Overall Rating Silver - expired
Overall Score 56.42
Liaison Stephanie Del Rosario
Submission Date March 1, 2019
Executive Letter Download

STARS v2.1

California State University, Fullerton
EN-4: Outreach Materials and Publications

Status Score Responsible Party
Complete 2.00 / 2.00 Janet Purchase
Utility & Energy Analyst
Capital Projects/Facilities Mgmt.
"---" indicates that no data was submitted for this field

Does the institution have a central sustainability website that consolidates information about the institution's sustainability efforts?:

A brief description of the central sustainability website (optional):
Campus efforts towards sustainability are listed within the Center for Sustainability website, highlighting student engagement programs and activities, current news and campus announcements, and other campus sustainability activities. This website acts as a central repository of sustainability information and education, both on and off campus.

The website URL for the central sustainability website:
Does the institution have a sustainability newsletter?:

A brief description of the sustainability newsletter:
The Center for Sustainability posts links to on-campus sustainability news, which are also posted on the Center for Sustainability social media outlets. This website serves as a centralized archive of all campus sustainability activities.

The website URL for the sustainability newsletter:
Does the institution have social media platforms (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, interactive blogs) that focus specifically on campus sustainability?:

A brief description of the social media platforms that focus on sustainability:
Facilities Management unit maintains the "Sustainable Facilities" Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and regular announcements and news features in the departmental weekly newsletter. These outlets are connected to the campus networks of other social medias. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sustainablefacilities Twitter: https://twitter.com/sustainfacility Instagram: https://instagram.com/sustainfacility/ Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/sustainfacility/

The website URL of the primary social media platform focused on sustainability:
Does the institution have regular coverage of sustainability in the main student newspaper, either through a regular column or a reporter assigned to the sustainability beat?:

A brief description of the regular coverage of sustainability in the main student newspaper:
Student reporters are assigned to certain topics, like sustainability. For example, a reporter has been assigned to follow the work of the Environmental Sustainability Commission. The reporter attends the commission's meetings and events throughout the semester. This has resulted in articles about the commission and sustainability in the Daily Titan.

The website URL for regular coverage of sustainability in the main student newspaper:
Does the institution produce a vehicle to publish and disseminate student research on sustainability?:

A brief description of the vehicle to publish and disseminate student research on sustainability:
College of Natural Sciences & Mathematics Newsletter is a vehicle to publish and disseminate student research on sustainability. They promote research of students from the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics where some contribute to sustainability initiatives and education. http://www.fullerton.edu/nsm/_resources/pdfs/news/nsm_newsletters/May_2018_Newsletter.pdf Dimensions *********** THE JOURNAL OF UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH IN NATURAL SCIENCES AND MATHEMATICS DIMENSIONS provides students in California State University, Fullerton's College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics an opportunity to publish their research, share their findings, and gain experience in the peer review publication process. The annual journal is organized, written, and edited by students in the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, and includes both full research articles and abstracts that showcase undergraduate research and mentorship at CSUF.

The website URL for the vehicle to publish and disseminate student research on sustainability:
Does the institution have building signage that highlights green building features?:

A brief description of building signage that highlights green building features :
During this reporting period, new energy efficient hand dryers were installed in 19 buildings. The hand dryers have stickers that show why paper towel usage should be reduced, along with the impact of using paper towels. Also, new toilet fixtures were installed. The sticker above the toilet shows the user how to reduce water usage by selecting the appropriate button on top of the fixture. Together, the stickers encourage reductions in paper and water usage. See attached document showing pictures.

The website URL for building signage that highlights green building features :

Does the institution have signage and/or brochures that include information about sustainable food systems?:

A brief description of the signage and/or brochures that include information about sustainable food systems:
The Gastronome features signage throughout the cafeteria and on multiple TV monitors that display information about the sustainable food systems including vegetarian, vegan, fair trade, organic, and local food options, as well as sustainable packaging and utensils. Signage is also located in the food court at the Titan Student Union (TSU) pertaining to sustainable food and packaging options provided by on campus restaurants.

The website URL for food service area signage and/or brochures that include information about sustainable food systems:
Does the institution have signage on the grounds about sustainable groundskeeping and/or landscaping strategies employed?:

A brief description of the signage on the grounds about sustainable groundskeeping and/or landscaping strategies employed:

The website URL for the signage on the grounds about sustainable groundskeeping and/or landscaping strategies employed:

Does the institution produce a sustainability walking map or tour?:

A brief description of the sustainability walking map or tour:
Sustainability is promoted in the campus Virtual Tour, highlighting thirteen (13) sustainability features throughout the campus. Features include: -Sustainable Buildings -Water Retention Swales and Low-Water Landscaping -Fruit Orchards -Solar PV Panels -Tri-Generation Energy Plant -Electric Vehicle Charging Stations -Campus Lighting Retrofit -Water Bottle Refill Stations -Composting at the Arboretum -Green Waste Collection -Pollak Library Recycling and Compactors -Facilities Operations Corporate Yard Recycling -Environmental Health and Safety (office)

The website URL of the sustainability walking map or tour:
Does the institution produce a guide for commuters about how to use more sustainable methods of transportation?:

A brief description of the guide for commuters about how to use more sustainable methods of transportation:

The website URL for the guide for commuters about how to use more sustainable methods of transportation:

Does the institution produce navigation and educational tools for bicyclists and pedestrians (e.g. covering routes, inter-modal connections, policies, services, and safety)? :

A brief description of the navigation and educational tools for bicyclists and pedestrians:
As part of its ongoing efforts to promote sustainability and therefore reduce emissions and pollutants, waste of potentially useful materials, consumption of raw materials and energy usage, the University encourages and supports the use of alternative forms of transportation, including bicycles, by its faculty, staff and students. Use of such forms of transportation is limited or restricted only when necessary to provide for the safety of all members of the campus community and protect University property. The President's Directive 16 addresses the use of the following personal forms of transportation on the grounds of California State University, Fullerton and property it controls: bicycles, roller skates, skateboards, motor-driven cycles of any kind, electronic personal mobility assistance devices and motorized bicycles, scooters, and skateboards. Directive 16 also initiated a campus Bike Path map, designating areas for bike travel.

The website URL for navigation and educational tools for bicyclists and pedestrians:
Does the institution produce a guide for green living and/or incorporating sustainability into the residential experience?:

A brief description of the guide for green living and incorporating sustainability into the residential experience:

The website URL for the guide for green living and incorporating sustainability into the residential experience:

Does the institution produce other sustainability outreach materials or publications not covered above?:

A brief description of these materials or publications:
Campus news outlets, including CSUF News, Inside CSUF, Spotlight, and Titan Mag frequently publish articles highlighting campus sustainability efforts. Articles online contain links to related articles to feature recent accomplishments in sustainability from the various campus communities.

The website URL for these materials or publications:
Additional documentation to support the submission:
Data source(s) and notes about the submission:
Unlocking the "HIDDEN CURRICULUM" Article in Titan Magazine - Summer/Fall 2017 https://issuu.com/csuf/docs/titan-2017sf

The information presented here is self-reported. While AASHE staff review portions of all STARS reports and institutions are welcome to seek additional forms of review, the data in STARS reports are not verified by AASHE. If you believe any of this information is erroneous or inconsistent with credit criteria, please review the process for inquiring about the information reported by an institution or simply email your inquiry to stars@aashe.org.