Overall Rating Gold
Overall Score 67.27
Liaison Jesse Russell
Submission Date Dec. 30, 2024

STARS v3.0

Canadore College
AC-1: Sustainability Course Offerings

Status Score Responsible Party
Complete 8.00 / 14.00
"---" indicates that no data was submitted for this field

1.1 Percentage of academic departments with sustainability course offerings

Total number of academic departments that offer courses that may be taken for credit:

Number of academic departments with at least one sustainability course offering:

Annotated list or inventory of the institution’s sustainability course offerings by department:
Description of the process used to identify the institution’s sustainability course offerings by department:

We are an Ontario College that mostly specializes in diploma and certificate programs:

Credentials offered are:

  • Ontario College Diploma
  • Advanced Ontario College Diploma
  • Certificate
  • Post Graduate Certificate
  • We also offer a limited number of degree programs.

We began with a review of all programs offered in our program guide totalling more than 75 programs. Each program ranged from 1 to 4 years in duration, with a standard semester including 5 courses.  The listed programs included approximately 1358 unique courses with individual outlines listed on the Canadore website here.

To assess for SDG alignment, we hired a consultant with extensive experience using artificial intelligence to build a tool to assess each course outline retrieved from the website individually.  These 1300+ courses were then mapped to both to SDG related keywords identified by the University of Toronto and the final list of sustainable development goals and indicators from the UN website.

University of Toronto keywords: by the University of Toronto through their President’s Advisory Committee on the Environment, Climate Change, and Sustainability (CECCS).

Since 2017, the CECCS has annually updated SDG-based inventories using a method originally designed for the Sustainability Undergraduate Course Inventory. This approach helps identify and assess sustainability content in the curriculum, validate and promote related courses, guide future research on SDG coverage, and support sustainability instructor communities of practice.

UN SDG Goal Indicators: The global indicator framework, developed by the Inter-Agency and Expert Group on SDG Indicators (IAEG-SDGs), was adopted as a practical starting point at the 47th UN Statistical Commission session in March 2016 and noted by ECOSOC at its 70th session in June 2016. The framework, detailed in the IAEG-SDGs report (E/CN.3/2016/2/Rev.1, Annex IV), includes 230 unique indicators, though the final proposal lists 241 due to nine indicators being repeated across multiple targets.

To be recognized as sustainability-focused or inclusive, a course outline must align with at least four distinct Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) reflecting an interdisciplinary approach that integrates and contrasts the social, economic, and environmental dimensions of sustainability. Furthermore, the goal of Quality Education is inherently embedded in all programs, as it is foundational to their delivery within a post-secondary institution.

The attached assessor report provided the following information for each individual course:

  • SDGs and Target Alignments (complete with specifics to how it is aligned)
  • GAP analysis: to identify one or more SDGs that were not found to be covered in the course outline.
  • Recommendations for further or enhanced SDG alignment.
  • Keywords identified.

Over six months two members of our Living Sustainability Centre worked with the consultant to review outputs and address any data limitations. In acknowledgement of the possibility for false positives and as part of the ongoing review, both programs and individual courses will be reviewed by both our Academic Centre of Excellence and the faculty teaching the courses. The gap analysis included within the report will identify further opportunities for SDG integration within their 3-year program review cycle.

Based on the program roll-up tab, which consolidates a comprehensive list of all SDG contributions for each course within a program, we found that each of the 13 schools included in our program guide offers at least one course that is either sustainability-focused or sustainability-inclusive. A full list of all courses assessed can be found on second tab. 


  • On the spreadsheet, courses highlighted and bolded in red on Tab 1 indicate SDG-related courses within each academic department.
  • The few missing assessments are primarily due to annual curriculum changes, which necessitated the removal of the outline from the website. This this may occur if a program has been approved but its outlines are not yet finalized or available. In addition, some courses are offered in more than one program. 

The Reporting Tool will automatically calculate the following two figures:

Percentage of departments with sustainability course offerings:

Points earned for indicator AC 1.1:

1.2 Published sustainability course listings

Does the institution maintain a public multidisciplinary listing of its sustainability course offerings as a resource for current and prospective students?:

Online location where the institution’s sustainability course listings are maintained:

Publication where the institution’s sustainability course listings are maintained:

Description of the process used to create and maintain the institution’s sustainability course listings:

The Reporting Tool will automatically calculate the following figure:

Points earned for indicator AC 1.2:

1.3 Support for academic staff to integrate sustainability into the curriculum

Does the institution provide incentives for individual academic staff working to integrate sustainability into the curriculum to pursue relevant professional development and/or training?:

Narrative and/or website URL providing an overview of the incentives provided for individual academic staff to integrate sustainability into the curriculum:



Does the institution host an ongoing multidisciplinary community of practice, sustainability across the curriculum training program, or equivalent support program for academic staff who are working to integrate sustainability into the curriculum?:

Narrative and/or website URL providing an overview the institution’s sustainability-focused community of practice, sustainability across the curriculum training program, or equivalent support program:

The Reporting Tool will automatically calculate the following figure:

Points earned for indicator AC 1.3:

Optional documentation

Notes about the information provided for this credit:

Additional documentation for this credit:

The information presented here is self-reported. While AASHE staff review portions of all STARS reports and institutions are welcome to seek additional forms of review, the data in STARS reports are not verified by AASHE. If you believe any of this information is erroneous or inconsistent with credit criteria, please review the process for inquiring about the information reported by an institution or simply email your inquiry to stars@aashe.org.