Overall Rating Gold - expired
Overall Score 76.45
Liaison Ryan Ihrke
Submission Date Oct. 17, 2014
Executive Letter Download

STARS v2.0

Green Mountain College
EN-10: Inter-Campus Collaboration

Status Score Responsible Party
Complete 2.00 / 2.00 Bill Throop
Provost's Office
"---" indicates that no data was submitted for this field

Does the institution collaborate with other colleges and universities to support and help build the campus sustainability community?:

A brief summary of papers, guides, presentations, and other resources the institution has developed to share their sustainability experience with other institutions:
Over the last three years, the Sustainability Office, Provost’s Office, and other departments have participated in various informal conference calls, panels, and informational sessions to share best practices in sustainability with Dartmouth College, Dickinson College, Pace University, Franklin & Marshall College, Colby College, Kansas State University, the State University of New York at Cortland, Middlebury College, Saint Michael's College, University of Vermont, Saint John's University, Bennington College, Alaska Pacific University, University of Texas at San Marco, George Washington University and many others. Additionally, the institution has shared their sustainability experience or research through professional publications and presentations. The following list provides a sample of this effort. Books & Book Chapters: Ackerman-Leist, P. (2012). Rebuilding the Foodshed: Remapping Our Expectations for the Food We Share. Chelsea Green Press. Keith, H. (2012). “Natural Caring: A Pragmatist Ecofeminist Approach to Ethics in the More-Than-Human World.” In Hammington, M. & Bardwell-Jones, C. (Eds) Contemporary Feminist Pragmatism. Routledge. Mauhs-Pugh, T. & Brooks, M. (2013). "Seeking 'Productive, Caring, and Fulfilling Lives' Through the Environmental Liberal Arts at Green Mountain College." In J.L. DeVitis (Ed.) The College Curriculum: A Reader. Peter Lang Publishing. Mittlefehldt, S. (2013).Tangled Roots: The Appalachian Trail and American Environmental Politics. University of Washington Press. Sutheimer, S. & Pyles, J. (2011). "Integrating Sustainability and Service Learning into the Science Curriculum.” In T. McDonald (Ed.) Social Responsibility and Sustainability: Multidisciplinary Perspectives Through Service Learning. Throop, W. (2013). "From Environmental Advocates to Sustainability Entrepreneurs: Rethinking a Sustainability-Focused General Education Program." In P.F. Barlett, G.W. Chase (Eds.) Sustainability in Higher Education: Stories and Strategies for Transformation. MIT Press. Throop, W. & Fesmire, S. (2013). “Environmental Pragmatism.” In White, K.K. (Ed.) America Goes Green: An Encyclopedia of Eco-Friendly Culture in the United States. ABC-CLIO. Articles & Reports: Christensen, L. (2012). “A Tree Falls in the Forest”. Whole Terrain: Reflective Environmental Practice. Edwards, S. (2012). "Protecting Culture and Marine Ecosystems Under the Law in Micronesia." International Journal of Cultural Property, 19(2), 197-216. Park, J. (February, 2014). Education and Career Pathways for Sustainability in an Era of Disruptive Change, Part 1. Sustainability: Journal of Record, 7(1), 21-26. Farley, J., Burke, M., Flomenhoft, G., Kelly, B., Murray, D.F., Posner, S., Putnam, M., Scanlan, A., Witham, A. (2013). Monetary and Fiscal Policies for a Finite Planet. Sustainability, 5, 2802-2826. Letendre, S. et al. (2014). Intelligent Vehicle Charging Benefits Assessment Using EV Project Data. Department of Energy Report. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Letendre, S. , Makhyoun, M., & Taylor, M. (2014). Predicting Solar Power Production: Irradiance Forecasting Models, Applications and Future Prospects. SEPA. Washington, D.C. Van Hoesen, J.G. and Letendre, S. (2013). Characterizing the spatiotemporal evolution of building-stock age in Poultney, Vermont: a GIS-based approach to improve thermal efficiency in historical buildings. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 40, 630-643. Van Hoesen, J.G., Bunkley, B., Currier, C. (2013). A GIS-based methodology toward refining the concept of rural food deserts: a case study from Rutland County, Vermont. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development. Presentations: Ackerman-Leist, P. (2014). What the Devil Do we Eat? Forum. Sanford School of Public Policy at Duke University. Brown, L. & Magnuson, C. (2013). A Design-Build Block Semester: Student Engagement Through the Creation of a Solar Garage. AASHE Conference. Nashville, TN. Coker, T. (2012). EE Standards for Pre-Service Education Workshop. North American Association of Environmental Education’s Annual conference. Oakland, CA. Coker, T. & Walters, M. (2012). Favorite Interactive EE Activities for Pre-Service and In-service Teachers. North American Association of Environmental Education’s Annual conference. Oakland, CA. Coker, T. & Walters, M. (2013). Sense of Wonder - Nature Journaling. North American Association of Environmental Education’s Annual conference. Baltimore, MD. Dube, B. & Mulder, K.(2013). Farming Without Oil: Land, Labor, and Energy Demands of Alternative Farm Systems.In Panel: Developing Sustainable Biophysical Systems I. United States Society for Ecological Economics Conference. Burlington, VT. Edwards, S. (2013). Apologies and the law: Saying I'm sorry in collectivist cultures. Rescuing Relationships: Apology, Forgiveness, and Reconciliation Symposium. Straus Institute for Dispute Resolution, Pepperdine University School of Law. Edwards, S. (2013). Free speech & the digital right to assemble: The digital revolution and Constitutional law. New York State Political Science Association Annual Conference. Syracuse University. Graves, J. (2013). Horticulture for conservation and education: a native plant restoration nursery goes to college. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Public Gardens Association (APGA) in Phoenix, Arizona, May 20-25, 2013. Graves, J.( 2012). Biodiversity conservation as a sustainability program on the college campus: How STARS defines sustainability. Oral Presentation at the Annual Conference of the Ecological Society of America, Portland, Oregon, August 8, 2012. Graves, J. (2012. The Campus Flora Project: conservation biology education for many audiences. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Public Gardens Association (APGA). Columbus, OH. Graves, J. (2011). Teaching conservation biology in college gardens and natural areas: student Programs that succeed. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Public Gardens Association (APGA).Philadelphia, PA. Harding, J. (2011). Poultney Woodshed Project. Society of American Foresters National Convention. Honolulu, HI. Keith, H. (2011). Pragmatist Feminists Gone Wild: Addams, Noddings, and a Relational Approach to Environmental Ethics. Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy. Spokane, WA. Mayberry, M. & Morgan, J. (2013). A Holistic Approach to Culture Change on Campus: A New Model of Liberal Arts Education. AASHE Conference. Nashville, TN. Mayberry, M. & Throop, B. (2012). Setting Stretch Goals: Sustainability as the Organizing Principle for a Strategic Plan. AASHE Conference. Los Angeles, CA. Mittlefehldt, S. (2013). The Path of Public-Private Partnership. Yale Forest Forum. School of Forestry and Environmental Studies at Yale University. Mulder, K. (2013). Farming Without Fossil Fuels: Humans, Animals, Systems. Northeast Organic Farming Association of Vermont Winter Conference. Mulder, K. & Dube, B. (2013). Farming Without Fossil Fuels: Humans, Animals, Systems. Midwest Organic Research Symposium. Parker, S. & Letendre, S. (2013). Addressing Market Failures to Accelerate Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Adoption: Theory & Practice. United States Society for Ecological Economics Conference. Burlington, VT. Sutheimer, S. (2012). Bridging Green Chemistry, Materials Science and Nanotechnology: Creating a Course on The Chemistry of Energy. The Biennial Conference on Chemical Education. Sutheimer, S. (2012). Focusing on Water: A Green General Chemistry Lab Curriculum. The Biennial Conference on Chemical Education. Sutheimer, S. & King, D. (2012). Global Climate Change: Integrative Curriculum Development for General Chemistry. AASHE Conference. Los Angeles, CA. Tison, E. & Mason, G. (2012). Gleaning & Frash Freezing Excess Produce from Farms. Sustainable Agriculture Education Association. Van Hoesen, J.G. (2013). Leveraging a GIS & the Emerging GeoWeb: Towards Improving the Communication of Geologic Mapping Endeavors to Community Stakeholders. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v.45(1), p49. Witham, A. (2013). Energy Planning on Campus: The Role of Universities. Energy Action Series. University of Vermont, Burlington, VT. Witham, A. (2013). Reaching for the STARS and Beyond: Green Mountain College's Attempt to Measure Authentic Sustainability. AASHE Conference. Nashville, TN. Witham, A. (2012). Poster: “The Power of Partnership: Redefining Closed Loop Recycling. AASHE Conference. Los Angeles, CA. Witham, A., Posner, S., & Esposito, V. (2013). Encouraging and Modeling Policies & Practices for a Sustainable World: A Case Study of Vermont Colleges and Universities. United States Society for Ecological Economics Conference. Burlington, VT.

The names of local, state/provincial, regional, national, or international campus sustainability organizations or consortia in which the institution participates and/or is a member:
• Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs Dr. William Throop served as chair of the board of directors of the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) through 2013. Green Mountain College has been a member of AASHE since 2007. • President Dr. Paul Fonteyn serves as chair of the board of Vermont Campus Compact, an organization the College has partnered with for many years as GMC students have worked as Americorps volunteers and GMC has hosted several VISTA positions. • President Dr. Paul Fonteyn serves on the ACUPCC steering committee. • Past and present sustainability coordinators have played and continue to play a strong role in the Vermont Campus Sustainability Network, a coalition of Vermont’s higher education sustainability professionals. The current Director of Sustainability, Aaron Witham, attends every biannual meeting, in the winter and summer. • The Eco League connects Green Mountain College with a consortium of five environmentally themed colleges that are at the forefront of today's dialog about our natural and social communities. Stretching from Anchorage, Alaska, to Bar Harbor, Maine, Eco League colleges represent five distinct bio-regions across the U.S. Student and faculty exchanges enable sustainability skills and knowledge learned in one bio-region to be tested and shared in other bio-regions. Students can spend up to two nonconsecutive semesters of study at any of the five member colleges, or in any of the international exchange programs offered by an Eco League college without transferring schools. The program is set up to allow seamless exchange of students, with students continuing to pay tuition to their home college. The League also serves as a useful venue for more intimate collaborations. For example, Assistant Professor Eleanor Tison is working with Prescott and COA, through the Farm and Food Program, to potentially create a joint course or certificate program in sustainable food systems.

A brief summary of additional ways the institution collaborates with other campuses to advance sustainability :
Through the American Society for Environmental History, Assistant Professor Sarah Mittlefehldt works actively with her colleagues from other institutions to help students understand the sustainability movement in a historic context. Associate Professor Jacob Park and President Paul Fonteyn play an active role in the Northern New England Campus Compact, which is a coalition of colleges and universities committed to increasing civic engagement among college students. In 2012, the Compact was awarded a $150,000 grant from the EPA to help prepare college students for a lifetime of environmental stewardship. Professor Jim Graves works informally with members of the Flora Advisory group and Jenny Ramstetter on their effort to preserve peripheral populations. Adjunct Professor Hava Villaverde partners with various faculty and the environmental center at the University of North Florida to participate in local events, field days, films and other activities to promote southeast regional sustainability. Professor Sue Sutheimer is a member of the working group Climate Change in Context using POGIL (CCCP), a team of eight people from different colleges and universities writing activities related to climate change. Associate Professor Heather Keith served as a consultant for faculty at Kansas State University and University of Texas at San Marco who have a grant to include more sustainability education in their textiles programs.

The website URL where information about cross-campus collaboration is available:
Data source(s) and notes about the submission:

The information presented here is self-reported. While AASHE staff review portions of all STARS reports and institutions are welcome to seek additional forms of review, the data in STARS reports are not verified by AASHE. If you believe any of this information is erroneous or inconsistent with credit criteria, please review the process for inquiring about the information reported by an institution or simply email your inquiry to stars@aashe.org.