Overall Rating Silver - expired
Overall Score 48.39
Liaison Connie Morales
Submission Date Feb. 14, 2020
Executive Letter Download

STARS v2.1

Claremont McKenna College
PA-3: Participatory Governance

Status Score Responsible Party
Complete 0.25 / 3.00 Kristin Miller
Roberts Environmental Center
"---" indicates that no data was submitted for this field

Do the institution’s students have a representative body through which they can participate in governance (e.g. a student council)? :

Do the institution’s students have an elected representative on the institution’s highest governing body?:

A brief description of the bodies and mechanisms through which students are engaged in governance, including information to support each affirmative response above:

Do the institution’s staff members have a representative body through which they can participate in governance (e.g. a staff council)?:

Do the institution’s non-supervisory staff members have an elected representative on the institution’s highest governing body?:

A brief description of the bodies and mechanisms through which staff are engaged in governance, including information to support each affirmative response above:

Do the institution’s teaching and research faculty have a representative body through which they can participate in governance (e.g. a faculty senate)?:

Do the institution’s teaching and research faculty have an elected representative on the institution’s highest governing body? :

A brief description of the bodies and mechanisms through which teaching and research faculty are engaged in governance, including information to support each affirmative response above:
Faculty Governance Detailed information is found in the CMC Faculty Handbook (https://catalog.claremontmckenna.edu/content.php?catoid=24&navoid=3250) under Chapter 2 Governance of the College and the Faculty. Here is an excerpt pertaining to this question: 2.3 Faculty Governance (General) It shall be the function of the faculty: To form such organization of the entire teaching staff, adopt such rules of procedure, and establish such committees as may seem appropriate; To initiate and recommend to the Trustees, or to approve directly or through its constituted committees, all policies and actions directly affecting the curriculum and other educational matters, including the establishment or discontinuance of new courses or fields of instruction, all such action being subject to review and approval by the Board of Trustees; To select, when so requested by the Board of Trustees, special committees or representatives to advise with committees of the Board on any matter affecting the life and functions of the College. Bylaws of Claremont McKenna College, Article VIII, Section 2 2.4 Faculty Meetings 2.4.1 Call for Faculty Meetings Faculty meetings are called by the Dean of the Faculty with a minimum of three days advance notice. An agenda will accompany the notice. Committee or individual recommendations or reports should be given to the Dean of the Faculty sufficiently in advance of the meeting to permit inclusion in the agenda. A meeting shall also be called by the Dean of the Faculty upon the request of ten faculty members. (See Appendix 2.1) 2.4.2 Voting in Faculty Meetings Voting rights in the Faculty Meeting include the President of The College, the Dean of the Faculty, the Associate Deans of the Faculty, the Registrar, tenured members of the faculty, untenured members of the faculty on tenure-track appointments, Keck Science faculty who meet one of the preceding categories and are assigned to CMC, full-time Physical Education faculty on regular appointments and assigned to CMC, and Military Science faculty assigned to CMC. When a motion pertaining to benefits is before the Faculty Meeting, all Keck Science faculty, regardless of Keck Science college assignment, will have the right to vote. The Faculty may assign special voting rights to specific individuals under the conditions specified in the College Rules of Order. All faculty members, members of the Senior Advisory Council, and the Registrar may attend the Faculty Meeting and may participate in the deliberations. The Dean of the Faculty of Claremont McKenna College shall be responsible for maintaining a roster of persons eligible to vote in meetings of the Faculty of Claremont McKenna College. Approved by the Faculty December 14, 2012 2.5 Committees Faculty members assigned to committees are expected to attend such meetings as the chairs may call. The College has six types of committees on which faculty are asked to serve. The Dean of the Faculty maintains the classification of committees and their membership on a current basis and appoints faculty members to committees unless otherwise provided for. Faculty members may vote on committees in accordance with the established procedures for each committee. 2.5.1 Standing Committees of the Faculty Standing Committees of the Faculty are constituted by action of the Faculty, report to the Faculty, make recommendations for Faculty action, make recommendations to the College administration on academic issues and faculty personnel issues such as appointment, tenure, promotion, and sabbaticals, and must have a majority of their membership drawn from the Faculty, however selected. Members of the Administration and students may be members of such committees. Standing Committees may be chaired by the President, one of the Academic Deans, or members of the Faculty. The Standing Committees include: the Academic Standards Committee; the Administration Committee; the Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure Committee; the Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure Executive Comm

Does the institution have written policies and procedures to identify and engage external stakeholders (i.e. local residents) in land use planning, capital investment projects, and other institutional decisions that affect the community?:

A copy of the written policies and procedures:

The policies and procedures:

Does the institution have formal participatory or shared governance bodies through which community members representing the interests of the following stakeholder groups can regularly participate in institutional governance?:
Yes or No
Local government and/or educational organizations No
Private sector organizations No
Civil society (e.g. NGOs, NPOs) No

A brief description of the bodies and mechanisms through which external stakeholders are engaged in institutional governance (including information about each stakeholder group selected above):

The website URL where information about the programs or initiatives is available:

Additional documentation to support the submission:

Data source(s) and notes about the submission:

The information presented here is self-reported. While AASHE staff review portions of all STARS reports and institutions are welcome to seek additional forms of review, the data in STARS reports are not verified by AASHE. If you believe any of this information is erroneous or inconsistent with credit criteria, please review the process for inquiring about the information reported by an institution or simply email your inquiry to stars@aashe.org.