Overall Rating Reporter - expired
Overall Score
Liaison Kathleen Hilimire
Submission Date Feb. 26, 2019
Executive Letter Download

STARS v2.1

Fort Lewis College
PA-2: Sustainability Planning

Status Score Responsible Party
Complete Reporter Kathleen Hilimire
Assistant Professor
Environmental Studies
"---" indicates that no data was submitted for this field

Published Plans That Address Sustainability 

Strategic Plan

Does the institution have a published strategic plan or equivalent guiding document that includes sustainability at a high level? :

A brief description of how the institution’s strategic plan or equivalent guiding document addresses sustainability:

A copy of the strategic plan:

The website URL where the strategic plan is publicly available:

Sustainability Plan 

Does the institution have a published sustainability plan (apart from what is reported above)? :

A copy of the sustainability plan:

The website URL where the sustainability plan is publicly available:

Climate Action Plan 

Does the institution have a published climate action plan (apart from what is reported above)? :

A copy of the climate action plan:

The website URL where the climate action plan is publicly available:

Other Published Plans 

Does the institution have other published plans that address sustainability or include measurable sustainability objectives (e.g. campus master plan, physical campus plan, diversity plan, human resources plan)? :

A list of other published plans that address sustainability, including public website URLs (if available):
Facilities master plan: https://www.fortlewis.edu/Portals/122/Docs/new/goals%20and%20objectives100105.pdf Real Food Challenge Plan: https://www.fortlewis.edu/environmentalcenter/OurPrograms/RealFoodChallenge.aspx

Measurable Sustainability Objectives 


Taken together, do the plan(s) reported above include measurable sustainability objectives that address Curriculum?:

A list or sample of the measurable sustainability objectives that address Curriculum and the published plans in which each objective is included:


Taken together, do the plan(s) reported above include measurable sustainability objectives that address Research?:

A list or sample of the measurable sustainability objectives that address Research and the published plans in which each objective is included:

Campus Engagement 

Taken together, do the plan(s) reported above include measurable sustainability objectives that address Campus Engagement?:

A list or sample of the measurable sustainability objectives that address Campus Engagement and the published plans in which each objective is included:

Public Engagement 

Taken together, do the plan(s) reported above include measurable sustainability objectives that address Public Engagement?:

A list or sample of the measurable sustainability objectives that address Public Engagement and the published plans in which each objective is included:

Air & Climate 

Taken together, do the plan(s) reported above include measurable sustainability objectives that address Air & Climate?:

A list or sample of the measurable sustainability objectives that address Air & Climate and the published plans in which each objective is included:
Through this commitment, Fort Lewis aims to achieve climate neutrality by 2080, with interim emissions reductions targets in 2015, 2020, 2030, and 2040.


Taken together, do the plan(s) reported above include measurable sustainability objectives that address Buildings?:

A list or sample of the measurable sustainability objectives that address Buildings and the published plans in which each objective is included:


Taken together, do the plan(s) reported above include measurable sustainability objectives that address Energy?:

A list or sample of the measurable sustainability objectives that address Energy and the published plans in which each objective is included:
Climate Action Plan

Food & Dining 

Taken together, do the plan(s) reported above include measurable sustainability objectives that address Food & Dining?:

A list or sample of the measurable sustainability objectives that address Food & Dining and the published plans in which each objective is included:
Fort Lewis College is committed to “annually increasing procurement of ‘real food’- defined as local/community-based, fair, ecologically sound, and/or human by the Real Food Calculator – so as to meet or exceed 20% of food purchases by 2020.”


Taken together, do the plan(s) reported above include measurable sustainability objectives that address Grounds?:

A list or sample of the measurable sustainability objectives that address Grounds and the published plans in which each objective is included:
Open Space and the Landscape • Maintain a good relationship of open space to developed space. The campus plateau is limited. Increase density in strategic areas in order to preserve comfortable open spaces in the educational core. • Formalize an open space design framework, organized around a major pedestrian spine flanked by academic facilities in the academic land use zone. • Provide gathering spaces for smaller groups of persons to promote interaction and contemplation amongst students and faculty. • Maintain open vistas and view planes. Frame each view and bring attention to internal, as well as external points of interest. • Establish a landscape theme with design guidelines indicative to the region. • Be efficient with use of natural resources, especially with regards to water consumption. When possible, reduce the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides. • Bring attention to the campus entries. Establish a strong arrival point, a place of destination.


Taken together, do the plan(s) reported above include measurable sustainability objectives that address Purchasing?:

A list or sample of the measurable sustainability objectives that address Purchasing and the published plans in which each objective is included:


Taken together, do the plan(s) reported above include measurable sustainability objectives that address Transportation?:

A list or sample of the measurable sustainability objectives that address Transportation and the published plans in which each objective is included:


Taken together, do the plan(s) reported above include measurable sustainability objectives that address Waste?:

A list or sample of the measurable sustainability objectives that address Waste and the published plans in which each objective is included:


Taken together, do the plan(s) reported above include measurable sustainability objectives that address Water?:

A list or sample of the measurable sustainability objectives that address Water and the published plans in which each objective is included:

Diversity & Affordability 

Taken together, do the plan(s) reported above include measurable sustainability objectives that address Diversity & Affordability?:

A list or sample of the measurable sustainability objectives that address Diversity & Affordability and the published plans in which each objective is included:
Objectives from the strategic plan in regards to diversity and affordability are:“1) Develop specific recruitment initiatives to increase effectiveness for overall student enrollment and for various populations of students (e.g., Hispanics, Native Americans) with specific targets of two percent per year. Achievement of two percent growth in Native American and Hispanic new student enrollment, evaluated at Fall Census 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016. 2) Emphasize Fort Lewis College’s identity as a public liberal arts college with a commitment to Native American education. Measure identity knowledge among external and internal stakeholders with a survey in FY 2013. After the survey, develop and measure college brand guidelines, conduct communications audit, and develop college brand guidelines.”

Investment & Finance 

Taken together, do the plan(s) reported above include measurable sustainability objectives that address Investment & Finance?:

A list or sample of the measurable sustainability objectives that address Investment & Finance and the published plans in which each objective is included:

Wellbeing & Work 

Taken together, do the plan(s) reported above include measurable sustainability objectives that address Wellbeing & Work?:

A list or sample of the measurable sustainability objectives that address Wellbeing & Work and the published plans in which each objective is included:

Other Impact Areas 

Taken together, do the plan(s) reported above include measurable sustainability objectives that address other areas (e.g. arts and culture or technology)?:

A list or sample of the measurable sustainability objectives that address other areas and the published plans in which each objective is included:

Optional Fields 

Does the institution have a formal statement in support of sustainability endorsed by its governing body (e.g. a mission statement that specifically includes sustainability and is endorsed by the Board of Trustees)? :

The formal statement in support of sustainability:

The institution’s definition of sustainability (e.g. as included in a published statement or plan):

Is the institution an endorser or signatory of the following?:
Yes or No
The Earth Charter ---
The Higher Education Sustainability Initiative (HESI) ---
ISCN-GULF Sustainable Campus Charter ---
Second Nature’s Carbon Commitment (formerly known as the ACUPCC), Resilience Commitment, and/or integrated Climate Commitment ---
The Talloires Declaration (TD) ---
UN Global Compact ---
Other multi-dimensional sustainability commitments (please specify below) ---

A brief description of the institution’s formal sustainability commitments, including the specific initiatives selected above:

The website URL where information about the programs or initiatives is available:

Additional documentation to support the submission:

Data source(s) and notes about the submission:

The information presented here is self-reported. While AASHE staff review portions of all STARS reports and institutions are welcome to seek additional forms of review, the data in STARS reports are not verified by AASHE. If you believe any of this information is erroneous or inconsistent with credit criteria, please review the process for inquiring about the information reported by an institution or simply email your inquiry to stars@aashe.org.