Overall Rating Gold - expired
Overall Score 69.69
Liaison Deborah Steinberg
Submission Date Feb. 7, 2019
Executive Letter Download

STARS v2.1

Carnegie Mellon University
EN-7: Employee Educators Program

Status Score Responsible Party
Complete 0.53 / 3.00 Barbara Kviz
Environmental Coordinator
Facilities Management Services
"---" indicates that no data was submitted for this field

Total number of employees (staff + faculty, headcount):

Number of employees served (i.e. directly targeted) by a peer-to-peer sustainability outreach and education program (avoid double-counting):

Percentage of employees served by a peer-to-peer educator program:

Name of the employee educators program:
Green Practices Committee Scotty Goes Green Program

Number of employees served (i.e. directly targeted) by the program (headcount):

A brief description of the program, including examples of peer-to-peer outreach activities:
The Scotty Goes Green Program uses peer-to-peer outreach to raise awareness and increase environmentally sustainable practices in offices and academic departments across the Carnegie Mellon campus, and in the lives and homes of the people who work in those offices and departments. The program includes a rating and award structure (Bronze to Gold certification) to encourage ongoing engagement and improvement. The campus Environmental Coordinator recruits and trains staff and faculty as Scotty Goes Green liaisons on an ongoing basis. Liaison training addresses practices such as environmentally effective purchasing, physical space operation and management, daily food choices and choices for catered events, employee commuting and travel, waste reduction, composting and recycling. Liaisons then train/engage those within their office/department to raise awareness of and implement more sustainable practices. Guided by checklists of effective practices, offices and departments assess their current performance and pursue increasing levels of Scotty program recognition. The checklists and guidance for achieving Bronze through Gold ratings are attached to this credit and make clear how peer outreach works within the program and extends even further to student sustainability activities and employee practices at home; Gold certification, for example, includes a requirement that each employee implement at least 5 sustainable practices at home and that the office/department supports at least one student or campus-wide sustainability event each year.

A brief description of how the employee educators are selected:
Liaison volunteer for Scotty Goes Green training; outreach occurs via Twitter, tabling events during campus activities, online information, and regular announcements during meetings of the Staff Council Sustainability Committee and the Green Practices Committee. The program welcomes all those who are interested based on the program principle that green practices can and should be part of everyone's life and that program involvement will require liaisons to engage widespread participation in their offices/departments.

A brief description of the formal training that the employee educators receive to prepare them to conduct peer outreach:
The Environmental Coordinator has prepared extensive program training materials and individually trains each liaison. As requested, training is also provided to offices and departments. The Scotty Goes Green toolkit--a how-to guide and checklist for each level of participation and for student living--is available at https://www.cmu.edu/environment/get-involved/green-teams/scotty-goes-green-office-certification-program/Toolkit.html . Liaisons also learn how their office/department can access support services from campus Facilities Management Services.

A brief description of the financial and/or administrative support the institution provides to the program (e.g. annual budget and/or paid faculty/staff coordination):
CMU's Environmental Coordinator largely developed and is supported to oversee and provide training for the Scotty Goes Green program. Offices who participate in the program also support employee time to participate in the program, and at the Gold level, provide financial and/or staff support for student or campus-wide sustainability activities. Free services and equipment are provided by Facilities Management Services to reduce environmental footprint and save on utilities, e.g., occupancy sensors, thermostatic controls valves, lighting updrades, signs to remind occupants about turning off lights, recycling and composting bins and supporting signage. For a list of the services/equipment FMS will provide through this program at no cost to participants, see https://www.cmu.edu/fms/SecLin_Sustainability/index.html.

Name of the employee educators program (2nd program):
Green Dot Active Bystander Training

Number of employees served (i.e. directly targeted) by the program (headcount) (2nd program):

A brief description of the program, including examples of peer-to-peer outreach activities (2nd program):
Green Dot was launched at CMU in the 20017/18 academic year. A Green Dot is a behavior, choice, or action that promotes safety for everyone. the program is designed to create cultural change at CMU by teaching faculty, staff and students to be active bystanders around dating/domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking and bullying in the university community and in their daily lives.

A brief description of how the employee educators are selected (2nd program):
Green Dot uses a well-established public health model of training social influencers to create cultural change on campus. Fifty percent (50%) of those trained for the program are nominated as key influencers in the campus community, initially drawn from faculty and staff who have been and are likely to be at the campus longer than students, and then from graduate students and undergrads. The other 50% of the influencers self-select for the training. The headcounts above include ONLY faculty and staff trained in 2017/18. The total number trained, including students, was 292. Annual report for first year of program available at https://www.cmu.edu/title-ix/prevention/index.html (see link to first year report).

A brief description of the formal training that the employee educators receive to prepare them to conduct peer outreach (2nd program):
The formal training for reactive intervention consist of four, 1-hour modules: strategic planning, bystander mobilization, communication, and coalition building. Reactive Green Dots involve direct interaction with a potential perpetrator to address the problematic situation, distraction or diversion to diffuse the situation, and/or delegation/recruitment of another bystander for help. CMU's Green Dot program also includes Action Events to garner interest from the broader campus community in the initiative and connect them to related issues and important causes. CMU held its first Green Dot Action Event in Fall 2018 with a simple tabling activity to raise awareness for Domestic Violence Awareness month. For this event, 170 campus community members made a commitment to reducing interpersonal violence, and 53 individuals signed up to receive information about future Green Dot training. These individuals are not included in the training totals above.

A brief description of the financial and/or administrative support the institution provides to the program (e.g. annual budget and/or paid faculty/staff coordination) (2nd program):
The Green Dot program is funded/supported through University Health Services, with additional grant funding in 2018/19. In 2017/18, twelve facilitators were funded to launch the program. In 2018/19, two additional facilitators are being added to the program.

A brief description of all other employee peer-to-peer sustainability outreach and education programs, including the number of employees served and how employee educators are selected, trained, and supported by the institution:

Total number of hours employee educators are engaged in peer-to-peer sustainability outreach and education activities annually:

The website URL where information about the programs or initiatives is available:

Additional documentation to support the submission:
Data source(s) and notes about the submission:
The Scotty Goes Green headcount does not include the families and students that reached and supported by this program. The Green Dot headcount does not include the students trained and supported by this program. A report on Green Dot activities in its first year is available at https://www.cmu.edu/health-services/health-promotion/

The information presented here is self-reported. While AASHE staff review portions of all STARS reports and institutions are welcome to seek additional forms of review, the data in STARS reports are not verified by AASHE. If you believe any of this information is erroneous or inconsistent with credit criteria, please review the process for inquiring about the information reported by an institution or simply email your inquiry to stars@aashe.org.