Overall Rating Silver - expired
Overall Score 52.28
Liaison Stephen Ellis
Submission Date Nov. 25, 2014
Executive Letter Download

STARS v2.0

Boston University
AC-8: Campus as a Living Laboratory

Status Score Responsible Party
Complete 2.40 / 4.00 Lisa Tornatore
Sustainability Director
BU Sustainability
"---" indicates that no data was submitted for this field

Is the institution utilizing the campus as a living laboratory for multidisciplinary student learning and applied research in the following areas?:
Yes or No
Air & Climate Yes
Buildings Yes
Dining Services/Food ---
Energy Yes
Grounds ---
Purchasing ---
Transportation ---
Waste Yes
Water ---
Coordination, Planning & Governance Yes
Diversity & Affordability ---
+ Date Revised: Dec. 3, 2014
Health, Wellbeing & Work Yes
+ Date Revised: Dec. 3, 2014
Investment ---
Public Engagement ---
Other ---

A brief description of how the institution is using the campus as a living laboratory for Air & Climate and the positive outcomes associated with the work:
A group of three graduate students used both the Charles River and Medical campus' footprints, as well as MassGIS and LiDAR data, to create a vulnerability assessment of the University due to sea level rise and storm surge as a result of climate change.

A brief description of how the institution is using the campus as a living laboratory for Buildings and the positive outcomes associated with the work:
As part of a class project, three groups of students from CELOP were challenged to redesign the roof on top of the WBUR building on the Charles River Campus; another group focused on the patio. Attempting to meet a weight equal or inferior the actual weight of the roof while calculating possible savings from solar power, the students identified solutions such as solar panels in combination with with garden/grass area.

A brief description of how the institution is using the campus as a living laboratory for Dining Services/Food and the positive outcomes associated with the work:

A brief description of how the institution is using the campus as a living laboratory for Energy and the positive outcomes associated with the work:
Using data collected on the BU campus, students are currently working on an energy modeling project.

A brief description of how the institution is using the campus as a living laboratory for Grounds and the positive outcomes associated with the work:

A brief description of how the institution is using the campus as a living laboratory for Purchasing and the positive outcomes associated with the work:

A brief description of how the institution is using the campus as a living laboratory for Transportation and the positive outcomes associated with the work:

A brief description of how the institution is using the campus as a living laboratory for Waste and the positive outcomes associated with the work:
International students in three classes at CELOP wanted to improve the recycling situation in their department with clearer bins, signage, education, and a whole-school commitment. Students engaged in project-based learning, first gleaning technical information about recycling on the BU campus through direct interaction with sustainability@BU and then implementing a comprehensive recycling program. They, in turn, used their newfound knowledge to educate their own community members on the importance of recycling. Not only was this beneficial for project-based learning among students, it also helped them develop more advanced English language skills. In another project, students worked with sustainability@BU and management professor Remi Trudel to develop signage for the Warren towers dorm to affect student-resident recycling behavior. Signs followed Prof. Trudel’s guidelines for changing behaviors using an analogous statement of benefits of recycling (quantifying a link between recycling and energy consumption) as well as a competitive social comparison (x floor is doing better at recycling than y floor). Results have informed communications techniques used by sustainability@BU.

A brief description of how the institution is using the campus as a living laboratory for Water and the positive outcomes associated with the work:

A brief description of how the institution is using the campus as a living laboratory for Coordination, Planning & Governance and the positive outcomes associated with the work:
As part of course SI453: Strategies for Environmental Sustainability, students are required to develop a group project, including an in-class presentation and written memo to sustainability@BU. The goal of the project is to provide students with experience similar to what working as a Director of Environmental Sustainability would provide. The final project is to provide a strategy for BU to increase student participation in and response to programs aimed at reducing energy consumption on campus. Student projects provided recommendations for effectively communicating with students to convey the importance of energy reductions, and to garner excitement around the energy reduction movement. Final project memos were action-oriented and emphasized analysis of the expected outcome, and a comparison of expected costs and benefits, done holistically to consider all important aspects of the project.

A brief description of how the institution is using the campus as a living laboratory for Diversity & Affordability and the positive outcomes associated with the work:
+ Date Revised: Dec. 3, 2014

A brief description of how the institution is using the campus as a living laboratory for Health, Wellbeing & Work and the positive outcomes associated with the work:
With the support of professor Jennifer Green, a student researched answers to the following topic: "Does LGBTQ Status Moderate the Association Between Bullying and Depression/Anxiety Among First-Year College Students?"

A brief description of how the institution is using the campus as a living laboratory for Investment and the positive outcomes associated with the work:

A brief description of how the institution is using the campus as a living laboratory for Public Engagement and the positive outcomes associated with the work:

A brief description of how the institution is using the campus as a living laboratory in Other areas and the positive outcomes associated with the work:

The website URL where information about the institution’s campus as a living laboratory program or projects is available:

Data source(s) and notes about the submission:

The information presented here is self-reported. While AASHE staff review portions of all STARS reports and institutions are welcome to seek additional forms of review, the data in STARS reports are not verified by AASHE. If you believe any of this information is erroneous or inconsistent with credit criteria, please review the process for inquiring about the information reported by an institution or simply email your inquiry to stars@aashe.org.