Overall Rating Gold - expired
Overall Score 70.54
Liaison Tavey Capps
Submission Date Oct. 18, 2013
Executive Letter Download

STARS v1.2

Duke University
ER-16: Faculty Engaged in Sustainability Research

Status Score Responsible Party
Complete 8.82 / 10.00 Tavey Capps
Environmental Sustainability Director
Office of the Executive Vice President
"---" indicates that no data was submitted for this field

The number of faculty members engaged in sustainability research:

The total number of faculty members engaged in research:

Names and department affiliations of faculty engaged in sustainability research:
Martha S. Absher, Associate Dean, Pratt School of Engineering Pankaj, Agarwal, Professor, Computer Science; Mathematics John D. Albertson, Professor, Pratt School of Engineering Elizabeth Albright, Assistant Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment Elizabeth, Ananat, Assistant Professor, Sanford School of Public Policy; Economics; Center on Child & Family Policy Peter, Arcidiacono, Professor, Economics; Population Research Institute Rebecca, Bach, Associate Professor of the Practice, Sociology Paul A. Baker, Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment Richard Barber, Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment Ana P. Barros, Professor, Pratt School of Engineering Xavier Basurto Guillermo, Assistant Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment Peter, Bayer, Professor, Economics; Population Research Institute Philip Benfey, Professor, Biology Lori Bennear, Assistant Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment David, Beratan, Professor, Chemistry; Physics; Biochemsitry; Duke Energy Initiative Emily S. Bernhardt, Associate Profesor, Biology Staci, Bilbo, Assistant Professor, Psychology & Neuroscience; Duke Institute for Brain Sciences Celia Bonaventura, Director, Nicholas School of the Environment Joseph Bonaventura, Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment Alan Boudreau, Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment Andre Boustany, Research Scientist, Nicholas School of the Environment Gale, Boyd, Director, Triangle Census Research Data Center; Economics Nicolette Cagle, Visiting Lecturer, Nicholas School of the Environment Lisa Campbell, Associate Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment Lisa M. Campbell, Associate Profesor, Nicholas School of the Environment Nicolas Cassar, Associate Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment William Chameides, Dean, Nicholas School of the Environment Lauren M. Chan, Postdoctoral Associate, Biology Chuan-Hua Chen, Assistant Professor, Pratt School of Engineering Alex, Cho, Assistant Professor, School of Medicine; Global Health Institute Norman Christensen, Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment Catherine H. Clark, Adjunct Associate Professor, Fuqua School of Business Charlotte Clark, Lecturer, Nicholas School of the Environment James S. Clark, Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment Bruce Corliss, Adjunct Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment William, Darity, Professor, Sanford School of Public Policy; African & African American Studies; Economics; Population Research Institute Thomas H. Darrah, Research Scientist, Nicholas School of the Environment Marc Deshusses, Professor, Pratt School of Engineering Richard Di Giulio, Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment Humberto Diaz, Adjunct Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment Jean Domec, Visiting Assistant Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment Kathleen Donohue, Professor, Biology Martin W. Doyle, Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment Christine Drea, Professor, Evolutionary Anthropology Gary Dwyer, Senior Research Scientist, Nicholas School of the Environment David Erickson, Adjunct Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment Mary Eubanks, Adjunct Professor, Biology John Fay, Instructor, Nicholas School of the Environment Mark Feinglos, Associate Professor, Medical Center Mark, Feinglos, Associate Professor, Medical Center Patrick L. Ferguson, Associate Profesor, Pratt School of Engineering Erica Field, Associate Profesor, Economics Marilyn Forbes, Senior Lecturing Fellow, Duke Law School Richard Forward, Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment Ari S. Friedlaender, Research Scientist, Nicholas School of the Environment Ei Fujioka, Research Scientist, Nicholas School of the Environment Christopher Galik, Senior Policy Associate, Nicholas Institute Deborah Gallagher, Associate Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment Alan Gelfand, Professor, Statistical Science Gary, Gereffi, Professor & Director, Sociology; Center on Globalization, Governance & Competitiveness Jen'nan, Ghazal Read, Associate Professor, Sociology Christina, Gibson-Davis, Assistant Professor, Sociology; Public Policy Studies; Center for Child & Family Policy; Psychology Alexander Glass, Instructor, Nicholas School of the Environment Jeffrey T. Glass, Professor, Pratt School of Engineering Jay Golden, Associate Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment Jay, Golden, Associate Vice Provost for Research & Director, Center for Sustainability & Commerce Claudia Gunsch, Associate Profesor, Pratt School of Engineering Peter Haff, Professor, Pratt School of Engineering Patrick N. Halpin, Associate Profesor, Nicholas School of the Environment Peter Harrell, Instructor, Nicholas School of the Environment Angel, Harris, Professor, Sociology Gary Hartshorn, Adjunct Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment Robert Healy, Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment Jim Heffernan, Assistant Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment Nicole Heller, Visiting Assistant Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment James Hench, Assistant Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment Duncan Heron, Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment David Hinton, Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment Calvin R. Howell, Professor, Physics Heileen Hsu-Kim, Associate Profesor, Pratt School of Engineering Dana Hunt, Assistant Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment K. David Hyrenbach, Adjunct Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment Robert B. Jackson, Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment Sherman, James, Professor, Sociology; African & African-American Studies; Public Policy; Community & Family Medicine Marc, Jeuland, Assistant Professor, Sanford School of Public Policy; Global Health Institute; Nicholas School of the Environment; Civil & Environmental Engineering Timothy H. Johnson, Associate Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment Zackary I. Johnson, Assistant Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment David W. Johnston, Assistant Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment Prasad Kasibhatla, Associate Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment Gabriel Katul, Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment Richard F. Kay, Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment Richard Kay, Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment Lisa, Keister, Professor, Sociology William Kirby-Smith, Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment Emily Klein, Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment Randall Kramer, Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment James Kraska, Visiting Scholar, Nicholas School of the Environment Jeffrey L. Krolik, Professor, Pratt School of Engineering Mukesh Kumar, Assistant Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment Richard Kwok, Adjunct Assistant Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment Helen, Ladd, Professor, Economics Alvin, Lebeck, Professor, Computer Science; Pratt School of Engineering Francis J. Lethem, Professor, Sanford School of Public Policy Wenhong Li, Assistant Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment Daniel Livingstone, Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment Ryke Longest, Senior Lecturing Fellow, Duke Law School Elizabeth C. Losos, Adjunct Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment Elizabeth Losos, Adjunct Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment M. Susan Lozier, Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment Richard A. MacPhail, Professor, Chemistry Lynn Maguire, Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment Brian P. Mann, Associate Profesor, Pratt School of Engineering Marco Marani, Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment Craig R. McClain, Assistant Director, Biology David McClay, Professor, Biology Brian L. McGlynn, Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment Joel Meyer, Assistant Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment Ellen Mihaich, Adjunct Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment Marie Lynn Miranda, Adjunct Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment Storrs T. Mitchell-Olds, Professor, Biology Jonas J. Monast, Director, Nicholas Institute Jeffrey Moore, Adjunct Assistant Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment William F. Morris, Professor, Biology A. Brad Murray, Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment Brian C. Murray, Director, Nicholas Institute Desiree, Murray, Associate Professor, Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences; Center on Child & Family Policy Richard Newell, Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment Douglas Nowacek, Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment Michelle Nowlin, Senior Lecturing Fellow, Duke Law School Angela, O'Rand, Professor & Dean, Sociology Lydia P. Olander, Director, Nicholas Institute Michael Orbach, Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment Ram Oren, Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment Sari Palmroth, Associate Profesor, Nicholas School of the Environment William Pan, Assistant Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment Dalia Patino Echeverri, Assistant Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment Subhrendu Pattanayak, Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment Linwood Pendleton, Director, Nicholas Institute Ronald Perkins, Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment Alexander Pfaff, Associate Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment Amy E. Pickle, Director, Nicholas Institute Orrin Pilkey, Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment Stuart Pimm, Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment Jeffrey Pippen, Instructor, Nicholas School of the Environment Amilcare M. Porporato, Professor, Pratt School of Engineering John Poulsen, Assistant Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment Lincoln Pratson, Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment Timothy H. Profeta, Director, Nicholas Institute Jed, Purdy, Professor, Duke Law School Joseph Ramus, Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment Andrew J. Read, Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment Kenneth Reckhow, Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment Chantal Reid, Assistant Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment John, Reif, Professor, Computer Science James Reynolds, Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment Curtis J. Richardson , Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment Daniel Richter Jr., Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment Daniel Rittschof , Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment Stephen Roady, Adjunct Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment Allen Rodrigo , Professor, Biology Gabriel Rosenberg, Assistant Professor, Women's Studies Bill Ross, Visiting Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment Martin Ross, Senior Research Economist, Nicholas Institute V. Louise Roth, Associate Profesor, Biology Kathy Rudy, Professor, Women's Studies Martin, Ruef, Professor, Sociology Jim Salzman, Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment Erika Sasser, Adjunct Assistant Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment Kathryn Saterson, Adjunct Associate Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment Sally Schauman, Adjunct Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment William Schlesinger, Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment Thomas Schultz, Director, Nicholas School of the Environment Patrick C. Seed, Associate Professor, Medical Center Elizabeth Shapiro-Garza, Assistant Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment Arthur J. Shaw, Professor, Biology Brian Silliman, Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment Sonia Silvestri, Research Scientist, Nicholas School of the Environment Theodore, Slotkin, Professor, School of Medicine Martin D. Smith, Associate Profesor, Nicholas School of the Environment Anthony, So, Professor of the Practice, Sanford School of Public Policy; Global Health Institute; Program on Global Health & Technology Access Harris, Solomon, Assistant Professor, Cultural Anthropology; Global Health Institute Herman F. Staats, Professor, School of Medicine Heather Stapleton, Associate Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment Jessi, Streib, Assistant Professor, Sociology Thomas, Struhsaker, Adjunct Professor, Evolutionary Anthropology S. Kersey Sturdivant, Visiting Scholar, Nicholas School of the Environment Jennifer Swenson, Assistant Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment John Terborgh, Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment Charles, Thompson, Lecturer, Cultural Anthropology; Center for Documentary Studies Christopher Timmins, Associate Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment Dean Urban, Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment Cindy L. Van Dover, Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment Kyle Van Houtan, Adjunct Associate Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment John Vandenberg, Adjunct Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment Avner Vengosh, Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment Rebecca Vidra, Lecturer, Nicholas School of the Environment Jeffrey Vincent, Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment Jesko Von Windheim, Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment Bryan Wallace, Adjunct Associate Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment Danielle Way, Adjunct Assistant Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment Christopher Wedding, Lecturing Fellow, Nicholas School of the Environment Erika S. Weinthal, Associate Profesor, Nicholas School of the Environment Charles R. Welch, Conservation Coordinator, Lemur Center Jennifer Wernegreen, Associate Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment Kathryn, Whetten, Director & Professor, Center for Health Policy & Inequalities Research; Sanford School of Public Policy; Global Health Institute; Trent Center for Bioethics, Humanities & History of Medicine Jonathan Wiener, Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment Mark R. Wiesner , Professor, Pratt School of Engineering Benjamin, Wiley, Assistant Professor, Chemistry; Duke Energy Initiative Christina, Williams, Professor, Psychology & Neuroscience John H. Willis, Professor, Biology Norman Wirzba, Professor, Duke Divinity School Robert Wolpert, Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment Justin Wright, Assistant Professor, Biology Anne D. Yoder, Professor, Biology Rakan A. Zahawi, Instructor, Organization for Tropical Studies Jim Zhang, Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment

The website URL where the sustainability research inventory that includes the names and department affiliations of faculty engaged in sustainability research is posted :
A copy of the sustainability research inventory that includes the names and department affiliations of faculty engaged in sustainability research:
Brief descriptions of up to 4 recent notable accomplishments by faculty engaged in sustainability research, including names and department affiliations:
- The Lemur Center at Duke and Sea World and Busch Gardens Conservation Fund, Saving the Malagasy Forest Through Sustainable Fish Farming - The Nicholas School of the Environment at Duke and the Nature Conservancy, Carbon Sequestration Benefits of Peatland Restoration - Pratt School of Engineering at Duke and the Research Triangle Institute, Electrochemical Disinfection with Integrated Biomass Oven for Solid Waste Processing and Energy Harvesting - The Nicholas Institute and the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Livestock Ecosystem Services Evaluation and Assessment of Existing Water Quality Metrics, Tools and Methods - Another recent accomplishment includes a toilet designed by Duke professor, Dr. Marc Deshusses, which turns waste water into potable water: http://wunc.org/post/duke-researchers-design-toilet-turns-waste-drinking-water

The website URL where information about sustainability research is available:
Data source(s) and notes about the submission:
We estimate the total number of faculty doing research by taking the 842 tenure track faculty at the university excluding the divisions listed above and estimate that about half of the non-tenure track faculty do research (138) to get a total of 980.

The information presented here is self-reported. While AASHE staff review portions of all STARS reports and institutions are welcome to seek additional forms of review, the data in STARS reports are not verified by AASHE. If you believe any of this information is erroneous or inconsistent with credit criteria, please review the process for inquiring about the information reported by an institution or simply email your inquiry to stars@aashe.org.