Overall Rating Gold - expired
Overall Score 76.45
Liaison Ryan Ihrke
Submission Date Oct. 17, 2014
Executive Letter Download

STARS v2.0

Green Mountain College
PA-3: Governance

Status Score Responsible Party
Complete 3.00 / 3.00 Bill Throop
Provost's Office
"---" indicates that no data was submitted for this field

Do all enrolled students, regardless of type or status, have an avenue to participate in one or more governance bodies (through direct participation or the election of representatives)?:

A brief description of the mechanisms through which students have an avenue to participate in one or more governance bodies:
Student representatives serve on the strategic plan steering committee, as well as four Board of Trustee committees including academic affairs, student life, budget advisory, and responsible investing.

Is there at least one student representative on the institution’s governing body who was elected by peers or appointed by a representative student body or organization?:

A brief description of student representation on the governing body, including how the representatives are selected:

Do students have a formal role in decision-making in regard to the following?:
Yes or No
Establishing organizational mission, vision, and/or goals Yes
Establishing new policies, programs, or initiatives Yes
Strategic and long-term planning Yes
Existing or prospective physical resources Yes
Budgeting, staffing and financial planning Yes
Communications processes and transparency practices No
Prioritization of programs and projects Yes

A brief description of the formal student role in regard to each area indicated, including examples from the previous three years:
Students have a formal role in decision-making in regard to organizational mission through representatives on the strategic plan steering committee which decides on campus-wide goals and through Student Senate which has the role of approving changes to the College's mission statement. Students have a formal role in establishing new policies, programs, and initiatives through the Board of Trustees' academic affairs and budget advisory committees. Student Senate also plays a formal role in creating or approving most policies that affect students. Students are formally involved in strategic and long-term planning through two representatives that serve on the strategic plan steering committee, and students were involved in creating the strategic plan through multiple committees tasked with various parts of development. The student body at large was also consulted on strategic plan development through a voting session in the dining hall and through a community conversation, which was attended by over 100 people. Students are formally involved in decisions about existing or prospective physical resources through student representatives on the facilities committee. Students are formally involved in budgeting, staffing, and financial planning through representatives on the budget advisory committee. Although students do not have a formal role in decision-making in regard to communications and transparency practices, they are actively involved in vetting branding documents, website architecture and content, and other mass communications for institutional integrity. Students are formally involved in prioritization of programs and projects through representatives on the strategic plan steering committee, the budget advisory committee, the academic affairs committee, and the student life committee.

Do all staff, regardless of type or status, have an avenue to participate in one or more governance bodies (through direct participation or the election of representatives)?:

A brief description of the mechanisms through which all staff have an avenue to participate in one or more governance bodies:
Staff have several mechanisms through which they can participate in governance bodies. All GMC staff, outside of the offices of Cabinet, are invited to attend Staff Assembly, which meets once per month. Staff Assembly is run by representatives elected by the Assembly at large. The Assembly also elects representatives to serve on several different bodies that participate in decision-making, such as the Faculty Assembly and budget advisory committee.

Is there at least one non-supervisory staff representative on the institution’s governing body who was elected by peers or appointed by a representative staff body or organization?:

A brief description of non-supervisory staff representation on the governing body, including how the representatives are selected:

Do non-supervisory staff have a formal role in decision-making in regard to the following? :
Yes or No
Establishing organizational mission, vision, and/or goals Yes
Establishing new policies, programs, or initiatives Yes
Strategic and long-term planning Yes
Existing or prospective physical resources Yes
Budgeting, staffing and financial planning Yes
Communications processes and transparency practices No
Prioritization of programs and projects Yes

A brief description of the formal staff role in regard to each area indicated, including examples from the previous three years:
Staff have a formal role in decision-making in regard to establishing organizational mission, vision, and goals through representatives on the strategic plan steering committee and through staff assembly, which votes on changes to the College's mission. Staff have a formal role in decision-making in regard to new policies, programs, and initiatives through staff assembly which gives input in these areas. Staff have a formal role in strategic and long-term planning through representatives on the strategic plan steering committee. Staff have a formal role in existing or prospective physical resources through the facilities committee and land use committee. Staff have a formal role in budgeting, staffing, and financial planning through representatives on the budget advisory committee. Although staff do not have a formal role in decision-making in regard to communications and transparency practices, they are actively involved in vetting branding documents, website architecture and content, and other mass communications for institutional integrity. Staff have a formal role in prioritization of programs and projects through the budget advisory committee and strategic plan steering committee.

Do all faculty, regardless of type or status, have an avenue to participate in one or more governance bodies (through direct participation or the election of representatives)?:

A brief description of the mechanisms through which all faculty (including adjunct faculty) have an avenue to participate in one or more governance bodies:
All faculty, including adjuncts, may attend the main faculty meetings. They may also participate in regular academic program meetings.

Is there at least one teaching or research faculty representative on the institution’s governing body who was elected by peers or appointed by a representative faculty body or organization?:

A brief description of faculty representation on the governing body, including how the representatives are selected:

Do faculty have a formal role in decision-making in regard to the following?:
Yes or No
Establishing organizational mission, vision, and/or goals Yes
Establishing new policies, programs, or initiatives Yes
Strategic and long-term planning Yes
Existing or prospective physical resources Yes
Budgeting, staffing and financial planning Yes
Communications processes and transparency practices No
Prioritization of programs and projects Yes

A brief description of the formal faculty role in regard to each area indicated, including examples from the previous three years:
The faculty have a formal role in establishing organizational mission, vision, and goals through representatives on the strategic plan steering committee and through the faculty assembly, which votes on changes to the mission. Faculty have a formal role in establishing new policies, programs, or initiatives through the faculty assembly and through the budget advisory committee. Faculty have a formal role in strategic and long term planning through representation on the strategic plan steering committee. Faculty have a formal role in decision-making in regard to existing or prospective physical resources through the land use committee. Faculty have a formal role in budgeting, staffing, and financial planning through the budget advisory committee. Although faculty do not have a formal role in decision-making in regard to communications and transparency practices, they are actively involved in vetting branding documents, website architecture and content, and other mass communications for institutional integrity. Faculty have a formal role in prioritization of programs and projects through faculty assembly and the budget advisory committee.

The website URL where information about the institution’s governance structure is available:

Data source(s) and notes about the submission:

The information presented here is self-reported. While AASHE staff review portions of all STARS reports and institutions are welcome to seek additional forms of review, the data in STARS reports are not verified by AASHE. If you believe any of this information is erroneous or inconsistent with credit criteria, please review the process for inquiring about the information reported by an institution or simply email your inquiry to stars@aashe.org.