Overall Rating Gold
Overall Score 71.07
Liaison Julien-Pierre Lacombe
Submission Date March 4, 2022

STARS v2.2

École de Technologie Supérieure
OP-5: Building Energy Efficiency

Status Score Responsible Party
Complete 3.72 / 6.00 Javier Beltran-Galindo
real estate asset management department
"---" indicates that no data was submitted for this field

Electricity use, performance year (report kilowatt-hours):
kWh MMBtu
Imported electricity 28,535,266 Kilowatt-hours 97,362.33 MMBtu
Electricity from on-site, non-combustion facilities/devices (e.g., renewable energy systems) 3,055,555 Kilowatt-hours 10,425.55 MMBtu

Stationary fuels and thermal energy, performance year (report MMBtu):
Stationary fuels used on-site to generate electricity and/or thermal energy 913 MMBtu
Imported steam, hot water, and/or chilled water 30,038 MMBtu

Total site energy consumption, performance year:
138,738.88 MMBtu

Gross floor area of building space, performance year:
2,659,202 Gross square feet

Floor area of energy intensive space, performance year:
Floor area
Laboratory space 260,734 Square feet
Healthcare space 196 Square feet
Other energy intensive space 23,132 Square feet

EUI-adjusted floor area, performance year:
3,204,194 Gross square feet

Degree days, performance year:
Degree days
Heating degree days 7,715.80 Degree-Days (°F)
Cooling degree days 364.80 Degree-Days (°F)

Total degree days, performance year:
8,080.60 Degree-Days (°F)

Start and end dates of the performance year (or 3-year period):
Start date End date
Performance period May 1, 2019 April 30, 2020

Total site energy consumption per unit of EUI-adjusted floor area per degree day, performance year:
5.36 Btu / GSF / Degree-Day (°F)

Electricity use, baseline year (report kWh):
kWh MMBtu
Imported electricity 13,928,678 Kilowatt-hours 47,524.65 MMBtu
Electricity from on-site, non-combustion facilities/devices (e.g., renewable energy systems) 0 Kilowatt-hours 0 MMBtu

Stationary fuels and thermal energy, baseline year (report MMBtu):
Stationary fuels used on-site to generate electricity and/or thermal energy 834 MMBtu
Imported steam, hot water, and/or chilled water 17,630 MMBtu

Total site energy consumption, baseline year:
65,988.65 MMBtu

Gross floor area of building space, baseline year:
1,124,247 Gross square feet

Start and end dates of the baseline year (or 3-year period):
Start date End date
Baseline period May 1, 2006 April 30, 2007

A brief description of when and why the energy consumption baseline was adopted:
This is the first year after 2005 for which we have complete and reliable data.

Source-site ratio for imported electricity:

Total energy consumption per unit of floor area:
Site energy Source energy
Performance year 0.05 MMBtu per square foot 0.09 MMBtu per square foot
Baseline year 0.06 MMBtu per square foot 0.10 MMBtu per square foot

Percentage reduction in total source energy consumption per unit of floor area from baseline:

Documentation to support the performance year energy consumption figures reported above:
A brief description of the institution's initiatives to shift individual attitudes and practices in regard to energy efficiency:

A brief description of energy use standards and controls employed by the institution:
The key to continuous improvement in energy efficiency lies in the monitoring of the building's electrical and mechanical equipment. All of this equipment is connected to a centralized management system that allows for programming and remote control (real-time measurement, instantaneous detection of failures, modification of set points, etc.). The ÉTS uses Metasys from Johnson Controls, among others.

A brief description of Light Emitting Diode (LED) lighting and other energy-efficient lighting strategies employed by the institution:
Presence detectors in almost every location on campus.

A brief description of passive solar heating, geothermal systems, and related strategies employed by the institution:
Underneath the Phase III residence are 18 geothermal wells that reduce the total energy consumption of the Phase III and IV residences. This field of geothermal wells is part of a larger energy efficiency system for the Phase III and IV residences that also includes the recovery of heat rejected by the refrigerators of the Metro grocery store located in the Phase III residences.

A brief description of co-generation employed by the institution:

A brief description of the institution's initiatives to replace energy-consuming appliances, equipment, and systems with high efficiency alternatives:

Website URL where information about the institution’s energy conservation and efficiency program is available:

Additional documentation to support the submission:

Data source(s) and notes about the submission:
Note on geothermal energy: The amount of energy from geothermal energy is estimated by comparing the energy consumption (GJ/m2) between the student residence buildings connected to the geothermal well system and the student residence buildings not connected to the geothermal well system.

The information presented here is self-reported. While AASHE staff review portions of all STARS reports and institutions are welcome to seek additional forms of review, the data in STARS reports are not verified by AASHE. If you believe any of this information is erroneous or inconsistent with credit criteria, please review the process for inquiring about the information reported by an institution or simply email your inquiry to stars@aashe.org.