Overall Rating | Platinum - expired |
Overall Score | 85.42 |
Liaison | Lisa Kilgore |
Submission Date | March 4, 2021 |
Cornell University
OP-11: Sustainable Procurement
Status | Score | Responsible Party |
3.00 / 3.00 |
Romantic Sr. Director Supply Management |
indicates that no data was submitted for this field
Does the institution have written policies, guidelines, or directives that seek to support sustainable purchasing across multiple commodity categories institution-wide?:
A copy of the policies, guidelines or directives:
The policies, guidelines or directives:
Policy 3.25, Procurement of Goods and Services (attached) includes Environmentally Preferred Procurement, Supplier Diversity, and Relationships with Suppliers. In addition, procedures are described in Buying Manual section 408 Sustainable Purchasing, section 624 Small and Diverse Business Programs, section 625 Cornell Sustainable Campus, and section 626 Surplus Program.
In addition, Prevailing wage language used for state owned and funded buildings on campus is:
2.4 Prevailing Wage
As stated in New York State EXHIBIT A, vendor is required to pay prevailing wage. Prevailing wage rates shall apply to onsite trade labor that includes physical connection and or installations of infrastructure as classified by the Department of Labor (DOL) per PRC#2012008932, dated October 22, 2011. Certified payrolls shall be submitted in accordance with DOL regulations. Please note that the entire prevailing wage package is included with the bid documents.
In addition, Prevailing wage language used for state owned and funded buildings on campus is:
2.4 Prevailing Wage
As stated in New York State EXHIBIT A, vendor is required to pay prevailing wage. Prevailing wage rates shall apply to onsite trade labor that includes physical connection and or installations of infrastructure as classified by the Department of Labor (DOL) per PRC#2012008932, dated October 22, 2011. Certified payrolls shall be submitted in accordance with DOL regulations. Please note that the entire prevailing wage package is included with the bid documents.
Does the institution employ Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA) when evaluating energy- and water-using products and systems?:
Which of the following best describes the institution’s use of LCCA?:
Institution employs LCCA as a matter of policy and standard practice when evaluating all energy- and water-using products, systems and building components
A brief description of the LCCA policy and/or practices:
LCCA is part of the CU Design and Construction Standards that are required for projects which will consume water and/or energy. The LCCA helps Facilities determine which equipment and systems to spec. Cornell Facilities often (as part of LEED) spec very energy-efficient and water-efficient systems that help us meet our LEED goals. LCCA typically mostly helps us analyze things that represent “stretch” opportunities.
Does the institution have published sustainability criteria to be applied when evaluating chemically intensive products and services?:
A brief description of the published sustainability criteria for chemically intensive products and services:
Our green cleaning policy is attached under the optional portion of this credit.
Regarding landscaping and grounds maintenance, the goal of Integrated Pest Management at Cornell University is to manage pests and the environment, balance costs, benefits, public health and environmental quality. Implementation of IPM will:
• Use various methods to control pests including proper cultural care as part of the grounds maintenance program.
• Provide consistent framework for making decisions.
• Reduce risks to the environment, public and applicator.
• Keep abreast of all available information about site, specific pests, host, threshold tolerances, natural predators and environment.
Only if pesticide use is deemed necessary, products are selected for efficacy with low toxicity choices utilized. Whenever possible, applications will be scheduled during times with least opportunity for student/staff/visitor exposure; breaks and vacations.
Policy Statement
Integrated pest management is a decision-making process which Cornell University employs in its sustainable approach to controlling insects, weed, plant pathogens and other pests through the use of biological, physical and chemical means. This methodology minimizes the risk to human health and the surrounding environment.
The University utilizes a system of regular inspection and maintenance of its grounds and buildings and follows these general principles:
• Conduct regular inspection of plant resources and buildings for early detection of pests and other maladies to limit scale of treatment.
• Actively engage in preventative measures to reduce chemical use.
• Conduct ongoing evaluation of chemicals used to minimize applications and maximize effectiveness of applications as well as identification of new options.
• Schedule treatments to minimize potential impacts on campus activities.
• Use of only knowledgeable and licensed professionals for chemical applications that are deemed necessary.
Regarding landscaping and grounds maintenance, the goal of Integrated Pest Management at Cornell University is to manage pests and the environment, balance costs, benefits, public health and environmental quality. Implementation of IPM will:
• Use various methods to control pests including proper cultural care as part of the grounds maintenance program.
• Provide consistent framework for making decisions.
• Reduce risks to the environment, public and applicator.
• Keep abreast of all available information about site, specific pests, host, threshold tolerances, natural predators and environment.
Only if pesticide use is deemed necessary, products are selected for efficacy with low toxicity choices utilized. Whenever possible, applications will be scheduled during times with least opportunity for student/staff/visitor exposure; breaks and vacations.
Policy Statement
Integrated pest management is a decision-making process which Cornell University employs in its sustainable approach to controlling insects, weed, plant pathogens and other pests through the use of biological, physical and chemical means. This methodology minimizes the risk to human health and the surrounding environment.
The University utilizes a system of regular inspection and maintenance of its grounds and buildings and follows these general principles:
• Conduct regular inspection of plant resources and buildings for early detection of pests and other maladies to limit scale of treatment.
• Actively engage in preventative measures to reduce chemical use.
• Conduct ongoing evaluation of chemicals used to minimize applications and maximize effectiveness of applications as well as identification of new options.
• Schedule treatments to minimize potential impacts on campus activities.
• Use of only knowledgeable and licensed professionals for chemical applications that are deemed necessary.
Does the institution have published sustainability criteria to be applied when evaluating consumable office products?:
A brief description of the published sustainability criteria for consumable office products:
Cornell University supports research, scholarship, and the practical application of knowledge that address achieving a sustainable world for all. The university's specific commitment to campus sustainability is formalized in the 2010-2015 Cornell University Strategic Plan. The plan calls for sustainability to be a guiding principle in all campus operations. As such, Cornell:
• Gives preference to, and anticipates requirement of, materials which meet Green Guard Indoor Air Quality Control.
• Gives preference to vendors offering materials that are FSC Certified.
• Gives preference to NON-panel hung work surfaces (and other ancillary furniture pieces), except in cases where panel hung work surfaces are already in place.
• Gives preference to component-based furniture.
• Gives preference to furniture with easily replaceable parts.
• Gives preference to, and anticipates requirement for LED lighting.
• Gives preference to easy to clean surfaces and upholstery.
• Gives preference to furniture with long-term warranties.
• Gives preference to vendors who can offer repurposed materials
2) Environmental and Supplier Diversity Profiles
5.1 Environmental Preferable Purchasing
Cornell University's pledge of support and participation from all levels of the campus in protecting the environment and building a sustainable future (one in which its environment, natural resource base, and the functions and viability of natural systems is protected) is a challenging yet desirable and attainable goal. The Procurement Services recognizes the positive impact that it can make on the environment through its purchasing decisions. It is our goal to increase our acquisition of environmentally preferable products and services to the extent feasible, consistent with price, performance, availability and safety considerations. In direct response to this question, suppliers should comment on how they are integrating these same principles into their manufacturing processes as well as the goods and services that they are producing. Some examples of the areas in which suppliers may wish to provide comments: recyclable content, pre- and post- consumer waste use and content, recycling of used customer products, energy efficiency, biodegradability, hazardous waste minimization, resource conservation, renewable power.
5.2 Environmental Policy
Please outline what the manufacturer's policy is towards environmental concerns. Identify practices make your company stand out compared to your competitors.
5.3 Environmental Production Practices
Please outline what the manufacturer is doing to address production concerns from an environmental standpoint. For example, alternative power sources are being utilized, waste reduction in the production process, etc. Identify the split of recycled versus recyclable and non-recyclable materials for products. Please outline anything that may address this category.
5.4 Environmental Certifications
Please explain what awards or certifications the manufacturer has attained due to environmental friendly programs.
• Gives preference to, and anticipates requirement of, materials which meet Green Guard Indoor Air Quality Control.
• Gives preference to vendors offering materials that are FSC Certified.
• Gives preference to NON-panel hung work surfaces (and other ancillary furniture pieces), except in cases where panel hung work surfaces are already in place.
• Gives preference to component-based furniture.
• Gives preference to furniture with easily replaceable parts.
• Gives preference to, and anticipates requirement for LED lighting.
• Gives preference to easy to clean surfaces and upholstery.
• Gives preference to furniture with long-term warranties.
• Gives preference to vendors who can offer repurposed materials
2) Environmental and Supplier Diversity Profiles
5.1 Environmental Preferable Purchasing
Cornell University's pledge of support and participation from all levels of the campus in protecting the environment and building a sustainable future (one in which its environment, natural resource base, and the functions and viability of natural systems is protected) is a challenging yet desirable and attainable goal. The Procurement Services recognizes the positive impact that it can make on the environment through its purchasing decisions. It is our goal to increase our acquisition of environmentally preferable products and services to the extent feasible, consistent with price, performance, availability and safety considerations. In direct response to this question, suppliers should comment on how they are integrating these same principles into their manufacturing processes as well as the goods and services that they are producing. Some examples of the areas in which suppliers may wish to provide comments: recyclable content, pre- and post- consumer waste use and content, recycling of used customer products, energy efficiency, biodegradability, hazardous waste minimization, resource conservation, renewable power.
5.2 Environmental Policy
Please outline what the manufacturer's policy is towards environmental concerns. Identify practices make your company stand out compared to your competitors.
5.3 Environmental Production Practices
Please outline what the manufacturer is doing to address production concerns from an environmental standpoint. For example, alternative power sources are being utilized, waste reduction in the production process, etc. Identify the split of recycled versus recyclable and non-recyclable materials for products. Please outline anything that may address this category.
5.4 Environmental Certifications
Please explain what awards or certifications the manufacturer has attained due to environmental friendly programs.
Does the institution have published sustainability criteria to be applied when evaluating furniture and furnishings?:
A brief description of the published sustainability criteria for furniture and furnishings:
Summary: Green Building Guidelines
For the purpose of this Guideline, a Green Building at Cornell is a building designed to minimize adverse environmental impacts and be sustainable as measured by the U.S. Green Building Council’s (USGBC’s) Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) rating system.
Cornell University requires all new buildings and major renovations to meet “LEED/30” standards. “LEED/30” means that new buildings and major renovations must be certified to at least LEED Silver level and must, without consideration for supply-side energy systems use not more than 70% of the ENERGY required for building operation as determined by the LEED modeling protocols described in Section 018130 – Energy Modeling Guidelines. Where practical, projects should strive to achieve 50% energy savings using the same methodology. Analyze costs and project impacts of reaching this goal so that Cornell staff can determine final energy goals based on ROI.
LEED certification must be third-party reviewed.
Cornell will assign a Cornell LEED Representative to each project to assist with the Green Building process and certification. At a minimum, Cornell’s LEED Representative can help document campus-wide programs and practices which help earn LEED credit. Each Project must have a documented workshop at the start of the project to work point-by-point through the LEED rating system and energy use intensity design goals.
Architect/Engineer shall be responsible to verify products for applicable LEED criteria during the submittal process and to reject products that do not meet established LEED project requirements.
Summary: Energy Guidelines
Cornell has committed to reducing carbon emissions associated with campus energy use and transportation, with the ultimate goal of achieving a “carbon neutral” campus. To achieve this goal energy consumption has been reduced across campus by new buildings and renovations.
The buildings are designed to reduce operating costs. Because of the uncertainty of energy prices and the lifetime of typical components, life cycle costing for energy purposes should typically be done over a 20-year period, not 60 years. Simple payback can be used with flat energy costs to provide a quick check on applicability of energy-saving measures. The Architect and Engineer are expected to optimize the design for the lowest life-cycle cost.
Buildings should be designed to meet New York State Energy Conservation Construction Code, New York Building Code and referenced International Codes, Energy Conservation in New Building Design, ASRAE 90 (current version), and Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality, ASHRAE 62 or current version (should a new ventilation standard be accepted, design to it). In areas where the codes contradict, use the more energy-conserving code.
The Engineer shall model all HVAC designs in order to provide energy information for life-cycle cost analysis as detailed in Section 018130 – Energy Modeling Guidelines
Mechanical systems should have an occupied/unoccupied mode which should be remotely controlled from the central Energy Management Control System through an override command. Thermostats should also have a night/unoccupied mode. Variable air volume systems shall always be the minimum design without special approval. All general use spaces (large common office spaces, atria, gyms, teaching rooms, lobbies, halls, etc.) shall have demand-controlled ventilation. Equipment rooms shall not be cooled using chilled water without written approval from Energy & Sustainability. In addition, transformer rooms shall always be cooled with convection flow of outside air. Refrigeration systems for growth chambers, food storage, and cold storage must be remote air-cooled with condensing units located in machine rooms utilizing louvers and propeller fans for outside air supply/exhaust. Do not use campus chilled water for this application without special approval, which requires the use of an isolating plate and frame heat exchanger.
For Electrical Systems, transformers should not require fan cooling under normal load and shall be cooled with conventional flow of outside air. Lighting designers shall evaluate and work to include the use of diffuse daylighting controlled by manual or motorized shades, or light-harvesting skylight and light tubes.
Summary: Energy Modeling Guidelines
The objective is to inform design decisions that guide towards the University’s goal for building performance. As part of the Climate Action commitment, Cornell is also establishing energy utilization (use) intensity (EUI) targets, with units of kbtu/sf/yr, for new buildings and facilities undergoing significant renovation.
Energy modeling will be a tool throughout the design process to make choices that support climate neutrality. The process will also be used for LEED certification and energy cost for budget planning.
Cornell prefers that modelers use eQuest or Open Studio, DOE-based energy modeling software packages, to execute energy models and use TMY/2 climate data for Binghamton, NY for projects on the Ithaca Campus.
https://fcs.cornell.edu/sites/default/files/2019-10/018130_Energy Modeling Guidelines.pdf
Cornell University supports research, scholarship, and the practical application of knowledge that addresses achieving a sustainable world for all. The university's specific commitment to campus sustainability is formalized in the 2010-2015 Cornell University Strategic Plan. The plan calls for sustainability to be a guiding principle in all campus operations. As such, Cornell:
• Gives preference to, and anticipates requirement of, materials which meet Green Guard Indoor Air Quality Control.
• Gives preference to vendors offering materials that are FSC Certified.
• Gives preference to NON-panel hung work surfaces (and other ancillary furniture pieces), except in cases where panel hung work surfaces are already in place.
• Gives preference to component-based furniture.
• Gives preference to furniture with easily replaceable parts.
• Gives preference to, and anticipates requirement for LED lighting.
• Gives preference to easy to clean surfaces and upholstery.
• Gives preference to furniture with long-term warranties.
• Gives preference to vendors who can offer repurposed materials
2) Environmental and Supplier Diversity Profiles
5.1 Environmental Preferable Purchasing
Cornell University's pledge of support and participation from all levels of the campus in protecting the environment and building a sustainable future (one in which its environment, natural resource base, and the functions and viability of natural systems are protected) is challenging yet desirable and attainable goal. The Procurement Services recognizes the positive impact that it can make on the environment through its purchasing decisions. It is our goal to increase our acquisition of environmentally preferable products and services to the extent feasible, consistent with price, performance, availability, and safety considerations. In direct response to this question, suppliers should comment on how they are integrating these same principles into their manufacturing processes as well as the goods and services that they are producing. Some examples of the areas in which suppliers may wish to provide comments: recyclable content, pre-and post-consumer waste use, and content, recycling of used customer products, energy efficiency, biodegradability, hazardous waste minimization, resource conservation, renewable power.
5.2 Environmental Policy
Please outline what the manufacturer's policy is towards environmental concerns. Identify practices that make your company stand out compared to your competitors.
5.3 Environmental Production Practices
Please outline what the manufacturer is doing to address production concerns from an environmental standpoint. For example, alternative power sources are being utilized, waste reduction in the production process, etc. Identify the split of recycled versus recyclable and non-recyclable materials for products. Please outline anything that may address this category.
5.4 Environmental Certifications
Please explain what awards or certifications the manufacturer has attained due to environmentally friendly programs.
Summary: Green Building Guidelines
For the purpose of this Guideline, a Green Building at Cornell is a building designed to minimize adverse environmental impacts and be sustainable as measured by the U.S. Green Building Council’s (USGBC’s) Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) rating system.
Cornell University requires all new buildings and major renovations to meet “LEED/30” standards. “LEED/30” means that new buildings and major renovations must be certified to at least LEED Silver level and must, without consideration for supply-side energy systems use not more than 70% of the ENERGY required for building operation as determined by the LEED modeling protocols described in Section 018130 – Energy Modeling Guidelines. Where practical, projects should strive to achieve 50% energy savings using the same methodology. Analyze costs and project impacts of reaching this goal so that Cornell staff can determine final energy goals based on ROI.
LEED certification must be third-party reviewed.
Cornell will assign a Cornell LEED Representative to each project to assist with the Green Building process and certification. At a minimum, Cornell’s LEED Representative can help document campus-wide programs and practices which help earn LEED credit. Each Project must have a documented workshop at the start of the project to work point-by-point through the LEED rating system and energy use intensity design goals.
Architect/Engineer shall be responsible to verify products for applicable LEED criteria during the submittal process and to reject products that do not meet established LEED project requirements.
Summary: Energy Guidelines
Cornell has committed to reducing carbon emissions associated with campus energy use and transportation, with the ultimate goal of achieving a “carbon neutral” campus. To achieve this goal energy consumption has been reduced across campus by new buildings and renovations.
The buildings are designed to reduce operating costs. Because of the uncertainty of energy prices and the lifetime of typical components, life cycle costing for energy purposes should typically be done over a 20-year period, not 60 years. Simple payback can be used with flat energy costs to provide a quick check on applicability of energy-saving measures. The Architect and Engineer are expected to optimize the design for the lowest life-cycle cost.
Buildings should be designed to meet New York State Energy Conservation Construction Code, New York Building Code and referenced International Codes, Energy Conservation in New Building Design, ASRAE 90 (current version), and Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality, ASHRAE 62 or current version (should a new ventilation standard be accepted, design to it). In areas where the codes contradict, use the more energy-conserving code.
The Engineer shall model all HVAC designs in order to provide energy information for life-cycle cost analysis as detailed in Section 018130 – Energy Modeling Guidelines
Mechanical systems should have an occupied/unoccupied mode which should be remotely controlled from the central Energy Management Control System through an override command. Thermostats should also have a night/unoccupied mode. Variable air volume systems shall always be the minimum design without special approval. All general use spaces (large common office spaces, atria, gyms, teaching rooms, lobbies, halls, etc.) shall have demand-controlled ventilation. Equipment rooms shall not be cooled using chilled water without written approval from Energy & Sustainability. In addition, transformer rooms shall always be cooled with convection flow of outside air. Refrigeration systems for growth chambers, food storage, and cold storage must be remote air-cooled with condensing units located in machine rooms utilizing louvers and propeller fans for outside air supply/exhaust. Do not use campus chilled water for this application without special approval, which requires the use of an isolating plate and frame heat exchanger.
For Electrical Systems, transformers should not require fan cooling under normal load and shall be cooled with conventional flow of outside air. Lighting designers shall evaluate and work to include the use of diffuse daylighting controlled by manual or motorized shades, or light-harvesting skylight and light tubes.
Summary: Energy Modeling Guidelines
The objective is to inform design decisions that guide towards the University’s goal for building performance. As part of the Climate Action commitment, Cornell is also establishing energy utilization (use) intensity (EUI) targets, with units of kbtu/sf/yr, for new buildings and facilities undergoing significant renovation.
Energy modeling will be a tool throughout the design process to make choices that support climate neutrality. The process will also be used for LEED certification and energy cost for budget planning.
Cornell prefers that modelers use eQuest or Open Studio, DOE-based energy modeling software packages, to execute energy models and use TMY/2 climate data for Binghamton, NY for projects on the Ithaca Campus.
https://fcs.cornell.edu/sites/default/files/2019-10/018130_Energy Modeling Guidelines.pdf
Cornell University supports research, scholarship, and the practical application of knowledge that addresses achieving a sustainable world for all. The university's specific commitment to campus sustainability is formalized in the 2010-2015 Cornell University Strategic Plan. The plan calls for sustainability to be a guiding principle in all campus operations. As such, Cornell:
• Gives preference to, and anticipates requirement of, materials which meet Green Guard Indoor Air Quality Control.
• Gives preference to vendors offering materials that are FSC Certified.
• Gives preference to NON-panel hung work surfaces (and other ancillary furniture pieces), except in cases where panel hung work surfaces are already in place.
• Gives preference to component-based furniture.
• Gives preference to furniture with easily replaceable parts.
• Gives preference to, and anticipates requirement for LED lighting.
• Gives preference to easy to clean surfaces and upholstery.
• Gives preference to furniture with long-term warranties.
• Gives preference to vendors who can offer repurposed materials
2) Environmental and Supplier Diversity Profiles
5.1 Environmental Preferable Purchasing
Cornell University's pledge of support and participation from all levels of the campus in protecting the environment and building a sustainable future (one in which its environment, natural resource base, and the functions and viability of natural systems are protected) is challenging yet desirable and attainable goal. The Procurement Services recognizes the positive impact that it can make on the environment through its purchasing decisions. It is our goal to increase our acquisition of environmentally preferable products and services to the extent feasible, consistent with price, performance, availability, and safety considerations. In direct response to this question, suppliers should comment on how they are integrating these same principles into their manufacturing processes as well as the goods and services that they are producing. Some examples of the areas in which suppliers may wish to provide comments: recyclable content, pre-and post-consumer waste use, and content, recycling of used customer products, energy efficiency, biodegradability, hazardous waste minimization, resource conservation, renewable power.
5.2 Environmental Policy
Please outline what the manufacturer's policy is towards environmental concerns. Identify practices that make your company stand out compared to your competitors.
5.3 Environmental Production Practices
Please outline what the manufacturer is doing to address production concerns from an environmental standpoint. For example, alternative power sources are being utilized, waste reduction in the production process, etc. Identify the split of recycled versus recyclable and non-recyclable materials for products. Please outline anything that may address this category.
5.4 Environmental Certifications
Please explain what awards or certifications the manufacturer has attained due to environmentally friendly programs.
Does the institution have published sustainability criteria to be applied when evaluating Information technology (IT) and equipment?:
A brief description of the published sustainability criteria for Information Technology (IT) and equipment:
Cornell Procurement Services has negotiated contracts with the specific suppliers to provide computers, networking equipment, peripherals, and miscellaneous computing accessories from specific manufacturers and suppliers.Cornell’s preferred suppliers for computer hardware provide products that are ENERGY STAR compliant and meet Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool (EPEAT®) silver and/or gold standards. Cornell prefers to purchase EPEAT Silver or higher computers and monitors. See https://www.dfa.cornell.edu/procurement/buyers/commodities/computers
Does the institution have published sustainability criteria to be applied when evaluating food service providers?:
A brief description of the published sustainability criteria for food service providers:
Cornell Procurement Services outlines criteria for procured food and catering services to support local, small, small disadvantaged, small woman-owned, small veteran-owned, and small service-disabled-veteran-owned businesses.
Does the institution have published sustainability criteria to be applied when evaluating garments and linens?:
A brief description of the published sustainability criteria for garments and linens:
Cornell Procurement Services has labeled Cornell's laundry equipment and services provider, Ames Linen Service Inc., as a Small Business and Women-owned Business. As outlined by Cornell Procurement Services, one of the objectives in supporting small businesses is to "Promote a competitive procurement processes that includes all segments of the business community and incorporate socially responsible and sustainable purchasing practices."
Does the institution have published sustainability criteria to be applied when evaluating professional service providers?:
A brief description of the published sustainability criteria for professional service providers:
Facilities and Campus Services includes evaluations of contractors based on their status as women-owned, minority-owned, disadvantaged, veteran-owned, small business, and other.
Cornell has published Green Building Guidelines within our design and construction standards, which ensures that all construction projects evaluate services based on their ability to meet our sustainability criteria.
Cornell has published Green Building Guidelines within our design and construction standards, which ensures that all construction projects evaluate services based on their ability to meet our sustainability criteria.
Does the institution have published sustainability criteria to be applied when evaluating transportation and fuels?:
A brief description of the published sustainability criteria for transportation and fuels:
Website URL where information about the institution’s sustainable procurement program or initiatives is available:
Additional documentation to support the submission:
Data source(s) and notes about the submission:
https://fcs.cornell.edu/sites/default/files/2019-10/018130_Energy Modeling Guidelines.pdf
The information presented here is self-reported. While AASHE staff review portions of all STARS reports and institutions are welcome to seek additional forms of review, the data in STARS reports are not verified by AASHE. If you believe any of this information is erroneous or inconsistent with credit criteria, please review the process for inquiring about the information reported by an institution or simply email your inquiry to stars@aashe.org.