Overall Rating Silver
Overall Score 55.02
Liaison Rob Williams
Submission Date July 2, 2024

STARS v2.2

Capilano University
PA-2: Sustainability Planning

Status Score Responsible Party
Complete 3.00 / 4.00 Rob Williams
Project Manager
"---" indicates that no data was submitted for this field

Does the institution have a published plan or plans that include measurable sustainability objectives that address sustainability in curriculum and/or research?:

A list or sample of the measurable sustainability objectives related to academics and the plan(s) in which they are published:
Illuminating 2030 is Capilano University’s 10-year Academic Plan. Anchored in Envisioning 2030’s core themes, the Academic Plan articulates our evolving commitments to learners, communities, knowledge development and knowledge sharing. The plan is both aspirational and concrete in support of advancing our core activity: transformative academic programming and learning opportunities. It also serves to inform decision making and resource allocation as they relate to academic programming, teaching and learning, and enhanced creative activity, research and scholarship.


Illuminating 2030 builds upon the actionable key areas outlined in Envisioning 2030, including:


Community: As an inquiry-based learning community, we co-create possible approaches and solutions in response to local and global concerns, questions and challenges in collaboration with campus and community partners. Actions include:

- Develop an academic action plan from the educational priorities and requirements of territorial rights holders to advance Indigenization, options for Indigenous learners and communities, and further reconciliation.

- Seek direction and guidance from the Squamish Nation on our responsibilities to Skw'cháys and translate these responsibilities into teaching, learning and scholarship.

- Expand CapU’s partnerships with regional municipalities and districts, businesses and industries, not-for-profit and community organizations, and other interested partners aligned with University values (see Envisioning 2030 goals, below)

- Deepen and expand scholarly, research and creative collaborations with local and global educational partners for mutually beneficial community-engaged learning and research opportunities.


Imagination: Drawing on the diverse bodies of knowledge and skills embedded across the University and attending to potential regional applications, we will participate in imagining and co-creating a more equitable and sustainable future for all people and the planet. Actions include:

- Include academic and community partners in the design and redesign of academic credentials and community-engaged flexible and imaginative learning experiences.

- Contribute to the global open education movement through open knowledge mobilization initiatives involving the Faculties, CARS, CTE, IEA and the University Library.

- Embed opportunities to scaffold creative and community-based activity, research and scholarship within all degree programs.


Distinct University Experience: Alongside the University community as a whole, learners will be invited to engage as emerging knowledge mobilizers and makers. In order to contribute as a university in an era of profound societal, cultural and global challenges and opportunities, we are dedicated to renewal and reinvention. Our social and environmental responsibilities extend to a climate in crisis, reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples, honouring diversity, addressing inequities, and thriving amid rapid technological change and disruption.


The Annual Report of Academic Planning (2021-2022) further builds upon the key areas of the Envisioning 2030 and Illuminating 2030 documents, developing its own themes (with actionable outputs) in program review/development, including:

- Theme 1: Create diverse, inclusive, and equitable programs (4 of 6 programs)

- Theme 2: Decolonization and Indigenization of program curriculum (3 of 6 programs)

- Theme 5: Community collaboration (3 of 6 programs)

Does the institution have a published plan or plans that include measurable sustainability objectives that address student, employee, or community engagement for sustainability?:

A list or sample of the measurable sustainability objectives related to engagement and the plan(s) in which they are published:
The Envisioning 2030 document details three key themes, of which the ‘Community’ primarily focuses on sustainability within the Student, Employee and Community. The three primary goals within this key area are listed below:

- Goal 1 – Identify and implement novel approaches to build closer connections and engagement with the communities we serve.

- Goal 2 – Imagine and develop sustainable actions to minimize our ecological footprint.

- Goal 3 – Instill a culture of equity, diversity and inclusion in all of our operations and outreach.


Each goal contains collection of supporting ‘sub-actions’ aimed at achieving each goal over the 10 year timescale, for example:

- Continue to advance existing Capilano University’s sustainability policies and initiatives.

- Take steps to plan the alignment of our operations using the CleanBC accountability framework along with the Climate Change Accountability Act.

- Become an engaged partner in research questions and projects that tackle local, national and global sustainability issues and initiatives.

- Collaborate with communities in the implementation of regional sustainability initiatives.

- As core values, decolonizing, promoting sustainable actions, and promoting the wellbeing of the campus community is distinctly interwoven into all three key areas for Students and Employees.


Aligned to the Envisioning 2030 Plan is the Campus Master Plan which articulates the aspirations for the future of Capilano University’s North Vancouver campus and serves to guide decision making for future development on campus. Fostering extensive internal and external engagement, the Campus Master Plan is based on the following principals which capture sustainability and inclusivity:

- Collaboration

- Indigenized Academic Community

- Academic Priorities

- Wellness

- Sustainability and Resilience

- Natural Areas

- Accessibility


This CMP plays a vital role in the development of Capilano University. Alongside the Strategic and Academic Plans, it serves as one of the critical decision-making frameworks to guide the physical evolution of the campus. As such, this CMP should be a touchstone document for decision making.

Does the institution have a published plan or plans that include measurable sustainability objectives that address sustainability in operations?:

A list or sample of the measurable sustainability objectives related to operations and the plan(s) in which they are published:

In 2020, the University developed a draft 10-year Campus Energy and Emissions Plan (CEEP), that focused on policy renewal, future infrastructure growth, energy supply and electrification opportunities. The plan aims to achieve and maintain a 50% reduction from our 2007 baseline emissions through 2030, despite planned growth of enrollment and infrastructure. The plan is available in DRAFT but was stalled with COVID, however Cap U will continue to meet and exceed provincial goals and requirements related to reducing emissions.

Does the institution have a published plan or plans that include measurable sustainability objectives that address diversity, equity, and inclusion; sustainable investment/finance; or wellbeing?:

A list or sample of the measurable sustainability objectives related to administration and the plan(s) in which they are published:
The third component of the Envisioning 2030, Distinct University Experience, specifically addresses the commitment to creating a culture of inclusivity, diversity, health and wellbeing. This element is also addressed within the Community component, as indicated below.

- DUE/Goal 3: Fulfil Capilano University’s health and wellness commitments as outlined in the Okanagan Charter

- DUE/Goal 4: Indigenize and decolonize education and campuses, including First Nations language, culture and knowledge.

- Community/Goal 3 – Instill a culture of equity, diversity and inclusion in all of our operations and outreach.


Sub actions include the following:

- Identify creative approaches and processes to update our Health and Well-Being Plan.

- Plan and deliver increased programming for employees that enriches overall well-being and resilience, both at work and at home

- Continue to support the recently passed Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act, the Calls to Action of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and the United Nations Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

- Develop and implement an action plan to integrate and coordinate diverse initiatives and efforts to Indigenize and decolonize education and campuses at Capilano University

- Update Capilano University’s Indigenization and decolonizing plan by incorporating emergent trends and models, including Indigenous epistemologies and culture

- Continue to advance Capilano University’s Human Rights, Diversity, Inclusion and Equity policies and initiatives.

- As part of the HR People Plan, celebrate and enhance equity, diversity and inclusion in ways that support all members of the campus community to feel seen, valued and heard.

- Collaborate with internal and external communities to advance equity, diversity and inclusion initiatives.

Does the institution have a published strategic plan or equivalent guiding document that includes sustainability at a high level? :

The institution’s highest guiding document (upload):

Website URL where the institution’s highest guiding document is publicly available:
Which of the following best describes the inclusion of sustainability in the highest guiding document?:
Minor theme

The institution's sustainability plan (upload):

Website URL where the institution's sustainability plan is publicly available:

Does the institution have a formal statement in support of sustainability endorsed by its governing body?:

The formal statement in support of sustainability:
Our guiding document, Envisioning 2030, includes the following value: "Sustainable actions to enable a better place for future descendants".

The institution’s definition of sustainability:

Is the institution an endorser or signatory of the following?:
Yes or No
The Earth Charter ---
The Higher Education Sustainability Initiative (HESI) ---
ISCN-GULF Sustainable Campus Charter ---
Pan-Canadian Protocol for Sustainability ---
SDG Accord ---
Second Nature’s Carbon Commitment (formerly known as the ACUPCC), Resilience Commitment, and/or integrated Climate Commitment ---
The Talloires Declaration (TD) ---
UN Global Compact ---
Other multi-dimensional sustainability commitments (please specify below) Yes

A brief description of the institution’s formal sustainability commitments, including the specific initiatives selected above:

CapU signed the Okanagan Charter in 2018, joining 10 other Canadian Universities committed to fostering a healthy workplace through embedding well-being and sustainability into all aspects of campus culture including academic, strategic, and operational plans.

Website URL where information about the institution’s sustainability planning efforts is available:

Additional documentation to support the submission:

Data source(s) and notes about the submission:

The information presented here is self-reported. While AASHE staff review portions of all STARS reports and institutions are welcome to seek additional forms of review, the data in STARS reports are not verified by AASHE. If you believe any of this information is erroneous or inconsistent with credit criteria, please review the process for inquiring about the information reported by an institution or simply email your inquiry to stars@aashe.org.