Overall Rating Gold - expired
Overall Score 70.16
Liaison Kylee Singh
Submission Date Sept. 19, 2019
Executive Letter Download

STARS v2.1

California Polytechnic State University
OP-11: Sustainable Procurement

Status Score Responsible Party
Complete 2.75 / 3.00 Anastasia Nicole
Zero Waste Program Coordinator
"---" indicates that no data was submitted for this field

Does the institution have written policies, guidelines or directives that seek to support sustainable purchasing across commodity categories institution-wide?:

A copy of the policies, guidelines or directives:

The policies, guidelines or directives:
CSU Sustainability Policy Sustainable Procurement 1. Campuses will promote use of suppliers and/or vendors who reduce waste, re-purpose recycled material, or support other environmentally friendly practices in the provision of goods or services to the CSU under contract. This may include additional evaluation points in solicitation evaluations for suppliers integrating sustainable practices. (14-New) 2. To move to zero waste, campus practices should: (1) encourage use of products that minimize the volume of trash sent to landfill or incinerators; (2) participate in the CalRecycle Buy-Recycled program or equivalent; and (3) increase recycled content purchases in all Buy Recycled program product categories. (14-New) 3. Campuses shall continue to report on all recycled content product categories, consistent with PCC § 12153-12217 and shall implement improved tracking and reporting procedures for their recycled content purchases. (14-New) We adhere to the following policies and guidelines: CSU Buy Recycled Handbook: http://www.calstate.edu/csp/special-programs/ CSU Sustainability Policy: http://www.calstate.edu/cpdc/sustainability/policies-reports/ ICSUAM 5235.00 CSU Buy Recycled Products Campaign: https://csyou.calstate.edu/Policies/icsuam/Pages/5235-00.aspx Staples Business Advantage $50 Order Minimum (attached): CSUSM adheres to a requirement by the CSU that all Staples Business Advantage orders meet a $50 minimum, which minimizes shipping, transportation, and associated fuels and emissions from smaller orders Executive Order 987: Policy Statement on Energy Conservation, Sustainable Building Practices, and Physical Plant Management for the California State University http://www.calstate.edu/eo/eo-987.html

Does the institution employ Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA) when evaluating energy- and water-using products and systems?:

Which of the following best describes the institution’s use of LCCA?:
Institution employs LCCA as a matter of policy and standard practice when evaluating all energy- and water-using products, systems and building components

A brief description of the LCCA policy and/or practices:
Institution employs LCCA as a matter of policy and standard practice when evaluating all energy- and water-using products, systems and building components. This is a CSU Policy through the State University Administrative Manual. https://www.calstate.edu/eo/EO-987.html Section 17 in the above link speaks directly to LCCA. "When replacing energy consuming and/or utilities infrastructure equipment, the most cost-effective models will be selected. Life cycle costing procedures, instead of first capital cost only, will be utilized as the basis for all future equipment selection. All possible efforts will be made to secure additional funding if required to effect lowest life-cycle procurement.

Does the institution have published sustainability criteria to be applied when evaluating chemically intensive products and services (e.g. building and facilities maintenance, cleaning and sanitizing, landscaping and grounds maintenance)?:

A brief description of the published sustainability criteria for chemically intensive products and services:

Does the institution have published sustainability criteria to be applied when evaluating construction and renovation products (e.g. furnishings and building materials)?:

A brief description of the published sustainability criteria for construction and renovation products:
The CSU Sustainability Policy has a section on Sustainable Building Practices. 1. All future CSU new construction, remodeling, renovation, and repair projects will be designed with consideration of optimum energy utilization, low life cycle operating costs,compliance with all applicable energy codes (enhanced Title 24 energy codes) and regulations. In the areas of specialized construction that are not regulated through the current energy codes, such as historical buildings, museums, and auditoriums, the CSU will ensure that these facilities are designed to consider energy efficiency. Energy efficient and sustainable design features in the project plans and specifications will be considered in balance with the academic program needs of the project within the available project budget. 2. Capital Planning, Design and Construction in the Chancellor’s Office shall monitor building sustainability/energy performance and maintain information on design best practices to support the energy efficiency goals and guidelines of this policy. The sustainability performance shall be based on Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) principles with consideration to the physical diversity and microclimates within the CSU. 3. The CSU shall design and build all new buildings and major renovations to meet or exceed the minimum requirements equivalent to LEED “Silver.” Each campus shall strive to achieve a higher standard equivalent to LEED “Gold” or “Platinum” within project budget constraints. Each campus may pursue external certification through the LEED process.

Does the institution have published sustainability criteria to be applied when evaluating Information technology (IT) products and services (e.g. computers, imaging equipment, mobile phones, data centers and cloud services)?:

A brief description of the published sustainability criteria for IT products and services:
The CSU Sustainability Policy has a section on IT stating where possible, purchasing decisions shall favor computers and other electronic devices that are Energy Star Rated and EPEAT registered. Campuses will promote use of suppliers and/or vendors who reduce waste, re-purpose recycled material, or support other environmentally friendly practices in the provision of goods or services to the CSU under contract. This may include additional evaluation points in solicitation evaluations for suppliers integrating sustainable practices. (14-New) (http://www.calstate.edu/cpdc/sustainability/policies-reports/documents/JointMeeting-CPBG-ED.pdf)

Does the institution have published sustainability criteria to be applied when evaluating food services (i.e. franchises, vending services, concessions, convenience stores)?:

A brief description of the published sustainability criteria for food services:
CSU Sustainability Policy: "All campus food service organizations should track their sustainable food purchases. Such tracking and reporting will be grounded in the Real Food Challenge guidelines, or equivalent, with consideration to campus requested improvements. Campuses shall strive to increase their sustainable food purchases to 20 percent of total food budget by 2020."

Does the institution have published sustainability criteria to be applied when evaluating garments and linens?:

A brief description of the published sustainability criteria for garments and linens:
The CSU has a Master Enabling Agreement (MEA) with Mission Linen for use of kitchen towels, shop towels, rags, etc. Within this agreement there is Mission Linen Sustainability statement. This sustainability statement is as follows: Sustainability, Leading the Way from the Very Beginning At Mission, our commitment to sustainability has been an important part of our business plan since the very beginning. Our company was built on our ability to give organizations the opportunity to rent and “re-use” textiles, providing them with a cost-effective and earth-conscious approach to doing business. Today, our passion for preserving our environment is present in everything we do, and goes beyond just the products we offer. Mission has been developing, building and implementing water reclamation services throughout industrial laundries since 1970. We are recognized as an industry leader when it comes to retrofitting our existing plants with wastewater pretreatment systems, water reclamation systems and energy efficient equipment. Our engineering staff consists of 11 employees who design, build and maintain machines, buildings and systems that process X number of the garments, linens and products that we deliver to nearly 40,000 customers annually. This dedicated team never stops looking for new and better ways to conserve our natural resources and make a positive impact on the communities where we live and work. Mission Linen's sustainability statement is also published on their website and is available at: http://www.missionlinen.com/sustainability/

Does the institution have published sustainability criteria to be applied when evaluating professional services (e.g. architectural, engineering, public relations, financial)?:

A brief description of the published sustainability criteria for professional services:
In all CSU General Provisions is a provision (44) for DVBE and Small Business Participation, http://www.calstate.edu/csp/crl/gp/gp.shtml Executive Order 987: Policy Statement on Energy Conservation, Sustainable Building Practices, and Physical Plant Management for the California State University, http://www.calstate.edu/eo/eo-987.html

Does the institution have published sustainability criteria to be applied when evaluating transportation and fuels (e.g. travel, vehicles, delivery services, long haul transport, generator fuels, steam plants)?:

A brief description of the published sustainability criteria for transportation and fuels:
The CSU requires that all Staples Business Advantage orders meet a $50 minimum, which minimizes shipping, transportation, and associated fuels and emissions from smaller orders. CSU Sustainability Policy states: "The CSU will encourage and promote the use of alternative transportation and/or alternative fuels to reduce GHG emissions related to university associated transportation, including commuter and business travel. (14-New)"

Does the institution have published sustainability criteria to be applied when evaluating wood and paper products?:

A brief description of the published sustainability criteria for wood and paper products:
As per California Public Contract Code Section 12209, all paper purchased contains a minimum of 30% recycled content. (taken from- https://afd.calpoly.edu/sustainability/campus_resources/purchasing) CSU Sustainability Policy Sustainable Procurement 1. Campuses will promote use of suppliers and/or vendors who reduce waste, re-purpose recycled material, or support other environmentally friendly practices in the provision of goods or services to the CSU under contract. This may include additional evaluation points in solicitation evaluations for suppliers integrating sustainable practices. (14-New) 2. To move to zero waste, campus practices should: (1) encourage use of products that minimize the volume of trash sent to landfill or incinerators; (2) participate in the CalRecycle Buy-Recycled program or equivalent; and (3) increase recycled content purchases in all BuyRecycled program product categories. (14-New) 3. Campuses shall continue to report on all recycled content product categories, consistent with PCC § 12153-12217 and shall implement improved tracking and reporting procedures for their recycled content purchases. (14-New)

Does the institution have published sustainability criteria to be applied when evaluating products and services in other commodity categories that the institution has determined to have significant sustainability impacts?:

A brief description of the published sustainability criteria for other commodity categories:

The website URL where information about the programs or initiatives is available:
Additional documentation to support the submission:
Data source(s) and notes about the submission:
All CSU Policies listed for each category above are used to draft contract language with vendors which ensures adherence to these policies.

The information presented here is self-reported. While AASHE staff review portions of all STARS reports and institutions are welcome to seek additional forms of review, the data in STARS reports are not verified by AASHE. If you believe any of this information is erroneous or inconsistent with credit criteria, please review the process for inquiring about the information reported by an institution or simply email your inquiry to stars@aashe.org.