Overall Rating Silver
Overall Score 59.21
Liaison Elaine Durr
Submission Date Feb. 11, 2022

STARS v2.2

Elon University
EN-3: Student Life

Status Score Responsible Party
Complete 2.00 / 2.00 Kelly Harer
Associate Director of Sustainability for Education and Outreach
Office of Sustainability
"---" indicates that no data was submitted for this field

Does the institution have an active student group focused on sustainability?:

Name and a brief description of the active student groups focused on sustainability:
Elon has a number of student groups that work on sustainability issues.
Elon students can search student organizations by keyword through an online system to find a student group that fits their interests. One of these, the Sierra Student Coalition, is dedicated to sustainable causes and service in the name of sustainability. The Sierra Student Coalition's mission is to:
Explore, enjoy and protect the wild places of the earth. Practice and promote the responsible use of the earth's ecosystems and resources. Educate and enlist humanity to protect and restore the quality of the natural and human environment. Use all lawful means to carry out these objectives.
Elon's Sierra Student Coalition is run by a student leadership team and is open to the entire student body. The group programs actively and collaborates with other like-minded organizations on campus.
A second group is the Kappa Alpha Omicron Environmental Professional Society. This organization is student run and is focused on student involvement in local environmental service projects, educational speakers, and peer-to-peer engagement.
A third group is Net Impact, a new student organization at Elon, with aims to empower students to drive social and environmental change throughout their careers by providing events and programs that support members who want to use business as a force for environmental and social impact.
More information: https://www.elon.edu/u/fa/sustainability/get-involved/student-opportunities/student-groups/

Does the institution have a garden, farm, community supported agriculture (CSA) or fishery program, or an urban agriculture project where students are able to gain experience in organic agriculture and sustainable food systems?:

A brief description of the gardens, farms, community supported agriculture (CSA) or fishery programs, and/or urban agriculture projects:
The Elon Community Garden was initiated by an environmental ethics course to foster education, spirituality, service, community discussion and sustainability and was fully established by a student as part of a senior thesis project. It is a place for Elon students, faculty, staff, children and community to come together. It is now used as a laboratory for courses and volunteer location for any interested student.
Organic practices are utilized in the garden, and gardening tasks are coordinated by student managers. In 2012, the Elon Community Garden was designated a certified wildlife habitat by the National Wildlife Federation.
More information:

Elon University also maintains the Loy Farm. The Loy Farm fuses sustainable agricultural, responsible architectural design, opportunities for academic research and community service. Garden plots at the Loy Farm and a high tunnel greenhouse serve as resources for food production related courses. The farm itself is a critical component of the university’s Peace Corps Prep Program. It also offers learning opportunities for community groups and programs, such as the Elon Academy.
More information: https://www.elon.edu/u/academics/arts-and-sciences/center-for-environmental-studies/environmental-center-at-loy-farm/

Does the institution have a student-run enterprise that includes sustainability as part of its mission statement or stated purpose?:

A brief description of the student-run enterprises:

Does the institution have a sustainable investment fund, green revolving fund, or sustainable microfinance initiative through which students can develop socially, environmentally and fiscally responsible investment and financial skills?:

A brief description of the sustainable investment funds, green revolving funds or sustainable microfinance initiatives:
There is a student organization specifically designed for students to be able to invest. The Elon Microfinance Initiative (EMI) works locally and internationally to promote sustainable giving by providing support to small business owners. On a local scale, EMI provides creative work and networking assistance to small business owners, while international impact is made through loans to developing countries and businesses via Kiva.
More information: https://www.elon.edu/u/academics/business/student-organizations/

Has the institution hosted a conference, speaker series, symposium, or similar event focused on sustainability during the previous three years that had students as the intended audience?:

A brief description of the conferences, speaker series, symposia, or similar events focused on sustainability:
Elon holds a number of events throughout the year related to sustainability including speakers, panel sessions, film screenings, exhibits and themed meals among others. Earth Week takes place each spring semester and Campus Sustainability Week takes place each fall. Both of these are a week-long celebration with a number of different events, including one speaker per week. Students are the primary audience for these events, though most are open to faculty and staff as well. Recent Earth Week and Campus Sustainability Week speakers have included Katharine Wilkinson (2020), Carolyn Finney (2021) and Danielle Purifoy (2021).
More information:

Has the institution hosted a cultural arts event, installation, or performance focused on sustainability with the previous three years that had students as the intended audience?:

A brief description of the cultural arts events, installations, or performances focused on sustainability:
Throughout the spring 2021 semester, Eco-Art students created a series of art installations open to the entire Elon community. They were presented in both the Living Studio, Eco-Art’s exhibition space, and in various public spaces around campus. Projects explored various topics connected to sustainability.
There is not a website URL for more information.

Does the institution have a wilderness or outdoors program that follow Leave No Trace principles?:

A brief description of the wilderness or outdoors programs that follow Leave No Trace principles:
Elon Outdoors allows students several opportunities to experience nature each semester. Program offerings include canoeing, climbing, kayaking, backpacking, indoor climbing, white water rafting and sailing. Camping equipment is available for weekend rental for those wishing to explore the vast array of outdoor pursuits available throughout the region. The Elon Outdoors Resource Room is a great place to obtain information about outdoor adventure. Elon Outdoors implements Leave No Trace principles on outdoor trip experiences.
More information: https://www.elon.edu/u/campus-recreation-wellness/experiential-learning-and-outdoor-adventures/elon-outdoors/

Has the institution had a sustainability-focused theme chosen for a themed semester, year, or first-year experience during the previous three years?:

A brief description of the sustainability-focused themes chosen for themed semesters, years, or first-year experiences:
Consistent with the Elon University mission of nurturing a rich intellectual community, the Elon Common Reading Program (ECRP) challenges students, faculty and staff to examine themselves and the local and global worlds they inhabit through reading. The readings and related discussions aim not only to encourage critical reflection about important issues but also to invite personal consideration of how our individual actions affect these issues.
The ECRP will:
-Offer diverse perspectives and commentary on key issues affecting our lives;
-Provide forums to question and discuss these perspectives in depth;
-Encourage integration of these ideas and perspectives in other aspects of the Elon experience;
-Foster critical thinking by offering multiple opportunities to examine and reflect upon the reading throughout the year.
Recent common readings have been sustainability related:
Fall 2016 - Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson
Fall 2017 - Make Your Home Among Strangers by Jennine Capo Crucet
Fall 2018 – Something Must Be Done about Prince Edward County by Kristen Green
Fall 2019 – Futureface by Alex Wagner
Fall 2020 - Biased by Dr. Jennifer Eberhardt
Fall 2021 - Stamped by Jason Reynolds and Ibram X. Kendi

More information: https://www.elon.edu/u/academics/common-reading/

Does the institution have a program through which students can learn sustainable life skills?:

A brief description of the programs through which students can learn sustainable life skills:
Elon has a Sustainable Living Learning Community (SLLC) on campus that brings together students from any major who are interested in learning how to personally live in a manner that supports ecologically, socially and economically healthy environments and communities. The SLLC is a space for students to formally and informally examine sustainability topics and the roles that individuals can play in addressing sustainability.
More information: https://www.elon.edu/u/academics/living-and-learning/residential-learning-communities/sustainable-living-llc/

Does the institution offer sustainability-focused student employment opportunities?:

A brief description of the sustainability-focused student employment opportunities offered by the institution:
The Office of Sustainability hires Elon students as interns for the academic year. The Office also hires Elon students as Eco-Reps and Don't Trash It! Coordinators.
More information:

Does the institution have a graduation pledge through which students pledge to consider social and environmental responsibility in future job and other decisions?:

A brief description of the graduation pledge(s):

A brief description of other co-curricular sustainability programs and initiatives that do not fall into one of the above categories:

Additional documentation to support the submission:

Data source(s) and notes about the submission:

The information presented here is self-reported. While AASHE staff review portions of all STARS reports and institutions are welcome to seek additional forms of review, the data in STARS reports are not verified by AASHE. If you believe any of this information is erroneous or inconsistent with credit criteria, please review the process for inquiring about the information reported by an institution or simply email your inquiry to stars@aashe.org.