Overall Rating Silver - expired
Overall Score 56.21
Liaison Robert Monico
Submission Date July 19, 2016
Executive Letter Download

STARS v2.1

Fleming College
EN-6: Assessing Sustainability Culture

Status Score Responsible Party
Complete 1.00 / 1.00 Trish O'Connor
Special Projects Leader
Academic/ Human Resources
"---" indicates that no data was submitted for this field

Does the institution conduct an assessment of sustainability culture (i.e. the assessment focuses on sustainability values, behaviors and beliefs, and may also address awareness of campus sustainability initiatives)?:

Which of the following best describes the cultural assessment? The assessment is administered to::
The entire campus community (students, staff and faculty), directly or by representative sample

Which of the following best describes the structure of the cultural assessment? The assessment is administered::
Longitudinally to measure change over time

A brief description of how and when the cultural assessment(s) were developed and/or adopted:
Pursuant to the five year sustainability plan Fleming must conduct a sustainability awareness survey three times between 2013 and 2018 (same below). A baseline survey was conducted in 2014 and the report is as follows:

A copy or sample of the questions related to sustainability culture:
A sample of the questions related to sustainability culture or the website URL where the assessment tool is available:
Fleming College’s Office of Sustainability is working to implement a 5-year Sustainability Plan for Fleming College. In Fleming’s recent Sustainability Plan (2013-2018), one of our stated Metrics and Targets is to “Complete three Sustainability survey”. This survey will accomplish our 1st Year baseline survey. The information gathered from this survey will help us to better understand our student’s and employee’s outlook on sustainability-related concerns, and find out what action the Fleming community would like the college to take in regards to sustainability issues. As part of the 5-year sustainability plan for Fleming College, we would like to understand what your priorities that you think should be included as focus areas within our plan. Please answer the following questions with this in mind. This survey is completely voluntary and will take about five to ten minutes of your time to complete. All of your answers will be kept confidential. Your opinion will help address issues regarding sustainability at Fleming and will help to influence new additions towards the Office of Sustainability’s Actions Inventory. We thank you for your cherished time and input. Fleming’s Office of Sustainability Consent Statement I hereby agree to the release of the information collected by this survey for the purpose of the Fleming Sustainability Survey as described above. I understand that all data provided will exclude any identifying valuables (e.g. my name and/or student ID number). I also understand that, in addition, researchers are bound by federal and provincial laws to protect the privacy of individuals who provide this information. This survey is voluntary. If you choose to stop the survey before the end, please note that the answers you provide up until that point remain in survey data. The information you have provided in this survey is anonymous and will remain confidential. A third party, Fleming Data Research, will be acquired to store and analyze this data. This project has been approved by the by Fleming Data Research. If I have any questions about… 1. I acknowledge and understand the consent statement above and confirm my participation in this survey. □ Yes □ No 2. What is your current relationship with Fleming College? □ Staff (including full-time, part-time, administration, support, and contract staff) □ Student (including full-time, part-time, continuing education and online students) □ Faculty (including full-time and contract faculty) 3. Which campus do you currently attend? □ Sutherland (KTTC Included) □ Frost □ Haliburton □ Cobourg 4. How would you rate your awareness of Fleming College’s sustainability efforts? [Not Aware 1 2 3 4 5 Very Aware] 5. Are you aware of the following Fleming College sustainability initiatives, activities and programs: (Select only those that you are aware of: ) Initiative, Activity and Program: I am aware of: Fleming’s Principles of Sustainability  The Office of Sustainability Website  Fleming College Sustainability Plan  Sustainability Annual Report  Farmer’s Markets  Community Gardens  Students for Sustainability/Team G.O. (Green Objectives)  Sustainability Coordinating Committee  Fleming’s STARS Certification  Earth Week & Campus Clean-Up Events  6. How do you gather your knowledge and form your opinions about sustainability? (Select those that most apply) □ Talking with friends, colleagues □ On campus leaders/ mentors □ Clubs/ volunteer activities □ Internet resources □ TV □ Social media □ Reading magazines □ Reading sustainability related books □ Classes/ classroom discussions □ Information provided by the college □ Other: 7. Rank your top 3 sustainability goals based on your priorities from most important to least? (1 being most important, 3 being least) □ Energy and Climate Change □ Green Buildings (including student residence) □ Transportation and Commuting □ Water Consumption □ Recycling and Waste Management □ Ethical Purchasing of Goods and Services (Including On-Campus Food and Dining) □ Outdoor Landscape and Ecology □ Community Engagement: Community Outreach, Awareness and Communication □ Education and Research □ Demonstrating Sustainability Innovation □ Other: 8. Are you aware of courses being offered and research efforts at Fleming College with regards to sustainability? □ Yes □ No 9. On a scale of 1-5, how important is it for you to have sustainability integrated into the Fleming College education and research efforts moving forward? □ [Not Substantial Enough 1 2 3 4 5 Very Substantial] 10. Do you have a preference for how sustainability is integrated into education and research at Fleming College? (Please choose one, or more, of the following): □ Program-based strategies □ Course-based strategies □ Research-based strategies □ Student Projects developed and directed by the Humber Sustainability Team □ Informal Education/Event-based strategies □ Incentives to support sustainability studies □ Concept and/or practical applications included as part of all programs □ All of the above, no preference □ Don’t know/ unsure 11. Which on-campus sustainability initiatives are you activity supporting? (Select all that apply) □ Green Operations (Energy, Water, Waste) □ Student Initiatives (Community Gardens, Awareness Events, Student Clubs, etc.) □ Sustainability content in course and programs □ All of the above

A brief description of how representative samples were reached (if applicable) and how the cultural assessment is administered:
Fleming College has been implementing various programs and changes working towards making Fleming College a more sustainable environment. Throughout conducting a sustainability awareness survey we have been able to gather information to improve the level of awareness at the college. Research for this study was conducted using an online survey. It was distributed from November 13th to November 28th to all Fleming staff, students, and faulty. The survey link was sent out to people in the college community, and from there displays were set up with computers in both the Sutherland and Frost campus handing out water bottles to people who completed the survey. Cards were also created with a QR code for people to scan and complete on their smart phones. The survey was completed by 636 applicants including all target groups of staff, students, and faulty. The majority of people who completed the survey were students with 78%, followed by 14% staff, and 8% faculty. This was expected due to the ratio of students, to staff, to faculty. From the four different Campuses 76% of responses came from the main campus, Sutherland, followed by 21% from Frost, 2% from Haliburton, and 1% from Cobourg. These numbers were also expected, due to the size for each campus, and the number of students that attend them.

A brief summary of results from the cultural assessment, including a description of any measurable changes over time:
The results generated from the sustainability survey initiatives, activities, and programs that our sample was most aware of where activities that they could physically see on a consistent basis, such as the farmers markets, and community gardens. When applicants were asked to rate their awareness of sustainability efforts, the response showed that the initiatives Fleming has implemented has not captured the attention on the population. The population is only slightly aware of what is being done and offered with 34%, and 24% is not at all aware. The top three sustainability goals that were selected in the survey were to reduce energy consumption increase renewable energy, reduce water consumption, and improve recycling and waste management. These options can be done individually, and self-monitored with a collective goal for the college. The responses from the survey also showed that people prefer to integrate their knowledge into green initiatives through student projects. Survey results we are recommending that the college promote, and make the activities more visible to the community. We also suggest that the college set up seminars and events that students can take part in. Making the college community aware of current energy consumption, water consumption, and waste management, and changing rates would allow students to feel involved when using everyday facilities at the College. With the interest that students have expressed in sustainability programs and courses, and knowing that Fleming has a wide variety they’re offering, we recommend that these programs and courses are promoted more throughout the college. The preferred way that people have shown interest in gathering their knowledge on these programs was through the internet, and because of that it’s suggested that the college focus their resources on the internet and social media so a larger target market can be reached.

The website URL where information about the programs or initiatives is available:
Additional documentation to support the submission:
Data source(s) and notes about the submission:

The information presented here is self-reported. While AASHE staff review portions of all STARS reports and institutions are welcome to seek additional forms of review, the data in STARS reports are not verified by AASHE. If you believe any of this information is erroneous or inconsistent with credit criteria, please review the process for inquiring about the information reported by an institution or simply email your inquiry to stars@aashe.org.