Overall Rating Gold - expired
Overall Score 65.36
Liaison Ian Johnson
Submission Date June 8, 2015
Executive Letter Download

STARS v2.0

Colorado College
OP-27: Rainwater Management

Status Score Responsible Party
Complete 1.00 / 2.00 George Eckhardt
Campus Planner
Facilities Services
"---" indicates that no data was submitted for this field

Does the institution use Low Impact Development (LID) practices as a matter of policy or standard practice to reduce rainwater/stormwater runoff volume and improve outgoing water quality for new construction, major renovation, and other projects?:
+ Date Revised: Aug. 19, 2015

A brief description of the institution’s Low Impact Development (LID) practices:
+ Date Revised: Aug. 19, 2015

Has the institution adopted a rainwater/stormwater management policy, plan, or strategies that mitigate the rainwater runoff impacts of ongoing campus operations through the use of green infrastructure? :
+ Date Revised: Aug. 19, 2015

A brief description of the institution’s rainwater/stormwater management policy, plan, and/or strategies for ongoing campus operations:
The College complies with City Stormwater management plan requirements. Every physical campus building or landscape improvement project must meet City requirements in order to qualify for a permit.
+ Date Revised: Aug. 19, 2015

A brief description of any rainwater harvesting employed by the institution:
It is illegal to capture rainwater in the state of Colorado.

Rainwater harvested directly and stored/used by the institution, performance year:

A brief description of any rainwater filtering systems employed by the institution to treat water prior to release:

A brief description of any living or vegetated roofs on campus:

A brief description of any porous (i.e. permeable) paving employed by the institution:
The parking lot on the east side of the Edith Gaylord Cornerstone Arts Center is designed with a porous concrete paving surface that returns all of the rainwater and snowmelt that falls on it to the water table. There is no storm water runoff from this lot because it lets all the precipitation flow through, even in a 100-year storm event. This is the first application of this material in Colorado Springs.

A brief description of any downspout disconnection employed by the institution:

A brief description of any rain gardens on campus:

A brief description of any stormwater retention and/or detention ponds employed by the institution:
At 232 and 228 W. San Miguel, there was a storm water quality pond required for the purpose of collecting storm water surges before allowing the water to run into a storm water drainage pipe to Monument creek. There is a similar storm water collection system north of McGregor where water runs through a grass swale before exiting into the storm water pipe to Monument Creek. The Packard Hall courtyard landscape area is a rainwater collection area which collects rainwater from the roofs and concrete aprons.

A brief description of any bioswales on campus (vegetated, compost or stone):
There is a rock bottom collection trench or swale leading into a rock bottom pond collection area, with a raised overflow gate which allows the collected and filtered storm water to eventually run into a drain pipe. At the large Northeast Parking Lot at the corner of Uintah and Nevada, the parking lot pavement drains to a rock bottom trench or swale area in the perimeter landscape on the west side of the parking lot where the intention is to allow the water to seep into the landscape area rather than run off into the storm water collection system. There are also several French drains around campus for collecting rain water and allowing it to seep into the soil.The largest French drain system is in the entire landscape area on the north side of Palmer Hall where the roof water runs into French drains rather than being transported into the storm water collection system. There is another large French drain on the north side of Cossitt Hall which collects water from the east side of the Cossitt Hall stone retaining wall.

A brief description of any other rainwater management technologies or strategies employed by the institution:

The website URL where information about the institution’s rainwater management initiatives, plan or policy is available:

Data source(s) and notes about the submission:

The information presented here is self-reported. While AASHE staff review portions of all STARS reports and institutions are welcome to seek additional forms of review, the data in STARS reports are not verified by AASHE. If you believe any of this information is erroneous or inconsistent with credit criteria, please review the process for inquiring about the information reported by an institution or simply email your inquiry to stars@aashe.org.