Overall Rating | Gold - expired |
Overall Score | 76.00 |
Liaison | Ciannat Howett |
Submission Date | March 5, 2021 |
Emory University
EN-12: Continuing Education
Status | Score | Responsible Party |
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3.00 / 5.00 |
Spicer Assistant Director Office of Sustainability Initiatives |
indicates that no data was submitted for this field
Part 1 . Continuing education courses in sustainability
Number of continuing education courses that are sustainability course offerings:
Percentage of continuing education courses that are sustainability course offerings:
Course Inventory
Institution’s inventory of its continuing education sustainability course offerings and descriptions:
A Change of Heart Changes Everything (CHANGEHEART)
This course teaches students how to use HeartMath, a scientifically-validated stress management and resilience-building program.
Administrative Law (ADMINLAW)
This course provides an overview of administrative law in various areas such as Social Security, immigration, Medicaid, education, workers compensation, child support, and healthcare facility regulation.
Adults and Elder Orphans Support Group: A Call For Action (AEOSUPPORT)
This course focuses on participants organizing an Atlanta-based Social Support Network/Team to Address aging-in-place concerns of older adults. Participants will share coping strategies, relate personal life experiences, and offer help and assistance for Adults Living Alone. Participants will also evaluate senior community resources in the Atlanta area and brainstorm advocacy action plans addressing the needs of older adults.
African-American Perspectives of Race in Atlanta (AAPERSPECTIVES)
African American guest speakers present perspectives of race relations, including white privilege, microaggressions, racism, and lifetime changes in racial contexts.
Ageless Grace: Brain and Body Exercises to Maintain and Restore Youthful Functioning (AGELESSGRACE)
Ageless grace exercises are based on the cutting-edge science of neuroplasticity and consist of 21 movement ‘tools’ that address all five functions of the brain. Students will learn how to create a personal practice that stimulates optimal cognitive and physical function simultaneously.
Ageless Grace: Brain Health Fitness (AGELESSGRACE1)
Similar description as AGELESSGRACE.
Aging in Place and the Senior Care Continuum (AGINGINPLACE)
This course equips families with the knowledge and skills for navigating the complex senior care continuum so that their loved ones receive the highest quality of care.
American History, Part III: Cotton and the Emergence of Capitalism (AMERICANHISTIII)
This course examines the 19th century American expansion which opened the west to be a cotton plantation society, as well as the Civil War.
American History Part IV: Slavery from Civil War to Modern Day (AMERICANHISTIV) This class examines the black experience from Reconstruction to modern day, including Jim Crow, the Great Migration, white migration to the suburbs, and the Civil Rights & Voting Rights Acts.
Artistic Landscape Enhancements (ARTISTICLAND)
For weekend gardeners and landscape professionals, this course teaches the principles and elements of stunning, artistic landscapes. Students will learn how to manage the impact of shade in the landscape and rectify erosion issues.
A Second Wind: The Renewal of Western Colonalism in 19th Century Pt2 (ASECONDWINDSHORT)
This course examines the motivations and differences in 19th century colonialism and imperialism, as European nations competed for land, primarily in Africa and Asia, which was untouched by the first wave of colonialism.
Asian Brush Drawing Tea Time (ASIANART)
Students use ink, watercolors and brush pens to create artistic representations of flora/fauna using the Asian brush drawing technique.
Astronomy in the Suburbs - An Introduction to Star Gazing (ASTROBURBSINTRO)
Students will gain a basic understanding of the night sky and learn how to use a sky chart to locate the major stars, planets, and observe the phases of the moon.
Atlanta: A City Too Busy to Hate, Part I (BUSYATLANTA)
This course provides an overview of Atlanta’s history from 1865 to 1959, tracing its origins, development, and the impact that African American commerce and political activism had on the nation as a whole.
Atlanta: A City Too Busy to Hate, Part II (ATLANTATOOBUSY)
Same description as BUSYATLANTA, except covers the years from 1960 to 2000.
This course provides a pictorial history of the Giant Panda, from legends to everyday use as the World Wildlife Fund symbol. This class includes drawing and discussion components.
Basic Meditation (BASICMED)
Students explore the benefits of a sitting mindfulness/awareness practice, learning the history of meditation, effects of meditation on health and wellbeing, and instructions to begin a meditation practice.
Basic Meditation, Mindful Awareness Practice (BASICMEDITATION)
Same description as BASICMED.
Beethoven: The Human Condition in Eight Works (BEETHOVEN)
Students will explore eight significant compositions which express Beethoven’s love of nature and his humanistic world view in an interdisciplinary approach which incorporates language, art, politics, technological achievements, and important world events.
Behavioral Economics Part 2 (BEHAVIORALECON)
This course explores in greater depth themes introduced in the “Introduction to Behavioral Economics” course and introduces new concepts related to financial decision making, including the psychology of money, fairness & reciprocity, and market vs. social norms.
Behavioral Economics, Part 3 (BEHAVIORALECON3)
This course builds upon themes of “Introduction to Behavioral Economics” and “Behavioral Economics Part 2.”
Being Present: Mindfulness Meditation (BEINGPRESENT)
Students learn the basics of mindfulness meditation, its roots in Buddhism and how it may help in the aging process.
Be Present - Mindfulness Meditation (BEPRESENT)
Same description as BEINGPRESENT.
Callaway Gardens Trip (CALLAWAYGARDENS)
Led by a professional tour guide, this field trip to Callaway Gardens includes highlights of azaleas, a birds of prey show, and the butterfly house.
Capitalism (CAPITALISM)
This course examines capitalism, featuring disciplines of philosophy, economics, and history.
Capstone Project: Real World, Real Design (LANDCAPSTONE)
Students apply their landscape design skills to a real world project.
CDC: The Nation’s Premier Public Health Agency (CDCPUBLICHEALTH)
As the nation’s health protection agency, the Atlanta-based Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) saves lives and protects people from health threats. To accomplish their mission, CDC conducts critical science and provides health information to the public. In this course, CDC experts address many of the most important threats to our health.
Chair Yoga and Meditation (CHAIRYOGAMEDLONG)
This course trains the body, mind, and soul.
Chair Yoga and Meditation (CHAIRYOGAMEDSHOR)
Same description as CHAIRYOGAMEDLONG.
Civil War in the Eastern Theater - Part 1 (CIVILWAREAST1)
In this course, students study the major battles of the Civil War in the Eastern Theater from the Secession Crisis through the end of 1862.
Civil War in the Eastern Theater - Part 2 (CIVILWAREAST2)
In this course, students study the major Civil War battles in the Eastern Theater from June of 1863 until the surrender of Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia in April, 1865.
Civil War in the Western Theater, Part I at Park Springs (CIVILWARPS)
This course examines the early years of the American Civil War from the Secession Crisis through early January 1863.
Civil Wrongs, Civil Rights (1865-present) (CIVILWRONGS)
The course covers the first and second periods of reconstruction including the “Black Codes,” the 1875 Civil Rights Act, and the Jim Crow period.
Cognitively Based Compassion Training (CBCTRAINING)
Cognitively Based Compassion Training (CBCT) is a model for secular compassion meditation practice drawn from the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. Studies show a correlation between the practice of compassion meditation and the prevention and reduction of depression levels in students. CBCT has been found to be beneficial by educators, social workers, medical professionals, and those wishing to build resiliency, improve relationships, enhance interpersonal skills, and/or simply cultivate compassion.
Communication: Its Art and Soul (COMMUNICATIONITS)
This course contrasts ancient Jewish thought with modern scientific discovery to unearth the essence of communication and how to use it to better oneself, one’s relationships, and all of
Comparative Religion (COMPRELIGION)
This course introduces participants to the world’s leading religious traditions through examining their scriptures, rituals, and practices with the goal of establishing religious literacy that provides the basis for further learning.
Confederate Monuments: Their History, Their Purpose and What Do We Do... (CONFEDMONSHORT)
This course examines the history of Confederate monuments and why they are problematic in our current society. Students will consider the merits and demerits of various arguments about what to do with them now.
Contemporary Issues in Ethics (CONTEMPETHICS)
Experts from the Emory University Center for Ethics present current issues in ethics including healthcare ethics, social justice, end of life care, high risk interventions, genetic testing and medical error.
Critical Thinking and Empathy, Part 2: Our Stone-Age Brains vs. Smart Politics (CRITICALTHINKING)
This course explores how humans’ pre-wired brains are a hindrance to achieving the kinds of foreign and domestic policies that would serve society and honor American ideals, especially focusing on the limits of empathy.
Cynics of the World Unite: You Have Nothing to Lose but Your Chains (CYNICSUNITE)
Referencing Paul Loeb’s anthology, The Impossible Will Take a Little While: Perseverance and Hope in Troubled Times, this course is offered especially for those who are troubled about the state of their nation and planet, but have felt powerless to do anything about it.
Dark Days in the South (DARKDAYS)
This course explores tragic events in the region’s past, including Bull Connor’s use of police dogs against demonstrators in Birmingham, Atlanta’s Missing and Murdered Children, the trial
and lynching of Leo Frank, Atlanta’s Temple bombing, and peonage at the Chattahoochee Brick Company.
Day Trip to Gibbs Garden (GIBBSGARDEN)
This trip in March 2018 allowed participants to tour the various gardens on the estate.
Debunking Myths About the Civil War and Reconstruction (MYTHSCIVILWAR)
This course examines how myths about the Civil War and Reconstruction may have distorted our understanding of these pivotal events.
Diseases that Impacted the World (DISEASEIMPACT)
This course provides an overview of diseases which had a major impact on politics and global health. Diseases to be discussed include: smallpox, cholera, Irish famine, TB, Malaria, Bubonic Plague, AIDS, hemophilia and porphyria.
Don’t Wait! The Importance of an Aging Care Plan (DONTWAIT)
This course prepares adult children and seniors for making important decisions in the aging process, such as aging in place choices, financial choices, and legal choices.
Epidemics and Disasters: The Past as Prologue (EPIDEMICS)
Using such diseases as smallpox, the 14th century plague and childbirth fever, the course will explore the intersection of climate, commerce and the unintended consequences of scientific changes.
Event Planning Certificate (EVENTPLANNING)
This program will help students to understand the latest trends and technologies in event planning, as well as how to make events environmentally responsible. Among other skills, students will learn how to solve event logistical issues while encouraging “green” event practices.
Event Planning Certificate - Online (DL-EVENTPLANNING)
Same description as EVENTPLANNING, except takes place in an online learning environment.
Event Planning: Develop an Edge on Execution (EXECUTEEVENT)
This course goes beyond basic logistics planning and identifies the critical elements and insights of event planning, such as site visits and risk management. After completing this course, participants will have developed specialized event planning skills, including identifying and proactively mitigating potential environmental impact concerns, such as food waste.
Event Planning: Focus on Food and Beverage (FOODBEVEVENT)
This course teaches students how to create optimal, crowd-pleasing menus to delight guests while managing various dietary concerns and issues. Students will also learn how to limit food waste and make use of excess food.
Evolution of Social Thought as Seen Through Works of Fiction (EVOLUTIONSOCIAL)
This course provides discussion of fictional works, as seen through the lens of social evolution, examining themes of race, gender, and social status.
Examining “White Privilege” (WHITEPRIVILEGE)
The theory and existence of white privilege will be presented through historical events and both white and nonwhite perspectives. Students will be challenged to examine their own assumptions.
Fade to Black, Part 1 (FADETOBLACK1)
This course studies the social impact of film. Specifically, students will critically examine the roles assigned to African Americans in films and discuss the spectrum of images depicted by black Americans during the 20th century.
Film Genres (FILMGENRES)
This course focuses on three primary film genres: Comedy, Horror, and Blaxploitation.2
From Tribalism to Identity Politics (FROMTRIBALSHORT)
This course surveys the influence of tribal factions throughout history from religions to political ideologies. Students will discuss how diversity is a desirable characteristic of societies. The final session covers various topics such as a universal basic income, gerrymandering, educational reforms, etc.
Game-Changers - History and Folk Music: Events and People That Changed the History of Our Country (GAMECHANGERS)
This course tells the stories of people and events that changed the course of our history, including the Erie Canal, Sacagawea, Westward Ho, Andrew Jackson (hero or villain), Kit Carson, John Wesley Powell, Three Ladies, The Dust Bowl and Abigail Adams.
Game Changers, Part 2: History and Folk Music (GAMECHANGERS2)
This is the second series of programs about ‘game-changers’ with stories of people and events that changed our history, including Stephen Decatur and the Barbary Pirates, “Remember the Alamo”, two stories from the Civil War, “Women of the West”, and more.
Great Atlanta Museums (ATLMUSEUMS )
Leading staff members from Atlanta-area institutions— the High Museum, the Museum of Civil and Human Rights, the Atlanta History Museum, and the Fernbank Science Museum— describe their museum’s mission, exhibits, and “behind the scenes” activities.
Great Decisions 2017 (GREATDECI2017)
Great Decisions addresses eight foreign policy issues confronting the United States. This year’s issues included helping Saudi Arabia adjust to the reality of oil, managing the petroleum surpluses, and threats to nuclear security.
Great Decisions 2017 (GREATDECI2017TH)
Same description as GREATDECI2017.
Great Decisions 2018 (GREATDECISION18T)
Great Decisions explores eight foreign policy issues confronting the United States. This year’s topics included South Africa’s fragile democracy and the progress and challenges of global health.
Great Decisions 2018 (GREATDECISION18W)
Same description as GREATDECISION18T.
Great Decisions 2020 (GREATDEC)
This discussion-based program provides background information and policy options for the eight most critical issues facing America each year and serves as the focal text for discussion groups across the country. This year’s list of critical issues includes climate change & the global order.
Gullah Geechee Coast (GULLAHSHORT)
Gullah Geechee culture retains ethnic traditions from West African groups who were enslaved on coastal plantations. However, this dwindling culture is faced with encroaching resort development and a disconnected younger generation. Class participants learn about the culture from an insider who grew up Gullah Geechee.
This course convenes a group of individuals who would like to meet for local hiking opportunities.
Historical Erasure, Grafted Narratives, and Racial Taxonomies in the Poetry of Natasha Trethewey (TRETHEWEY)
Students will study the work of Natasha Trethewey, a former United States Poet Laureate. Trethewey’s work examines the intersections between her own experience growing up biracial in the rural South and the history of racism in the region.
History Changing Epidemics and Disasters (HISTORYEPID)
The course offers an historical oversight of the societal impact caused by major epidemics and diseases, including plague, smallpox, “childbirth fever” influenza, hookworm, and HIV/AIDS. The class also discusses the disasters of the Chernobyl nuclear accident and the Bhopal gas leak.
History of Buckhead (HISTBUCKHEAD)
This course traces the development of Buckhead, beginning in the Paleo-Indian and Muscogee/Creek Indian periods (8000 - 6000 BC - 1821) and ending with the opening of Lenox Square in 1959.
History of Native Americans (NATIVEAMERICANS)
The class examines the history of the Native Americans, beginning with the migration from Siberia some 15,000-20,000 years ago, enslavement by Queen Isabella 500 years ago, and genocide & rebirth.
History of Slavery (HISTORYSLAVERY)
This class views slavery as a virus mutating over time, from “saving” the vanquished after a war to the inhumanity of the cotton plantation south. This course does not present America in a positive light.
Hot Topics in Islam (HOTTOPICS)
This course covers central topics of debate in Islam, such as women’s rights, jihad, shariah, Qur’an, the status of non-Muslims, and more.
How to Be Well – Achieving Health and Happiness in the Age of Acceleration (HOWTOBEWELL)
This class examines the current state of health in the U.S. and the psychological stress of living in an age of rapid change. Students discuss the diverse factors that contribute to a happy and healthy life including diet & nutrition, sleep, physical activity, stress reduction, lifelong learning, and connecting with nature, others, & oneself.
Ikebana Introduction (IKEBANA)
Students will learn Ikebana, the ancient Japanese art of flower arranging. Ikebana is seen as a spiritual process that helps one develop a closeness with nature and merge the indoors and outdoors.
Ikebana Introduction (IKEBANASHORT)
Same description as IKEBANA.
Industrial Revolution, Part 2 (INDREV2)
This course examines how/why the United States has been the global leader for the past 150 years, when Great Britain was previously the global leader in the Industrial Revolution. Students will also discuss how China, Russia, and other nations are challenging the U.S.
Industrial Revolution, 1750-1850 (INDUSTREVOL)
This class examines the triggers and driving factors of the Industrial Revolution, including demographic, agricultural, and financial changes. This course endeavors to answer whether human society is now better off because of the Revolution.
Introduction to Behavioral Economics, Part 1 (INTROBEHAVIOR)
The course introduces students to key concepts designed to help people and organizations make better decisions, covering basic theories of evolutionary psychology, automatic vs. controlled thinking, public policy and choice architecture, and when to trust experts.
Introduction to Behavioral Economics, Part I (INTROBEHAVECON)
Same description as INTROBEHAVIOR.
Introduction to Environmental Public Health (INTROENVIRONMENT)
This course explores the fundamental concepts of environmental health (epidemiology, exposure science, and toxicology) and the influence of the environment on disease. Students will also review case studies and articles to learn about current issues in environmental health research.
Introduction to Event Planning (INTROEVENT)
Students will learn best practices for planning events, including how to plan and manage logistics, catering, audio-visual elements and more. After completing this course, participants will gain skills such as understanding the complex issues of food and beverages and communicating effectively with attendees.
Introduction to Event Planning (INTROEVENTOLD)
Same description as INTROEVENT.
Intro to Mindfulness, Insight Meditation (INTROMINDFULNESS)
This course teaches students how to practice mindful awareness of internal experiences, such as emotions, and of actions, such as movement. Participants will learn the connection of mindfulness to Buddhist Psychology and the ethics of a mindful lifestyle.
Investigating Complaints in the Workplace (HRCOMPLAINT)
This course provides an overview of federal employment laws– including Title VII of the Civil Rights Acts– as well as how to establish non-discriminatory employment practices and strategies throughout the investigation process.
Jews of the American South (JEWSSOUTH)
This course explores the social, economic, religious and cultural lives of Jews in the American South from the eighteenth century to the present. Students will discuss how “Jewishness” was shaped by the South’s approach to social relations, emphasis on evangelical religion, and struggle with the issue of race.
Kennesaw Mountain Day Trip August 20, 2019 (KENNESAWMOUNT)
Participants will visit the Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park, the site of the Battle of Kennesaw Mountain of the Civil War.
Key Issues of Our Times: Experts Look Behind the Headlines (KEYISSUES)
This class analyzes topics ranging from foreign policy, immigration, and public education to the economy, cyber security, healthcare, and the role of religion in the public sector. Leading the discussions is a group of experts from Emory University, Georgia Tech, the Atlanta Public Schools, Homeland Security, Public Broadcasting Atlanta, Aware Force, and the Federal Reserve.
Landscape Design Certificate (LANDSCAPEDESIGN)
Working professionals share with students what they have learned from more than four decades of designing and installing award-winning home landscapes.
Landscape Design I (LANDDESI)
Intended for hobbyists, amateur landscape designers and professionals wishing to broaden their residential design skills, the course provides foundational concepts for creating functional landscape plans. The course covers basic design terms and processes, creating a base map, conducting a site inventory, and incorporating sustainability elements.
Landscape Design II (LANDDESII)
Students use the skills developed in Landscape Design I to create functional landscape diagrams and apply preliminary design guidelines and principles. Incorporating the elements of sustainability is woven through every lesson.
Landscape Painting with Wayland Moore (LANDSCAPEPAINTING)
The course teaches participants to improve their technique and paint with confidence using natural landscapes as inspiration.
Law of the Election/Removal of the President (LAWELECTION)
This course discusses issues concerning the election and removal of a President, including the history of impeachment and the operation of the Twenty-Fifth Amendment that deals with Presidential incapacity.
Leading Through Change (CHANGEMGR)
This course teaches organizational leaders to prepare for and lead through change in their organization by conducting change analyses, consistently communicating, managing emotions, and keeping employees focused.
Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Certificate (LSSBB)
Completion of a Green Belt Certificate is required prior to enrolling in the Black Belt Certificate. Students are also responsible for providing their own independent project. See more information about the Six Sigma Methodology under the “Green Belt Certificate” course.
Lean Six Sigma for Healthcare Professionals (LSS-HC)
Participants learn how to contribute to successful healthcare improvement projects using key Lean Six Sigma tools. Completion of the Lean Six Sigma White Belt Certificate course is the minimum prerequisite.
Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Certificate (LSSGB)
Lean Six Sigma Green Belt (LSSGB) is a customer-focused business improvement methodology which was developed to improve work processes by eliminating waste and defects in business processes. The goal of the class is to present fundamentals for Lean Six Sigma tools to apply the DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control) methodology to most improvement projects.
Lean Six Sigma White Belt Certificate (LSSWB)
Students will learn the roadmap for the key roles and responsibilities of a Lean Six Sigma framework, especially how to identify waste and variation in a process and increase stakeholder satisfaction.
Lean Six Sigma White Belt Certificate - Online (DL-LSSWB)
Same description as LSSWB, except this version of the course occurs in an online classroom.
Let's Talk About "So You Want To Talk About Race (LETSTALK)
This course provides a space for students to have difficult discussions about race through the lens of So You Want to Talk About Race by Ijeoma Oluo.
Let’s Talk About So You Want To Talk About Race - Part 2 (LETSTALKRACE2)
The class will continue talking about So You Want To Talk About Race by Ijeoma Oluo.
Let's Talk: Women Aging in the 21st Century (WOMENAGING)
Students learn about the aging process as viewed in contemporary time, and through hearing about other women’s experiences, may come away with a new understanding of themselves.
Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong--and the State of the Nation (LIES)
Building on James Lowen’s book, this discussion-based course examines how the misteaching of history shapes the understanding of contentious contemporary issues in 2017. Historical issues and events discussed include the battle over Christopher Columbus and his legacy, U.S. presidents and slavery, the nuclear age, 9/11, and more.
Looking Back at 9/11: Thinking Intelligently and Honestly About Terrorism (LOOKINGBACK911)
This course examines the problems related to terrorism, including: root causes of terrorism; freedom, civil liberties, dissent, and terrorism; terrorism and corporate media; white nationalism/supremacy/racial profiling; and the war on terror.
Managing Stress in the Workplace (STRESSMGMT)
This course challenges the work-life balance concept and discusses factors that influence wellness and organizational goal achievement. Students practice evidence-based stress management tactics grounded in organizational behavior and neuroscience research while creating an action plan for both personal and professional development.
Maps: Our Constantly Changing View of the World (CHANGINGMAPS)
This course discusses how maps extend our understanding of history, politics, economics, culture, and conservation.
March of the Pinguin - Black n’ White Drawings (MARCHPENGUIN)
Students will have an opportunity to create ink brush drawings of penguins while learning fun facts about these birds, such as their history and geography.
Microaggressions (MICROAGGRESSIONS)
This class examines microaggressions in a historical context, considering racial and gender oppression. Students learn how to identify microaggressions and create a toolkit of microsolidarities to counteract microaggressions.
Mindful Relationships: How Mindful Meditation May Improve Relationships (MINDFULRELATIONS)
This course explores the connection between mindfulness and relationships through discussing the latest research on this connection. Scientists and practitioners have begun to suspect that mindful meditation may be one avenue for improving relationships.
Modern Health (MODERNHEALTH)
This course provides an overview of health policy, medical history, and the biological basis of many common diseases. After establishing a historical and sociopolitical framework for discussing health, the course examines common diseases that are major contributors to mortality rates in the United States.
Native Lands: Indians and Georgia (Atlanta History Center) (NATIVELANDS)
During this guided tour at the Atlanta History Center, participants learn about the original inhabitants of what is now Georgia, beginning with the Mississippian peoples and continuing with their descendants, the Creeks and the Cherokees. The tour explores Indigenous People’s recent history and their continuing connections to Georgia.
Nature Journals/Artistic Memorybooks (NATUREJOURNALS)
Students attend a field trip to Stone Mountain and learn how to record nature observations in scrapbooks/journals as an imaginative and mindful exercise.
Old Jim Crow and The Long New Deal (OLDJIMCROW)
This course examines how the New Deal reconfigured racial inequality on a national scale. Efforts to right the exclusions of the New Deal galvanized the 1960s civil rights movement and provoked an ongoing “white backlash.”
OLLI Trip 2018 - Alabama Civil Rights Tour (OLLITRIP2018)
Students will follow the “Voting Rights Trail” as they travel from Selma to Montgomery, visiting historical sites and learning about the civil rights movement.
Organizational Change Management (PROJECTCHANGE)
This course guides participants in creating a comprehensive organizational change management plan, which includes proper stakeholder analysis, effective communication/training, and successful transition strategies.
Our Children, Our Grandchildren— and Our Cynicism and Despair (OURCHILDREN)
This course is offered especially for those troubled about the world their children and grandchildren will live in. Paul Loeb’s anthology, The Impossible Will Take a Little While, introduces students to stories of people who refused to succumb to despair in the face of seemingly insurmountable obstacles, and suggests how to commit oneself to creating a more just, peaceful, and environmentally sustainable world.
Post Election: What does it mean for us? (POSTELECTION)
This course reviews the results of the presidential and senatorial elections by counties in Georgia. Moving forward, the course looks at key issues for the next administration, including technology and the economy, racial animosity, illegal immigration, and nuclear war.
Predictably Irrational? (PREDICTIRRATION)
Based on the work of social psychologists and behavioral economists, this course introduces students to the instincts that affect the decisions people make, covering basic theories of evolutionary psychology, automatic vs. controlled thinking, inaccurate perceptions of risk, the role of chance, how the environment controls us, and when and when not to trust experts.
Predictably Irrational? Part 2 (PREDIRRATION2)
This course continues the discussion of social psychology and behavioral economics first introduced in the Part 1 course.
Presidential Power Under the Constitution (PRESIDENTPOWER)
The course discusses the power of the President under the Constitution as asserted by Presidents and interpreted by the Supreme Court and lower courts. Topics to be discussed include the President’s enumerated and implied powers, the President’s power over foreign relations, the veto power, the President’s power to control the regulatory agencies, the pardon power, executive privilege, and impeachment.
Psych 101 and its Application to Everyday Living (PSYCH101APP)
In this course, students receive an introduction to the world of psychology. The course surveys topics including the history of psychology; the influence of multiculturalism, gender, and sexual orientation; conscious and unconscious processes; sleep/dreams; anger, stress, and health; personality; grief and loss; specific disorders and treatments; and an overview of psychotherapy.
Public Health Ethics 101: Primer (HEALTHETHICS)
This course provides a broad overview of general public health concepts and the related public health ethics principles, through both a historical and modern-day perspective.
Public Health: Your Life Depends Upon It (PUBLICHEALTH)
This course gives an overview of public health in America, emphasizing the history of the CDC’s work, including VDs, AIDS, smallpox, Ebola, and Zika.
Race and Health (RACEHEALTH)
This course introduces principles of mediating health differences and disparities between racial groups around the globe. Topics covered include genetic diversity and race, the role of genetics in health disparities, and psychological and systemic biases in healthcare practices.
Recent Supreme Court Cases (RECENTSCCASES)
This course reviews some recent decisions of the U.S. Supreme Court, including Masterpiece Cakeshop, Ltd. v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission (cake baker and the first amendment); Murphy v. National Collegiate Athletic Association (sports gambling); Abbott v. Perez
(gerrymandering legislative districts); Carpenter v. U.S (phone cell records and the Fourth Amendment); Ohio v. American Express Co. (restrictions on merchants taking credit cards); and
Trump v. Hawaii (travel ban).
Reducing and Managing Gas and Electric Utility Costs (REDUCEUTILITY)
This course trains students to monitor, reduce, and manage natural gas and electric utility costs.
Religion and Immigration (RELIGIONIMMIGRAT)
This course explores the religious lives of Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, and Hindu immigrants in the United States, beginning with the history of immigration to the U.S. and using case studies to examine the multidimensionality of immigrant lives from civic engagement to culture to female immigrants.
Religion: A Sociological Perspective (RELIGIONSOCIO)
This course examines the sociological and cross-cultural issues surrounding religious ideas, beliefs, and practices with an extra emphasis on Islam. Students will look at the global and American religious landscapes, the relationship between religion and politics, and delve into Muslim-Americans and their views during the Trump Administration. The course strives to answer questions such as “Why women are more religious?”, “Why do immigrants become more religious in their new settings?”, and “Is religion a barrier to integration?”
Rescuers During the Holocaust (RESCUERS)
This course gives an overview of rescuers during the Holocaust, what the situation was in their particular country, their actions, and their outcomes.
Right Plant, Right Place: Succeeding with Plants (LANDRIGHTPLANT)
This course trains students to work with plants that really work in the garden. Participants learn to use the best plants for their area and how to create stunning plans that thrive for years to come.
“Second Layer-Repurposing for Art” Evolution (SECONDLAYER)
This course teaches students to repurpose discarded artwork and mixed paper like letters, cards, and junk mail, to create new masterpieces.
Semotics in Politics (SEMOTICSPOLITICS)
This course examines the basics of Semiotics and how political operatives, issue-oriented advocates, and candidates use language, symbols, and icons to not only send direct messages, but coded messages in plain sight.
Should I Stay or Should I Go? (SHOULDISTAY)
Expert presenters offer advice in complex issues of senior transition, such as moving,
downsizing, and health, family and money issues.
Social Neuroscience, Brain and Behavior (SOCIALNEURO)
In this course, students discuss behavioral neuroscience research discoveries on brain hormones involved in social behavior and social deficits.
Solidarity through Humor and Satire - Part 1 (SOLIDHUMORSATIRE)
This course considers how humor and satire can operate in maintaining group cohesion in the face of oppression, and in undermining or reinforcing attitudes towards race, gender, religion, class, and ethnicity.
Solving Problems Creatively (SOLVEPROB)
This hands-on course teaches students to harness the power of creativity by providing tips, techniques and models to help develop their resourcefulness.
Sticks and Stones: Hardscapes Made Simple (LANDSTICKS&STONES)
This course teaches participants to effectively design walls, patios, decks, fences, and arbors. Participants learn the fundamentals and secrets of hardscape construction by taking designs to a whole new level.
Survey of the Animal Industry (ANIMALINDUSTRY)
Students learn the basics of domestic animal production systems, such as the care of animals and marketing of animal products in the U.S. The course covers how different species serve the needs of humans for food, emotional well-being, and protection.
Sustainable Landscapes: How far am I willing to go? (SUSTAINLAND)
In this class, participants learn how to choose the right plants for the right places and perform the best sustainable maintenance practices to minimize inefficiencies and decrease the need for excess water & added chemicals. After this class, students will be able to describe the impact of sustainable decisions regarding planning and maintaining landscapes and ultimately, return to their own landscapes and redesign areas to be more sustainable.
T’ai Chi (Beginner and Intermediate) (TAICHIHARVEY )
T’ai Chi and Qi Gong are systems of exercises which help to increase strength, balance, flexibility & mental focus, and reduce stress and blood pressure. The traditional Yang Style short form (24 forms) is taught in a manner that all can follow.
T’ai Chi (Beginner and Intermediate) - Short Session (TAICHISHORT)
Same description as TAICHIHARVEY.
Tai Chi for Arthritis (TAICHIARTHRITIS)
This course teaches students Tai Chi, which improves mental and physical balance and can reduce the rate of fall of older adults. Additional benefits include improving relaxation, vitality, posture, and immunity.
T'ai Chi Interim Session (TAICHIINTERIM)
This series is designed for returning students who have prior experience with T'ai Chi.
The Anti-Inflammatory Diet (ANTIDIET)
Students will learn to attack the root cause of many inflammatory chronic conditions with explicit, straightforward changes to their diet.
The Atlanta BeltLine Project Transit and Affordable Housing (ATLBELTLINE)
This class will build on the previous class, “The Atlanta BeltLine Project and Streetcars in Atlanta,” emphasizing key elements of transit and affordable housing.
The Battle of Little Bighorn in History and Popular Culture (LITTLEBIGHORN)
This course examines Custer’s Last Stand in the context of American history, particularly the events leading to the battle, the mysteries surrounding the battle, and its effect on popular and political history.
The Civil War in Georgia (CIVILWARGEORGIA)
This course will explore the various wartime actions and key participants of the Civil War in Georgia, beginning with the January 1861 secession vote and culminating with the May 1865 capture of Confederate President Jefferson Davis near Irwinville.
The Civil War in the Western Theater, 1863-1865, Part II (WESTERNTHEATER)
This course examines the major campaigns and battles of the Civil War in the Western Theater (i.e. the region between the Appalachian Mountains and the Mississippi River) from the beginning of 1863 through the end of the War.
The Climate Change Crisis: Causes, Consequences, and Solutions (CLIMATECHANGE)
This course examines how the global economic system has promoted and rewarded practices that have caused climate change and widespread environmental degradation. These practices have damaged the atmosphere, reduced biodiversity, degraded the land and oceans, polluted the water and air, compelled massive migrations, provoked conflict, and heightened worldwide inequality. The course will examine fighting climate change as a matter of social, racial, environmental, and economic justice. It will look at solutions, policies, and actions to address global climate change and environmental degradation. To enroll in this course, students must first acknowledge climate change as an immediate global crisis.
The Dreyfus Affair (DREYFUSAFFAIR)
The explosive anti-Semitism of most of the French during the Dreyfus Affair left Theodore Herzel to despair of Jews ever finding a homeland in European countries. This became the impetus for the State of Israel. Students will learn about this historical event which foreshadowed the beginning of the Holocaust.
The Films of Woody Allen: Themes, Reaction, and Discussion (WOODYALLEN)
This course explores major themes re-occurring in most of Allen's films, including death, meaning of existence, Anti-Semitism, relationships, Judaism (religous and secular), and consequences for one's actions.
The Industrial Revolution (INDUSTRIALREVOL)
This course tells a unique story about the Industrial Revolution: the authority and absolute sovereignty of royalty and popes eventually gave way to self-determination which allowed individuals’ independence to choose, innovate, and create.
The Jewish-American Experience: The Journey of a People (JEWISHEXPER)
The class examines and celebrates the story of the two million East European Jews who found their way to the US after 1880, including their migration, culture, political protests, and more.
The Law of Freedom of Speech and the Press (LAWOFFREEDOM)
This course discusses how the U.S. Supreme Court has interpreted the First Amendment on free speech and press issues including fighting words and hate speech, criticism of political and public figures, limitations on campaign and political speech, corporate speech (Citizens United), publication of government secrets, education and free speech, restrictions on advertising and other commercial speech, and speech by the government and government employees.
The Law of the First Amendment (FIRSTAMEND)
This course discusses how the U.S. Supreme Court has interpreted the First Amendment on various issues including education and restrictions on speech, the applicability of general government regulation to religious conduct, and government support of religious ideas.
The Plague of Color: History and Race in the United States (PLAGUEOFCOLOR)
This course explores the meaning of blackness and race in the context of U.S. history from the 18th century to present. The goal of this course not only is to provide information, but
to engage students in an honest dialogue about the pressing issue of race.
The Reckoning: Today’s Older Adults Aging Alone - Part 2 (RECKONING2)
Participants engage in discussions to identify key lifestyle issues for adults and elder orphans and will identify resources, services, and barriers for maintaining a lifestyle of senior independence.
The Reckoning: Who Will Care For You (RECKONING)
Course participants will learn how to formulate smart family plans to age-in-place.
The Reconstruction Era: Revolution and Counter-Revolution (RECONSTRUCTION)
This course will attempt to present a more truthful version of the events of Reconstruction, its meaning and purposes, its successes and failures, and the reasons for its demise. Students will discuss the continuing impact of the Reconstruction Era on present-day economic and racial issues.
The Wonder of Water (WONDEROFWATER)
Students will learn about the remarkable talents of water and how it makes life possible. The course presents inventive ways that humans and other organisms obtain, distribute, use, and conserve water, as well as the connection between water, weather, and climate.
The 2016 Presidential Election Examined - the Good, the Bad and the Ugly (2016ELECTION)
Students will hear a variety of experts reflect on what America has learned from the election, and what lies ahead. Speakers include a political scientist, a public opinion pollster, a reporter, a media analyst, a columnist, a campaign strategist, a spokesman for the Muslim community, and a politician.
Thoreau at 200: The Voice We Need Now (THOREAU200)
This course examines the influence of Henry David Thoreau— ethicist, prophet, ecologist, gardener, economist, abolitionist, journalist, educator, patriot, iconoclast, and more— on thinkers and activists such as Martin Luther King Jr. and Gandhi, as well as connections between Thoreau and Frederick Douglass. Thoreau’s work will be applied to understand pressing contemporary issues.
Thoreau in Kentucky: Wendell Berry, the Informed Conscience, and the Higher Law (WENDELLBERRY)
An important environmental writer, Wendell Berry’s work challenges readers to address the unacknowledged and interconnected forms of violence against the Earth and its inhabitants. Berry suggests changes in people’s thinking, lives, and polity required to atone for these offenses. This course examines Berry’s essays, including “The Hidden Wound” (on racism), “Sex, Economy, Freedom and Community: Eight Essays,” “The Art of the Commonplace: The Agrarian Essays of Wendell Berry,” and “Blessed Are the Peacemakers: Christ’s Teaching About Love, Compassion and Forgiveness”
Today's Retirement: How is it Different? (TODAYRETIRE)
This class focuses on key topics to constructing a retirement plan for current retirees and those preparing to retire, such as housing, health care, long-term care, and retirement income.
Today’s Elder Orphans and Adults Aging Alone Part 1 (ELDERORPHANS)
Participants will discuss key lifestyle issues for elder orphans and active adults aging-alone (aging in place). Participants will develop a resource and service guide for maintaining independence.
Viewpoint Diversity in Political Discussions (VIEWPOINTDIV)
This class presents an approach to respectfully discuss different views on politics and issues. The goal is not to change others’ opinions but to listen, learn and understand their points of view.
Voter Registration Training (September 14, 2018) (VOTER)
This class prepares students to volunteer at non-partisan voter registration drives so that they can assist individuals registering to vote. Students will review basic information about voting such as requirements for registering to vote in Georgia and the acceptable forms of identification needed for Election Day. Students will also learn best practices for remaining non-partisan at voter registration drives, what it means if someone has a felony on their record and wants to vote, and prohibited activities surrounding voting registration. Finally, the class addresses absentee ballots and the importance of provisional ballots.
“Wealthy and Wise” – Financial Conversations (WEALTHYWISE)
This course covers financial topics including retirement withdrawal strategies, social security planning for women, long-term care insurance, and socially responsible investing.
What is all this resistance/grassroots Activism Stuff? (GRASSACTIV)
This course explores the progressive grassroots movement through historical and contemporary examples, a survey of activism in the Atlanta area, and information on how to get involved.
Where Do You Want To Be At 103? (WHERE103)
This course empowers students to proactively plan for a safe and comfortable future, considering
Medicare benefits, home modifications, transportation options and more topics related to long-term planning.
Whole Health Action Management (WHAM) (WHAMPROGRAM)
Students will learn how to manage their health through WHAM training, which focuses on mind-body resilience. The goal of the course is to teach skills to self-manage chronic physical and mental health conditions and achieve whole health.
Who Will Care For You: The Reckoning (WHOWILLCARE)
Participants will learn about the caregiving reckoning crisis impacting senior independence. The course will discuss and outline successful lifelong practices and study how positive thinking increases longevity.
Who Will Care For You: The Reckoning (Extended) (WHOWILLCAREEXTEN)
Same description as WHOWILLCARE.
Women's Rights are Human Rights (WOMENRIGHTS)
This course examines the integration of human rights and gender mainstreaming in respect to different social structures of civil life: politics, the economy, social dynamics, and family & community life. It also examines competing definitions of women leadership; class, race, and gender dynamics; and the cultural dynamics of political organizing and social change.
Woman’s Support Group (WOMANSUPPORT)
The purpose of the group is to provide an intimate, supportive, and meaningful setting for women to share their ideas, feelings and experiences.
World War II, Part 1: European Theater (WW2EUROPEAN1)
Topics covered in this course include: Adolf Hitler and the rise of Nazism; events leading to war; the surge of German victories; prominent Allied personalities and the conflicts over Allied strategy; the air war and battle of the Atlantic; the prodigious output of the U.S. war economy; the collapse of Germany; and the terrible costs of the war during the aftermath and beyond.
Yerkes Research: Discovering Causes, Preventions, Treatments and Cures (YERKES)
In this course, participants will hear from the researchers who are fighting disease and improving human health and well-being by making groundbreaking discoveries in Emory’s Yerkes National Primate Research Center.
Yoga Asana and Pranayama (YOGAASANA)
Students will learn how to improve their physical strength, endurance, flexibility and balance through yoga. Practicing yoga also helps individuals to be mindful of their bodies and actions, develop a compassionate attitude, and restore inner peace.
Yoga Philosophy (YOGAPHILOSOPHY)
Students will discuss yoga philosophy as laid out in the yogic texts of the yoga sutras.
Yoga Sutras - Philosophy of Yoga (YOGASUTRAS)
Students will discuss yoga sutras and the core concepts of yoga philosophy.
11-Week Anti-Inflammatory Diet (11WEEKAIDIET)
This course attacks the root cause of many chronic inflammatory systems by teaching students about the history, science, and healthcare costs of foods that increase or decrease inflammation.
6000 Year History Of Indian Civilization (6000YEAR)
This course illuminates the story of Indian civilization, especially the Vedic period, a time during which the concept of democracy was already well developed.
This course teaches students how to use HeartMath, a scientifically-validated stress management and resilience-building program.
Administrative Law (ADMINLAW)
This course provides an overview of administrative law in various areas such as Social Security, immigration, Medicaid, education, workers compensation, child support, and healthcare facility regulation.
Adults and Elder Orphans Support Group: A Call For Action (AEOSUPPORT)
This course focuses on participants organizing an Atlanta-based Social Support Network/Team to Address aging-in-place concerns of older adults. Participants will share coping strategies, relate personal life experiences, and offer help and assistance for Adults Living Alone. Participants will also evaluate senior community resources in the Atlanta area and brainstorm advocacy action plans addressing the needs of older adults.
African-American Perspectives of Race in Atlanta (AAPERSPECTIVES)
African American guest speakers present perspectives of race relations, including white privilege, microaggressions, racism, and lifetime changes in racial contexts.
Ageless Grace: Brain and Body Exercises to Maintain and Restore Youthful Functioning (AGELESSGRACE)
Ageless grace exercises are based on the cutting-edge science of neuroplasticity and consist of 21 movement ‘tools’ that address all five functions of the brain. Students will learn how to create a personal practice that stimulates optimal cognitive and physical function simultaneously.
Ageless Grace: Brain Health Fitness (AGELESSGRACE1)
Similar description as AGELESSGRACE.
Aging in Place and the Senior Care Continuum (AGINGINPLACE)
This course equips families with the knowledge and skills for navigating the complex senior care continuum so that their loved ones receive the highest quality of care.
American History, Part III: Cotton and the Emergence of Capitalism (AMERICANHISTIII)
This course examines the 19th century American expansion which opened the west to be a cotton plantation society, as well as the Civil War.
American History Part IV: Slavery from Civil War to Modern Day (AMERICANHISTIV) This class examines the black experience from Reconstruction to modern day, including Jim Crow, the Great Migration, white migration to the suburbs, and the Civil Rights & Voting Rights Acts.
Artistic Landscape Enhancements (ARTISTICLAND)
For weekend gardeners and landscape professionals, this course teaches the principles and elements of stunning, artistic landscapes. Students will learn how to manage the impact of shade in the landscape and rectify erosion issues.
A Second Wind: The Renewal of Western Colonalism in 19th Century Pt2 (ASECONDWINDSHORT)
This course examines the motivations and differences in 19th century colonialism and imperialism, as European nations competed for land, primarily in Africa and Asia, which was untouched by the first wave of colonialism.
Asian Brush Drawing Tea Time (ASIANART)
Students use ink, watercolors and brush pens to create artistic representations of flora/fauna using the Asian brush drawing technique.
Astronomy in the Suburbs - An Introduction to Star Gazing (ASTROBURBSINTRO)
Students will gain a basic understanding of the night sky and learn how to use a sky chart to locate the major stars, planets, and observe the phases of the moon.
Atlanta: A City Too Busy to Hate, Part I (BUSYATLANTA)
This course provides an overview of Atlanta’s history from 1865 to 1959, tracing its origins, development, and the impact that African American commerce and political activism had on the nation as a whole.
Atlanta: A City Too Busy to Hate, Part II (ATLANTATOOBUSY)
Same description as BUSYATLANTA, except covers the years from 1960 to 2000.
This course provides a pictorial history of the Giant Panda, from legends to everyday use as the World Wildlife Fund symbol. This class includes drawing and discussion components.
Basic Meditation (BASICMED)
Students explore the benefits of a sitting mindfulness/awareness practice, learning the history of meditation, effects of meditation on health and wellbeing, and instructions to begin a meditation practice.
Basic Meditation, Mindful Awareness Practice (BASICMEDITATION)
Same description as BASICMED.
Beethoven: The Human Condition in Eight Works (BEETHOVEN)
Students will explore eight significant compositions which express Beethoven’s love of nature and his humanistic world view in an interdisciplinary approach which incorporates language, art, politics, technological achievements, and important world events.
Behavioral Economics Part 2 (BEHAVIORALECON)
This course explores in greater depth themes introduced in the “Introduction to Behavioral Economics” course and introduces new concepts related to financial decision making, including the psychology of money, fairness & reciprocity, and market vs. social norms.
Behavioral Economics, Part 3 (BEHAVIORALECON3)
This course builds upon themes of “Introduction to Behavioral Economics” and “Behavioral Economics Part 2.”
Being Present: Mindfulness Meditation (BEINGPRESENT)
Students learn the basics of mindfulness meditation, its roots in Buddhism and how it may help in the aging process.
Be Present - Mindfulness Meditation (BEPRESENT)
Same description as BEINGPRESENT.
Callaway Gardens Trip (CALLAWAYGARDENS)
Led by a professional tour guide, this field trip to Callaway Gardens includes highlights of azaleas, a birds of prey show, and the butterfly house.
Capitalism (CAPITALISM)
This course examines capitalism, featuring disciplines of philosophy, economics, and history.
Capstone Project: Real World, Real Design (LANDCAPSTONE)
Students apply their landscape design skills to a real world project.
CDC: The Nation’s Premier Public Health Agency (CDCPUBLICHEALTH)
As the nation’s health protection agency, the Atlanta-based Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) saves lives and protects people from health threats. To accomplish their mission, CDC conducts critical science and provides health information to the public. In this course, CDC experts address many of the most important threats to our health.
Chair Yoga and Meditation (CHAIRYOGAMEDLONG)
This course trains the body, mind, and soul.
Chair Yoga and Meditation (CHAIRYOGAMEDSHOR)
Same description as CHAIRYOGAMEDLONG.
Civil War in the Eastern Theater - Part 1 (CIVILWAREAST1)
In this course, students study the major battles of the Civil War in the Eastern Theater from the Secession Crisis through the end of 1862.
Civil War in the Eastern Theater - Part 2 (CIVILWAREAST2)
In this course, students study the major Civil War battles in the Eastern Theater from June of 1863 until the surrender of Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia in April, 1865.
Civil War in the Western Theater, Part I at Park Springs (CIVILWARPS)
This course examines the early years of the American Civil War from the Secession Crisis through early January 1863.
Civil Wrongs, Civil Rights (1865-present) (CIVILWRONGS)
The course covers the first and second periods of reconstruction including the “Black Codes,” the 1875 Civil Rights Act, and the Jim Crow period.
Cognitively Based Compassion Training (CBCTRAINING)
Cognitively Based Compassion Training (CBCT) is a model for secular compassion meditation practice drawn from the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. Studies show a correlation between the practice of compassion meditation and the prevention and reduction of depression levels in students. CBCT has been found to be beneficial by educators, social workers, medical professionals, and those wishing to build resiliency, improve relationships, enhance interpersonal skills, and/or simply cultivate compassion.
Communication: Its Art and Soul (COMMUNICATIONITS)
This course contrasts ancient Jewish thought with modern scientific discovery to unearth the essence of communication and how to use it to better oneself, one’s relationships, and all of
Comparative Religion (COMPRELIGION)
This course introduces participants to the world’s leading religious traditions through examining their scriptures, rituals, and practices with the goal of establishing religious literacy that provides the basis for further learning.
Confederate Monuments: Their History, Their Purpose and What Do We Do... (CONFEDMONSHORT)
This course examines the history of Confederate monuments and why they are problematic in our current society. Students will consider the merits and demerits of various arguments about what to do with them now.
Contemporary Issues in Ethics (CONTEMPETHICS)
Experts from the Emory University Center for Ethics present current issues in ethics including healthcare ethics, social justice, end of life care, high risk interventions, genetic testing and medical error.
Critical Thinking and Empathy, Part 2: Our Stone-Age Brains vs. Smart Politics (CRITICALTHINKING)
This course explores how humans’ pre-wired brains are a hindrance to achieving the kinds of foreign and domestic policies that would serve society and honor American ideals, especially focusing on the limits of empathy.
Cynics of the World Unite: You Have Nothing to Lose but Your Chains (CYNICSUNITE)
Referencing Paul Loeb’s anthology, The Impossible Will Take a Little While: Perseverance and Hope in Troubled Times, this course is offered especially for those who are troubled about the state of their nation and planet, but have felt powerless to do anything about it.
Dark Days in the South (DARKDAYS)
This course explores tragic events in the region’s past, including Bull Connor’s use of police dogs against demonstrators in Birmingham, Atlanta’s Missing and Murdered Children, the trial
and lynching of Leo Frank, Atlanta’s Temple bombing, and peonage at the Chattahoochee Brick Company.
Day Trip to Gibbs Garden (GIBBSGARDEN)
This trip in March 2018 allowed participants to tour the various gardens on the estate.
Debunking Myths About the Civil War and Reconstruction (MYTHSCIVILWAR)
This course examines how myths about the Civil War and Reconstruction may have distorted our understanding of these pivotal events.
Diseases that Impacted the World (DISEASEIMPACT)
This course provides an overview of diseases which had a major impact on politics and global health. Diseases to be discussed include: smallpox, cholera, Irish famine, TB, Malaria, Bubonic Plague, AIDS, hemophilia and porphyria.
Don’t Wait! The Importance of an Aging Care Plan (DONTWAIT)
This course prepares adult children and seniors for making important decisions in the aging process, such as aging in place choices, financial choices, and legal choices.
Epidemics and Disasters: The Past as Prologue (EPIDEMICS)
Using such diseases as smallpox, the 14th century plague and childbirth fever, the course will explore the intersection of climate, commerce and the unintended consequences of scientific changes.
Event Planning Certificate (EVENTPLANNING)
This program will help students to understand the latest trends and technologies in event planning, as well as how to make events environmentally responsible. Among other skills, students will learn how to solve event logistical issues while encouraging “green” event practices.
Event Planning Certificate - Online (DL-EVENTPLANNING)
Same description as EVENTPLANNING, except takes place in an online learning environment.
Event Planning: Develop an Edge on Execution (EXECUTEEVENT)
This course goes beyond basic logistics planning and identifies the critical elements and insights of event planning, such as site visits and risk management. After completing this course, participants will have developed specialized event planning skills, including identifying and proactively mitigating potential environmental impact concerns, such as food waste.
Event Planning: Focus on Food and Beverage (FOODBEVEVENT)
This course teaches students how to create optimal, crowd-pleasing menus to delight guests while managing various dietary concerns and issues. Students will also learn how to limit food waste and make use of excess food.
Evolution of Social Thought as Seen Through Works of Fiction (EVOLUTIONSOCIAL)
This course provides discussion of fictional works, as seen through the lens of social evolution, examining themes of race, gender, and social status.
Examining “White Privilege” (WHITEPRIVILEGE)
The theory and existence of white privilege will be presented through historical events and both white and nonwhite perspectives. Students will be challenged to examine their own assumptions.
Fade to Black, Part 1 (FADETOBLACK1)
This course studies the social impact of film. Specifically, students will critically examine the roles assigned to African Americans in films and discuss the spectrum of images depicted by black Americans during the 20th century.
Film Genres (FILMGENRES)
This course focuses on three primary film genres: Comedy, Horror, and Blaxploitation.2
From Tribalism to Identity Politics (FROMTRIBALSHORT)
This course surveys the influence of tribal factions throughout history from religions to political ideologies. Students will discuss how diversity is a desirable characteristic of societies. The final session covers various topics such as a universal basic income, gerrymandering, educational reforms, etc.
Game-Changers - History and Folk Music: Events and People That Changed the History of Our Country (GAMECHANGERS)
This course tells the stories of people and events that changed the course of our history, including the Erie Canal, Sacagawea, Westward Ho, Andrew Jackson (hero or villain), Kit Carson, John Wesley Powell, Three Ladies, The Dust Bowl and Abigail Adams.
Game Changers, Part 2: History and Folk Music (GAMECHANGERS2)
This is the second series of programs about ‘game-changers’ with stories of people and events that changed our history, including Stephen Decatur and the Barbary Pirates, “Remember the Alamo”, two stories from the Civil War, “Women of the West”, and more.
Great Atlanta Museums (ATLMUSEUMS )
Leading staff members from Atlanta-area institutions— the High Museum, the Museum of Civil and Human Rights, the Atlanta History Museum, and the Fernbank Science Museum— describe their museum’s mission, exhibits, and “behind the scenes” activities.
Great Decisions 2017 (GREATDECI2017)
Great Decisions addresses eight foreign policy issues confronting the United States. This year’s issues included helping Saudi Arabia adjust to the reality of oil, managing the petroleum surpluses, and threats to nuclear security.
Great Decisions 2017 (GREATDECI2017TH)
Same description as GREATDECI2017.
Great Decisions 2018 (GREATDECISION18T)
Great Decisions explores eight foreign policy issues confronting the United States. This year’s topics included South Africa’s fragile democracy and the progress and challenges of global health.
Great Decisions 2018 (GREATDECISION18W)
Same description as GREATDECISION18T.
Great Decisions 2020 (GREATDEC)
This discussion-based program provides background information and policy options for the eight most critical issues facing America each year and serves as the focal text for discussion groups across the country. This year’s list of critical issues includes climate change & the global order.
Gullah Geechee Coast (GULLAHSHORT)
Gullah Geechee culture retains ethnic traditions from West African groups who were enslaved on coastal plantations. However, this dwindling culture is faced with encroaching resort development and a disconnected younger generation. Class participants learn about the culture from an insider who grew up Gullah Geechee.
This course convenes a group of individuals who would like to meet for local hiking opportunities.
Historical Erasure, Grafted Narratives, and Racial Taxonomies in the Poetry of Natasha Trethewey (TRETHEWEY)
Students will study the work of Natasha Trethewey, a former United States Poet Laureate. Trethewey’s work examines the intersections between her own experience growing up biracial in the rural South and the history of racism in the region.
History Changing Epidemics and Disasters (HISTORYEPID)
The course offers an historical oversight of the societal impact caused by major epidemics and diseases, including plague, smallpox, “childbirth fever” influenza, hookworm, and HIV/AIDS. The class also discusses the disasters of the Chernobyl nuclear accident and the Bhopal gas leak.
History of Buckhead (HISTBUCKHEAD)
This course traces the development of Buckhead, beginning in the Paleo-Indian and Muscogee/Creek Indian periods (8000 - 6000 BC - 1821) and ending with the opening of Lenox Square in 1959.
History of Native Americans (NATIVEAMERICANS)
The class examines the history of the Native Americans, beginning with the migration from Siberia some 15,000-20,000 years ago, enslavement by Queen Isabella 500 years ago, and genocide & rebirth.
History of Slavery (HISTORYSLAVERY)
This class views slavery as a virus mutating over time, from “saving” the vanquished after a war to the inhumanity of the cotton plantation south. This course does not present America in a positive light.
Hot Topics in Islam (HOTTOPICS)
This course covers central topics of debate in Islam, such as women’s rights, jihad, shariah, Qur’an, the status of non-Muslims, and more.
How to Be Well – Achieving Health and Happiness in the Age of Acceleration (HOWTOBEWELL)
This class examines the current state of health in the U.S. and the psychological stress of living in an age of rapid change. Students discuss the diverse factors that contribute to a happy and healthy life including diet & nutrition, sleep, physical activity, stress reduction, lifelong learning, and connecting with nature, others, & oneself.
Ikebana Introduction (IKEBANA)
Students will learn Ikebana, the ancient Japanese art of flower arranging. Ikebana is seen as a spiritual process that helps one develop a closeness with nature and merge the indoors and outdoors.
Ikebana Introduction (IKEBANASHORT)
Same description as IKEBANA.
Industrial Revolution, Part 2 (INDREV2)
This course examines how/why the United States has been the global leader for the past 150 years, when Great Britain was previously the global leader in the Industrial Revolution. Students will also discuss how China, Russia, and other nations are challenging the U.S.
Industrial Revolution, 1750-1850 (INDUSTREVOL)
This class examines the triggers and driving factors of the Industrial Revolution, including demographic, agricultural, and financial changes. This course endeavors to answer whether human society is now better off because of the Revolution.
Introduction to Behavioral Economics, Part 1 (INTROBEHAVIOR)
The course introduces students to key concepts designed to help people and organizations make better decisions, covering basic theories of evolutionary psychology, automatic vs. controlled thinking, public policy and choice architecture, and when to trust experts.
Introduction to Behavioral Economics, Part I (INTROBEHAVECON)
Same description as INTROBEHAVIOR.
Introduction to Environmental Public Health (INTROENVIRONMENT)
This course explores the fundamental concepts of environmental health (epidemiology, exposure science, and toxicology) and the influence of the environment on disease. Students will also review case studies and articles to learn about current issues in environmental health research.
Introduction to Event Planning (INTROEVENT)
Students will learn best practices for planning events, including how to plan and manage logistics, catering, audio-visual elements and more. After completing this course, participants will gain skills such as understanding the complex issues of food and beverages and communicating effectively with attendees.
Introduction to Event Planning (INTROEVENTOLD)
Same description as INTROEVENT.
Intro to Mindfulness, Insight Meditation (INTROMINDFULNESS)
This course teaches students how to practice mindful awareness of internal experiences, such as emotions, and of actions, such as movement. Participants will learn the connection of mindfulness to Buddhist Psychology and the ethics of a mindful lifestyle.
Investigating Complaints in the Workplace (HRCOMPLAINT)
This course provides an overview of federal employment laws– including Title VII of the Civil Rights Acts– as well as how to establish non-discriminatory employment practices and strategies throughout the investigation process.
Jews of the American South (JEWSSOUTH)
This course explores the social, economic, religious and cultural lives of Jews in the American South from the eighteenth century to the present. Students will discuss how “Jewishness” was shaped by the South’s approach to social relations, emphasis on evangelical religion, and struggle with the issue of race.
Kennesaw Mountain Day Trip August 20, 2019 (KENNESAWMOUNT)
Participants will visit the Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park, the site of the Battle of Kennesaw Mountain of the Civil War.
Key Issues of Our Times: Experts Look Behind the Headlines (KEYISSUES)
This class analyzes topics ranging from foreign policy, immigration, and public education to the economy, cyber security, healthcare, and the role of religion in the public sector. Leading the discussions is a group of experts from Emory University, Georgia Tech, the Atlanta Public Schools, Homeland Security, Public Broadcasting Atlanta, Aware Force, and the Federal Reserve.
Landscape Design Certificate (LANDSCAPEDESIGN)
Working professionals share with students what they have learned from more than four decades of designing and installing award-winning home landscapes.
Landscape Design I (LANDDESI)
Intended for hobbyists, amateur landscape designers and professionals wishing to broaden their residential design skills, the course provides foundational concepts for creating functional landscape plans. The course covers basic design terms and processes, creating a base map, conducting a site inventory, and incorporating sustainability elements.
Landscape Design II (LANDDESII)
Students use the skills developed in Landscape Design I to create functional landscape diagrams and apply preliminary design guidelines and principles. Incorporating the elements of sustainability is woven through every lesson.
Landscape Painting with Wayland Moore (LANDSCAPEPAINTING)
The course teaches participants to improve their technique and paint with confidence using natural landscapes as inspiration.
Law of the Election/Removal of the President (LAWELECTION)
This course discusses issues concerning the election and removal of a President, including the history of impeachment and the operation of the Twenty-Fifth Amendment that deals with Presidential incapacity.
Leading Through Change (CHANGEMGR)
This course teaches organizational leaders to prepare for and lead through change in their organization by conducting change analyses, consistently communicating, managing emotions, and keeping employees focused.
Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Certificate (LSSBB)
Completion of a Green Belt Certificate is required prior to enrolling in the Black Belt Certificate. Students are also responsible for providing their own independent project. See more information about the Six Sigma Methodology under the “Green Belt Certificate” course.
Lean Six Sigma for Healthcare Professionals (LSS-HC)
Participants learn how to contribute to successful healthcare improvement projects using key Lean Six Sigma tools. Completion of the Lean Six Sigma White Belt Certificate course is the minimum prerequisite.
Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Certificate (LSSGB)
Lean Six Sigma Green Belt (LSSGB) is a customer-focused business improvement methodology which was developed to improve work processes by eliminating waste and defects in business processes. The goal of the class is to present fundamentals for Lean Six Sigma tools to apply the DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control) methodology to most improvement projects.
Lean Six Sigma White Belt Certificate (LSSWB)
Students will learn the roadmap for the key roles and responsibilities of a Lean Six Sigma framework, especially how to identify waste and variation in a process and increase stakeholder satisfaction.
Lean Six Sigma White Belt Certificate - Online (DL-LSSWB)
Same description as LSSWB, except this version of the course occurs in an online classroom.
Let's Talk About "So You Want To Talk About Race (LETSTALK)
This course provides a space for students to have difficult discussions about race through the lens of So You Want to Talk About Race by Ijeoma Oluo.
Let’s Talk About So You Want To Talk About Race - Part 2 (LETSTALKRACE2)
The class will continue talking about So You Want To Talk About Race by Ijeoma Oluo.
Let's Talk: Women Aging in the 21st Century (WOMENAGING)
Students learn about the aging process as viewed in contemporary time, and through hearing about other women’s experiences, may come away with a new understanding of themselves.
Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong--and the State of the Nation (LIES)
Building on James Lowen’s book, this discussion-based course examines how the misteaching of history shapes the understanding of contentious contemporary issues in 2017. Historical issues and events discussed include the battle over Christopher Columbus and his legacy, U.S. presidents and slavery, the nuclear age, 9/11, and more.
Looking Back at 9/11: Thinking Intelligently and Honestly About Terrorism (LOOKINGBACK911)
This course examines the problems related to terrorism, including: root causes of terrorism; freedom, civil liberties, dissent, and terrorism; terrorism and corporate media; white nationalism/supremacy/racial profiling; and the war on terror.
Managing Stress in the Workplace (STRESSMGMT)
This course challenges the work-life balance concept and discusses factors that influence wellness and organizational goal achievement. Students practice evidence-based stress management tactics grounded in organizational behavior and neuroscience research while creating an action plan for both personal and professional development.
Maps: Our Constantly Changing View of the World (CHANGINGMAPS)
This course discusses how maps extend our understanding of history, politics, economics, culture, and conservation.
March of the Pinguin - Black n’ White Drawings (MARCHPENGUIN)
Students will have an opportunity to create ink brush drawings of penguins while learning fun facts about these birds, such as their history and geography.
Microaggressions (MICROAGGRESSIONS)
This class examines microaggressions in a historical context, considering racial and gender oppression. Students learn how to identify microaggressions and create a toolkit of microsolidarities to counteract microaggressions.
Mindful Relationships: How Mindful Meditation May Improve Relationships (MINDFULRELATIONS)
This course explores the connection between mindfulness and relationships through discussing the latest research on this connection. Scientists and practitioners have begun to suspect that mindful meditation may be one avenue for improving relationships.
Modern Health (MODERNHEALTH)
This course provides an overview of health policy, medical history, and the biological basis of many common diseases. After establishing a historical and sociopolitical framework for discussing health, the course examines common diseases that are major contributors to mortality rates in the United States.
Native Lands: Indians and Georgia (Atlanta History Center) (NATIVELANDS)
During this guided tour at the Atlanta History Center, participants learn about the original inhabitants of what is now Georgia, beginning with the Mississippian peoples and continuing with their descendants, the Creeks and the Cherokees. The tour explores Indigenous People’s recent history and their continuing connections to Georgia.
Nature Journals/Artistic Memorybooks (NATUREJOURNALS)
Students attend a field trip to Stone Mountain and learn how to record nature observations in scrapbooks/journals as an imaginative and mindful exercise.
Old Jim Crow and The Long New Deal (OLDJIMCROW)
This course examines how the New Deal reconfigured racial inequality on a national scale. Efforts to right the exclusions of the New Deal galvanized the 1960s civil rights movement and provoked an ongoing “white backlash.”
OLLI Trip 2018 - Alabama Civil Rights Tour (OLLITRIP2018)
Students will follow the “Voting Rights Trail” as they travel from Selma to Montgomery, visiting historical sites and learning about the civil rights movement.
Organizational Change Management (PROJECTCHANGE)
This course guides participants in creating a comprehensive organizational change management plan, which includes proper stakeholder analysis, effective communication/training, and successful transition strategies.
Our Children, Our Grandchildren— and Our Cynicism and Despair (OURCHILDREN)
This course is offered especially for those troubled about the world their children and grandchildren will live in. Paul Loeb’s anthology, The Impossible Will Take a Little While, introduces students to stories of people who refused to succumb to despair in the face of seemingly insurmountable obstacles, and suggests how to commit oneself to creating a more just, peaceful, and environmentally sustainable world.
Post Election: What does it mean for us? (POSTELECTION)
This course reviews the results of the presidential and senatorial elections by counties in Georgia. Moving forward, the course looks at key issues for the next administration, including technology and the economy, racial animosity, illegal immigration, and nuclear war.
Predictably Irrational? (PREDICTIRRATION)
Based on the work of social psychologists and behavioral economists, this course introduces students to the instincts that affect the decisions people make, covering basic theories of evolutionary psychology, automatic vs. controlled thinking, inaccurate perceptions of risk, the role of chance, how the environment controls us, and when and when not to trust experts.
Predictably Irrational? Part 2 (PREDIRRATION2)
This course continues the discussion of social psychology and behavioral economics first introduced in the Part 1 course.
Presidential Power Under the Constitution (PRESIDENTPOWER)
The course discusses the power of the President under the Constitution as asserted by Presidents and interpreted by the Supreme Court and lower courts. Topics to be discussed include the President’s enumerated and implied powers, the President’s power over foreign relations, the veto power, the President’s power to control the regulatory agencies, the pardon power, executive privilege, and impeachment.
Psych 101 and its Application to Everyday Living (PSYCH101APP)
In this course, students receive an introduction to the world of psychology. The course surveys topics including the history of psychology; the influence of multiculturalism, gender, and sexual orientation; conscious and unconscious processes; sleep/dreams; anger, stress, and health; personality; grief and loss; specific disorders and treatments; and an overview of psychotherapy.
Public Health Ethics 101: Primer (HEALTHETHICS)
This course provides a broad overview of general public health concepts and the related public health ethics principles, through both a historical and modern-day perspective.
Public Health: Your Life Depends Upon It (PUBLICHEALTH)
This course gives an overview of public health in America, emphasizing the history of the CDC’s work, including VDs, AIDS, smallpox, Ebola, and Zika.
Race and Health (RACEHEALTH)
This course introduces principles of mediating health differences and disparities between racial groups around the globe. Topics covered include genetic diversity and race, the role of genetics in health disparities, and psychological and systemic biases in healthcare practices.
Recent Supreme Court Cases (RECENTSCCASES)
This course reviews some recent decisions of the U.S. Supreme Court, including Masterpiece Cakeshop, Ltd. v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission (cake baker and the first amendment); Murphy v. National Collegiate Athletic Association (sports gambling); Abbott v. Perez
(gerrymandering legislative districts); Carpenter v. U.S (phone cell records and the Fourth Amendment); Ohio v. American Express Co. (restrictions on merchants taking credit cards); and
Trump v. Hawaii (travel ban).
Reducing and Managing Gas and Electric Utility Costs (REDUCEUTILITY)
This course trains students to monitor, reduce, and manage natural gas and electric utility costs.
Religion and Immigration (RELIGIONIMMIGRAT)
This course explores the religious lives of Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, and Hindu immigrants in the United States, beginning with the history of immigration to the U.S. and using case studies to examine the multidimensionality of immigrant lives from civic engagement to culture to female immigrants.
Religion: A Sociological Perspective (RELIGIONSOCIO)
This course examines the sociological and cross-cultural issues surrounding religious ideas, beliefs, and practices with an extra emphasis on Islam. Students will look at the global and American religious landscapes, the relationship between religion and politics, and delve into Muslim-Americans and their views during the Trump Administration. The course strives to answer questions such as “Why women are more religious?”, “Why do immigrants become more religious in their new settings?”, and “Is religion a barrier to integration?”
Rescuers During the Holocaust (RESCUERS)
This course gives an overview of rescuers during the Holocaust, what the situation was in their particular country, their actions, and their outcomes.
Right Plant, Right Place: Succeeding with Plants (LANDRIGHTPLANT)
This course trains students to work with plants that really work in the garden. Participants learn to use the best plants for their area and how to create stunning plans that thrive for years to come.
“Second Layer-Repurposing for Art” Evolution (SECONDLAYER)
This course teaches students to repurpose discarded artwork and mixed paper like letters, cards, and junk mail, to create new masterpieces.
Semotics in Politics (SEMOTICSPOLITICS)
This course examines the basics of Semiotics and how political operatives, issue-oriented advocates, and candidates use language, symbols, and icons to not only send direct messages, but coded messages in plain sight.
Should I Stay or Should I Go? (SHOULDISTAY)
Expert presenters offer advice in complex issues of senior transition, such as moving,
downsizing, and health, family and money issues.
Social Neuroscience, Brain and Behavior (SOCIALNEURO)
In this course, students discuss behavioral neuroscience research discoveries on brain hormones involved in social behavior and social deficits.
Solidarity through Humor and Satire - Part 1 (SOLIDHUMORSATIRE)
This course considers how humor and satire can operate in maintaining group cohesion in the face of oppression, and in undermining or reinforcing attitudes towards race, gender, religion, class, and ethnicity.
Solving Problems Creatively (SOLVEPROB)
This hands-on course teaches students to harness the power of creativity by providing tips, techniques and models to help develop their resourcefulness.
Sticks and Stones: Hardscapes Made Simple (LANDSTICKS&STONES)
This course teaches participants to effectively design walls, patios, decks, fences, and arbors. Participants learn the fundamentals and secrets of hardscape construction by taking designs to a whole new level.
Survey of the Animal Industry (ANIMALINDUSTRY)
Students learn the basics of domestic animal production systems, such as the care of animals and marketing of animal products in the U.S. The course covers how different species serve the needs of humans for food, emotional well-being, and protection.
Sustainable Landscapes: How far am I willing to go? (SUSTAINLAND)
In this class, participants learn how to choose the right plants for the right places and perform the best sustainable maintenance practices to minimize inefficiencies and decrease the need for excess water & added chemicals. After this class, students will be able to describe the impact of sustainable decisions regarding planning and maintaining landscapes and ultimately, return to their own landscapes and redesign areas to be more sustainable.
T’ai Chi (Beginner and Intermediate) (TAICHIHARVEY )
T’ai Chi and Qi Gong are systems of exercises which help to increase strength, balance, flexibility & mental focus, and reduce stress and blood pressure. The traditional Yang Style short form (24 forms) is taught in a manner that all can follow.
T’ai Chi (Beginner and Intermediate) - Short Session (TAICHISHORT)
Same description as TAICHIHARVEY.
Tai Chi for Arthritis (TAICHIARTHRITIS)
This course teaches students Tai Chi, which improves mental and physical balance and can reduce the rate of fall of older adults. Additional benefits include improving relaxation, vitality, posture, and immunity.
T'ai Chi Interim Session (TAICHIINTERIM)
This series is designed for returning students who have prior experience with T'ai Chi.
The Anti-Inflammatory Diet (ANTIDIET)
Students will learn to attack the root cause of many inflammatory chronic conditions with explicit, straightforward changes to their diet.
The Atlanta BeltLine Project Transit and Affordable Housing (ATLBELTLINE)
This class will build on the previous class, “The Atlanta BeltLine Project and Streetcars in Atlanta,” emphasizing key elements of transit and affordable housing.
The Battle of Little Bighorn in History and Popular Culture (LITTLEBIGHORN)
This course examines Custer’s Last Stand in the context of American history, particularly the events leading to the battle, the mysteries surrounding the battle, and its effect on popular and political history.
The Civil War in Georgia (CIVILWARGEORGIA)
This course will explore the various wartime actions and key participants of the Civil War in Georgia, beginning with the January 1861 secession vote and culminating with the May 1865 capture of Confederate President Jefferson Davis near Irwinville.
The Civil War in the Western Theater, 1863-1865, Part II (WESTERNTHEATER)
This course examines the major campaigns and battles of the Civil War in the Western Theater (i.e. the region between the Appalachian Mountains and the Mississippi River) from the beginning of 1863 through the end of the War.
The Climate Change Crisis: Causes, Consequences, and Solutions (CLIMATECHANGE)
This course examines how the global economic system has promoted and rewarded practices that have caused climate change and widespread environmental degradation. These practices have damaged the atmosphere, reduced biodiversity, degraded the land and oceans, polluted the water and air, compelled massive migrations, provoked conflict, and heightened worldwide inequality. The course will examine fighting climate change as a matter of social, racial, environmental, and economic justice. It will look at solutions, policies, and actions to address global climate change and environmental degradation. To enroll in this course, students must first acknowledge climate change as an immediate global crisis.
The Dreyfus Affair (DREYFUSAFFAIR)
The explosive anti-Semitism of most of the French during the Dreyfus Affair left Theodore Herzel to despair of Jews ever finding a homeland in European countries. This became the impetus for the State of Israel. Students will learn about this historical event which foreshadowed the beginning of the Holocaust.
The Films of Woody Allen: Themes, Reaction, and Discussion (WOODYALLEN)
This course explores major themes re-occurring in most of Allen's films, including death, meaning of existence, Anti-Semitism, relationships, Judaism (religous and secular), and consequences for one's actions.
The Industrial Revolution (INDUSTRIALREVOL)
This course tells a unique story about the Industrial Revolution: the authority and absolute sovereignty of royalty and popes eventually gave way to self-determination which allowed individuals’ independence to choose, innovate, and create.
The Jewish-American Experience: The Journey of a People (JEWISHEXPER)
The class examines and celebrates the story of the two million East European Jews who found their way to the US after 1880, including their migration, culture, political protests, and more.
The Law of Freedom of Speech and the Press (LAWOFFREEDOM)
This course discusses how the U.S. Supreme Court has interpreted the First Amendment on free speech and press issues including fighting words and hate speech, criticism of political and public figures, limitations on campaign and political speech, corporate speech (Citizens United), publication of government secrets, education and free speech, restrictions on advertising and other commercial speech, and speech by the government and government employees.
The Law of the First Amendment (FIRSTAMEND)
This course discusses how the U.S. Supreme Court has interpreted the First Amendment on various issues including education and restrictions on speech, the applicability of general government regulation to religious conduct, and government support of religious ideas.
The Plague of Color: History and Race in the United States (PLAGUEOFCOLOR)
This course explores the meaning of blackness and race in the context of U.S. history from the 18th century to present. The goal of this course not only is to provide information, but
to engage students in an honest dialogue about the pressing issue of race.
The Reckoning: Today’s Older Adults Aging Alone - Part 2 (RECKONING2)
Participants engage in discussions to identify key lifestyle issues for adults and elder orphans and will identify resources, services, and barriers for maintaining a lifestyle of senior independence.
The Reckoning: Who Will Care For You (RECKONING)
Course participants will learn how to formulate smart family plans to age-in-place.
The Reconstruction Era: Revolution and Counter-Revolution (RECONSTRUCTION)
This course will attempt to present a more truthful version of the events of Reconstruction, its meaning and purposes, its successes and failures, and the reasons for its demise. Students will discuss the continuing impact of the Reconstruction Era on present-day economic and racial issues.
The Wonder of Water (WONDEROFWATER)
Students will learn about the remarkable talents of water and how it makes life possible. The course presents inventive ways that humans and other organisms obtain, distribute, use, and conserve water, as well as the connection between water, weather, and climate.
The 2016 Presidential Election Examined - the Good, the Bad and the Ugly (2016ELECTION)
Students will hear a variety of experts reflect on what America has learned from the election, and what lies ahead. Speakers include a political scientist, a public opinion pollster, a reporter, a media analyst, a columnist, a campaign strategist, a spokesman for the Muslim community, and a politician.
Thoreau at 200: The Voice We Need Now (THOREAU200)
This course examines the influence of Henry David Thoreau— ethicist, prophet, ecologist, gardener, economist, abolitionist, journalist, educator, patriot, iconoclast, and more— on thinkers and activists such as Martin Luther King Jr. and Gandhi, as well as connections between Thoreau and Frederick Douglass. Thoreau’s work will be applied to understand pressing contemporary issues.
Thoreau in Kentucky: Wendell Berry, the Informed Conscience, and the Higher Law (WENDELLBERRY)
An important environmental writer, Wendell Berry’s work challenges readers to address the unacknowledged and interconnected forms of violence against the Earth and its inhabitants. Berry suggests changes in people’s thinking, lives, and polity required to atone for these offenses. This course examines Berry’s essays, including “The Hidden Wound” (on racism), “Sex, Economy, Freedom and Community: Eight Essays,” “The Art of the Commonplace: The Agrarian Essays of Wendell Berry,” and “Blessed Are the Peacemakers: Christ’s Teaching About Love, Compassion and Forgiveness”
Today's Retirement: How is it Different? (TODAYRETIRE)
This class focuses on key topics to constructing a retirement plan for current retirees and those preparing to retire, such as housing, health care, long-term care, and retirement income.
Today’s Elder Orphans and Adults Aging Alone Part 1 (ELDERORPHANS)
Participants will discuss key lifestyle issues for elder orphans and active adults aging-alone (aging in place). Participants will develop a resource and service guide for maintaining independence.
Viewpoint Diversity in Political Discussions (VIEWPOINTDIV)
This class presents an approach to respectfully discuss different views on politics and issues. The goal is not to change others’ opinions but to listen, learn and understand their points of view.
Voter Registration Training (September 14, 2018) (VOTER)
This class prepares students to volunteer at non-partisan voter registration drives so that they can assist individuals registering to vote. Students will review basic information about voting such as requirements for registering to vote in Georgia and the acceptable forms of identification needed for Election Day. Students will also learn best practices for remaining non-partisan at voter registration drives, what it means if someone has a felony on their record and wants to vote, and prohibited activities surrounding voting registration. Finally, the class addresses absentee ballots and the importance of provisional ballots.
“Wealthy and Wise” – Financial Conversations (WEALTHYWISE)
This course covers financial topics including retirement withdrawal strategies, social security planning for women, long-term care insurance, and socially responsible investing.
What is all this resistance/grassroots Activism Stuff? (GRASSACTIV)
This course explores the progressive grassroots movement through historical and contemporary examples, a survey of activism in the Atlanta area, and information on how to get involved.
Where Do You Want To Be At 103? (WHERE103)
This course empowers students to proactively plan for a safe and comfortable future, considering
Medicare benefits, home modifications, transportation options and more topics related to long-term planning.
Whole Health Action Management (WHAM) (WHAMPROGRAM)
Students will learn how to manage their health through WHAM training, which focuses on mind-body resilience. The goal of the course is to teach skills to self-manage chronic physical and mental health conditions and achieve whole health.
Who Will Care For You: The Reckoning (WHOWILLCARE)
Participants will learn about the caregiving reckoning crisis impacting senior independence. The course will discuss and outline successful lifelong practices and study how positive thinking increases longevity.
Who Will Care For You: The Reckoning (Extended) (WHOWILLCAREEXTEN)
Same description as WHOWILLCARE.
Women's Rights are Human Rights (WOMENRIGHTS)
This course examines the integration of human rights and gender mainstreaming in respect to different social structures of civil life: politics, the economy, social dynamics, and family & community life. It also examines competing definitions of women leadership; class, race, and gender dynamics; and the cultural dynamics of political organizing and social change.
Woman’s Support Group (WOMANSUPPORT)
The purpose of the group is to provide an intimate, supportive, and meaningful setting for women to share their ideas, feelings and experiences.
World War II, Part 1: European Theater (WW2EUROPEAN1)
Topics covered in this course include: Adolf Hitler and the rise of Nazism; events leading to war; the surge of German victories; prominent Allied personalities and the conflicts over Allied strategy; the air war and battle of the Atlantic; the prodigious output of the U.S. war economy; the collapse of Germany; and the terrible costs of the war during the aftermath and beyond.
Yerkes Research: Discovering Causes, Preventions, Treatments and Cures (YERKES)
In this course, participants will hear from the researchers who are fighting disease and improving human health and well-being by making groundbreaking discoveries in Emory’s Yerkes National Primate Research Center.
Yoga Asana and Pranayama (YOGAASANA)
Students will learn how to improve their physical strength, endurance, flexibility and balance through yoga. Practicing yoga also helps individuals to be mindful of their bodies and actions, develop a compassionate attitude, and restore inner peace.
Yoga Philosophy (YOGAPHILOSOPHY)
Students will discuss yoga philosophy as laid out in the yogic texts of the yoga sutras.
Yoga Sutras - Philosophy of Yoga (YOGASUTRAS)
Students will discuss yoga sutras and the core concepts of yoga philosophy.
11-Week Anti-Inflammatory Diet (11WEEKAIDIET)
This course attacks the root cause of many chronic inflammatory systems by teaching students about the history, science, and healthcare costs of foods that increase or decrease inflammation.
6000 Year History Of Indian Civilization (6000YEAR)
This course illuminates the story of Indian civilization, especially the Vedic period, a time during which the concept of democracy was already well developed.
Do the figures reported above cover one, two, or three academic years?:
Part 2. Sustainability-focused certificate program
A brief description of the certificate program(s):
The sustainability certificate program was ended before this STARS reporting period.
Optional Fields
Additional documentation to support the submission:
Data source(s) and notes about the submission:
Data was collected for AY 2017 to AY 2019. All courses are listed under one department: Emory Continuing Education.
Total number of courses includes each time a course is offered; therefore, number of sustainability-related course count includes each time a course is offered.
The STARS 2.2 Technical Manual for EN-12 states that one way for a course to classify as “sustainability-inclusive” is by integrating “sustainability challenges, issues, and concepts.” The manual suggests that to identify specific sustainability challenges, one can reference the Earth Charter principles and/or the UN SDGs. Below is an explanation of why certain course categories have been included in this list, referencing sustainability challenges mentioned in the Earth Charter and SDGs.
Under Earth Charter’s “Respect and Care for the Community of Life” pillar is a call to “transmit to future generations values, traditions, and institutions that support the long-term flourishing of Earth's human and ecological communities.” Therefore, courses which include artistic elements and/or time spent outdoors are listed because they foster an appreciation and respect for nature which will contribute to upholding the “long-term flourishing” of the global environment.
One Earth Charter pillar is “Democracy, Nonviolence, and Peace,” with the principle of strengthening “democratic institutions at all levels,” and a call to “eliminate corruption in all public and private institutions.” Therefore, courses which address questions of democracy have been included in this list.
One Earth Charter principle states that society must “uphold the right of all, without discrimination, to a natural and social environment supportive of human dignity, bodily health, and spiritual well-being, with special attention to the rights of indigenous peoples and minorities.” Under this principle are calls to “eliminate discrimination in all its forms, such as that based on race, color, sex, sexual orientation, religion, language, and national, ethnic or social origin” and “affirm the right of indigenous peoples to their spirituality, knowledge, lands and resources and to their related practice of sustainable livelihoods.” Because of these principles, it is clear that social justice is a crucial sustainability challenge. Therefore, courses which address issues of social justice, equity, and inclusion— especially racial justice— have been included in this list.
SDG 3 is to “ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages,” The phrase “at all ages” informed the decision to list several courses pertaining to the health of elders, especially as the way a society cares for its elders is an important indicator of that society’s values. One target of SDG 3 is “promot[ing] mental health and well-being.” Meditation and mindfulness practices are ways to promote mental well-being, so courses teaching these skills have been included in the list. Furthermore, research has shown the personal and societal positive impacts from introducing mindfulness meditation into people’s lives. SDG 3 also includes targets about physical health such as ending the epidemics of communicable diseases and reducing death and illness from environmental contamination. Courses which address disease and public health relate to this sustainability challenge and therefore have been included in the list.
Economic considerations are an important aspect of sustainability. SDG 8 is “promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.” Therefore, courses related to economics have been listed because understanding economics is crucial to advance economic equality and achieve a truly equitable, sustainable world.
A target under SDG 8 is to “take immediate and effective measures to eradicate forced labour, end modern slavery and human trafficking…”, so courses involving slavery, particularly the history of slavery in America, have been included. Learning about slavery in the past offers insight for avoiding a repetition of history in the present day.
Under SDG 10 is the target of facilitating “orderly, safe, regular and responsible migration and mobility of people,” so courses mentioning immigration have been listed.
SDG 4 is to “ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all,” so courses including questions of education have been included. Furthermore, one of the targets under SDG 4 is that “by 2030, ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, including, among others, through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship and appreciation of cultural diversity and of culture’s contribution to sustainable development.” Many of the courses in this list help students to attain the skills and knowledge for understanding and promoting human rights and an appreciation of cultural diversity. Given the ability of these courses to promote the sustainable learning of students, they address an important sustainability challenge.
Total number of courses includes each time a course is offered; therefore, number of sustainability-related course count includes each time a course is offered.
The STARS 2.2 Technical Manual for EN-12 states that one way for a course to classify as “sustainability-inclusive” is by integrating “sustainability challenges, issues, and concepts.” The manual suggests that to identify specific sustainability challenges, one can reference the Earth Charter principles and/or the UN SDGs. Below is an explanation of why certain course categories have been included in this list, referencing sustainability challenges mentioned in the Earth Charter and SDGs.
Under Earth Charter’s “Respect and Care for the Community of Life” pillar is a call to “transmit to future generations values, traditions, and institutions that support the long-term flourishing of Earth's human and ecological communities.” Therefore, courses which include artistic elements and/or time spent outdoors are listed because they foster an appreciation and respect for nature which will contribute to upholding the “long-term flourishing” of the global environment.
One Earth Charter pillar is “Democracy, Nonviolence, and Peace,” with the principle of strengthening “democratic institutions at all levels,” and a call to “eliminate corruption in all public and private institutions.” Therefore, courses which address questions of democracy have been included in this list.
One Earth Charter principle states that society must “uphold the right of all, without discrimination, to a natural and social environment supportive of human dignity, bodily health, and spiritual well-being, with special attention to the rights of indigenous peoples and minorities.” Under this principle are calls to “eliminate discrimination in all its forms, such as that based on race, color, sex, sexual orientation, religion, language, and national, ethnic or social origin” and “affirm the right of indigenous peoples to their spirituality, knowledge, lands and resources and to their related practice of sustainable livelihoods.” Because of these principles, it is clear that social justice is a crucial sustainability challenge. Therefore, courses which address issues of social justice, equity, and inclusion— especially racial justice— have been included in this list.
SDG 3 is to “ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages,” The phrase “at all ages” informed the decision to list several courses pertaining to the health of elders, especially as the way a society cares for its elders is an important indicator of that society’s values. One target of SDG 3 is “promot[ing] mental health and well-being.” Meditation and mindfulness practices are ways to promote mental well-being, so courses teaching these skills have been included in the list. Furthermore, research has shown the personal and societal positive impacts from introducing mindfulness meditation into people’s lives. SDG 3 also includes targets about physical health such as ending the epidemics of communicable diseases and reducing death and illness from environmental contamination. Courses which address disease and public health relate to this sustainability challenge and therefore have been included in the list.
Economic considerations are an important aspect of sustainability. SDG 8 is “promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.” Therefore, courses related to economics have been listed because understanding economics is crucial to advance economic equality and achieve a truly equitable, sustainable world.
A target under SDG 8 is to “take immediate and effective measures to eradicate forced labour, end modern slavery and human trafficking…”, so courses involving slavery, particularly the history of slavery in America, have been included. Learning about slavery in the past offers insight for avoiding a repetition of history in the present day.
Under SDG 10 is the target of facilitating “orderly, safe, regular and responsible migration and mobility of people,” so courses mentioning immigration have been listed.
SDG 4 is to “ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all,” so courses including questions of education have been included. Furthermore, one of the targets under SDG 4 is that “by 2030, ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, including, among others, through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship and appreciation of cultural diversity and of culture’s contribution to sustainable development.” Many of the courses in this list help students to attain the skills and knowledge for understanding and promoting human rights and an appreciation of cultural diversity. Given the ability of these courses to promote the sustainable learning of students, they address an important sustainability challenge.
The information presented here is self-reported. While AASHE staff review portions of all STARS reports and institutions are welcome to seek additional forms of review, the data in STARS reports are not verified by AASHE. If you believe any of this information is erroneous or inconsistent with credit criteria, please review the process for inquiring about the information reported by an institution or simply email your inquiry to stars@aashe.org.