics/bulletin.html

Staff directories can all be located under individual departmental websites, and are searchable by individuals at people.iu.edu. A campus building directory is available online at: https://www.ius.edu/about-southeast/campus-map.php. Printed campus directories have been eliminated.

IU Course Management online tool (Canvas) minimizes paper and ink consumption: Canvas is IU's learning management system (LMS). Canvas includes most of the standard tools found in open source and commercial management systems (assignments, discussions, announcements, quizzes, syllabus, etc.) as well as enhanced tools and features for communication, collaboration, and assessment, including real-time web conferencing, a multimedia recorder, a Google Docs integration, outcomes and rubrics, and course analytics. All IU students, faculty, and staff can log in to Canvas using their IU credentials or an IU Guest account. You can access

Canvas at IU from a web browser (on a computer, smartphone, or tablet) or via the mobile apps distributed by Instructure-https://canvas.iu.edu/lms-prd/gateway

A brief description of the institution's program to reduce residence hall move-in/move-out waste:

A brief description of the institution's programs or initiatives to recover and reuse other materials intended for disposal:

Website URL where information about the institution’s waste minimization and diversion efforts is available:

Additional documentation to support the submission:

Data source(s) and notes about the submission:
Materials recycled received from WestRock Recycling facility | https://www.westrock.com/

Materials disposed of in a solid waste landfill or incinerator, baseline, and performance year are the same-This is an estimated total ton of trash removed from campus in FY20. The calculation includes waste from the (11) 8-yard containers and one 30-yard container. There is no way for IUS to determine the exact tonnage because our service provider bills the university at a flat rate rather than by the tonnage rate.

Additional links for context

IUS provides a list of recycling locations throughout Floyd County:

Educational Resources

List of recycling items our service provider accepts:
Cardboard boxes (broken down)
Magazines, newspapers, and inserts
All white, colored, and coated papers
Brochures and pamphlets
Correspondence papers (letterhead, mail, and adverting)
Envelopes (even with plastic windows or labels)
Folders (manila, coated, or colored)
Manuals with glued bindings
Paper from legal pads, memo pads, note pads, scratch pads, and steno pads
Store receipts
Self-adhesive notes
Soft covered books
Cereal boxes
Frozen food boxes
Plastic containers #1 thru #7 (Examples: food and beverage bottles and containers)
Stretch film
Aluminum beverage and food containers
Steel beverage and food containers

Disposal and Redistribution of University Property FIN-PURCH-11

All IU Purchasing Policies:
Sustainable Purchasing Policy:

Student Technology Fee that can be used at various locations across all campuses

Course catalogs and schedules are no longer printed, and instead are published online through the Office of the Registrar at

Staff Directories
https://www.ius.edu/about-southeast/campus-map.php. Printed campus directories have been eliminated.


The information presented here is self-reported. While AASHE staff review portions of all STARS reports and institutions are welcome to seek additional forms of review, the data in STARS reports are not verified by AASHE. If you believe any of this information is erroneous or inconsistent with credit criteria, please review the process for inquiring about the information reported by an institution or simply email your inquiry to stars@aashe.org.