Overall Rating Silver - expired
Overall Score 50.92
Liaison Gary Cocke
Submission Date Feb. 26, 2016
Executive Letter Download

STARS v2.0

Baylor University
PA-3: Governance

Status Score Responsible Party
Complete 3.00 / 3.00 Smith Getterman
Assistant Director of Sustainability and Special Projects
Office of Sustainability
"---" indicates that no data was submitted for this field

Do all enrolled students, regardless of type or status, have an avenue to participate in one or more governance bodies (through direct participation or the election of representatives)?:

A brief description of the mechanisms through which students have an avenue to participate in one or more governance bodies:
Student Senate functions as the legislative branch of Student Government and exists to advocate on behalf of students to voice the opinion of Baylor students. These goals are sought and accomplished by 52 representatives elected by the student body to represent each class. Within Student Senate, these members are separated into five standing committees to insure that the student body is most efficiently represented. These committees include Academic Affairs, Campus Improvements and Affairs, Finance, Operations and Procedures, and Public Relations. Ad Hoc committees also are formed, as needed, to address specific issues and projects.

Is there at least one student representative on the institution’s governing body who was elected by peers or appointed by a representative student body or organization?:

A brief description of student representation on the governing body, including how the representatives are selected:
There is a non-voting student representative on the Baylor University Board of Regents. Qualified candidates must have exhibited the ability to understand complex issues and communicate student perspectives to the highest level of leadership at our university. The individual selected will be a non-voting Regent and participate in non-executive session portions of Board meetings. Potential candidates may fill out an application for review.

Do students have a formal role in decision-making in regard to the following?:
Yes or No
Establishing organizational mission, vision, and/or goals Yes
Establishing new policies, programs, or initiatives Yes
Strategic and long-term planning Yes
Existing or prospective physical resources Yes
Budgeting, staffing and financial planning Yes
Communications processes and transparency practices Yes
Prioritization of programs and projects Yes

A brief description of the formal student role in regard to each area indicated, including examples from the previous three years:
The mission of the Baylor University Student Government is to represent the student body, with respect to our Christian commitment and the ideals of Baylor University, through shared governance, as we seek to enrich the quality of student life. Student Government is responsible for representing the Baylor student body on campus. We partner with the Board of Regents, administration, faculty & staff, and alumni to ensure students are included in the decision making process. We also work with student organizations to provide funding, through the Student Government Allocation Fund (SGAF) for on-campus events. Student Body President Dominic Edwards leads the organization in vision and campus-wide initiatives through relationships with students and administration. Student Body Internal Vice President Lawren Kinghorn serves as the President of Student Senate and coordinates between the organization and the internal affairs of Baylor University, as they pertain to Student Government. Student Body External Vice President Kristyn Miller works to build relationships between Baylor students and the Waco community while keeping students informed with current events within federal, state, and local government.

Do all staff, regardless of type or status, have an avenue to participate in one or more governance bodies (through direct participation or the election of representatives)?:

A brief description of the mechanisms through which all staff have an avenue to participate in one or more governance bodies:
Staff members may serve on Staff Council. The members of the Staff Council represent each division of the University and a variety of departments across campus. Membership into the Staff Council is determined by a nomination process. Any University staff person may self nominate or make a nomination of another staff member upon permission of that nominee. All nominees must have been employed by the University for a minimum of 2 years. The nomination process begins each February and is followed by an election each March.

Is there at least one non-supervisory staff representative on the institution’s governing body who was elected by peers or appointed by a representative staff body or organization?:

A brief description of non-supervisory staff representation on the governing body, including how the representatives are selected:

Do non-supervisory staff have a formal role in decision-making in regard to the following? :
Yes or No
Establishing organizational mission, vision, and/or goals Yes
Establishing new policies, programs, or initiatives Yes
Strategic and long-term planning Yes
Existing or prospective physical resources Yes
Budgeting, staffing and financial planning Yes
Communications processes and transparency practices Yes
Prioritization of programs and projects Yes

A brief description of the formal staff role in regard to each area indicated, including examples from the previous three years:
The purpose of Staff Council is to advance the exchange of information among the staff of Baylor by providing a forum for the expression of ideas and concerns of the staff of the university. Staff Council meets once a month during the school year. The members of the Staff Council represent each division of the University and a variety of departments across campus. Membership into the Staff Council is determined by a nomination process. Any University staff person may self nominate or make a nomination of another staff member upon permission of that nominee. All nominees must have been employed by the University for a minimum of 2 years. The nomination process begins each February and is followed by an election each March. The Staff Council supports all Baylor staff by sharing information and gathering feedback on a variety of issues and concerns. The members of the Staff Council serve on various university committees to address staff ideas and university matters.

Do all faculty, regardless of type or status, have an avenue to participate in one or more governance bodies (through direct participation or the election of representatives)?:

A brief description of the mechanisms through which all faculty (including adjunct faculty) have an avenue to participate in one or more governance bodies:
The Faculty Senate annually elects new senators that represent all units of the university.

Is there at least one teaching or research faculty representative on the institution’s governing body who was elected by peers or appointed by a representative faculty body or organization?:

A brief description of faculty representation on the governing body, including how the representatives are selected:
Appointed by Faculty Senate to serve on board of regents.

Do faculty have a formal role in decision-making in regard to the following?:
Yes or No
Establishing organizational mission, vision, and/or goals Yes
Establishing new policies, programs, or initiatives Yes
Strategic and long-term planning Yes
Existing or prospective physical resources Yes
Budgeting, staffing and financial planning Yes
Communications processes and transparency practices Yes
Prioritization of programs and projects Yes

A brief description of the formal faculty role in regard to each area indicated, including examples from the previous three years:
The Faculty Senate represents the faculty of Baylor University in a variety of contexts and to a variety of constituents. To that end, the Faculty Senate: contributes to and promotes an academic environment in a Christian context in which the intellectual, ethical, and professional life of the faculty flourishes. provides a forum for the full and free discussion of all matters affecting Baylor University. discovers the collective judgment of the faculty on matters it deems significant, and, as appropriate, passes resolutions giving the faculty position on issues crucial to faculty, student and university well-being. ensures faculty participation in the formation of University policy, especially as that policy bears on academic governance of the University. establishes standing and ad hoc committees to deal with issues affecting the faculty as needed. appoints faculty members to standing and ad hoc university committees and reviews committee appointments made by the university's executive leadership. The Committee on Committees works under the Faculty Senate's aegis. provides faculty expertise to enrich university governance and to communicate issues of faculty concern to the executive officers, including the President and Provost of the University.

The website URL where information about the institution’s governance structure is available:

Data source(s) and notes about the submission:

The information presented here is self-reported. While AASHE staff review portions of all STARS reports and institutions are welcome to seek additional forms of review, the data in STARS reports are not verified by AASHE. If you believe any of this information is erroneous or inconsistent with credit criteria, please review the process for inquiring about the information reported by an institution or simply email your inquiry to stars@aashe.org.