Overall Rating Gold - expired
Overall Score 76.45
Liaison Ryan Ihrke
Submission Date Oct. 17, 2014
Executive Letter Download

STARS v2.0

Green Mountain College
PA-8: Affordability and Access

Status Score Responsible Party
Complete 2.79 / 4.00 Bill Throop
Provost's Office
"---" indicates that no data was submitted for this field

Does the institution have policies and programs in place to make it accessible and affordable to low-income students?:

A brief description of any policies and programs to minimize the cost of attendance for low-income students:
Green Mountain College has made a significant commitment to increasing need-based aid over the past four years, which is part of the College's affordability plan. Overall financial aid has risen more than $2,500,000 with no increase in numbers of students receiving aid. GMC's matrix for awarding institutional financial aid attempts to meet 90% of Expected Family Contributions. Additionally, after low-income students are admitted, they can receive assistance from the academic coaching program, which addresses student loans and finances, among many other issues. Over the past five years, the percentage of Pell-grant eligible students has been increasing at GMC: 08/09 – 29.74% Pell Eligible Students at GMC 09/10 – 35.34% Pell Eligible Students at GMC 10/11 – 38.55% Pell Eligible Students at GMC 11/12 – 37.30% Pell Eligible Students at GMC 12/13 – 40.03% Pell Eligible Students at GMC 13/14 – 39.22% Pell Eligible Students at GMC

A brief description of any programs to equip the institution’s faculty and staff to better serve students from low-income backgrounds:
Green Mountain College received a $2,000,000 Title III grant in 2013. The grant is awarded to institutions that have a significant commitment to educating low income students. It provides faculty and staff with tools for significantly increasing retention and graduation rates. These tools include differentiated instruction and enhanced advising.

A brief description of any programs to prepare students from low-income backgrounds for higher education:
The Academic Coaching Program helps prepare students for higher education. It was partially funded by a Vista grant which aims to serve the College's low income students and students in the area high schools. In FY 2014, this program focused on student athletes and transfer students. It is a specialized service that allows individuals to focus on their educational potential. This service assists students in taking charge of their academics by enhancing structure and accountability while providing new strategies and support. An academic coach works individually with students on time-management, organization, goal setting, motivation, skill development, personal accountability, confidence building, stress management, and self-advocacy. The coaching took two forms in FY 2014: group coaching and individual coaching. Next fall the program will reach out specifically to "low-income" students, defined by certain federal standards (anyone Pell Grant eligible will qualify).

A brief description of the institution's scholarships for low-income students:
Green Mountain College offers both merit-based and need-based financial aid to all students, with a special focus on need. All students are reviewed for merit-based financial aid during the acceptance process and then for need-based financial aid during the awarding process. Need based financial aid is determined by the submission of a FAFSA and the calculated Expected Family Contributions. Low-income students will have a lower EFC and therefore would be eligible for more need-based financial assistance.

A brief description of any programs to guide parents of low-income students through the higher education experience:
The Learning Center created a ‘Family Resources’ flyer that will be sent out to parents in 2014-2015. This flyer walks ‘parents’ through what they can expect their student to be going through at college, and ways they can offer support. Additionally, the Student Financial Services Office works independently with parents and students to help guide them through the process of financial aid. The Career and Personal Development Center has produced a brochure that explains approaches for managing student debt.

A brief description of any targeted outreach to recruit students from low-income backgrounds:
The College has the highest ratio of lower income students of any private liberal arts college in the state. GMC's values and curriculum, which focus on how students will be learning how to change society so that everyone lives a sustainable life, attract a disproportionate number of students who are disenfranchised by the dominant economic system in our society.

A brief description of other admissions policies or programs to make the institution accessible and affordable to low-income students:
The College aggressively promotes its affordability initiatives, so that low-income students and their families will not be deterred by the sticker price.

A brief description of other financial aid policies or programs to make the institution accessible and affordable to low-income students:
See above.

A brief description of other policies and programs to make the institution accessible and affordable to low-income students not covered above:
See above.

Does the institution have policies and programs in place to support non-traditional students?:

A brief description of any scholarships provided specifically for part-time students:
There are no scholarships available specifically for part-time students.

A brief description of any onsite child care facilities, partnerships with local facilities, and/or subsidies or financial support to help meet the child care needs of students:
The College has arranged to have a day care facility in one of its buildings, so that faculty, staff and non-traditional students have easy access to childcare.

A brief description of other policies and programs to support non-traditional students:
The College has a residential requirement because the living experience on campus is critical to GMC's educational model. It waives that requirement for non-traditional students, though it tries to accommodate their needs if they choose to live on campus.

Does the institution wish to pursue Part 2 of this credit (accessibility and affordability indicators)?:

Indicators that the institution is accessible and affordable to low-income students::
Percentage (0-100)
The percentage of entering students that are low-income 38.88
The graduation/success rate for low-income students 30.90
The percentage of student financial need met, on average 86
The percentage of students graduating with no interest-bearing student loan debt 23

The percentage of students that participate in or directly benefit from the institution’s policies and programs to support low-income and non-traditional students:

The website URL where information about the institution's affordability and access programs is available:
Data source(s) and notes about the submission:
The performance year is FY 2013. The snapshot for incoming students was fall, 2012. "Low-income" was defined as Pell eligible. The low-income criteria we used was US Federal TRIO.

The information presented here is self-reported. While AASHE staff review portions of all STARS reports and institutions are welcome to seek additional forms of review, the data in STARS reports are not verified by AASHE. If you believe any of this information is erroneous or inconsistent with credit criteria, please review the process for inquiring about the information reported by an institution or simply email your inquiry to stars@aashe.org.