Concordia University
EN-2: Co-Curricular Activities
Status | Score | Responsible Party |
9.00 / 9.00 |
Favreau Sustainability Engagement Assistant Office of Sustainability |
2.1 Student sustainability organization
Narrative and/or website URL providing an overview of the sustainability-focused student organization(s):
Climate Emergency Committee is a group of undergraduate and graduate students as well as professors from Concordia University that have come together to take action against the global emergency that is climate change. Their campaigns range from installing green roofs on campus, changing Concordia's main search engine to Ecosia, running educational jeopardy-style games for students, and a eco-anxiety support group They pursue the following three objectives:
- Increase awareness and understanding in Quebec of the growing global climate crisis through education;
- Develop, propose, and encourage Geography, Planning and Environment department policies to tackle climate change;
- To inform and collaborate with interested parties about ways to reduce environmental impacts (greenhouse gases, plastics, impacts related to food, etc.).
Does the institution formally recognize at least one student organization that is focused on a topic other than sustainability, but is advancing ecological integrity or racial equity and social justice?:
Narrative and/or website URL providing an overview of the student organizations that are advancing ecological integrity or racial equity and social justice:
QPRIG Concordia (Quebec Public Interest Research Group at Concordia) is a student-run and governed is a fee-levy group and resource centre for student and community research and organizing. QPIRG strives to raise awareness and support grassroots activism around diverse social and environmental issues. Our work is rooted in an anti-oppression analysis and practice. We seek to make campus-community links and inspire social change through engaging, inclusive and non-hierarchical approaches.
QPIRG Concordia is committed to being inclusive and accessible to all, and actively opposes all forms of discrimination and oppression. The group has been an important link between campus and the community on issues related to social and environmental justice and progressive social change.
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2.2 Sustainability-focused co-curricular activities
Description of and/or website URL for at least one major sustainability-focused event or series of events:
Campus Sustainability Month is a community-wide celebration of all things sustainable at Concordia, through a variety of in-person and virtual activities and events taking place on both campuses. Each year, campus groups and organizations host nearly an event or activity for each day in October.
Does the institution have a sustainability-focused peer-to-peer education program in which student educators are selected and trained to help catalyze change among their peers?:
Description of and/or website URL for at least one sustainability-focused peer-to-peer education programs for students:
The Sustainability Ambassadors Program (SAP) provides students with leadership experience, engagement opportunities, skills, and competencies that support a culture of sustainability on campus. Students connect with a nexus of changemakers to design and implement projects that educate and inspire peers to take sustainable action.
Does the institution provide sustainability-focused employment opportunities for students on at least an annual basis?:
Description of and/or website URL for at least one sustainability-focused employment opportunity for students:
In 2022, we employed a Social Justice and Program Indiginization intern and the role was given to a student. In 2023, we employed multiple students: a Carbon Offsets Research intern, a Living Lab Funding Program coordinator, a Sustainable Events intern, and a short-term Communications Coordinator (some of these contracts extended into 2024).
Does the institution have at least one student-managed enterprise that is sustainability-focused?:
Description of and/or website URL for at least one student-managed enterprise that is sustainability-focused:
"The Hive Café (student-governed):
The Hive Café aims to empower students by using a student-lead, non-profit, cooperative model all the while helping to inspire and cultivate an alternative food system at Concordia that is socially, economically, and environmentally sustainable.
Located both at the heart of Concordia University’s Loyola campus and Downtown campus, the Hive Café’s mission is to provide healthy, varied, affordable, organic, and locally produced food options, while highlighting sustainable practices, employing dignified working conditions for suppliers and worker-members alike, nurturing a community-run space, and fostering an alternative food system to the one currently dominated by corporate institutional providers.
The Hive Café Solidarity Cooperative adopted a non-profit cooperative economic model due to our shared desire for fostering a healthier and more sustainable food system, our passion for community-building, and our strong commitment to values such as;
Queer positivity
Fair labour relations
Social, environmental, and economic sustainability. The Hive also operates a Free Breakfast and Lunch Program, which offers a FREE breakfast and lunch every weekday at Loyola campus. The Hive Free Lunch & Breakfast provides an essential service to students, faculty and staff at Loyola campus, which is a food desert with very few dining or grocery options. The HFL also provides a unique opportunity to foster a sense of community around food, and everyone works hard in creating a safer space to share and learn cooking skills together. The HFL aims to provide quality, nutritious food while considering the social and environmental impact of the food we consume."
Description of additional sustainability-focused co-curricular activities for students:
The Sustainability Volunteer Program connects students to sustainability opportunities run by the many initiatives in our sustainability ecosystem on campus, from student groups to university offices to academic departments
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2.3 Percentage of students that participate in sustainability activities
Percentage of students that participate in sustainability activities:
Approach used to determine the percentage of students that participate in the institution’s sustainability activities:
Narrative outlining how student participation in the institution’s sustainability activities was determined:
In October 2024, Concordia’s Office of Sustainability, jointly with the Office of Institutional Planning and Analysis (OIPA), disseminated the university’s third comprehensive sustainability cultural and literacy assessment (SCLA). The 2024 Sustainability Culture and Literacy Assessment survey was disseminated on October 30th, 2024 using the survey software Qualtrics. The survey was designed to meet requirements under AASHE's STARS version 3.0 and the objectives of the Office of Sustainability. 15,000 students and 5,374 employees were sent the survey, 920 of whom participated in the survey. The online survey was sent to all full/part-time faculty, full-time staff, and to a representative sample of graduate and undergraduate students. |
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Optional documentation
Additional documentation for this credit:
The information presented here is self-reported. While AASHE staff review portions of all STARS reports and institutions are welcome to seek additional forms of review, the data in STARS reports are not verified by AASHE. If you believe any of this information is erroneous or inconsistent with credit criteria, please review the process for inquiring about the information reported by an institution or simply email your inquiry to