Overall Rating Gold - expired
Overall Score 70.57
Liaison Kelsey Beal
Submission Date Dec. 14, 2020

STARS v2.2

Indiana University Indianapolis
PA-2: Sustainability Planning

Status Score Responsible Party
Complete 4.00 / 4.00 Deborah Ferguson
Assistant Director
Office of Sustainability
"---" indicates that no data was submitted for this field

Does the institution have a published plan or plans that include measurable sustainability objectives that address sustainability in curriculum and/or research?:

A list or sample of the measurable sustainability objectives related to academics and the plan(s) in which they are published:
IUPUI Sustainability Strategic Plan (2018-2025):
1) Evaluate sustainability literacy and culture of campus (2020)
a. Draft assessments with benchmarking metrics against other universities
b. Distribute to campus via sample population size in partnership with IRDS
c. Analyze results
d. Formulate actions and steps to address literacy or cultural deficiencies
2) Increase sustainability integration into courses (ongoing-2025)
a. Assess sustainability academic assets currently in place
b. Create transferable sustainability learning outcomes that can be incorporated into any course
c. Disseminate information to faculty
d. Market programs to students
3) Integrate student learning into strategic plan in support of the campus as a living laboratory model (ongoing-2025)
a. Identify best project(s) from strategic plan for coursework integration
b. Match students, faculty, and operations to projects
c. Have active projects identified that can run annually, as well as others that can run on an as-needed basis
4) Create incentive program for faculty to create new sustainability courses or integrate sustainability into courses that already exist (2025)
a. Inventory existing support
b. Identify faculty needs
c. Conduct gaps assessment of resources needed
d. Fill gaps and advocate for resources

Link to IUPUI Sustainability Strategic Plan: https://iu.box.com/s/8ggq6uccu83hnstm1gugv9mc8ijjzjwx

IUPUI Strategic Plan: https://strategicplan.iupui.edu/goals
PRIORITY 1: The Success of our Students
Create more effective environments, practices, and support systems for student learning, success, and degree attainment.
1. Develop and expand initiatives that enhance student success, especially student retention and graduation.
2. Create and implement guided learning pathways that take students from their first year on campus through their capstone experiences.
3. Enhance students’ sense of belonging to one or more campus communities.
4. Assess and document student learning and development.
5. Develop faculty and staff to support student learning and success.
6. Provide support and resources that reduce educational inequities in all facets of students’ learning experiences at IUPUI.

Does the institution have a published plan or plans that include measurable sustainability objectives that address student, employee, or community engagement for sustainability?:

A list or sample of the measurable sustainability objectives related to engagement and the plan(s) in which they are published:
IUPUI Sustainability Strategic Plan (2018-2025)
1) Students
a. Support and expand programming of Sustainability Coordinators in Housing and Residence Life (ongong-2025) https://sustainability.iupui.edu/engagement/rha-sustainability-coords/index.html
i. Develop monthly engagement programming run by Sustainability Coordinators
b. Host a robust sustainability outreach campaign – the IUPUI Energy Challenge – with measurable impact on campus (2020) https://sustainability.iupui.edu/engagement/energy-challenge/index.html
c. Campus Kitchen at IUPUI https://sustainability.iupui.edu/engagement/campus-kitchen/index.html
i. Create strategic plan for sustainability and expansion of the Campus Kitchen at IUPUI with dedicated resources (2020)
d. Strengthen the presence of sustainability in student orientation programming (2022)
2) Faculty/Staff
a. Launch Green Office Certification Program to encourage sustainable behavior and practices in office settings (2020)
b. Create an employee educators program in which faculty and staff educate and mobilize their peers around sustainability through the expansion of campus Green Teams (2022)
c. Develop a staff professional development program in sustainability that is offered at least once annually (2022)
d. Integrate sustainability into all new employee orientation programming (2025)
3) Community
a. Restart the IndySHER (Sustainability in Higher Education Roundtable) so anchor institutions can share best practices and work collaboratively to advance sustainability on our respective campuses (2020)
b. Offer at least one sustainability continuing education course that is open to the public (2022)
c. Continue to work with the City of Indianapolis to advance sustainability across the city, partly by utilizing campus resources and expertise (ongoing-2025)
4) General Campus
a. Launch Green Event Certification Program to encourage the campus community to host events that are sustainable (2020) https://sustainability.iupui.edu/engagement/green-events/index.html
b. Improve Office of Sustainability website to focus on improving user experience (2020) https://sustainability.iupui.edu/index.html
c. Evaluate sustainability culture of campus (2020) https://uirr.iu.edu/surveycalendar/survey.html?id=163
i. Draft assessments with benchmarking metrics against other universities
ii. Distribute to campus via sample population size in partnership with IRDS
iii. Analyze results
iv. Formulate actions and steps to address literacy or cultural deficiencies

Link to IUPUI Sustainability Strategic Plan: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hTy9sRDYQ-WQJh4YNLsg4j-1p2nJAI_9/view?usp=sharing

IUPUI Strategic Plan: https://strategicplan.iupui.edu/goals
Goal 7: Deepen our Commitment to Community Engagement
1. Develop a comprehensive anchor institution strategy that applies the campus’s place-based economic power and human capital in partnership with the community to benefit the longterm well-being of both.
2. Through the Office of Community Engagement, lead campus engagement initiatives to further involve students, faculty, and staff in the community.
3. Advance the campus reputation for engagement locally, nationally, and internationally

IUPUI is a partner in Indiana Campus Compact which includes the following vision in it's strategic plan: http://indianacampuscompact.org/what-we-do-2/strategic-plan/
"The vision is to be a national exemplar by equipping every student in every institution with the competence, confidence, humility, and experience to be well-informed, engaged citizens through involvement in service engagement that advances the public good in their communities."

IUPUI is a founding Institute Organizer of the Assessment Institute. http://assessmentinstitute.iupui.edu/overview/partners.html
IUPUI hosted the 2019 Assessment Institute Conference and will be hosting the 2020 Assessment Institute Conference Virtually. The Assessment Institute includes a track devoted specifically to community engagement assessment, with an additional post-institute option – the Carnegie Academy. This event is an opportunity for campuses to prepare for the Carnegie Elective Classification for Community Engagement application. IUPUI has achieved the Carnegie Classification for Community Engagement in 2010 and 2015 and will be applying again for the 2020 Classification.

IUPUI is active in several national anchor institution networks including the Anchor Learning Network, a partnership between the Coalition of Urban and Metropolitan Universities and Democracy Collaborative (https://www.cumuonline.org/cumu-initiatives/anchor-mission-initiative), the Association of Public & Land-Grant Universities' Commission on Economic and Community Engagement (https://www.aplu.org/projects-and-initiatives/economic-development-and-community-engagement/), and the Anchor Institutions Task Force (https://www.margainc.com/aitf/). In 2017, IUPUI participated in an Anchor Housing program initiated by the Indianapolis Chamber in conjunction with the Indianapolis Neighborhood Housing Partnership. The program provided incentives for employees to purchase or rehabilitate a home in areas near campus. Five employees completed the program, four to purchase a home and one to rehabilitate.

See the latest IUPUI Community Report:

IUPUI has long been recognized for its commitment to the community through the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching’s Community Engaged Institution Classification, multiple President’s Higher Education Community Service Awards, and most recently, Indiana Campus Compact’s Engaged Campus of the Year award.

IU Bicentennial Strategic Plan: https://strategicplan.iu.edu/plan/engagement.html
"These critical factors underscore the university’s obligation. IU is a public university in a deep sense; it exists to benefit all the people of the state, and the world beyond, and has a charge to continue its long tradition of engagement in the economic, social, environmental, and cultural life of all Hoosiers. This charge applies to all IU campuses, and it has special significance for the regional campuses. These campuses’ communities and regions rely on their respective campuses for undergraduate and professional education that addresses regional needs. Engagement in the civic, cultural, social, and economic lives of their regions is a central mission of the regional campuses, and their communities and regions take great pride in their respective campuses."

Does the institution have a published plan or plans that include measurable sustainability objectives that address sustainability in operations?:

A list or sample of the measurable sustainability objectives related to operations and the plan(s) in which they are published:
IUPUI Office of Sustainability Strategic Plan (2018-2025):
3) Energy
a. Consumption
i. Conduct annual energy analysis and tracking (2020)
ii. Create a real-time dashboard to show energy used on campus (2022)
iii. Establish energy reduction goals from baseline (2022)
b. Renewable Energy
i. Explore expansion of increasing purchased renewable energy portfolio for campus; increase from 10% (2022)
ii. Assess the potential for physical solar installation on campus, targeting rooftops and parking garages, including financial models (2022)

Link to IUPUI Sustainability Strategic Plan: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hTy9sRDYQ-WQJh4YNLsg4j-1p2nJAI_9/view?usp=sharing

IU will implement plans to solidify IU’s focus on efficient and environmentally conscious campus design and operation by: a. Completing and implementing pedestrian, transportation, and bicycle submaster plans on each campus. b. Certifying all major new buildings with the LEED Green Building Certification System and elevate the minimum certification level to Gold. c. Continuing to explore and research a variety of energy and utility supply and delivery options that reflect changes in economies, demand, and climate variables. d. Achieving the goals for energy efficiency and emissions reductions called for in the Campus Master Plan and the Integrated Energy Master Plan for the IU Bloomington campus; expand that analysis to all campuses. e. Increasing energy and utility system efficiency while reducing demand and consumption.
Continuing Priorities • Develop all campuses in accordance with the current master plans. • Focus new capital and major renovation projects on supporting IU’s new academic initiatives and its most productive academic units. • Give special emphasis on all campuses to improving traffic flow, making them more “pedestrian and bicycle friendly,” and to improving parking and alternative modes of transportation for students, faculty, and staff. • Enhance the built and natural environment on all campuses to continue to make the campuses attractive and beautiful places for those who work there and their surrounding communities. • Expand efforts to make all IU campuses more energy-efficient and sustainable.

Link to IU Strategic Plan: https://strategicplan.iu.edu/doc/plan.pdf (P. 42-43)

IUPUI Campus Master Plan (Revised Feb. 2020)

Does the institution have a published plan or plans that include measurable sustainability objectives that address diversity, equity, and inclusion; sustainable investment/finance; or wellbeing?:

A list or sample of the measurable sustainability objectives related to administration and the plan(s) in which they are published:
IUPUI Strategic Plan:

PRIORITY 2: Advances in Health and Life Sciences
Goal 5: Leverage our Strengths in Health and Life Sciences
Advance our capabilities and contributions through interdisciplinary efforts— often referred to as interprofessional education and collaborative practice—to improve the well being of communities and tackle important public health challenges.

1) Build on our research strengths across disciplines to tackle the opioid epidemic.
2) Build academic practice partnerships that demonstrate the impact of interprofessional practice and education on statewide priorities.
3) Develop a wellness infrastructure that enhances the campus culture of health, including mental health, increased physical activity, and improved well-being among faculty, staff, and students.
4) Improve the availability of healthy food choices on campus.
5) Decrease the incidence and prevalence of tobacco use by faculty, staff and students.

PRIORITY 3: Contributions to the Well-being of the Citizens of Indianapolis, the State of Indiana, and Beyond
Goal 9: Promote an Inclusive Campus Climate
Seek, value, and cultivate diversity in all of its forms and create an environment where all campus community members feel welcomed, supported, included, and valued.

1) Develop and maintain an unapologetically equitable and inclusive campus culture that ensures the academic and professional success of historically minoritized and marginalized students, staff, and faculty, and actively promote the benefits of such a culture to the entire campus.
2) With campus administration leading by example, provide multiple and varied learning opportunities to the IUPUI community to improve awareness and understanding of and between diverse populations, and to ensure campus accountability to the values of diversity, equity, and inclusion.
3) Develop and implement meaningful and dynamic diversity plans that are unique to each unit, and assess progress annually.
4) Employ proven strategies to diversify campus administration, faculty, staff and students.

Both the IUPUI Mission Statement and Strategic Plan make diversity and creating an inclusive climate key objectives. Using Daryl Smith’s (2009, 2015) diversity model framework, the IUPUI Diversity Plan addresses four diversity indicators: Institutional Viability and Vitality; Education and Scholarship; Climate and Intergroup Relations; and Access and Success.

Does the institution have a published strategic plan or equivalent guiding document that includes sustainability at a high level? :

The institution’s highest guiding document (upload):
Website URL where the institution’s highest guiding document is publicly available:
Which of the following best describes the inclusion of sustainability in the highest guiding document?:
Major theme

The institution's sustainability plan (upload):
Website URL where the institution's sustainability plan is publicly available:
Does the institution have a formal statement in support of sustainability endorsed by its governing body?:

The formal statement in support of sustainability:
IUPUI has two, university-level guiding documents, the Campus Master Plan (Sustainability as a Major Theme) and IU Bicentennial Strategic Plan (Sustainability as a Minor Theme). The Bicentennial Strategic Plan focuses on academics, engagement, and research, but affirms the operational goals of the Campus Master Plan.

Bicentennial Strategic Plan
Core value #7: Sustainability, stewardship and accountability for the natural, human, and economic resources and relationships entrusted to IU.

The Campus Master Plan - The operational plan for IUPUI's campus includes sustainability as a major theme: https://cpf.iu.edu/doc/master-plan/iupui-master-plan.pdf

The Campus Master Plan outlines the institution's operational goals. Sustainability is a major theme in the following way:
"Environmental sustainability will play a crucial role in the development and improvement of the Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis campus. The Campus Master Plan defines a broad holistic approach that unifies fundamental planning recommendations with meaningful qualitative and quantitative green strategies. Sustainable planning principles,
carbon reduction strategies, alternative modes of transportation considerations, and innovative building initiatives all come together to inform the development vision for the campus and ensure that growth is forward thinking and environmentally sustainable."

The plan outlines the following recommendations:
1. Adopt Environmentally Sensitive Land
Use Practices
2. Move Toward a Carbon-Neutral Campus
3. Ensure a Range of Transportation Options
4. Plan for Innovative Sustainable Buildings and Landscapes

"Sustainability" is explicitly referenced 20 times, "Sustainable" 34 times in the 268 page document

The institution’s definition of sustainability:
IUPUI Sustainability has adopted the definition put forth by the United Nations: "'Sustainability' is meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs."

Is the institution an endorser or signatory of the following?:
Yes or No
The Earth Charter No
The Higher Education Sustainability Initiative (HESI) No
ISCN-GULF Sustainable Campus Charter No
Pan-Canadian Protocol for Sustainability No
SDG Accord No
Second Nature’s Carbon Commitment (formerly known as the ACUPCC), Resilience Commitment, and/or integrated Climate Commitment No
The Talloires Declaration (TD) No
UN Global Compact No
Other multi-dimensional sustainability commitments (please specify below) Yes

A brief description of the institution’s formal sustainability commitments, including the specific initiatives selected above:
(1) From the IU Bicentennial Strategic Plan
“Core Values”(Core value #7 of 10) Sustainability, stewardship, and accountability for the natural, human, and economic resources and relationships entrusted to IU.

Bicentennial Priority 3: Catalyzing Research
Bicentennial Continuing Priorities: Support innovative campus “living laboratory” initiatives that provide opportunities to integrate campus operations, faculty and student research, education, student life, and community engagement to applied, solutions-oriented sustainability research.

Bicentennial Priority 8. Building for Excellence
IU has also become a leader in high-­­quality environmentally conscious design, and leads the Big Ten in LEED-­­certified green buildings with twelve certified to date, including four at the gold level (platinum is the highest certification). This strategy pays dividends for the life of each building in terms of occupant health and productivity, resource efficiency, life cycle cost savings and retention of human capital.

Bicentennial Action Item #3
3. IU will implement plans to solidify IU’s Focus on efficient and environmentally conscious campus design and operation by:
a. Completing and implementing pedestrian, transportation, and bicycle sub-master plans on each campus.
b. Certifying all major new buildings with the LEED Green Building Certification System and elevate the minimum certification level to Gold.
c. Continuing to explore and research a variety of energy and utility supply and delivery options that reflect changes in economies, demand, and climate variables.
d. Achieving the goals for energy efficiency and emissions reductions called for in the Campus Master Plan and the Integrated Energy Master Plan for the IU Bloomington campus; expand that analysis to all campuses.
e. Increasing energy and utility system efficiency while reducing demand and consumption.

(2) IUPUI Master Plan
See the full IUPUI Master Plan Document at:
(The file is too large to upload)

Sustainability is a major theme throughout the IUPUI Master Plan. The plan provides new opportunities for better functional integration of its diverse missions while continuing to grow and evolve as a dynamic, urban, intellectual environment. Campus infrastructure needs, environmental
sustainability and economic development are integral to the framework not only to support the University but also to enhance and enliven neighboring communities and the downtown.

See P.24 Sustainability Section

See p. 130 Sustainability Planning: Building on IUPUI’s Adopted Campus Sustainability Principles (2008), this Campus Master Plan embeds sustainability throughout. The Campus Master Plan has focused on purposeful and strategic incorporation of both quantitative and qualitative improvements to the setting of the academic mission, to promote a campus that manifests sustainable planning principles. Implicit in the plan is the goal of developing the campus as a learning environment where innovation is promoted, interpreted, and celebrated.

An update to the 2012 IUPUI Master Plan was presented to the IU Board of Trustees in February 2020 and can be found at:

The Update is based on several planning themes. These have helped guide the process and should serve as a guidepost for strategic decision-making. They include: Connect Campus Neighborhoods, Engage the City, Redefine the Public Realm, Animate the Campus, Integrate the Academic Health Campus.

Additional planning objectives include: Integrate living, learning, and social environments to improve the student experience; Develop additional housing and dining assets; Enhance campus image through placemaking and civic realm improvements; Create outdoor spaces that link academic programs to exterior environments.

The Update recommends outdoor spatial connectivity, human scaled environments, and programmable civic and institutional event spaces. The plan highlights multiple improvements ranging from placemaking initiatives, adding tree canopy to the campus, creating first-floor building transparency, and introducing public realm improvements. Thematically, each of these investments refocuses on student needs—celebrating the confluence of campus living, campus learning, and campus socialization.

Website URL where information about the institution’s sustainability planning efforts is available:

Additional documentation to support the submission:
Data source(s) and notes about the submission:

The information presented here is self-reported. While AASHE staff review portions of all STARS reports and institutions are welcome to seek additional forms of review, the data in STARS reports are not verified by AASHE. If you believe any of this information is erroneous or inconsistent with credit criteria, please review the process for inquiring about the information reported by an institution or simply email your inquiry to stars@aashe.org.