Overall Rating Gold
Overall Score 68.44
Liaison William Van Ausdal
Submission Date July 9, 2024

STARS v3.0

Flinders University
AC-8: Responsible Research and Innovation

Status Score Responsible Party
Complete 7.00 / 7.00
"---" indicates that no data was submitted for this field

Does the institution have a published ethical code of conduct for research?:

Online location of the institution’s ethical code of conduct for research:
Copy of the institution’s ethical code of conduct for research:
Points earned for indicator AC 8.1:

Does the institution have published promotion or tenure guidelines or policies that give explicit positive recognition to integrated research?:

Description or text of the promotion/tenure guidelines or policies that explicitly recognize integrated research:

Flinders University has four main documents that cover promotion and tenure. The Promotion policy is a general document with the details described in these three guides: 
1.     Guide to Academic Promotion – this describes the process and assessment for promotion. 
2.    Academic Profiles overview -– this describes the profiles for each academic level (A to E) in four categories.
3.    Guidelines for Evidence of performance for promotion – provides guidance to academics who apply for promotion and describes the types of evidence that is expected.

Below are some examples related to integrated research. Examples or relevant texts are highlighted in the documents. 

•Guide to Academic Promotion 
To be promoted to level E, the academic needs to provide evidence of cross disciplinary research advancement. One of the criteria for promotion is to provide evidence of: outstanding performance in two areas of academic activity and for Teaching specialists and Research academics: substantial contributions in the other area of academic activity.

•Guidelines for Evidence of performance for promotion 
The document mentions expectations of developing and maintaining collaborative links with other disciplines. Supporting evidence that is mentioned include but is not limited to Fostering collaborative links across the University, and with industry, government, and other external organisations. 

Do the promotion/tenure guidelines or policies that recognize integrated research cover all of the institution’s research-producing academic divisions?:

Does the institution have published promotion or tenure guidelines or policies that give explicit positive recognition to community-based research?:

Description or text of the promotion/tenure guidelines or policies that explicitly recognize community-based research:

Below are some examples related to community-based research. Examples or relevant texts are highlighted in the attached pdf. 

•    Guide to Academic Promotion
The Research section includes the following statements: 
As the level of promotion sought increases, committees will be looking for evidence of:
•    Success in engaging with external stakeholders and end-users and developing research collaborations with them.

The University Professional and Community Service section includes the following statements: 
The committee will be looking for evidence of service undertaken in your current role at Flinders University, including: 
•    Standing as an expert in the field, e.g. through advisory roles to industry or government bodies 
Applicant should include in their case, evidence to support University Professional and Community service, for example:
•    Engagement with the professions and/or community that enhance the University’s reputation, strategic directions and/or income, which may include consultancy and commissioned work, where a contribution to the advancement of knowledge in the profession can be demonstrated as well as continuing involvement in or frequent service to the community, demonstrating how it relates to the applicant’s University activities.

•    Academic Profiles 
At page 4 under Community Service each level has an expectation around service to the community. This depends on the academic level. For example level A (Associate Lecturer) mentions that relevant activities may include but are not limited to consultancy/ advisory work undertaken outside the University, whereas for level E (Professor) relevant activities may include but are not limited to leading the development and maintenance of effective industry/ community / government relationships and partnerships (local or international). 

•    Guidelines for Evidence of performance for promotion

At several locations the document mentions 
•    interaction with the community, 
•    contribution to the wider community, 
•    developing partnerships with industry, government and other external partners
•    participation in policy development
•    involvement with relevant community groups, public and private sector bodies or equivalent
•    membership of government boards/committees, industry boards, non-government advisory committees
Supporting evidence that is mentioned includes but is not limited to
•    Translation of research into professional practice or public policy
•    Demonstrated benefit to external research partners
•    Fostering collaborative links across the University, and with industry, government and other external organisations. 

Do the promotion/tenure guidelines or policies that recognize community-based research cover all of the institution’s research-producing academic divisions?:

Does the institution have published promotion or tenure guidelines or policies that give explicit positive recognition to research impact or reach outside of academic journals?:

Description or text of the promotion/tenure guidelines or policies that explicitly recognize research impact or reach outside of academic journals:

Below are some examples related to research impact or reach outside of academic journals. Examples or relevant texts are highlighted in the attached pdf.

•    Guide to Academic Promotion
The University Professional and Community Service section includes the following statements: 
The committee will be looking for evidence of service undertaken in your current role at Flinders University, including: 
-  Media presence and impact 

•    Guidelines for Evidence of performance for promotion

Supporting evidence that is mentioned includes but is not limited to
•    Reports/submissions to industry, government and other external organisations
•    Translation of research into professional practice or public policy
•    Public media engagements (radio, TV and print) as an authority in the discipline


Do the promotion/tenure guidelines or policies that recognize research impact or reach outside of academic journals cover all of the institution’s research-producing academic divisions?:

Online location of the institution’s promotion/tenure guidelines or policies:
Copy of the institution’s promotion/tenure guidelines or policies:
Points earned for indicator AC 8.2:

Does the institution participate in one or more inter-campus research collaboratives or networks to promote responsible research and innovation?:

Description of the institution’s inter-campus collaborations for responsible research and innovation:

Flinders University is an active member of Open Access Australasia: “Open Access Australasia advocates for and supports practical initiatives on open access in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand. They do this through raising awareness of why open access is important, collaboration regionally and internationally and by helping to build capacity and expertise within this region. “ https://oaaustralasia.org/. This article mentions Liz Walkley-Hall, the Associate Director, Engagement and Scholarly Communications at Flinders University, who serves on the SCOSS  (Global Sustainability Coalition for Open Science Services) board as representative for CAUL (Council of Australian University Librarians) . 

Points earned for indicator AC 8.3:

Does the institution offer repository hosting that makes versions of journal articles, book chapters, and other peer-reviewed scholarly works by its employees freely available on the public internet?:

Narrative and/or website URL providing an overview of the open access repository:

Flinders University provides several repositories and tools to support researchers in making their research output open access at no cost. There are alternatives to publishing open access through the publisher which we provide the infrastructure for. This includes solutions for sharing both published and unpublished research outputs, non-traditional research outputs, research data, and theses.

ResearchNow is the Flinders University research management system used to showcase both published and non-traditional research outputs which then display on the author’s ResearchNow profile. It also provides a platform for making papers open access for free, without having to pay for open access publishing through the publisher. For already published articles through major publishers, the final peer reviewed accepted manuscript (depicted in the diagram below) can often be made open access at no cost through ResearchNow.

ROADS is a dedicated space for making Flinders research data open using the Figshare online platform. Open data is the process of making raw data files gathered during the course of research openly accessible online. Grant funding bodies and publishers are increasingly requesting researchers to make data associated with research outputs publicly available.

Theses arising from PhDs, Masters, and Graduate Diploma qualifications at Flinders University will be made open access through the Library. Visit the Thesis Submission page for more information about the requirements for making theses available digitally. 

The Library can host reports and working papers in Flinders Academic Commons, enabling them to be discovered, shared, and cited. The University must have authority to share the work, including copyright clearance for any third party material it contains. 


Does the institution have one or more published policies that require its employees to publish scholarly works open access or archive final post-peer reviewed versions of scholarly works in an open access repository?:

Do the open access policies cover all of the institution’s research-producing academic divisions?:

Text or online location of the institution’s open access policies:

Copy of the institution’s open access policies:
Does the institution provide an open access article processing charge (APC) fund for employees?:

Narrative and/or website URL providing an overview of the open access APC fund:

The FHMRI Publication Grant is a vital part of the College of Medicine and Public Health’s commitment to raising the quality of individual and collective research outputs by enabling publication in top journals and dissemination of research findings. Open access publishing is encouraged as articles can be widely read, used and cited. It is recognised that Early/Mid-Career Researchers (EMCRs) may require additional support to publish open access. The Publication Grant provides support for EMCRs to publish in top ranked peer review journals, open access, which are likely to translate into greater impact.
To be eligible for Publication Grant funding, the applicant will:
• be a balanced or research only academic staff member or post-doctoral fellow appointed for one or more years at 0.5 FTE or more or a full academic status holder;
• hold a PhD or equivalent post-doctoral qualification and be within 10 years since conferring of degree, taking career disruptions into account;
• have a paper accepted in a Q1 Scimago ranked journal as first, senior or corresponding author between 1 January 2024 and 30 November 2024;
• The accepted paper must have the correct FHMRI author affiliation listed.
To be eligible for funding, the journal must:
• Be a current Scimago ranked Q1 journal within the relevant field of research that offers open access publication.
• The journal should not be listed on the Flinders University Library discounted or entirely waived Article Processing Charges (APCs) list

Does the institution negotiate or participate in transformative open access agreements that are consistent with ESAC guidelines?:

Narrative and/or website URL providing an overview of the institution’s transformative open access agreements with publishers:

Free and discounted open access publishing website:

Our R&P agreements are negotiated by CAUL (Council of Australian University Librarians), as per their website: https://caul.libguides.com/read-and-publish

All CAUL Read & Publish agreements are listed on the ESAC registry of Open Access agreements: https://esac-initiative.org/about/transformative-agreements/agreement-registry/



Points earned for indicator AC 8.4:

Notes about the information provided for this credit:

Additional documentation for this credit:

The information presented here is self-reported. While AASHE staff review portions of all STARS reports and institutions are welcome to seek additional forms of review, the data in STARS reports are not verified by AASHE. If you believe any of this information is erroneous or inconsistent with credit criteria, please review the process for inquiring about the information reported by an institution or simply email your inquiry to stars@aashe.org.