Overall Rating Bronze - expired
Overall Score 39.11
Liaison Yaffa Grossman
Submission Date March 16, 2015
Executive Letter Download

STARS v2.0

Beloit College
AC-8: Campus as a Living Laboratory

Status Score Responsible Party
Complete 3.20 / 4.00 Lindsay Chapman
Sustainability Coordinator
"---" indicates that no data was submitted for this field

Is the institution utilizing the campus as a living laboratory for multidisciplinary student learning and applied research in the following areas?:
Yes or No
Air & Climate Yes
Buildings Yes
Dining Services/Food Yes
Energy Yes
Grounds Yes
Purchasing No
Transportation No
Waste No
Water Yes
Coordination, Planning & Governance ---
Diversity & Affordability No
Health, Wellbeing & Work Yes
Investment No
Public Engagement No
Other Yes

A brief description of how the institution is using the campus as a living laboratory for Air & Climate and the positive outcomes associated with the work:
One student in the summer of 2013 conducted a study on the carbon storage of campus trees. The student surveyed all the trees on campus, categorizing them by type and biomass. Using tree growth equations from literature the student was able to estimate the carbon dioxide sequestered on campus, and changes to that sequestration rate since a previous tree survey in 1998.

A brief description of how the institution is using the campus as a living laboratory for Buildings and the positive outcomes associated with the work:
Two students in the summer of 2012 performed an energy audit on the college's second oldest building Campbell Hall. These students determined that the Hall required insulation in the exterior walls as well as replacing all of the windows in the building. Shortly after their research was performed the building was insulated. The following summer the two more students continued the research on the window replacement and wrote a proposal to the college's Revolving Loan Fund which funded the entire window replacement in the building.

A brief description of how the institution is using the campus as a living laboratory for Dining Services/Food and the positive outcomes associated with the work:
Two students in the spring of 2013, performed research on the possibility of putting a food waste pulper in Commons (the college's main dining hall) to create a compostable material for farms in the surrounding area. While the college did not have the funds to purchase this piece of equipment, this research did spark further research on a food waste pulper dehydrator combination that may be a better fit for campus.

A brief description of how the institution is using the campus as a living laboratory for Energy and the positive outcomes associated with the work:
Two students in the summer of 2012, performed research on the possibility of placing solar panels on the Beloit College campus as an energy source. The students explored the advantages and risks involved in installing solar panels on the Science Center roof. While no solar panels have been installed on campus currently their research will be used to help assess future exploration into renewable energy resources on the Beloit College campus.

A brief description of how the institution is using the campus as a living laboratory for Grounds and the positive outcomes associated with the work:
In an effort to restore native plant species on campus two Beloit College students in the summer of 2012, continued research on the Beloit College Native Oak Savanna. The students performed biodiversity assessments and invasive species removal. Their project and research was in an effort to continue the restoration process of this piece of land.

A brief description of how the institution is using the campus as a living laboratory for Purchasing and the positive outcomes associated with the work:

A brief description of how the institution is using the campus as a living laboratory for Transportation and the positive outcomes associated with the work:

A brief description of how the institution is using the campus as a living laboratory for Waste and the positive outcomes associated with the work:

A brief description of how the institution is using the campus as a living laboratory for Water and the positive outcomes associated with the work:
A student surveyed the Beloit College campus in the summer of 2011 to create a comprehensive map to be used for future stormwater modeling. This map has helped in modeling ranfall-runoff with the aim of determining optimum locations for rain gardens on campus, which will reduce runoff to the nearby Rock River.

A brief description of how the institution is using the campus as a living laboratory for Coordination, Planning & Governance and the positive outcomes associated with the work:

A brief description of how the institution is using the campus as a living laboratory for Diversity & Affordability and the positive outcomes associated with the work:

A brief description of how the institution is using the campus as a living laboratory for Health, Wellbeing & Work and the positive outcomes associated with the work:
All the Single Ladies: Discrimination of Women Professors at Beloit College, 1920-1925 In September of 1921, Florence Robinson, creator of the Household Arts and Sciences department at Beloit, found herself in a bit of a conundrum. After 3 years of working at Beloit, Robinson was due for a promotion. However, during the matriculation ceremony of that year, she ended up walking behind faculty members who did not have her level of seniority. As Robinson wrote, “I could only conclude that the trouble was with myself or my sex, either solution being disheartening because irredeemable.” The root cause of all the trouble turned out to be a slip of the mind. Beloit College had simply forgot to inform Robinson of her promotion. Florence Robinson’s story provides a backdrop for a time of change at Beloit College. In the 1920s colleges were hiring women professors in greater numbers than ever before. This increase in women professors was true at Beloit College. However, as Robinson’s strong statement illustrates, gender discrimination went along with the job. My presentation will examine the status of women professors at Beloit College from 1920-1925. Specifically I will be looking at how a subtle discrimination of women can be seen through the departments women worked in, the opportunities women had for professional mobility, and the difference in women’s and men’s salaries. This research was performed by a Beloit College student and her research was presented at the spring Symposium in 2013 presenting to a variety of staff, faculty and students.

A brief description of how the institution is using the campus as a living laboratory for Investment and the positive outcomes associated with the work:

A brief description of how the institution is using the campus as a living laboratory for Public Engagement and the positive outcomes associated with the work:

A brief description of how the institution is using the campus as a living laboratory in Other areas and the positive outcomes associated with the work:
During the summer of 2013, a student came back from studying abroad and wanted to start a student-run garden plot. He researched best practices for the garden, obtained funding and student support and broke ground on the garden plot and began planting. Partnering with Bon Appetit, our on-campus food provider, all of the vegetables produced at BUG (Beloit Urban Garden) are purchased at fair market value and used in meals served to the students and on-campus groups during the summer.

The website URL where information about the institution’s campus as a living laboratory program or projects is available:

Data source(s) and notes about the submission:

The information presented here is self-reported. While AASHE staff review portions of all STARS reports and institutions are welcome to seek additional forms of review, the data in STARS reports are not verified by AASHE. If you believe any of this information is erroneous or inconsistent with credit criteria, please review the process for inquiring about the information reported by an institution or simply email your inquiry to stars@aashe.org.