Overall Rating Silver - expired
Overall Score 48.37
Liaison Michelle McCollum
Submission Date Nov. 18, 2014
Executive Letter Download

STARS v2.0

George Brown College
OP-6: Food and Beverage Purchasing

Status Score Responsible Party
Complete 1.59 / 4.00 Donna Bottrell
Compass Group Canada
"---" indicates that no data was submitted for this field

Percentage of dining services food and beverage expenditures that are local and community-based and/or third party verified:

A copy of an inventory, list or sample of sustainable food and beverage purchases:
An inventory, list or sample of sustainable food and beverage purchases:

Does the institution wish to pursue Part 2 of this credit (food and beverage expenditures for on-site franchises, convenience stores, vending services, or concessions)?:

Percentage of on-site franchise, convenience store, vending services, and concessions food and beverage purchases that are local and community-based and/or third party verified:

A copy of an inventory, list or sample of on-site franchise, convenience store, vending machine, and/or concessions food and beverage purchases that are sustainably produced:

An inventory, list or sample of on-site franchise, convenience store, vending machine, and/or concessions food and beverage purchases that are sustainably produced:

A brief description of the sustainable food and beverage purchasing program:
The Compass Group is the College's food service manager and operates all College-run cafeterias. It aims to act responsibly and professionally in all its commercial activities and in its relationships with its suppliers and customers. We have established standards to ensure the availability of healthy and/or sustainable choices and assurance of supply. We seek to ensure that best practice incorporate responsibility principles, statements and metrics are incorporated in our business policies. We pay particular attention to ethical and sustainable sourcing, environmental impact and performance, and our relationships with our suppliers and customers. Compass Group is committed to ensuring that all of our dealings with suppliers, from the point of search and selection to supply and payment, are conducted in accordance with the guiding principles of responsible and ethical trading. We will work with our suppliers and customers to understand and meet the needs of consumers in each local marketplace. Where demand exists this includes sourcing of Fair Trade products and, in particular, Fair Trade tea, coffee and chocolate. In addition to supporting Fair Trade, we will encourage our main tea and coffee suppliers to work in partnership with growers, offering appropriate technical advice, training and assistance to relevant research projects designed to improve the quality, efficiency and productivity of their farms. This is also a sustainable way of improving the incomes and standard of living of the farmers in the long term In order to protect the supply chain and provide complete traceability, we have put together a program that facilitates the purchase of local produce through our produce distribution chain. The produce house certifies the grower which protects our customers. This not only allows the supplier to sell to our organization, but they then have access to the entire customer base for the produce house–clearly a win for us and a win for the local farmer, not to mention its positive impact on the carbon footprint of the food we serve.

A brief description of the methodology used to track/inventory sustainable food and beverage purchases:
Using year-long purchasing records, the food contractor filtered these records based on the STARS criteria for local/and community based and/or third party verified to be ecologically sound, fair and/or humane. The expenditures on food products that met this criteria were subsequently summed to produce the value of total expenditures on sustainable and local food purchase

Total annual food and beverage expenditures:

Which of the following food service providers are present on campus and included in the total food and beverage expenditure figures?:
Present? Included?
Dining operations and catering services operated by the institution No No
Dining operations and catering services operated by a contractor Yes Yes
Franchises Yes No
Convenience stores Yes No
Vending services Yes No
Concessions No No

Has the institution achieved the following?:
Yes or No
Fair Trade Campus, College or University status No
Certification under the Green Seal Standard for Restaurants and Food Services (GS-46) No
Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certification No
Signatory of the Real Food Campus Commitment (U.S.) No

A brief description of other sustainable restaurant and food service standards that the institution’s dining services operations are certified under:

The website URL where information about the institution's sustainable food and beverage purchasing efforts is available:
Data source(s) and notes about the submission:

The information presented here is self-reported. While AASHE staff review portions of all STARS reports and institutions are welcome to seek additional forms of review, the data in STARS reports are not verified by AASHE. If you believe any of this information is erroneous or inconsistent with credit criteria, please review the process for inquiring about the information reported by an institution or simply email your inquiry to stars@aashe.org.