Overall Rating | Gold - expired |
Overall Score | 66.69 |
Liaison | Laurie Husted |
Submission Date | June 8, 2020 |
Bard College
AC-9: Research and Scholarship
Status | Score | Responsible Party |
![]() |
9.78 / 12.00 |
McLaughlin Associate Dean of the College & Assoc. Professor Chemistry Office of the Dean |
indicates that no data was submitted for this field
Part 1. Sustainability research
Number of employees engaged in sustainability research:
Percentage of employees that conduct research that are engaged in sustainability research:
Part 2. Sustainability research by department
Number of academic departments that include at least one employee who conducts sustainability research:
Percentage of departments that conduct research that are engaged in sustainability research:
Research Inventory
Inventory of the institution’s sustainability research:
Michele Dominy Anthropology Both A.B. (honors), Bryn Mawr College; M.A., Ph.D., Cornell University. Awards and fellowships: Cornell University and Center for International Studies; National Science Foundation; United States/New Zealand Council; Wenner-Gren Foundation; National Endowment for the Humanities; Cultural Heritage Conservation Research Centre at the University of Canberra; Bard Research Fund. Field research in New Zealand and Australia. Author, Calling the Station Home: Place and Identity in New Zealand’s High Country (2001); and articles and reviews in Signs, New Zealand Women’s Studies Journal, Pacific Studies, Anthropology Today, Gender and Society, Pacific Affairs, Landfall: A New Zealand Quarterly, Journal of Linguistic Anthropology, Forest and Conservation History, American Ethnologist, Anthropological Forum, Cultural Anthropology, Man, Landscape Review, Current Anthropology, Journal of Political Ecology, Ecumene, The Contemporary Pacific, and edited volumes and proceedings. Guest coeditor of special issues of Anthropological Forum on “Critical Ethnography in the Pacific” (2005) and Moral Horizons of Land and Place (2018). Served on the editorial board of American Anthropologist and on the boards of the American Conference of Academic Deans and the Environmental Consortium of Colleges and Universities. Past editor, Pacific Monograph Series, University of Pennsylvania Press. Honorary life member of the American Anthropological Association; Fellow of the Association for Social Anthropology in Oceania, Royal Anthropological Association of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and Society for Applied Anthropology. Evaluator, Middle States Commission on Higher Education. Dean of the College (2001–2015) and Vice President (2006–2015). At Bard since 1981.
Myra Armstead Historical Studies 2017 Specialization: U.S. social and cultural history, with emphasis on urban and African American history. Fellowships: Danforth-Compton, Josephine de Karman, University of Chicago Trustees, and New York State African-American Research Institute. Frederick Douglass Award, Association for the Study of Afro-American Life and History (Sullivan County, New York, chapter). Author of Freedom's Gardener: James F. Brown, Horticulture, and the Hudson Valley in Antebellum America (2012); Mighty Change, Tall Within: Black Identity in the Hudson Valley (2003); "Lord, Please Don't Take Me in August": African Americans in Newport and Saratoga Springs (1999). Speaker in the Humanities, New York Council for the Humanities (2003–11). Member, New York Academy of History (since 2006). NEH Fellow/Schomburg Center Scholar-in-Residence (2014–15). At Bard since 1985.
Cathy Collins Biology 2017 B.A., Pitzer College; M.S., University of Arizona; Ph.D., University of Kansas; postdoctoral research, Washington University. She previously taught at Colby College, where she was Clare Boothe Luce Assistant Professor in the Department of Biology. She has published in Forest Ecology and Management, AAAS-Science Advances 1, Oecologia, PLoS ONE, Biological Conservation, and Journal of Ecology, among others, on such subjects as fragmentation and its impact on Earth’s ecosystems, habitat specialization patterns of neotropical birds, historic agriculture, and land-use history. Honors include a National Science Foundation Research Experience for Undergraduates grant, which allowed her to conduct studies in South Gondar, Ethiopia; and numerous research and travel grants from Colby and the University of Kansas; and a Thomas J. Watson Foundation Fellowship (Australia). She has presented her work at the Ecological Society of America, American Ornithologists’ Union, Harvard University, Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies, and at venues in Ethiopia, France, and Australia. At Bard: 2010–11; 2016– .
Eli Dueker EUS 2017 B.A., Rhodes College; M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., Columbia University; postdoctoral research at Queens College, City University of New York, and Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University. Additional studies at Center for Microbial Oceanography and Columbia University’s Ecology, Evolution, and Environmental Biology postbaccalaureate program. Recipient of grants and awards from Hudson River Foundation, Janet Holden Adams Fund, others. Work published in Environmental Science & Technology, Biogeosciences, Science of the Total Environment, and Final Reports of the Hudson River Foundation Tibor T. Polgar Fellowship Program. Former executive director of Project Underground, an international environmental and human rights organization. At Bard since 2014.
Gidon Eshel EUS Both "B.A., Haifa University, Israel; M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University. Professor Eshel specializes in oceanography, climatology, and geophysics. He is the author of Spatiotemporal Data Analysis (Princeton University Press, 2011) and the forthcoming Agrophelia and Food Math: From Stellar Nucleosynthesis to Your Plate. Recent publications include an article on sustainable beef production for Nature, Ecology, and Evolution and an analysis on the climate impact of intensive vs. pastoral beef that was highlighted in Nature’s Research Highlights. His work has also appeared in Climatic Change, Environmental Research Letters, Environmental Science & Technology, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Earth Interactions, and American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, among other publications. Selected talks and outreach activities include the keynote address at the Israel Society of Ecology and Environmental Sciences' 45th annual meeting (July 2017); an invited contribution to the website of and appearance in Leonardo DiCaprio’s 2016 Before the Flood; appearances on WAMC Public Radio’s Earth Wise, coproduced by the Cary Institute of Ecosystems Studies, and NPR’s On Point with Tom Ashbrook (2015); and presentations at MIT Water Summit, University of Wisconsin’s Nelson Institute Center for Sustainability and the Global Environment; Harvard University; Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, and the Culinary Institute of America, among many others. Recent honors include a Radcliffe Fellowship (2016–17) and PopTech Science and Public Leadership Fellowship (2010–12). Eshel also serves as a senior research scientist for NorthWest Research Associates and as an independent consultant to environmentalCalculations.com, with his primary client the Hudson Valley Smart Energy Coalition. Previous positions include: Bard Center Fellow (2007–12); Senior Fellow, Center for Environmental Science, University of Chicago and Argonne National Laboratory (2002–07); principal investigator, Center for Integrating Statistical and Environmental Science, University of Chicago (2001–03); and associate scientist of physical oceanography, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (1998–99). Eshel was assistant professor of geophysics at the University of Chicago (1999–2007) before joining the Bard faculty in 2008.
Felicia Keesing Biology Both B.S., Stanford University; Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley. Grants: National Geographic Society, National Science Foundation, National Institutes of Health, Environmental Protection Agency, among others. Awards include the United States Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (2000). Coeditor, Infectious Disease Ecology: Effects of Ecosystems on Disease and of Disease on Ecosystems (Princeton University Press, 2008). Articles include contributions to Nature, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Ecology Letters, Emerging Infectious Diseases, Proceedings of the Royal Society, Ecology, BioScience, Conservation Biology, Trends in Ecology & Evolution, Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases, and Canadian Journal of Zoology. At Bard since 2000.
Kris Feder Economics 2017 B.A., University of Pennsylvania; Ph.D., Temple University. Dissertation: �Issues in the Theory of Land Value Taxation.� Specialization in public-sector economics and history of economic thought. Temple University awards: Russell Conwell Fellowship (1984–86), University Fellowship (1983–84), summer tuition scholarship (1984). Taught at Franklin and Marshall College, West Chester University, and Temple University. Coauthor, �What�s Missing from the Capital Gains Debate,� Levy Institute Public Policy Brief No. 32 (1997). Contributor, The Corruption of Economics (1994), Beyond Neoclassical Economics: Heterodox Approaches to Economic Theory (1995), and Critics of Henry George (2003). At Bard since 1991.
Peter Klein Sociology Both B.A., Drew University; M.A., Ph.D., Brown University. Areas of specialization: political sociology, urban studies, environmental sociology, globalization and development, qualitative methods, inequality, Brazil, and natural resource management. Author or coauthor of The Civic Imagination: Making a Difference in American Political Life; “Accessing Scarce Resources in the Brazilian Amazon,” in Latin American Research Review (forthcoming); “Disavowing Politics: Civic Engagement in an Era of Political Skepticism,” in American Journal of Sociology; and “Co-Designing and Co-Teaching Graduate Qualitative Methods: An Innovative Ethnographic Workshop Model,” in Teaching Sociology. Conference presentations—on subjects ranging from contested development and Brazil’s Belo Monte Dam to inequality in American civic life—before such organizations as the American Sociological Association, Eastern Sociological Society, Society for the Study of Social Problems, and the Institute of Development Studies in Brighton, England. Has previously taught at Universidade Estadual de Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil; and Brown University. Has also served as special lecturer at Providence College and as consultant and mentor at the Institute for the Study and Practice of Nonviolence in Providence, Rhode Island. At Bard since 2014.
Cecile E. Kuznitz Historical Studies 2017 A.B., magna cum laude, Harvard University; M.A., Ph.D., Stanford University. Awarded fellowships from the American Council of Learned Societies (1997–98); Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture (1999–2000); National Foundation for Jewish Culture (1999–2000); Center for Advanced Judaic Studies, University of Pennsylvania (2002); Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies (2004); United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (2007); and YIVO Institute for Jewish Research (2014). Has lectured at YIVO Institute for Jewish Research, Harvard University, University of Maryland, University of Washington, University of Pennsylvania, and University of Vilnius. Author of YIVO and the Making of Modern Jewish Culture (Cambridge University Press, 2014). Articles published in The YIVO Encyclopedia of the Jews in Eastern Europe; S. Ansky at the Turn of the Century; The Oxford Handbook of Jewish Studies; Yiddish Language and Culture: Then and Now. Visiting assistant professor of Jewish history/Jewish studies, Georgetown University (2000– ). At Bard since 2003.
Christopher Lindner Archaeology 2017 B.A., Hamilton College; M.A., University of Cincinnati; Ph.D., SUNY Albany. He specializes in historical geoarchaeological landscape investigations and experimental use-wear analysis of ancient tools, often with students as assistants in data acquisition. In addition to scientific articles in journals such as Archaeology of Eastern North America, Northeast Anthropology, and Hudson Valley Regional Review, he has edited two collections of scholarly papers, A Northeastern Millennium and A Golden Chronograph for Robert E. Funk. He recently published a chapter, “Guineatown in the Hudson Valley’s Hyde Park,” in Archaeology of Race in the Northeast. He devotes summers to the Bard Archaeology Field School for college, community, and high school students. He maintains ongoing projects at the prehistoric Forest site at Bard, and at the 18th- and 19th-century Parsonage in Germantown. As scientific consultant, he participates in environmental impact studies and planning for protection of cultural resources in the Mid-Hudson Valley. He is past president of the New York Archaeological Council, the state's professional organization, and former president of Hudson River Heritage, the historic preservation group for advocacy and education. At Bard since 1988.
Yuka Suzuki Anthropology 2017 B.A., Cornell University; M.Phil., Ph.D., Yale University. Awards include Social Science Research Council International Dissertation Research Grant; Wenner-Gren Foundation Predoctoral Research Grant. Author, "Drifting rhinos and fluid properties: the turn to wildlife production in Zimbabwe" (Journal of Agrarian Change); "Putting the lion out at night: domestication and the taming of the wild" (Where the Wild Things Are Now: Domestication Reconsidered). Teaching experience at Georgetown University, Yale University, Quinnipiac University. At Bard since 2003.
Olga Touloumi Art History Both B.Arch., Aristotle University of Thessaloniki; M.Sc., Massachusetts Institute of Technology; M.A., Ph.D., Harvard University; additional studies at Universitá degli Studi di Firenze. An architectural historian researching questions of media and technology in modern architecture, she previously served as lecturer and teaching fellow at Harvard. Publications include “Contentious Electronics/Radical Blips” in Architecture Is All Over (forthcoming); “The Networked Periphery and the Verisimilitudes of Communication in Postwar Greece,” in 5th Meeting of the Greek DOCOMOMO: The Greek City and the Urbanism of Modernism (forthcoming); and “The Politics of Totality: Iannis Xenakis’ Polytope de Mycènes” in Xenakis Matters, among others. Co-curator of Made in Greece Plus: Architecture Now, Boston Museum of Science; and Made in Greece and A Media Archaeology of Boston, Harvard University. Lectures/conferences at venues throughout the world, including Columbia University; Brown University; Royal Institute of Art, Stockholm; University of Toronto; Escola Tècnica Superior d’Arquitectura de Barcelona; and Courtauld Institute of Art, London. At Bard since 2014.
Allison McKim Sociology 2017 B.A., Barnard College; M.A., Ph.D., New York University. Professor McKim specializes in gender, punishment and social control, criminology, deviance, drug policy, the welfare state, and ethnographic research methods. Her new book, Addicted to Rehab: Race, Gender, and Drugs in the Era of Mass Incarceration (Rutgers University Press), is an ethnographic comparison of two drug treatment programs for women, one in the criminal justice system and one outside of the penal state in the health care system. In them she found very different ways of defining and treating addiction. Professor McKim's book reveals that addiction treatment reinforces the race, gender, and class politics of mass incarceration. Her work has also appeared in the journals Gender & Society and Signs. At Bard since 2010.
Joel Perlmann Sociology 2017 Ph.D. in history and sociology, Harvard University, 1982. Books authored: Ethnic Differences: Schooling and Social Structure among the Irish, Italians, Jews, and Blacks in an American City, 1880–1935 (Cambridge University Press; winner of the Willard Waller Award, American Sociological Association); Woman’s Work?: American Schoolteachers, 1650–1920 (University of Chicago Press; Robert Margo coauthor); Italians Then, Mexicans Now: Immigrant Origins and Second-Generation Progress, 1890–2000 (Russell Sage Foundation and Levy Economics Institute); America Classifies the Immigrants: Ellis Island to the 2020 Census (Harvard University Press). Books coedited: Immigrants, Schooling, and Social Mobility: Does Culture Make a Difference? (Palgrave MacMillan) and The New Race Question: How the Census Counts Multiracial Individuals (Russell Sage Foundation and Levy Economics Institute). Published papers: in numerous journals, including Journal of American History, William and Mary Quarterly, The Annals, Historical Methods, International Migration Review, The Public Interest. Research grants received: from NIMH, NEH, NSF, NIE, Spencer and Russell Sage Foundations, Princeton Institute for Advanced Study. At Bard since 1994.
Laura Ford Sociology 2017 B.A., Pacific Union College; J.D., Tulane University; M.P.A., Columbia University; LL.M., University of Washington; Ph.D., Cornell University With a background in both sociology and law, Professor Laura Ford’s research and teaching areas include law, religion and society, economic sociology, social theory, the history and development of intellectual property, and historical sociology. She has published in journals such as Theory and Society; Cardozo Public Law, Policy, and Ethics Journal; Max Weber Studies; The American Sociologist; Socio-Legal Review; Journal of the Patent and Trademark Office Society; and California Western Law Review. Professor Ford’s publications also include a chapter written for the edited volume, The Sacred and the Law: The Durkheimian Legacy (Werner Gephart and Daniel Witte, eds., 2017). Ford’s in-progress book—The Intellectual Property of Nations: Sociological and Historical Perspectives on a Modern Legal Institution, under contract with Cambridge University Press—offers a macrohistorical account of the emergence of intellectual property as a new type of legal property. Ford is an active member of the American Sociological Association, and was recently elected to serve as a council member for the ASA’s History of Sociology Section. She also maintains a close relationship with the Baldy Center for Law & Social Policy, where she was a Postdoctoral Fellow from 2014 to 2016.
Sophia Stamatopoulou-Robbins Anthropology 2017 Professor Stamatopoulou-Robbins is an anthropologist whose research centers around infrastructure, discard studies, science and environment, climate change, colonialism and postcoloniality, austerity, the “sharing economy,” property, housing, the Middle East, and Europe. Her first book, Waste Siege: The Life of Infrastructure in Palestine (Stanford University Press, forthcoming), explores what happens when, as Palestinians are increasingly forced into proximity with their own wastes and with those of their occupiers, waste is transformed from “matter out of place,” per prevailing anthropological wisdom, into matter with no place to go—or its own ecology. Her new book project investigates how Airbnb is transforming the relationship between subjectivity, real estate, and work in Greece as a way of understanding the world-making of austerity governance. Her other publications include pieces in the American Ethnologist; International Journal of Middle East Studies; Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East; Arab Studies Journal; Jerusalem Quarterly; Anthropology News; New Centennial Review; and the Refugee Studies Centre Working Paper Series at the University of Oxford. Her film Waste Underground (with videographer Ali al-Deek) premiered at the Sharjah Biennial in Ramallah in 2017. She has presented her work at invited sessions of the American Anthropological Association, Middle East Studies Association, American Ethnological Society, Association of American Geographers, Modern Greek Studies Association, and at several American universities as well as a number of venues in Palestine. Her research has been awarded funding by the National Science Foundation, Social Science Research Council, Wenner-Gren Foundation, Columbia University, and Palestinian American Research Council. BA, magna cum laude, anthropology and human rights, Columbia University; Msc, forced migration, University of Oxford; PhD, anthropology, Columbia University. At Bard since 2013.
Laura Kunreuther Anthropology 2017 B.A., University of Pennsylvania; M.A., Ph.D., University of Michigan. Extensive on-site research in Kathmandu. Awards include Andrew W. Mellon Fellowship, Fulbright-Hays Fellowship, NMERTA South Asia Fellowships (2). Author of numerous articles and conference presentations. At Bard since 2001.
Roger Berkowitz Human Rights 2017 B.A., Amherst College; J.D., Boalt Hall School of Law, University of California, Berkeley; Ph.D., UC Berkeley. Author, The Gift of Science: Leibniz and the Modern Legal Tradition, an account of how the rise of science has led to the divorce of law and justice (Harvard, 2005). Editor, Revenge and Justice, a special issue of Law, Culture, and the Humanities (2005); contributing editor, Rechtsgeschichte. Articles in Yale Journal of Law and Humanities, Journal of Politics, Cardozo Law Review, New Nietzsche Studies, Rechtshistorisches Journal, others. At Bard since 2005.
Ian Buruma Human Rights 2017 Studies in Chinese literature and history at Leyden University; graduate studies in Japanese cinema at Nihon University, Tokyo. Documentary filmmaker and photographer in Tokyo (1977–80); cultural editor of the Far Eastern Economic Review, Hong Kong (1983–86); foreign editor of The Spectator, London (1990–91). Fellowships: Wissenschaftskolleg, Berlin (1991–92); Woodrow Wilson Center, Washington, D.C. (1998–99); Alistair Horne Visiting Fellow, St. Antony’s College, Oxford (1999–2000). Regular contributor to New York Review of Books, New York Times Magazine, New Republic, New Yorker, and The Guardian. Books include Behind the Mask (1983); God’s Dust (1988); Playing the Game (1990); The Wages of Guilt (1995); The Missionary and the Libertine (1997); Anglomania: A European Love Affair (1999); Bad Elements (2001); Inventing Japan: 1853–1964 (2003); Murder in Amsterdam: The Death of Theo van Gogh and the Limits of Tolerance (2006). Coauthor, Occidentalism: The West in the Eyes of Its Enemies (2004). At Bard since 2003.
Nicole Caso Human Rights 2017 Professor Caso’s areas of expertise include Hispanic languages and literature and Latin American literature. She is the author of Practicing Memory in Central American Literature (Palgrave Macmillan, 2010); has contributed a chapter to The Cambridge History of Latin American Women's Literature; and explored the implications of literacy in “‘Walking the Path of Letters’: Negotiating Assimilation and Difference in Contemporary Mayan Literature,” published in CHASQUI: Revista de Literatura Latinoamericana. Additionally, her work has been published in scholarly journals such as Revista Iberoamericana and Istmo: Revista virtual de estudios literarios y culturales centroamericanos, among others; and she has contributed to critical compilations analyzing novelists such as Manlio Argueta and Rosa María Britton. Her research interests include 19th- and 20th-century narratives of Latin America, Central American literature, subaltern studies, memory and literature, the cultural production of collective identities, the limits of representation through writing, literature and human rights, ethics and representation, and theories of space and place. Teaching interests include Spanish for heritage speakers, Latin American testimonio, the city in Latin American fiction, literature of human rights in Latin America, historical fiction, and crafting Mayan identities. AB, Harvard University; MA, PhD, University of California, Berkeley. At Bard since 2004.
Christian Crouch Human Rights 2017 B.A., Princeton University; M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., New York University. Recipient, Ford Foundation Dissertation Fellowship (2006), W. B. H. Dowse Fellowship (2003–04), Society of Colonial Wars Fellowship (2003–04, 2004–05). Specialization in early modern Atlantic world history, colonial America, slavery, and empire. At Bard since 2006.
Mark Danner Human Rights 2017 "Mark Danner is a writer and reporter who for 25 years has written on politics and foreign affairs, focusing on war and conflict. He has covered, among many other stories, wars and political conflict in Central America, Haiti, the Balkans, Iraq and the Middle East, and, most recently, the story of torture during the War on Terror. Danner is James Clarke Chace Professor of Foreign Affairs and the Humanities at Bard College and Chancellor’s Professor of Journalism, English, and Politics at the University of California, Berkeley. Among his books are Stripping Bare the Body (2009), The Secret Way to War: The Downing Street Memo and the Iraq War’s Buried History (2006), Torture and Truth: America, Abu Ghraib, and the War on Terror (2004), The Road to Illegitimacy: One Reporter’s Travels through the 2000 Florida Vote Recount (2004), and The Massacre at El Mozote: A Parable of the Cold War (1994). Danner was a longtime staff writer at The New Yorker and is a frequent contributor to the New York Review of Books. His work has appeared in Harper’s, The New York Times, Aperture, and many other newspapers and magazines. He co-wrote and helped produce two hour-long documentaries for the ABC News program Peter Jennings Reporting, and his work has received, among other honors, a National Magazine Award, three Overseas Press Awards, and an Emmy. In 1999 Danner was named a MacArthur Fellow. He speaks and lectures widely on foreign policy and America’s role in the world. At Bard since 2003.
Omar Encarnaci Human Rights 2017 B.A., Bridgewater College; M.A., University of Texas at Austin; Ph.D., Princeton University. Recipient of Princeton University Presidential Fellowship, Council of European Studies Pre-dissertation Fellowship, Fulbright-Hays Dissertation Fellowship to Spain, and Ford Foundation/National Research Council Post-doctoral Fellowship. Visiting fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Georgetown University Center for Latin American Studies and the Center for Advanced Study in the Social Sciences of the Juan March Institute in Madrid. Author of Spanish Politics: Democracy After Dictatorship (2008), Democracy without Justice in Spain: The Politics of Forgetting (2014), and Out in the Periphery: Latin America's Gay Rights Revolution (2017); and of articles and reviews in Comparative Politics, Comparative Political Studies, West European Politics, Perspectives on Politics, and Political Science Quarterly, among others. Regular contributor to The New York Times, The New York Review of Books, The Nation, Foreign Affairs, Current History and Foreign Policy. At Bard since 1998.
Helen Epstein Human Rights 2017 B.A., University of California, Berkeley; Ph.D., Cambridge University; M.Sc., London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Professor Epstein is the author of Another Fine Mess: America, Uganda, and the War on Terror (Columbia Global Reports, 2017) and The Invisible Cure: Africa, the West, and the Fight Against AIDS (Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 2007; published in paperback as The Invisible Cure: Why We Are Losing the Fight Against AIDS in Africa, Picador, 2008). She has contributed articles to newspapers and journals including New York Review of Books, New York Times Magazine, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Times Literary Supplement, and The Lancet, among others. She has also served as an adviser to numerous international organizations on HIV prevention and as a consultant on public health in developing countries to UNICEF, World Bank, Human Rights Watch, and other organizations. At Bard since 2010.
Tabetha Ewing Human Rights 2017 "B.A., Bard College; M.A., Ph.D., history, Princeton University. Tabetha Ewing, associate professor of history, chair of the Social Studies Division, and former dean of studies at Bard High School Early College (2009–14), is the author of Rumor, Diplomacy and War in Enlightenment Paris (Oxford University Studies in the Enlightenment, 2014). She serves as cochair of the Columbia University Seminar “Beyond France.” She is also a fellow at the New York Institute for the Humanities. Her teaching and research interests are in the sociocultural and sociopolitical history of 18th-century France, early-modern media, early-modern city, early-modern women and gender, old-regime borders, old-regime police, francophone black diasporic thought, and négritude. Her current work-in-progress, provisionally titled “Rights Over Persons: France and Extradition in the Age of Kings,” is on runaway wives, clandestine marrieds, fugitive slaves, dissident writers, counterfeiters, identity thieves, and spies. It explores the confluence of emergent state and individual sovereignty and international policing before the era of modern extradition treaties and national borders. Using diplomatic correspondence and the supplication letters of the detainees, this book will show political subjectivity unfolding, not only in the world of ideas or revolutionary events, or among a special class of subject, but also in the confrontation of states around often marginal subjects who transgress and, in doing so, invent political boundaries. She has been at Bard since 1998.
Thomas Keenan Human Rights 2017 B.A., Amherst College; M. Phil., Ph.D., Yale University. Author, Fables of Responsibility (1997); Mengele's Skull (with Eyal Weizman, 2012); articles in PMLA, South Atlantic Quarterly, Grey Room, New York Times, Aperture, Cabinet. Coeditor, New Media, Old Media (with Wendy Chun, 2005; 2nd edition with Wendy Chun and Anna Fisher, 2015); The Human Snapshot (with Tirdad Zolghadr, 2013); and The Flood of Rights (with Suhail Malik and Tirdad Zolghadr, 2016). Editorial and advisory board member, Journal of Human Rights, Grey Room, Humanity, and Scholars at Risk Network. Curator, Antiphotojournalism (with Carles Guerra, 2010–11) and Aid and Abet (2011). At Bard since 1999.
Susan M. Merriam Human Rights 2017 B.F.A., School of the Museum of Fine Arts and Tufts University; M.A., Tufts University; Ph.D., Harvard University. Awards and fellowships include Mellon Foundation Fellowship (1996); Belgian American Educational Foundation Fellowship (1997); Center for Advanced Studies in the Visual Arts, National Gallery, Washington, Robert H. and Clarice Smith Fellow (1999); Derek Bok Center, Harvard University, Distinction in Teaching Awards (1999–2002). Visiting instructor, Massachusetts College of Art (2001), Rhode Island School of Design (2001–02), University of Massachusetts (2002), Harvard University (2003). Faculty, Language and Thinking Program at Bard College. At Bard since 2003.
Gregory B. Moynahan Human Rights 2017 B.A., Wesleyan University; M.A., Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley. Recipient, Bundeskanzler/Humboldt, DAAD, and Foreign Language Area Studies (Czech) fellowships. Specialization in modern European intellectual and cultural history and the history of science and technology. Research interests include history of the social sciences, systems theory, and computing/cybernetics in the two Germanys. Author, Ernst Cassirer and the Critical Science of Germany, 1899-1919 (2013, Anthem Press/London). Articles in Perspectives on Science, Science in Context, Simmel Studies, and Qui Parle. Associate Professor of History; Chair, Social Studies Division; Codirector, Science, Technology, and Society. At Bard since 2001.
Michelle Murray Human Rights 2017 B.A., M.A., Ph.D., University of Chicago. Postdoctoral Fellow, Center for International Studies, University of Chicago (2007–10); Deans Fellow in International Security and U.S. Foreign Policy, John Sloan Dickey Center for International Understanding, Dartmouth College (2014–15). Recipient, Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Dissertation Completion Fellowship (2006–07), Smith Richardson Foundation Summer Research Grant (2004/2006). Teaching and research interests include international relations theory; security studies; the politics of recognition among states; international history, especially pre-World War I Europe; and global governance and international organization. Her current research focuses on how the desire for status recognition shapes the military strategies of rising great powers, with a particular focus on American, British, and German naval strategy before the First World War. This work has appeared in the journals Security Studies and Global Discourse, and as chapters in edited volumes. She presents regularly at the annual meetings of the American Political Science Association and International Studies Association. At Bard since 2010.
Gilles Peress Human Rights 2017 "Gilles Peress started using photography to create museum installations and books in 1971, having previously studied political science and philosophy in Paris. His ongoing project, Hate Thy Brother, looks at similitude and difference and its consequences in ethnic conflicts. Peress’s books include Telex Iran; The Silence: Rwanda; Farewell to Bosnia; The Graves: Srebrenica and Vukovar; A Village Destroyed; and Haines. Peress’s work has been exhibited in and collected by institutions including the Metropolitan Museum of Art and Museum of Modern Art in New York; Getty Museum in Los Angeles; V&A in London; Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris; and Museum Folkwang, Essen; among others. Peress is the recipient of a Guggenheim fellowship, National Endowment for the Arts grants, Pollock-Krasner and New York State Council of the Arts fellowships, W. Eugene Smith Grant for Humanistic Photography, and International Center of Photography Infinity Award. Peress joined Magnum Photos in 1971 and has served three times as vice president and twice as president of the cooperative. Studies at Institut d’Etudes Politiques and Université de Vincennes, France. At Bard since 2008.
Peter Rosenblum Human Rights 2017 A.B., Columbia College; J.D., cum laude, Northwestern University Law School; LL.M., Columbia Law School; D.E.A. (Diplôme d’études approfondies), University of Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne). Previously taught at Columbia Law School, where he was Lieff, Cabraser, Heimann & Bernstein Clinical Professor in Human Rights and faculty codirector of the Human Rights Institute. He has served as project director, associate director, and clinical director of the Harvard Law School Human Rights Program; human rights officer at the United Nations Human Rights Centre (now Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights) in Geneva, where he led missions to Rwanda, South Africa, and Zaire; program director with the International Human Rights Law Group (now Global Rights) in Washington D.C.; consultant to Human Rights Watch/Africa Watch; and staff attorney for the Lawyers Committee for Human Rights (now Human Rights First). Publications include law review contributions, book chapters, reviews, newspaper opinion pieces, and numerous articles for Current History. Recent projects include field research on obligations and oversight in mining in South Africa and Peru and on tea plantations in India, and consultancies for projects in Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kashmir, Côte d’Ivoire, Chad, São Tomé e Príncipe, Vietnam, Rwanda, and Peru. At Bard since 2012.
John Ryle Human Rights 2017 John Ryle is a writer and researcher specializing in Eastern and Central Africa. He is cofounder of the Rift Valley Institute, a research and public information organization operating in Eastern and Central Africa; he was executive director of the Institute until 2017. He has worked as a long-term social researcher in the Sudans and Brazil, as a regional analyst for aid and human rights organizations in Africa and the Middle East, and as a writer, editor, filmmaker, and broadcaster worldwide. He is the author of Warriors of the White Nile (1984), an account of the Dinka of South Sudan; coauthor of The Sudan Handbook (2011); and contributor to publications including the New York Review of Books, Guardian (weekly columnist, 1995–99), Times Literary Supplement, Condé Nast Traveler, and Granta, where he was a contributing editor. His website, johnryle.com, is a live repository of research, activism, journalism, and critical writing from 1985 to date, with reportage from Africa, Asia, and the Americas, and accounts of anthropological and human rights research in the Sudans and Brazil. The site includes information about books and video documentaries, translations of Brazilian poems and songs, a blog—Field Notes—and the archive of a newspaper column, City of Words. Translations: Portuguese to English translation of Caetano Veloso’s Noites do Norte (2001); other Brazilian poetry and prose. Documentary films and radio: South Sudan: The Chiefs Speak, 2015 (director); Minefields, a three-part series, BBC World Service, 1996 (author, presenter); The Price of Survival: A Journey to the War Zone of South Sudan, 1994 (codirector); Witchcraft among the Azande, 1982 (anthropologist). Boards and honorary appointments: Research associate, School of Oriental and African Studies, London University; board member, Media Development Investment Fund; board member, Human Rights Watch Africa Division. Awards and fellowships: George Soros Chair, School of Public Policy, Central European University, Budapest (2018); Fellow, Cullman Center for Writers and Artists, New York Public Library (2015–16); Research Fellow, Nuffield College, Oxford University (1996–97); Bronwen Gold Blyth Award for Environmental Writing; Authors’ Foundation Open Award, UK); Social Science Research Council (UK) Postgraduate Fellow. BA, MA, University of Oxford. At Bard since 2005.
Stuart Stritzler-Levine Human Rights 2017 B.A., New York University; M.A., New School University; Ph.D., SUNY Albany. Clinical research psychologist, Philadelphia State Hospital, working in a National Institute of Mental Health project designed to rehabilitate patients with chronic mental illness; clinical psychologist, Bordentown Reformatory. Teaching and research interests include social psychology, specifically obedience to authority, conformity, attitude measurement, and change; moral development; statistics; and experimental design. Dean of the College (1980–2001). Dean of Studies, Bard High School Early College Manhattan (2003–09). At Bard since 1964.
Drew Thompson Human Rights 2017 B.A., Williams College; Ph.D., University of Minnesota. Previously taught at Williams College as the Gaius Charles Bolin Dissertation Fellow in History and Art. Recipient of fellowships from Woodrow Wilson National Foundation, Getty Foundation, Mellon Foundation, Fulbright–Institute of International Education, Luso-American Development Foundation, and the Thomas J. Watson Foundation, and has participated in residencies at the International Research Centre “Work and Human Life Cycle in Global History (re:work)” at Humboldt University, the Institute of African Studies at Universität Bayreuth, the Center for Humanities Research at University of the Western Cape, and the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of African Art. Researches and teaches on colonial and contemporary Sub-Saharan African history with topical focus on liberation movements, technology, and methods of visual history and postcolonial theory. Peer-reviewed essays have appeared in Kronos and Social Dynamics, and he published a review essay and review in African Studies Review and History of Photography, respectively. Peer-reviewer for Social Dynamics and Critical Interventions. Currently working on a book manuscript titled Photography’s Bureaucracy: Constructing Colony and Nation in Mozambique, 1960 to Recent Times. At Bard since 2013.
Robert Weston Human Rights 2017 BA, University of Florida; MA, M.Phil, PhD, Columbia University. Publications in Social Text, Rethinking Marxism, n/or. Invited lecturer, Guggenheim Museum, New York (2009); Günther-Findel Research Fellow, Herzog August Bibliothek (2004–05); Research Fellowship, DAAD (2000–01). Presidential Teaching Award, Columbia University (2005). Ottaway International Fellow, Director of Faculty and Curricular Development, Bard Honor's College, Al-Quds University, Palestine (2009–10). At Bard since 2005.
Ruth Zisman Human Rights 2017 Ruth Zisman’s areas of specialization include the German philosophical tradition (Kant, Hegel, Marx, Nietzsche, Freud, Heidegger), political philosophy, psychoanalysis, and philosophy and literature. She has taught at New York University and at debate workshops and institutes throughout Europe and the United States, held fellowships in Berlin and Weimar, and presented at academic conferences at Cornell, Yale, and the University of Zurich. Professor Zisman founded the Bard Debate Union in 2004 and since then has worked to build a world-renowned debate program on campus—expanding the program from an extracurricular activity into a centerpiece of liberal arts education—while also working to build and support the growth of debate programs in Bard's surrounding school districts and throughout Bard's national and international networks. BA, philosophy and literature, Vassar College; MA, humanities and social thought, and PhD, German studies, New York University. At Bard since 2004.
Ellen Driscoll Studio Art 2017 B.A., Wesleyan University; M.F.A., sculpture, Columbia University. Previously taught at Rhode Island School of Design, where she served as department head of sculpture. Has also been affiliated with the School of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, Princeton University, and Parsons the New School for Design. Teaching and research interests include public art, sculpture and installation, drawing, enviromental justice, and civil rights. Her work has been exhibited in nearly one hundred solo and group shows throughout the country and internationally, including Whitney Museum at Phillip Morris, Frederieke Taylor Gallery, Thread Waxing Space, New-York Historical Society, Grand Central Terminal, and Damon Brandt Gallery in Manhattan; SmackMellon and Long Island University, Brooklyn; West Cork Arts Centre, Ireland; Nippon Ginko Bank, Hiroshima, Japan; Museum of Contemporary Art, Denver; Boston Center for the Arts; Contemporary Arts Center, Cincinnati, and others. She is represented in many public and private collections, including the Boston Public Library, Detroit Institute of Arts, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Metropolitan Museum of Art, and Whitney Museum of American Art. Awards and honors include fellowships from the Guggenheim Foundation, National Endowment for the Arts, Bunting Institute at Harvard University, and New York Foundation for the Arts; residencies at Sirius Art Centre (Cork, Ireland), MacDowell Colony, and Banff Centre for the Arts; and grants from the New England Foundation for the Arts and LEF Foundation, among others. Reviews of her work have appeared in the New York Times, Art in America, Art New England, Sculpture Magazine, and Interior Design. At Bard since 2013.
Kristen Lane Psychology 2017 BA, University of Virginia; MS, Yale University; PhD, Harvard University. Has taught at Harvard, Johns Hopkins University Center for Talented Youth, and Tufts University. Recipient, Cabot Postdoctoral Fellowship for Innovation in Teaching, Derek Bok Center for Teaching and Learning, Harvard (2006– ). Articles in Social Cognition, Natura Automatyzmow, other journals and publications. At Bard since 2007.
Michael Martell Economics 2017 B.A., University of Oregon; M.A., Ph.D., American University. Teaching and research interests include labor, applied microeconomics, economics of inequality, feminist economics, and economic development. He has served as an economist in the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Labor for Safety and Health, U.S. Department of Labor; at the Office of Regulatory Analysis, U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration; and at the Office of Safety and Health Statistics, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. He previously taught at Franklin and Marshall College, American University, Elizabethtown College, and University of Mary Washington. Publications include articles in Eastern Economic Journal, Journal of Labor Research, and Contemporary Economic Policy, and the book chapters “Are Gays and Lesbians ‘Mainstream’ with Respect to Economic Success?” in Robert S. Rycroft (ed.), The Economics of Inequality, Poverty, and Discrimination in the 21st Century; and “In the Middle of the Margin: The LGB Middle Class,” in Robert S. Rycroft (ed.) The American Middle Class: An Economic Encyclopedia of Progress and Poverty (forthcoming). At Bard since 2016.
Dimitri Papadimitriou Economics 2017 "B.A., Columbia University; M.A., Ph.D., Graduate Faculty of the New School University, Department of Economics. Minister of Economy and Development, Hellenic Republic (2016–18). Visiting Distinguished Scholar, Institute of World Economy, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences (2002). Visiting scholar, Center for Economic Planning and Research, Athens; Wye Fellow, Aspen Institute (1985); Center for Advanced Economic Studies Fellowship (1983, 1986); Whittemore Fellowship (1968); Anglo-American Hellenic Fellowship (1968, 1969). Consultant, Greek Ministry of Education (2002–05); board of directors, William Penn Life Insurance Company (1972–2010); vice chairman, Trade Deficit Review Commission, U.S. Congress (1999–2001); member, Capital Allocation Subcouncil of the Competitiveness Policy Council (1993–98). Trustee and chairman, American Symphony Orchestra; advisory board member, Women’s World Banking; fellow, Economists for Peace and Security; member, Economic Club of New York, The Bretton Woods Committee, American Economic Association, American Finance Association, Association for Evolutionary Economics, Royal Economic Society (UK), Eastern Economic Association, European Economic Association, and Hellenic-American Bankers Association. Articles in International Encyclopedia of Social Sciences, The Milken Institute Review, Analyst, Journal of Applied Business Research, Routledge Encyclopedia of International Political Economy, Eastern Economic Review, Journal of Comparative Economic Studies, Working USA, Journal of Economic Issues, Review of Political Economy, The Economic Journal, Challenge, Chicago Tribune, Financial Times, New York Times, European Journal of Political Economy. Editor and contributor, Financial Conditions and Macroeconomic Performance: Essays in Honor of Hyman P. Minsky, with Steven M. Fazzari (1992); Profits, Deficits, and Instability (1992); Poverty and Prosperity in the U.S.A. in the Late Twentieth Century, with Edward N. Wolff (1993); Aspects of the Distribution of Wealth and Income (1994); Stability in the Financial System (1996); Modernizing Financial Systems (2000); Hyman P. Minsky’s Induced Investment and Business Cycles (2004); The Distributional Effects of Government Spending and Taxation (2006); Government Spending on the Elderly (2007); Hyman P. Minsky’s John Maynard Keynes and Stabilizing an Unstable Economy, with L. Randall Wray (2008); The Elgar Companion to Hyman Minsky, with Wray (2010); Contributions in Stock-flow Modeling: Essays in Honor of Wynne Godley, with Gennaro Zezza (2012); Contributions to Economic Theory, Policy, Development and Finance: Essays in Honor of Jan A. Kregel (2014); and The Collected Economic Papers of Hyman P. Minsky (forthcoming). Author, Levy Institute Strategic Analysis reports; the Public Policy Briefs Community Development Banking and A Path to Community Development, with Ronnie J. Phillips and Wray; An Alternative in Small Business Finance, Targeting Inflation: The Effects of Monetary Policy on the CPI and Its Housing Component, Does Social Security Need Saving? and Fiddling in Euroland as the Global Meltdown Nears, with Wray; Endgame for the Euro, with Wray and Yeva Nersisyan; Monetary Policy Uncovered, Understanding Deflation: Treating the Disease, Not the Symptoms and Cracks in the Foundations of Growth, with Greg Hannsgen and Zezza; The New New Deal Fracas, Debts, Deficits, Economic Recovery, and the U.S. Government, Will the Recovery Continue: Four Fragile Markets, Four Years Later, Fiscal Traps and Macro Policy after the Eurozone Crisis, with Hannsgen; and After Austerity: Measuring the Impact of a Job Guarantee Policy for Greece, with Rania Antonopoulos, Sofia Adam, Kijong Kim, and Thomas Masterson; and the Policy Notes Fiscal Stimulus, Job Creation, and the Economy: What Are the Lessons of the New Deal, with Hannsgen; Fiscal Policy for the Coming Recession, Are We All Keynesians (Again)?, The April AMT Shock, Time to Bail Out: Alternatives to the Bush-Paulson Plan, and Euroland’s Original Sin,, with Wray; The Greek Public Debt Problem, with Michalis Nikiforos and Gennaro Zezza; What Should Be Done with Greek Banks to Help the Country Return to a Path of Growth?, with Emilios Avgouleas; and Complementary Currencies and Economic Stability. Member, editorial board, Challenge, The Bulletin of Political Economy, and Journal of Economic Analysis; book reviewer, Cambridge Journal of Economics, Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, Journal of Comparative Economic Studies, The Economic Journal, and Atlantic Economic Journal. Frequent commentator on National Public Radio. Witness to U.S. Senate and House Committee Hearings on Banking, Finance, and Small Business. At Bard since 1977.
Bruce Robertson Biology 2017 B.S., University of Notre Dame; Ph.D., University of Montana. Postdoctoral fellowships at Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute’s Migratory Bird Center and Michigan State University. Professor Robertson’s research focuses on understanding the direct and indirect impacts of human activities on biodiversity, animal behavior, and species interactions, with special emphasis on how rapidly changing environments may disrupt evolved relationships and trigger behavioral maladaptation. He is best known for his interest in better understanding the causes and consequences of maladaptive behavioral scenarios—called ecological and evolutionary traps—that have the potential to negatively impact populations of native species. He is currently investigating how new forms of light pollution are triggering maladaptive behavior in birds and aquatic insects in ways that will help inform sustainable development and solar panel design. Robertson is also developing ways in which evolutionary traps can be used to manage pest species and fight cancer. He has published over 40 peer-reviewed articles and his work has been covered by National Public Radio, Scientific American, the Discovery Channel and National Geographic.
Gautam Sethi Economics BCEP 2017 BA, University of Delhi; MA, Delhi School of Economics; MPhil, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, master’s thesis on the conflicts between utilitarianism and libertarianism; Fellow, University of Texas, Austin; PhD, University of California, Berkeley (Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor Award). Research interests include natural resources and environmental economics, applied microeconomics, game theory, philosophy of economics, and history of economic thought. Worked in India on energy-economy-environment linkages and associated policy issues. Doctoral work focused on fishery management under certainty. Designed and taught a Rethinking Economics course at the University of California, Berkeley. Author, working papers of climate change policy impacts at Redefining Progress, San Francisco, and a companion volume to Jeffrey Perloff’s Microeconomics; article in the Journal of Environmental Economics and Management. Presented research talks at academic institutions (Binghamton University, University of California-Santa Barbara), research institutes (Institute of Ecosystem Studies, Millbrook, Tata Energy Research Institute, India), policy forums (OECD workshop, Oaxaca, Mexico), and numerous professional society meetings.
Pavlina Tcherneva Economics 2017 B.A., Gettysburg College; M.A., Ph.D., University of Missouri-Kansas City. Previously taught at Franklin and Marshall College and University of Missouri-Kansas City. Research and teaching interests include macroeconomic theory and policy; employment policy; monetary theory and the history of monetary thought; institutional and Post Keynesian theory; and the effects of pro-employment policies on gender outcomes and urban development. She has published articles in the Review of Social Economy, Basic Income Studies, Journal of Economic Issues, Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, International Journal of Political Economy, Rutgers Journal of Law and Urban Policy, and Oeconomicus, among others. She is coeditor (with M. Forstater) of Full Employment and Price Stability: The Macroeconomic Vision of William S. Vickrey (2004). Research Associate, Levy Economics Institute. At Bard: 2006–2008, 2012–
Sanjib Baruah Political Studies 2017 "Professor Baruah’s teaching and research interests include political economy, nations and nationalism, Asian borderlands, and South Asian Politics. His publications include India against Itself: Assam and the Politics of Nationality (University of Pennsylvania Press, 1999); Durable Disorder: Understanding the Politics of Northeast India (Oxford University Press, 2005); Postfrontier Blues: Towards a New Policy Framework for Northeast India (East-West Center, 2007); and the edited volumes Beyond Counterinsurgency: Breaking the Impasse in Northeast India (Oxford University Press, 2009) and Ethnonationalism in India: A Reader (Oxford University Press, 2010). His opinion pieces appear in the Indian Express and other newspapers. Baruah serves on the editorial board of the journal Studies in Indian Politics (Sage Publications) and the book series South Asia in Motion from Stanford University Press. He holds a concurrent position as Global Fellow at the Peace Research Institute in Oslo, Norway. A number of his books are available in the Oxford India Paperbacks series. BA, Cotton College, Guwahati, India; MA, University of Delhi; PhD, University of Chicago. At Bard since 1983.
Leon Botstein President 2017 B.A., University of Chicago; M.A., Ph.D., Harvard University, Department of History. Lecturer, Department of History, Boston University (1969); special assistant to the president, Board of Education, City of New York (1969–70); president, Franconia College (1970–75). Editor, The Musical Quarterly (1992– ). Music director and conductor, American Symphony Orchestra (1992– ) and Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra/Israel Broadcasting Authority (2003– ). Conductor, Hudson Valley Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra (1981–92). Coartistic director, Bard Music Festival (1990– ). Guest conductor, BBC Symphony Orchestra, Bern Symphony, Bochum Symphony Orchestra (Germany), Budapest Festival Orchestra, Düsseldorf Symphony, Georg Enescu Philharmonic Orchestra (Bucharest), Hudson Valley Philharmonic, London Philharmonic Orchestra, Madrid Opera, NDR Symphony Orchestra (Hamburg), New York City Opera, ORF Orchestra (Vienna), Philharmonia Orchestra (London), Puerto Rico Symphony Orchestra, Romanian Radio Symphony Orchestra, Royal Scottish National Orchestra, St. Petersburg Philharmonic, Wroclaw Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra. Recordings with the American Symphony Orchestra (Arabesque, Vanguard Classics/Omega, Koch/Schwann, New World Records, Telarc); BBC Symphony Orchestra (Chandos, Telarc); Hanover Radio Symphony Orchestra (Koch International Classics); London Philharmonic Orchestra (IMP Masters, Telarc); London Symphony Orchestra (Telarc, Carlton Classics); National Philharmonic of Lithuania (Arabesque), NDR Radio Philharmonic (Koch International); NDR Symphony Orchestra (New World Records); Pro Arte Chamber Orchestra of Boston (CRI); Royal Scottish National Orchestra (Arabesque). Honors include membership in the American Philosophical Society, the Carnegie Corporation Academic Leadership Award, American Academy of Arts and Letters Award for Distinguished Service to the Arts, Austrian Cross of Honor First Class, Centennial Medal from the Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Frederic E. Church Award for Arts and Sciences, National Arts Club Gold Medal. Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Board chair, Central European University; board member, Open Society Institute, Foundation for Jewish Culture. Member, National Advisory Committee for Yale–New Haven Teachers, National Council for Chamber Music America. Past chair, Association of Episcopal Colleges, Harper’s Magazine Foundation, New York Council for the Humanities. Articles in newspapers and journals including Christian Science Monitor, Chronicle of Higher Education, Gramophone, Harper’s, Musical Quarterly, New Republic, New York Times, 19th-Century Music, Partisan Review, Psychoanalytic Psychology, Salmagundi, Times Literary Supplement. Essays and chapters in a number of books about art, education, history, and music, including the Cambridge Companions to Music series and the New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians. Contributor to volumes in the Bard Music Festival series on Bartók, Beethoven, Brahms, Copland, Debussy, Dvoˇrák, Elgar, Haydn, Ives, Janáˇcek, Liszt, Mahler, Mendelssohn, Prokofiev, Schoenberg, Schumann, Shostakovich, Strauss, Tchaikovsky, and Wagner, published by Princeton University Press. Editor, The Compleat Brahms (W. W. Norton, 1999). Author, Jefferson’s Children: Education and the Promise of American Culture (Doubleday, 1997); Judentum und Modernität: Essays zur Rolle der Juden in der Deutschen und Österreichischen Kultur, 1848–1938 (Böhlau Verlag, 1991; Russian translation Belveder, 2003); The History of Listening: How Music Creates Meaning (forthcoming, Basic Books); Music and Modernism (forthcoming, Yale University Press). (1975– ) Leon Levy Professor in the Arts and Humanities.
Mark Danner Foreign Affairs and Humanities 2017 "Mark Danner is a writer and reporter who for 25 years has written on politics and foreign affairs, focusing on war and conflict. He has covered, among many other stories, wars and political conflict in Central America, Haiti, the Balkans, Iraq and the Middle East, and, most recently, the story of torture during the War on Terror. Danner is James Clarke Chace Professor of Foreign Affairs and the Humanities at Bard College and Chancellor’s Professor of Journalism, English, and Politics at the University of California, Berkeley. Among his books are Stripping Bare the Body (2009), The Secret Way to War: The Downing Street Memo and the Iraq War’s Buried History (2006), Torture and Truth: America, Abu Ghraib, and the War on Terror (2004), The Road to Illegitimacy: One Reporter’s Travels through the 2000 Florida Vote Recount (2004), and The Massacre at El Mozote: A Parable of the Cold War (1994). Danner was a longtime staff writer at The New Yorker and is a frequent contributor to the New York Review of Books. His work has appeared in Harper’s, The New York Times, Aperture, and many other newspapers and magazines. He co-wrote and helped produce two hour-long documentaries for the ABC News program Peter Jennings Reporting, and his work has received, among other honors, a National Magazine Award, three Overseas Press Awards, and an Emmy. In 1999 Danner was named a MacArthur Fellow. He speaks and lectures widely on foreign policy and America’s role in the world. At Bard since 2003.
Brooke Jude Biology 2017 "Brooke Jude is a molecular microbiologist who studies isolates of microorganisms cultivated from aquatic sources worldwide. Her work is currently focused on isolating and identifying beneficial violacein producing bacterial strains. She uses classic microbiological techniques for isolation, culture and characterization, and identifies organisms via modern sequence analysis. Investigations within the lab also include motility and biofilm assays, violacein analysis, whole genome sequencing and assembly, and investigation into bacterial behavior within microbial communities. BA, Colby College; PhD, Dartmouth College. At Bard since 2009.
Aniruddha Mitra Economics 2017 M.A., Delhi School of Economics, Delhi University; M.S., Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Teaching and research interests include microeconomics; game theory; industrial organization; developmental economics; the economics of race, ethnicity, and gender; and the economics of migration. His research employs both theoretical and empirical methods to investigate the phenomena of discrimination, ethnic conflict, and the international migration of skilled labor. He has published in Applied Economics Letters, Eastern Economic Journal, Mathematical Social Sciences, and Economic Systems. He previously taught at Middlebury College and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. At Bard since 2012.
Emily White Biology 2020 As part of the Bard Water Lab and the Saw Kill Watershed community, Emily White is involved in ongoing efforts to monitor water quality in the Saw Kill. She is currently working on the Annandale Dam Micro-Hydropower Project, using her training as an environmental scientist to consider the impacts of small hydropower on the Saw Kill. She received her BS in chemistry and environmental studies from Tufts University, her MS in environmental science from Ohio State University, and her PhD in environmental chemistry from SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry. She is interested in the natural and anthropogenically influenced processes that impact water quality. At SUNY-ESF, she received a NASA Earth System Science fellowship to investigate estuarine carbon cycling. She participated in several oceanographic research cruises, traveling all the way to Antarctica. Before coming to Bard, White taught introductory and environmental chemistry at Sewanee: The University of the South, and conducted research on the occurrence and fate of pharmaceuticals and personal care products in treated wastewater. At Bard since 2019.
Jeannette Estruth Historical Studies 2020 "Jeannette Alden Estruth is assistant professor of historical studies at Bard College, where she teaches American history. She also holds an affiliation with the Harvard Law School Berkman- Klein Center for Internet and Society. She received her doctorate in history, with honors, from New York University in 2018. From 2018 to 2019, Estruth was a visiting scholar at the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in Cambridge, Massachusetts. In 2019, her book project was a finalist for the Herman E. Krooss Prize for Best Dissertation in Business History. Estruth’s work has been supported by the Mellon Foundation, University of Virginia Miller Center, Hagley Library, Huntington Library, NYU Henry MacCracken Fellowship, and Fulbright Program, among others. She was formerly the associate editor of the Radical History Review, and an editorial assistant at Harvard University Press. Estruth is currently working on her book manuscript, The New Utopia: A Political History of the Silicon Valley, which explores the history of social movements, the technology industry, and economic culture in the United States. BA, Vassar College; PhD, New York University. At Bard since 2019.
Alex Benson Literature 2020 "Professor Benson’s research and teaching focus is on American literatures of the 19th and early 20th centuries, with active interests in media studies, indigenous studies, disability, and the environmental humanities. His articles on authors including W. E. B. Du Bois, Herman Melville, and Claude McKay have appeared in the journals Narrative, Leviathan, Small Axe, and Criticism. His current book manuscript, Soundblind: American Literature and the Problem of Transcription, was selected for participation in the Center for American Literary Studies’ First Book Institute at Penn State in 2017, and he is the recipient of a Chernin Mentoring Fellowship (2011-12), among other recent awards. He serves on the executive board of the New York Metro Area American Studies Association. BA, PhD, University of California, Berkeley. At Bard since 2012.
Richard Lopez Pyschology 2020 "Professor Lopez earned his PhD in cognitive neuroscience at Dartmouth College and subsequently served as a postdoctoral fellow in the Translational Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience Lab at Rice University. He has taught psychology and neuroscience courses at Dartmouth College and the University of Houston. He is the recipient of the National Research Service Award to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research from the National Institutes of Health (National Cancer Institute), as well as multiple teaching awards including the Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award from the Dartmouth Center for the Advancement of Learning. His work has appeared in journals such as Psychological Science; Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews; Cerebral Cortex; Social, Cognitive, and Affective Neuroscience; and other outlets. His recent published work has examined important individual difference factors implicated in successful regulation of cravings and emotions in daily life. BA, Princeton University; PhD., Dartmouth College; Postdoctoral Fellow, Rice University. At Bard since 2019.
Alys Moody Literature 2020 "Alys Moody’s areas of expertise include 20th- and 21st-century European, American, and world literature, with an emphasis on modernism and its contemporary heirs. She received her doctorate at the University of Oxford after completing undergraduate studies at the University of Sydney. Her research focuses on how the persistence and proliferation of modernism’s aesthetic ideas have shaped the way authors, scholars, and the public think about literature and its role in society. She is the author of The Art of Hunger: Aesthetic Autonomy and the Afterlives of Modernism (Oxford University Press, 2018) and coeditor, with Stephen J. Ross, of the anthology Global Modernists on Modernism (forthcoming). Manuscripts in preparation include the book The Literature of World Hunger: Poverty, Global Modernism, and the Emergence of a World Literary System and an article on the Lehrstücke of J. M. Coetzee. She has written on literature and contemporary art for such publications as the Journal of Beckett Studies, American Literary History, and Theatre Journal; contributed book chapters including “Global Modernism: An Introduction and Ten Theses,” in Global Modernists on Modernism, and “Against Culinary Art: Mina Loy and the Modernist Starving Artist,” in Gastro-Modernism: Food, Literature, Culture (forthcoming, 2019); authored book and theater reviews in, among others, Irish Studies Review, Syndicate, The Comparatist, and Beckett Circle: Newsletter of the Samuel Beckett Society. She has also translated works by Aimé Césaire, Suzanne Césaire, and Normil Sylvain. Professor Moody is the recipient of numerous awards and fellowships, including an Andrew W. Mellon Research Fellowship in the Harry Ransom Center at the University of Texas at Austin and a Humanities Traveling Fellowship from the Australian Academy of the Humanities. She previously taught at Macquarie University (Sydney), University of Waikato (New Zealand), Université Paris 7–Paris Diderot, and University of Oxford. BA, MPhil, University of Sydney; DPhil, University of Oxford. At Bard since 2019.
Gabriel Perron Biology 2020 B.Sc., M.Sc., McGill University; Ph.D., University of Oxford; Banting Postdoctoral Fellow, Center for Advanced Research in Environmental Genomics, University of Ottawa. He also served as visiting research fellow at Harvard University and Imperial College London, and received a teaching certificate from Harvard’s Derek Bok Center for Teaching and Learning. Additional honors and fellowships include: Canadian National Award of Linacre College; Clarendon Fund Scholarship of the University of Oxford; and postgraduate scholarship, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. Peer-reviewed publications: PLOS One, Genetics, The American Naturalist, Discovery Medicine, Current Biology, and others. Invited seminars and presentations at institutions throughout Canada, Europe, and the United States, including several at Bard: “A Blizzard in a Bottle: Antibiotic Resistance in Ancient Permafrost”; “Nature Walk: Seeing Evolution in Action”; and “Meet a Scientist.” At Bard since 2015.
Scott Kellogg Citizen Science 2020 Scott received his MS in environmental science and policy from Johns Hopkins University and PhD in science and technology studies from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. He is the cofounder and educational director of the Radix Ecological Sustainability Center, an urban environmental education nonprofit in Albany, N.Y., that maintains a demonstration site of regenerative tools and technologies designed to teach ecological literacy to youth. Scott’s research is centered on the idea of “urban ecosystem justice”—examining through a pedagogical lens how questions of equity, access, and justice pertain to urban ecosystems. He is chair of Urban Agriculture on Albany’s Sustainability Advisory Committee.
Wakako Suzuki Japanese 2020 Professor Suzuki’s scholarly interests in Japanese literature range from childhood memories, children’s literature, and women’s writing to literary criticism in 19th- and 20th-century Japan. Her teaching interests include gender and sexuality in Japanese literature, Japanese folklore, popular culture, and translation. Publications include “On the Present Reception of Yokomitsu’s Work in North America—From the Perspective of Shanghai Discussed in the Classroom,” and “Youth,” both in Yokomichi Riichi Studies, and “Sacred or Profane? Representing War Orphans in the Post-war Occupation of Japan: Ishikawa Jun’s ‘The Jesus of the Ruins’” in Japan Studies Association Journal, vol. 16 (2018). BA, Rikkyo University, Tokyo; MA, Columbia University; MA, Stanford University; PhD, University of California, Los Angeles. At Bard since 2018.
Thomas Wild German 2020 M.A., Free University of Berlin; Ph.D., University of Munich. Also studied at University of Rome, La Sapienza. Has taught at institutions of higher learning in Germany, Vanderbilt University, and Oberlin College, and recently served as Alexander von Humboldt / Feodor Lynen Research Fellow at the University of Chicago. His research and teaching interests include 20th-century German literature and film; the political dimensions of culture, art, and thought; Hannah Arendt; and contemporary developments in German media and society after 1989. Among his publications are a monograph on Arendt�s relationships with key postwar German writers; an intellectual biography of Arendt; and a edition of poetry by Thomas Brasch. He coedited Arendt�s conversations and correspondence with the eminent German historian and political essayist Joachim Fest. He is also a literary critic and cultural correspondent for the German dailies S�ddeutsche Zeitung and Der Tagesspiegel. At Bard since 2012.
Kellan Anfinson Political Studies 2020 Kellan Anfinson received his doctorate in political theory from Johns Hopkins University. His areas of specialization include environmental politics, critical theory, political economy, and American politics. Work in preparation includes the manuscript The Ethos of the Event: From Political Eruptions to Climate Change, which examines the role of “the event” in political life, with a focus on developing an ethos that could better attune us to an eventful world marked by climate change. Anfison is the author of the articles “How to Tell the Truth about Climate Change,” in Environmental Politics (2018) and “Risk or Security: Carl Schmitt’s Ethos of the Event,” in Telos (2018); and the coauthor of the introduction to “The Fragility of Things: A Symposium,” in Theory and Event, and the coeditor of that publication. He has taught at the University of South Florida, where he was a postdoctoral scholar; Sciences Po in Paris, where he served as a teaching fellow; University of Mannheim; and Johns Hopkins University. BA, Macalester College; MA, PhD, Johns Hopkins University. At Bard since 2019.
Jeff Jurgens Anthropology 2020 "Jeffrey Jurgens' research and teaching interests focus on topics related to migration and displacement, citizenship, affect, public memory, religiosity and secularism, urban space, youth, and the cultural politics of college-in-prison. His early scholarship examined formations of diaspora and citizenship among people of Turkish backgrounds in Berlin since the 1960s. More recently, he has written about the impact of labor recruitment policies on German citizenship, the role of immigrants in public memories of German division, the significance of Islamic religious instruction in Turkish and German public schools, and the affective dimensions of the “refugee crisis” in Europe. His research has been supported by the National Science Foundation, IIE Fulbright, Berlin Program for Advanced German and European Studies, National Humanities Center, and the Berlin Institute for Advanced Study. In addition to his work in the undergraduate college, he teaches in the Bard Prison Initiative (BPI) and directs its bachelor’s degree program. Jeff also participates in the Liberal Arts Consortium on Forced Migration, Displacement, and Education, which aims in part to establish a curricular cluster in migration studies at Bard. BA, Colorado College; MA, PhD, University of Michigan. At Bard since 2005.
Jon Bowermaster EUS 2020 Jon Bowermaster is a documentary filmmaker, journalist, author, adventurer, radio host, six-time grantee of the National Geographic Expeditions Council, and executive producer at Oceans 8 Films. The Oceans 8 project took Bowermaster and his teams around the world by sea kayak over 10 years (1999–2008) and documented their stories from locales such as the Aleutian Islands, French Polynesia, and Gabon, as well as their findings about how the ocean and its various coastlines are faring in today’s world. His first assignment for National Geographic magazine was documenting a 3,741-mile journey across Antarctica by dogsled. Bowermaster is a board member of Mark Ruffalo’s Water Defense and the Celine Cousteau Outdoor Film Fellowship, chairman of the advisory council for Adventurers and Scientists for Conservation, and member of the leadership council of Riverkeeper. His books include Wildebeest in a Rainstorm; Oceans: The Threats to Our Seas and What You Can Do to Turn the Tide; Descending the Dragon: My Journey Down the Coast of Vietnam; Birthplace of the Winds; and Aleutian Adventure. Recent films and film series include Ghost Fleet; Hudson River Stories: Hudson River at Risk and Hope on the Hudson; Dear President Obama and Dear Governor Brown; After the Spill; Antarctica 3D, on the Edge; and SoLa, Louisiana Water Stories. His films for the National Geographic Channel include Descending the Dragon and a sea kayaking series that includes The Dangerous Archipelago, Into the Altiplano, The Lost Coast of Gabon, and Around Tasmania. His films have won numerous awards at festivals around the world, including Wild & Scenic Environmental Film Festival, New York Wild Film Festival, Accolade Global Film Competition, IndieFest, Doc LA, Blue Ocean Film Festival, Vancouver International Mountain Film Festival, and others. He is the recipient of grants from, in addition to the National Geographic Society, the Park Foundation, Scenic Hudson, 11th Hour Project, NoVo Foundation, World Harmony Foundation, and Code Blue Foundation, among others.
Robyn Smyth EUS 2020 B.S., Cornell University; M.S., University of Vermont; Ph.D., University of California, Santa Barbara. Dr. Smyth has been a member of the Bard Center for Environmental Policy graduate faculty and an adjunct scientist at the Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies in Millbrook, New York, since 2012. She also previously served as a postdoctoral research fellow at the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center in Edgewater, Maryland; a Rotary Foundation Ambassadorial Scholar in Bagamoyo, Tanzania; and a Knauss Marine Policy Fellow in Environmental Research and Education at the National Science Foundation in Arlington, Virginia. Her research expertise includes coupling physical and biological processes in lakes, and ocean and aquatic ecosystem management. Current collaborative research projects include modeling the effects of vertical mixing and ultraviolet radiation on primary productivity in the Southern Ocean, and understanding the role of climate forcing and hydrodynamics on harmful algal blooms and outbreaks of disease in aquatic organisms in lakes. She is a member of the Global Lake Ecological Observatory Network (GLEON), which seeks to utilize high-frequency sensor data to better understand and manage lake ecosystems. Peer-reviewed journal articles have been published in Limnology and Oceanography, Geophysical Research Letters, Bioscience, and Environmental Management. At Bard, she has taught courses on lake and reservoir science and management, climate change and water, and the environmental science of built environments. She joined the undergraduate faculty in 2017.
Franco Baldasso (Maybe) Italian 2020 Franco Baldasso is the author of a book on Holocaust survivor Primo Levi, Il cerchio di gesso. Primo Levi narratore e testimone (Bologna, 2007) and coeditor, with Simona Wright, of an issue of NeMLA-Italian Studies titled “Italy in WWII and the Transition to Democracy: Memory, Fiction, Histories.” His articles have appeared in Modern Language Notes, Romance Notes, Context, NeMLA-Italian Studies, Poetiche, and Scritture Migranti. He is the recipient of many awards, including the Andrew W. Mellon Fellowship in the Humanities, NYU Humanities Initiative Honorary Fellowship, and the Remarque Institute Doctoral Fellowship. Baldasso collaborates with publicbooks.org and is member of the scientific committee of the Archivio della Memoria della Grande Guerra of the Centro Studi sulla Grande Guerra “P. Pieri” in Vittorio Veneto (TV). He is currently working on a manuscript tentatively titled Against Redemption: The Early Postwar Debate over the Transition from Fascism to Democracy in Italy.
Shuo Zhang (Maybe) Physics 2020 "Shuo Zhang comes to Bard after serving as a postdoctoral scholar and Heising-Simons Fellow at the MIT Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research. She received her PhD in physics at Columbia University, where her research focused on high-energy X-ray observations of the Galactic Center and Galactic Plane using the NuSTAR space telescope. The thesis, “Investigating the Physics of Hard X-ray Outbursts from the Galactic Center Supermassive Black Hole Sgr A*,” was selected for funding by NASA headquarters via the NASA Earth and Space Fellowship program. Professor Zhang has obtained funding for an original particle astrophysics project on probing galactic cosmic-ray particles at MeV through PeV energy scales using innovative methods. This research has far-reaching implications for a range of fields of study: the origin of galactic cosmic-rays, particle acceleration mechanisms, and dark matter searches. At MIT, she led a project on the discovery of a 40 keV hard X-ray source at merely 1 parsec from the Galactic Center supermassive black hole. In addition to her research, she is a referee for Nature, monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, and a panel reviewer for NASA’s Astrophysics Data Analysis Project. She is also a member of several scientific collaborations, including Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) Multiwavelength Working Group, eXTP Space Telescope Observatory Science Working Group, Chandra/ACIS Instrument Team, and NuSTAR Space Telescope Science Team, among others. Her work has appeared frequently in Astrophysical Journal and Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. BS, Tsinghua University; PhD, Columbia University. At Bard since 2020.
Marka Gustavsson (Maybe) Music 2020 B.M., Indiana University; M.M., Mannes College of Music; D.M.A., City University of New York. Violinist and violist, member of Colorado String Quartet. Active in commissioning and performing contemporary music, as chamber musician and soloist. Adjudicator, Banff International String Quartet Competition. Regular engagements at major halls in the United States and abroad. Recordings include Colorado String Quartet: Beethoven String Quartets, complete (Parnassus Records). At Bard since 2001.
Myra Armstead Historical Studies 2017 Specialization: U.S. social and cultural history, with emphasis on urban and African American history. Fellowships: Danforth-Compton, Josephine de Karman, University of Chicago Trustees, and New York State African-American Research Institute. Frederick Douglass Award, Association for the Study of Afro-American Life and History (Sullivan County, New York, chapter). Author of Freedom's Gardener: James F. Brown, Horticulture, and the Hudson Valley in Antebellum America (2012); Mighty Change, Tall Within: Black Identity in the Hudson Valley (2003); "Lord, Please Don't Take Me in August": African Americans in Newport and Saratoga Springs (1999). Speaker in the Humanities, New York Council for the Humanities (2003–11). Member, New York Academy of History (since 2006). NEH Fellow/Schomburg Center Scholar-in-Residence (2014–15). At Bard since 1985.
Cathy Collins Biology 2017 B.A., Pitzer College; M.S., University of Arizona; Ph.D., University of Kansas; postdoctoral research, Washington University. She previously taught at Colby College, where she was Clare Boothe Luce Assistant Professor in the Department of Biology. She has published in Forest Ecology and Management, AAAS-Science Advances 1, Oecologia, PLoS ONE, Biological Conservation, and Journal of Ecology, among others, on such subjects as fragmentation and its impact on Earth’s ecosystems, habitat specialization patterns of neotropical birds, historic agriculture, and land-use history. Honors include a National Science Foundation Research Experience for Undergraduates grant, which allowed her to conduct studies in South Gondar, Ethiopia; and numerous research and travel grants from Colby and the University of Kansas; and a Thomas J. Watson Foundation Fellowship (Australia). She has presented her work at the Ecological Society of America, American Ornithologists’ Union, Harvard University, Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies, and at venues in Ethiopia, France, and Australia. At Bard: 2010–11; 2016– .
Eli Dueker EUS 2017 B.A., Rhodes College; M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., Columbia University; postdoctoral research at Queens College, City University of New York, and Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University. Additional studies at Center for Microbial Oceanography and Columbia University’s Ecology, Evolution, and Environmental Biology postbaccalaureate program. Recipient of grants and awards from Hudson River Foundation, Janet Holden Adams Fund, others. Work published in Environmental Science & Technology, Biogeosciences, Science of the Total Environment, and Final Reports of the Hudson River Foundation Tibor T. Polgar Fellowship Program. Former executive director of Project Underground, an international environmental and human rights organization. At Bard since 2014.
Gidon Eshel EUS Both "B.A., Haifa University, Israel; M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University. Professor Eshel specializes in oceanography, climatology, and geophysics. He is the author of Spatiotemporal Data Analysis (Princeton University Press, 2011) and the forthcoming Agrophelia and Food Math: From Stellar Nucleosynthesis to Your Plate. Recent publications include an article on sustainable beef production for Nature, Ecology, and Evolution and an analysis on the climate impact of intensive vs. pastoral beef that was highlighted in Nature’s Research Highlights. His work has also appeared in Climatic Change, Environmental Research Letters, Environmental Science & Technology, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Earth Interactions, and American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, among other publications. Selected talks and outreach activities include the keynote address at the Israel Society of Ecology and Environmental Sciences' 45th annual meeting (July 2017); an invited contribution to the website of and appearance in Leonardo DiCaprio’s 2016 Before the Flood; appearances on WAMC Public Radio’s Earth Wise, coproduced by the Cary Institute of Ecosystems Studies, and NPR’s On Point with Tom Ashbrook (2015); and presentations at MIT Water Summit, University of Wisconsin’s Nelson Institute Center for Sustainability and the Global Environment; Harvard University; Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, and the Culinary Institute of America, among many others. Recent honors include a Radcliffe Fellowship (2016–17) and PopTech Science and Public Leadership Fellowship (2010–12). Eshel also serves as a senior research scientist for NorthWest Research Associates and as an independent consultant to environmentalCalculations.com, with his primary client the Hudson Valley Smart Energy Coalition. Previous positions include: Bard Center Fellow (2007–12); Senior Fellow, Center for Environmental Science, University of Chicago and Argonne National Laboratory (2002–07); principal investigator, Center for Integrating Statistical and Environmental Science, University of Chicago (2001–03); and associate scientist of physical oceanography, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (1998–99). Eshel was assistant professor of geophysics at the University of Chicago (1999–2007) before joining the Bard faculty in 2008.
Felicia Keesing Biology Both B.S., Stanford University; Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley. Grants: National Geographic Society, National Science Foundation, National Institutes of Health, Environmental Protection Agency, among others. Awards include the United States Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (2000). Coeditor, Infectious Disease Ecology: Effects of Ecosystems on Disease and of Disease on Ecosystems (Princeton University Press, 2008). Articles include contributions to Nature, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Ecology Letters, Emerging Infectious Diseases, Proceedings of the Royal Society, Ecology, BioScience, Conservation Biology, Trends in Ecology & Evolution, Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases, and Canadian Journal of Zoology. At Bard since 2000.
Kris Feder Economics 2017 B.A., University of Pennsylvania; Ph.D., Temple University. Dissertation: �Issues in the Theory of Land Value Taxation.� Specialization in public-sector economics and history of economic thought. Temple University awards: Russell Conwell Fellowship (1984–86), University Fellowship (1983–84), summer tuition scholarship (1984). Taught at Franklin and Marshall College, West Chester University, and Temple University. Coauthor, �What�s Missing from the Capital Gains Debate,� Levy Institute Public Policy Brief No. 32 (1997). Contributor, The Corruption of Economics (1994), Beyond Neoclassical Economics: Heterodox Approaches to Economic Theory (1995), and Critics of Henry George (2003). At Bard since 1991.
Peter Klein Sociology Both B.A., Drew University; M.A., Ph.D., Brown University. Areas of specialization: political sociology, urban studies, environmental sociology, globalization and development, qualitative methods, inequality, Brazil, and natural resource management. Author or coauthor of The Civic Imagination: Making a Difference in American Political Life; “Accessing Scarce Resources in the Brazilian Amazon,” in Latin American Research Review (forthcoming); “Disavowing Politics: Civic Engagement in an Era of Political Skepticism,” in American Journal of Sociology; and “Co-Designing and Co-Teaching Graduate Qualitative Methods: An Innovative Ethnographic Workshop Model,” in Teaching Sociology. Conference presentations—on subjects ranging from contested development and Brazil’s Belo Monte Dam to inequality in American civic life—before such organizations as the American Sociological Association, Eastern Sociological Society, Society for the Study of Social Problems, and the Institute of Development Studies in Brighton, England. Has previously taught at Universidade Estadual de Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil; and Brown University. Has also served as special lecturer at Providence College and as consultant and mentor at the Institute for the Study and Practice of Nonviolence in Providence, Rhode Island. At Bard since 2014.
Cecile E. Kuznitz Historical Studies 2017 A.B., magna cum laude, Harvard University; M.A., Ph.D., Stanford University. Awarded fellowships from the American Council of Learned Societies (1997–98); Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture (1999–2000); National Foundation for Jewish Culture (1999–2000); Center for Advanced Judaic Studies, University of Pennsylvania (2002); Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies (2004); United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (2007); and YIVO Institute for Jewish Research (2014). Has lectured at YIVO Institute for Jewish Research, Harvard University, University of Maryland, University of Washington, University of Pennsylvania, and University of Vilnius. Author of YIVO and the Making of Modern Jewish Culture (Cambridge University Press, 2014). Articles published in The YIVO Encyclopedia of the Jews in Eastern Europe; S. Ansky at the Turn of the Century; The Oxford Handbook of Jewish Studies; Yiddish Language and Culture: Then and Now. Visiting assistant professor of Jewish history/Jewish studies, Georgetown University (2000– ). At Bard since 2003.
Christopher Lindner Archaeology 2017 B.A., Hamilton College; M.A., University of Cincinnati; Ph.D., SUNY Albany. He specializes in historical geoarchaeological landscape investigations and experimental use-wear analysis of ancient tools, often with students as assistants in data acquisition. In addition to scientific articles in journals such as Archaeology of Eastern North America, Northeast Anthropology, and Hudson Valley Regional Review, he has edited two collections of scholarly papers, A Northeastern Millennium and A Golden Chronograph for Robert E. Funk. He recently published a chapter, “Guineatown in the Hudson Valley’s Hyde Park,” in Archaeology of Race in the Northeast. He devotes summers to the Bard Archaeology Field School for college, community, and high school students. He maintains ongoing projects at the prehistoric Forest site at Bard, and at the 18th- and 19th-century Parsonage in Germantown. As scientific consultant, he participates in environmental impact studies and planning for protection of cultural resources in the Mid-Hudson Valley. He is past president of the New York Archaeological Council, the state's professional organization, and former president of Hudson River Heritage, the historic preservation group for advocacy and education. At Bard since 1988.
Yuka Suzuki Anthropology 2017 B.A., Cornell University; M.Phil., Ph.D., Yale University. Awards include Social Science Research Council International Dissertation Research Grant; Wenner-Gren Foundation Predoctoral Research Grant. Author, "Drifting rhinos and fluid properties: the turn to wildlife production in Zimbabwe" (Journal of Agrarian Change); "Putting the lion out at night: domestication and the taming of the wild" (Where the Wild Things Are Now: Domestication Reconsidered). Teaching experience at Georgetown University, Yale University, Quinnipiac University. At Bard since 2003.
Olga Touloumi Art History Both B.Arch., Aristotle University of Thessaloniki; M.Sc., Massachusetts Institute of Technology; M.A., Ph.D., Harvard University; additional studies at Universitá degli Studi di Firenze. An architectural historian researching questions of media and technology in modern architecture, she previously served as lecturer and teaching fellow at Harvard. Publications include “Contentious Electronics/Radical Blips” in Architecture Is All Over (forthcoming); “The Networked Periphery and the Verisimilitudes of Communication in Postwar Greece,” in 5th Meeting of the Greek DOCOMOMO: The Greek City and the Urbanism of Modernism (forthcoming); and “The Politics of Totality: Iannis Xenakis’ Polytope de Mycènes” in Xenakis Matters, among others. Co-curator of Made in Greece Plus: Architecture Now, Boston Museum of Science; and Made in Greece and A Media Archaeology of Boston, Harvard University. Lectures/conferences at venues throughout the world, including Columbia University; Brown University; Royal Institute of Art, Stockholm; University of Toronto; Escola Tècnica Superior d’Arquitectura de Barcelona; and Courtauld Institute of Art, London. At Bard since 2014.
Allison McKim Sociology 2017 B.A., Barnard College; M.A., Ph.D., New York University. Professor McKim specializes in gender, punishment and social control, criminology, deviance, drug policy, the welfare state, and ethnographic research methods. Her new book, Addicted to Rehab: Race, Gender, and Drugs in the Era of Mass Incarceration (Rutgers University Press), is an ethnographic comparison of two drug treatment programs for women, one in the criminal justice system and one outside of the penal state in the health care system. In them she found very different ways of defining and treating addiction. Professor McKim's book reveals that addiction treatment reinforces the race, gender, and class politics of mass incarceration. Her work has also appeared in the journals Gender & Society and Signs. At Bard since 2010.
Joel Perlmann Sociology 2017 Ph.D. in history and sociology, Harvard University, 1982. Books authored: Ethnic Differences: Schooling and Social Structure among the Irish, Italians, Jews, and Blacks in an American City, 1880–1935 (Cambridge University Press; winner of the Willard Waller Award, American Sociological Association); Woman’s Work?: American Schoolteachers, 1650–1920 (University of Chicago Press; Robert Margo coauthor); Italians Then, Mexicans Now: Immigrant Origins and Second-Generation Progress, 1890–2000 (Russell Sage Foundation and Levy Economics Institute); America Classifies the Immigrants: Ellis Island to the 2020 Census (Harvard University Press). Books coedited: Immigrants, Schooling, and Social Mobility: Does Culture Make a Difference? (Palgrave MacMillan) and The New Race Question: How the Census Counts Multiracial Individuals (Russell Sage Foundation and Levy Economics Institute). Published papers: in numerous journals, including Journal of American History, William and Mary Quarterly, The Annals, Historical Methods, International Migration Review, The Public Interest. Research grants received: from NIMH, NEH, NSF, NIE, Spencer and Russell Sage Foundations, Princeton Institute for Advanced Study. At Bard since 1994.
Laura Ford Sociology 2017 B.A., Pacific Union College; J.D., Tulane University; M.P.A., Columbia University; LL.M., University of Washington; Ph.D., Cornell University With a background in both sociology and law, Professor Laura Ford’s research and teaching areas include law, religion and society, economic sociology, social theory, the history and development of intellectual property, and historical sociology. She has published in journals such as Theory and Society; Cardozo Public Law, Policy, and Ethics Journal; Max Weber Studies; The American Sociologist; Socio-Legal Review; Journal of the Patent and Trademark Office Society; and California Western Law Review. Professor Ford’s publications also include a chapter written for the edited volume, The Sacred and the Law: The Durkheimian Legacy (Werner Gephart and Daniel Witte, eds., 2017). Ford’s in-progress book—The Intellectual Property of Nations: Sociological and Historical Perspectives on a Modern Legal Institution, under contract with Cambridge University Press—offers a macrohistorical account of the emergence of intellectual property as a new type of legal property. Ford is an active member of the American Sociological Association, and was recently elected to serve as a council member for the ASA’s History of Sociology Section. She also maintains a close relationship with the Baldy Center for Law & Social Policy, where she was a Postdoctoral Fellow from 2014 to 2016.
Sophia Stamatopoulou-Robbins Anthropology 2017 Professor Stamatopoulou-Robbins is an anthropologist whose research centers around infrastructure, discard studies, science and environment, climate change, colonialism and postcoloniality, austerity, the “sharing economy,” property, housing, the Middle East, and Europe. Her first book, Waste Siege: The Life of Infrastructure in Palestine (Stanford University Press, forthcoming), explores what happens when, as Palestinians are increasingly forced into proximity with their own wastes and with those of their occupiers, waste is transformed from “matter out of place,” per prevailing anthropological wisdom, into matter with no place to go—or its own ecology. Her new book project investigates how Airbnb is transforming the relationship between subjectivity, real estate, and work in Greece as a way of understanding the world-making of austerity governance. Her other publications include pieces in the American Ethnologist; International Journal of Middle East Studies; Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East; Arab Studies Journal; Jerusalem Quarterly; Anthropology News; New Centennial Review; and the Refugee Studies Centre Working Paper Series at the University of Oxford. Her film Waste Underground (with videographer Ali al-Deek) premiered at the Sharjah Biennial in Ramallah in 2017. She has presented her work at invited sessions of the American Anthropological Association, Middle East Studies Association, American Ethnological Society, Association of American Geographers, Modern Greek Studies Association, and at several American universities as well as a number of venues in Palestine. Her research has been awarded funding by the National Science Foundation, Social Science Research Council, Wenner-Gren Foundation, Columbia University, and Palestinian American Research Council. BA, magna cum laude, anthropology and human rights, Columbia University; Msc, forced migration, University of Oxford; PhD, anthropology, Columbia University. At Bard since 2013.
Laura Kunreuther Anthropology 2017 B.A., University of Pennsylvania; M.A., Ph.D., University of Michigan. Extensive on-site research in Kathmandu. Awards include Andrew W. Mellon Fellowship, Fulbright-Hays Fellowship, NMERTA South Asia Fellowships (2). Author of numerous articles and conference presentations. At Bard since 2001.
Roger Berkowitz Human Rights 2017 B.A., Amherst College; J.D., Boalt Hall School of Law, University of California, Berkeley; Ph.D., UC Berkeley. Author, The Gift of Science: Leibniz and the Modern Legal Tradition, an account of how the rise of science has led to the divorce of law and justice (Harvard, 2005). Editor, Revenge and Justice, a special issue of Law, Culture, and the Humanities (2005); contributing editor, Rechtsgeschichte. Articles in Yale Journal of Law and Humanities, Journal of Politics, Cardozo Law Review, New Nietzsche Studies, Rechtshistorisches Journal, others. At Bard since 2005.
Ian Buruma Human Rights 2017 Studies in Chinese literature and history at Leyden University; graduate studies in Japanese cinema at Nihon University, Tokyo. Documentary filmmaker and photographer in Tokyo (1977–80); cultural editor of the Far Eastern Economic Review, Hong Kong (1983–86); foreign editor of The Spectator, London (1990–91). Fellowships: Wissenschaftskolleg, Berlin (1991–92); Woodrow Wilson Center, Washington, D.C. (1998–99); Alistair Horne Visiting Fellow, St. Antony’s College, Oxford (1999–2000). Regular contributor to New York Review of Books, New York Times Magazine, New Republic, New Yorker, and The Guardian. Books include Behind the Mask (1983); God’s Dust (1988); Playing the Game (1990); The Wages of Guilt (1995); The Missionary and the Libertine (1997); Anglomania: A European Love Affair (1999); Bad Elements (2001); Inventing Japan: 1853–1964 (2003); Murder in Amsterdam: The Death of Theo van Gogh and the Limits of Tolerance (2006). Coauthor, Occidentalism: The West in the Eyes of Its Enemies (2004). At Bard since 2003.
Nicole Caso Human Rights 2017 Professor Caso’s areas of expertise include Hispanic languages and literature and Latin American literature. She is the author of Practicing Memory in Central American Literature (Palgrave Macmillan, 2010); has contributed a chapter to The Cambridge History of Latin American Women's Literature; and explored the implications of literacy in “‘Walking the Path of Letters’: Negotiating Assimilation and Difference in Contemporary Mayan Literature,” published in CHASQUI: Revista de Literatura Latinoamericana. Additionally, her work has been published in scholarly journals such as Revista Iberoamericana and Istmo: Revista virtual de estudios literarios y culturales centroamericanos, among others; and she has contributed to critical compilations analyzing novelists such as Manlio Argueta and Rosa María Britton. Her research interests include 19th- and 20th-century narratives of Latin America, Central American literature, subaltern studies, memory and literature, the cultural production of collective identities, the limits of representation through writing, literature and human rights, ethics and representation, and theories of space and place. Teaching interests include Spanish for heritage speakers, Latin American testimonio, the city in Latin American fiction, literature of human rights in Latin America, historical fiction, and crafting Mayan identities. AB, Harvard University; MA, PhD, University of California, Berkeley. At Bard since 2004.
Christian Crouch Human Rights 2017 B.A., Princeton University; M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., New York University. Recipient, Ford Foundation Dissertation Fellowship (2006), W. B. H. Dowse Fellowship (2003–04), Society of Colonial Wars Fellowship (2003–04, 2004–05). Specialization in early modern Atlantic world history, colonial America, slavery, and empire. At Bard since 2006.
Mark Danner Human Rights 2017 "Mark Danner is a writer and reporter who for 25 years has written on politics and foreign affairs, focusing on war and conflict. He has covered, among many other stories, wars and political conflict in Central America, Haiti, the Balkans, Iraq and the Middle East, and, most recently, the story of torture during the War on Terror. Danner is James Clarke Chace Professor of Foreign Affairs and the Humanities at Bard College and Chancellor’s Professor of Journalism, English, and Politics at the University of California, Berkeley. Among his books are Stripping Bare the Body (2009), The Secret Way to War: The Downing Street Memo and the Iraq War’s Buried History (2006), Torture and Truth: America, Abu Ghraib, and the War on Terror (2004), The Road to Illegitimacy: One Reporter’s Travels through the 2000 Florida Vote Recount (2004), and The Massacre at El Mozote: A Parable of the Cold War (1994). Danner was a longtime staff writer at The New Yorker and is a frequent contributor to the New York Review of Books. His work has appeared in Harper’s, The New York Times, Aperture, and many other newspapers and magazines. He co-wrote and helped produce two hour-long documentaries for the ABC News program Peter Jennings Reporting, and his work has received, among other honors, a National Magazine Award, three Overseas Press Awards, and an Emmy. In 1999 Danner was named a MacArthur Fellow. He speaks and lectures widely on foreign policy and America’s role in the world. At Bard since 2003.
Omar Encarnaci Human Rights 2017 B.A., Bridgewater College; M.A., University of Texas at Austin; Ph.D., Princeton University. Recipient of Princeton University Presidential Fellowship, Council of European Studies Pre-dissertation Fellowship, Fulbright-Hays Dissertation Fellowship to Spain, and Ford Foundation/National Research Council Post-doctoral Fellowship. Visiting fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Georgetown University Center for Latin American Studies and the Center for Advanced Study in the Social Sciences of the Juan March Institute in Madrid. Author of Spanish Politics: Democracy After Dictatorship (2008), Democracy without Justice in Spain: The Politics of Forgetting (2014), and Out in the Periphery: Latin America's Gay Rights Revolution (2017); and of articles and reviews in Comparative Politics, Comparative Political Studies, West European Politics, Perspectives on Politics, and Political Science Quarterly, among others. Regular contributor to The New York Times, The New York Review of Books, The Nation, Foreign Affairs, Current History and Foreign Policy. At Bard since 1998.
Helen Epstein Human Rights 2017 B.A., University of California, Berkeley; Ph.D., Cambridge University; M.Sc., London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Professor Epstein is the author of Another Fine Mess: America, Uganda, and the War on Terror (Columbia Global Reports, 2017) and The Invisible Cure: Africa, the West, and the Fight Against AIDS (Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 2007; published in paperback as The Invisible Cure: Why We Are Losing the Fight Against AIDS in Africa, Picador, 2008). She has contributed articles to newspapers and journals including New York Review of Books, New York Times Magazine, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Times Literary Supplement, and The Lancet, among others. She has also served as an adviser to numerous international organizations on HIV prevention and as a consultant on public health in developing countries to UNICEF, World Bank, Human Rights Watch, and other organizations. At Bard since 2010.
Tabetha Ewing Human Rights 2017 "B.A., Bard College; M.A., Ph.D., history, Princeton University. Tabetha Ewing, associate professor of history, chair of the Social Studies Division, and former dean of studies at Bard High School Early College (2009–14), is the author of Rumor, Diplomacy and War in Enlightenment Paris (Oxford University Studies in the Enlightenment, 2014). She serves as cochair of the Columbia University Seminar “Beyond France.” She is also a fellow at the New York Institute for the Humanities. Her teaching and research interests are in the sociocultural and sociopolitical history of 18th-century France, early-modern media, early-modern city, early-modern women and gender, old-regime borders, old-regime police, francophone black diasporic thought, and négritude. Her current work-in-progress, provisionally titled “Rights Over Persons: France and Extradition in the Age of Kings,” is on runaway wives, clandestine marrieds, fugitive slaves, dissident writers, counterfeiters, identity thieves, and spies. It explores the confluence of emergent state and individual sovereignty and international policing before the era of modern extradition treaties and national borders. Using diplomatic correspondence and the supplication letters of the detainees, this book will show political subjectivity unfolding, not only in the world of ideas or revolutionary events, or among a special class of subject, but also in the confrontation of states around often marginal subjects who transgress and, in doing so, invent political boundaries. She has been at Bard since 1998.
Thomas Keenan Human Rights 2017 B.A., Amherst College; M. Phil., Ph.D., Yale University. Author, Fables of Responsibility (1997); Mengele's Skull (with Eyal Weizman, 2012); articles in PMLA, South Atlantic Quarterly, Grey Room, New York Times, Aperture, Cabinet. Coeditor, New Media, Old Media (with Wendy Chun, 2005; 2nd edition with Wendy Chun and Anna Fisher, 2015); The Human Snapshot (with Tirdad Zolghadr, 2013); and The Flood of Rights (with Suhail Malik and Tirdad Zolghadr, 2016). Editorial and advisory board member, Journal of Human Rights, Grey Room, Humanity, and Scholars at Risk Network. Curator, Antiphotojournalism (with Carles Guerra, 2010–11) and Aid and Abet (2011). At Bard since 1999.
Susan M. Merriam Human Rights 2017 B.F.A., School of the Museum of Fine Arts and Tufts University; M.A., Tufts University; Ph.D., Harvard University. Awards and fellowships include Mellon Foundation Fellowship (1996); Belgian American Educational Foundation Fellowship (1997); Center for Advanced Studies in the Visual Arts, National Gallery, Washington, Robert H. and Clarice Smith Fellow (1999); Derek Bok Center, Harvard University, Distinction in Teaching Awards (1999–2002). Visiting instructor, Massachusetts College of Art (2001), Rhode Island School of Design (2001–02), University of Massachusetts (2002), Harvard University (2003). Faculty, Language and Thinking Program at Bard College. At Bard since 2003.
Gregory B. Moynahan Human Rights 2017 B.A., Wesleyan University; M.A., Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley. Recipient, Bundeskanzler/Humboldt, DAAD, and Foreign Language Area Studies (Czech) fellowships. Specialization in modern European intellectual and cultural history and the history of science and technology. Research interests include history of the social sciences, systems theory, and computing/cybernetics in the two Germanys. Author, Ernst Cassirer and the Critical Science of Germany, 1899-1919 (2013, Anthem Press/London). Articles in Perspectives on Science, Science in Context, Simmel Studies, and Qui Parle. Associate Professor of History; Chair, Social Studies Division; Codirector, Science, Technology, and Society. At Bard since 2001.
Michelle Murray Human Rights 2017 B.A., M.A., Ph.D., University of Chicago. Postdoctoral Fellow, Center for International Studies, University of Chicago (2007–10); Deans Fellow in International Security and U.S. Foreign Policy, John Sloan Dickey Center for International Understanding, Dartmouth College (2014–15). Recipient, Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Dissertation Completion Fellowship (2006–07), Smith Richardson Foundation Summer Research Grant (2004/2006). Teaching and research interests include international relations theory; security studies; the politics of recognition among states; international history, especially pre-World War I Europe; and global governance and international organization. Her current research focuses on how the desire for status recognition shapes the military strategies of rising great powers, with a particular focus on American, British, and German naval strategy before the First World War. This work has appeared in the journals Security Studies and Global Discourse, and as chapters in edited volumes. She presents regularly at the annual meetings of the American Political Science Association and International Studies Association. At Bard since 2010.
Gilles Peress Human Rights 2017 "Gilles Peress started using photography to create museum installations and books in 1971, having previously studied political science and philosophy in Paris. His ongoing project, Hate Thy Brother, looks at similitude and difference and its consequences in ethnic conflicts. Peress’s books include Telex Iran; The Silence: Rwanda; Farewell to Bosnia; The Graves: Srebrenica and Vukovar; A Village Destroyed; and Haines. Peress’s work has been exhibited in and collected by institutions including the Metropolitan Museum of Art and Museum of Modern Art in New York; Getty Museum in Los Angeles; V&A in London; Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris; and Museum Folkwang, Essen; among others. Peress is the recipient of a Guggenheim fellowship, National Endowment for the Arts grants, Pollock-Krasner and New York State Council of the Arts fellowships, W. Eugene Smith Grant for Humanistic Photography, and International Center of Photography Infinity Award. Peress joined Magnum Photos in 1971 and has served three times as vice president and twice as president of the cooperative. Studies at Institut d’Etudes Politiques and Université de Vincennes, France. At Bard since 2008.
Peter Rosenblum Human Rights 2017 A.B., Columbia College; J.D., cum laude, Northwestern University Law School; LL.M., Columbia Law School; D.E.A. (Diplôme d’études approfondies), University of Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne). Previously taught at Columbia Law School, where he was Lieff, Cabraser, Heimann & Bernstein Clinical Professor in Human Rights and faculty codirector of the Human Rights Institute. He has served as project director, associate director, and clinical director of the Harvard Law School Human Rights Program; human rights officer at the United Nations Human Rights Centre (now Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights) in Geneva, where he led missions to Rwanda, South Africa, and Zaire; program director with the International Human Rights Law Group (now Global Rights) in Washington D.C.; consultant to Human Rights Watch/Africa Watch; and staff attorney for the Lawyers Committee for Human Rights (now Human Rights First). Publications include law review contributions, book chapters, reviews, newspaper opinion pieces, and numerous articles for Current History. Recent projects include field research on obligations and oversight in mining in South Africa and Peru and on tea plantations in India, and consultancies for projects in Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kashmir, Côte d’Ivoire, Chad, São Tomé e Príncipe, Vietnam, Rwanda, and Peru. At Bard since 2012.
John Ryle Human Rights 2017 John Ryle is a writer and researcher specializing in Eastern and Central Africa. He is cofounder of the Rift Valley Institute, a research and public information organization operating in Eastern and Central Africa; he was executive director of the Institute until 2017. He has worked as a long-term social researcher in the Sudans and Brazil, as a regional analyst for aid and human rights organizations in Africa and the Middle East, and as a writer, editor, filmmaker, and broadcaster worldwide. He is the author of Warriors of the White Nile (1984), an account of the Dinka of South Sudan; coauthor of The Sudan Handbook (2011); and contributor to publications including the New York Review of Books, Guardian (weekly columnist, 1995–99), Times Literary Supplement, Condé Nast Traveler, and Granta, where he was a contributing editor. His website, johnryle.com, is a live repository of research, activism, journalism, and critical writing from 1985 to date, with reportage from Africa, Asia, and the Americas, and accounts of anthropological and human rights research in the Sudans and Brazil. The site includes information about books and video documentaries, translations of Brazilian poems and songs, a blog—Field Notes—and the archive of a newspaper column, City of Words. Translations: Portuguese to English translation of Caetano Veloso’s Noites do Norte (2001); other Brazilian poetry and prose. Documentary films and radio: South Sudan: The Chiefs Speak, 2015 (director); Minefields, a three-part series, BBC World Service, 1996 (author, presenter); The Price of Survival: A Journey to the War Zone of South Sudan, 1994 (codirector); Witchcraft among the Azande, 1982 (anthropologist). Boards and honorary appointments: Research associate, School of Oriental and African Studies, London University; board member, Media Development Investment Fund; board member, Human Rights Watch Africa Division. Awards and fellowships: George Soros Chair, School of Public Policy, Central European University, Budapest (2018); Fellow, Cullman Center for Writers and Artists, New York Public Library (2015–16); Research Fellow, Nuffield College, Oxford University (1996–97); Bronwen Gold Blyth Award for Environmental Writing; Authors’ Foundation Open Award, UK); Social Science Research Council (UK) Postgraduate Fellow. BA, MA, University of Oxford. At Bard since 2005.
Stuart Stritzler-Levine Human Rights 2017 B.A., New York University; M.A., New School University; Ph.D., SUNY Albany. Clinical research psychologist, Philadelphia State Hospital, working in a National Institute of Mental Health project designed to rehabilitate patients with chronic mental illness; clinical psychologist, Bordentown Reformatory. Teaching and research interests include social psychology, specifically obedience to authority, conformity, attitude measurement, and change; moral development; statistics; and experimental design. Dean of the College (1980–2001). Dean of Studies, Bard High School Early College Manhattan (2003–09). At Bard since 1964.
Drew Thompson Human Rights 2017 B.A., Williams College; Ph.D., University of Minnesota. Previously taught at Williams College as the Gaius Charles Bolin Dissertation Fellow in History and Art. Recipient of fellowships from Woodrow Wilson National Foundation, Getty Foundation, Mellon Foundation, Fulbright–Institute of International Education, Luso-American Development Foundation, and the Thomas J. Watson Foundation, and has participated in residencies at the International Research Centre “Work and Human Life Cycle in Global History (re:work)” at Humboldt University, the Institute of African Studies at Universität Bayreuth, the Center for Humanities Research at University of the Western Cape, and the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of African Art. Researches and teaches on colonial and contemporary Sub-Saharan African history with topical focus on liberation movements, technology, and methods of visual history and postcolonial theory. Peer-reviewed essays have appeared in Kronos and Social Dynamics, and he published a review essay and review in African Studies Review and History of Photography, respectively. Peer-reviewer for Social Dynamics and Critical Interventions. Currently working on a book manuscript titled Photography’s Bureaucracy: Constructing Colony and Nation in Mozambique, 1960 to Recent Times. At Bard since 2013.
Robert Weston Human Rights 2017 BA, University of Florida; MA, M.Phil, PhD, Columbia University. Publications in Social Text, Rethinking Marxism, n/or. Invited lecturer, Guggenheim Museum, New York (2009); Günther-Findel Research Fellow, Herzog August Bibliothek (2004–05); Research Fellowship, DAAD (2000–01). Presidential Teaching Award, Columbia University (2005). Ottaway International Fellow, Director of Faculty and Curricular Development, Bard Honor's College, Al-Quds University, Palestine (2009–10). At Bard since 2005.
Ruth Zisman Human Rights 2017 Ruth Zisman’s areas of specialization include the German philosophical tradition (Kant, Hegel, Marx, Nietzsche, Freud, Heidegger), political philosophy, psychoanalysis, and philosophy and literature. She has taught at New York University and at debate workshops and institutes throughout Europe and the United States, held fellowships in Berlin and Weimar, and presented at academic conferences at Cornell, Yale, and the University of Zurich. Professor Zisman founded the Bard Debate Union in 2004 and since then has worked to build a world-renowned debate program on campus—expanding the program from an extracurricular activity into a centerpiece of liberal arts education—while also working to build and support the growth of debate programs in Bard's surrounding school districts and throughout Bard's national and international networks. BA, philosophy and literature, Vassar College; MA, humanities and social thought, and PhD, German studies, New York University. At Bard since 2004.
Ellen Driscoll Studio Art 2017 B.A., Wesleyan University; M.F.A., sculpture, Columbia University. Previously taught at Rhode Island School of Design, where she served as department head of sculpture. Has also been affiliated with the School of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, Princeton University, and Parsons the New School for Design. Teaching and research interests include public art, sculpture and installation, drawing, enviromental justice, and civil rights. Her work has been exhibited in nearly one hundred solo and group shows throughout the country and internationally, including Whitney Museum at Phillip Morris, Frederieke Taylor Gallery, Thread Waxing Space, New-York Historical Society, Grand Central Terminal, and Damon Brandt Gallery in Manhattan; SmackMellon and Long Island University, Brooklyn; West Cork Arts Centre, Ireland; Nippon Ginko Bank, Hiroshima, Japan; Museum of Contemporary Art, Denver; Boston Center for the Arts; Contemporary Arts Center, Cincinnati, and others. She is represented in many public and private collections, including the Boston Public Library, Detroit Institute of Arts, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Metropolitan Museum of Art, and Whitney Museum of American Art. Awards and honors include fellowships from the Guggenheim Foundation, National Endowment for the Arts, Bunting Institute at Harvard University, and New York Foundation for the Arts; residencies at Sirius Art Centre (Cork, Ireland), MacDowell Colony, and Banff Centre for the Arts; and grants from the New England Foundation for the Arts and LEF Foundation, among others. Reviews of her work have appeared in the New York Times, Art in America, Art New England, Sculpture Magazine, and Interior Design. At Bard since 2013.
Kristen Lane Psychology 2017 BA, University of Virginia; MS, Yale University; PhD, Harvard University. Has taught at Harvard, Johns Hopkins University Center for Talented Youth, and Tufts University. Recipient, Cabot Postdoctoral Fellowship for Innovation in Teaching, Derek Bok Center for Teaching and Learning, Harvard (2006– ). Articles in Social Cognition, Natura Automatyzmow, other journals and publications. At Bard since 2007.
Michael Martell Economics 2017 B.A., University of Oregon; M.A., Ph.D., American University. Teaching and research interests include labor, applied microeconomics, economics of inequality, feminist economics, and economic development. He has served as an economist in the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Labor for Safety and Health, U.S. Department of Labor; at the Office of Regulatory Analysis, U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration; and at the Office of Safety and Health Statistics, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. He previously taught at Franklin and Marshall College, American University, Elizabethtown College, and University of Mary Washington. Publications include articles in Eastern Economic Journal, Journal of Labor Research, and Contemporary Economic Policy, and the book chapters “Are Gays and Lesbians ‘Mainstream’ with Respect to Economic Success?” in Robert S. Rycroft (ed.), The Economics of Inequality, Poverty, and Discrimination in the 21st Century; and “In the Middle of the Margin: The LGB Middle Class,” in Robert S. Rycroft (ed.) The American Middle Class: An Economic Encyclopedia of Progress and Poverty (forthcoming). At Bard since 2016.
Dimitri Papadimitriou Economics 2017 "B.A., Columbia University; M.A., Ph.D., Graduate Faculty of the New School University, Department of Economics. Minister of Economy and Development, Hellenic Republic (2016–18). Visiting Distinguished Scholar, Institute of World Economy, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences (2002). Visiting scholar, Center for Economic Planning and Research, Athens; Wye Fellow, Aspen Institute (1985); Center for Advanced Economic Studies Fellowship (1983, 1986); Whittemore Fellowship (1968); Anglo-American Hellenic Fellowship (1968, 1969). Consultant, Greek Ministry of Education (2002–05); board of directors, William Penn Life Insurance Company (1972–2010); vice chairman, Trade Deficit Review Commission, U.S. Congress (1999–2001); member, Capital Allocation Subcouncil of the Competitiveness Policy Council (1993–98). Trustee and chairman, American Symphony Orchestra; advisory board member, Women’s World Banking; fellow, Economists for Peace and Security; member, Economic Club of New York, The Bretton Woods Committee, American Economic Association, American Finance Association, Association for Evolutionary Economics, Royal Economic Society (UK), Eastern Economic Association, European Economic Association, and Hellenic-American Bankers Association. Articles in International Encyclopedia of Social Sciences, The Milken Institute Review, Analyst, Journal of Applied Business Research, Routledge Encyclopedia of International Political Economy, Eastern Economic Review, Journal of Comparative Economic Studies, Working USA, Journal of Economic Issues, Review of Political Economy, The Economic Journal, Challenge, Chicago Tribune, Financial Times, New York Times, European Journal of Political Economy. Editor and contributor, Financial Conditions and Macroeconomic Performance: Essays in Honor of Hyman P. Minsky, with Steven M. Fazzari (1992); Profits, Deficits, and Instability (1992); Poverty and Prosperity in the U.S.A. in the Late Twentieth Century, with Edward N. Wolff (1993); Aspects of the Distribution of Wealth and Income (1994); Stability in the Financial System (1996); Modernizing Financial Systems (2000); Hyman P. Minsky’s Induced Investment and Business Cycles (2004); The Distributional Effects of Government Spending and Taxation (2006); Government Spending on the Elderly (2007); Hyman P. Minsky’s John Maynard Keynes and Stabilizing an Unstable Economy, with L. Randall Wray (2008); The Elgar Companion to Hyman Minsky, with Wray (2010); Contributions in Stock-flow Modeling: Essays in Honor of Wynne Godley, with Gennaro Zezza (2012); Contributions to Economic Theory, Policy, Development and Finance: Essays in Honor of Jan A. Kregel (2014); and The Collected Economic Papers of Hyman P. Minsky (forthcoming). Author, Levy Institute Strategic Analysis reports; the Public Policy Briefs Community Development Banking and A Path to Community Development, with Ronnie J. Phillips and Wray; An Alternative in Small Business Finance, Targeting Inflation: The Effects of Monetary Policy on the CPI and Its Housing Component, Does Social Security Need Saving? and Fiddling in Euroland as the Global Meltdown Nears, with Wray; Endgame for the Euro, with Wray and Yeva Nersisyan; Monetary Policy Uncovered, Understanding Deflation: Treating the Disease, Not the Symptoms and Cracks in the Foundations of Growth, with Greg Hannsgen and Zezza; The New New Deal Fracas, Debts, Deficits, Economic Recovery, and the U.S. Government, Will the Recovery Continue: Four Fragile Markets, Four Years Later, Fiscal Traps and Macro Policy after the Eurozone Crisis, with Hannsgen; and After Austerity: Measuring the Impact of a Job Guarantee Policy for Greece, with Rania Antonopoulos, Sofia Adam, Kijong Kim, and Thomas Masterson; and the Policy Notes Fiscal Stimulus, Job Creation, and the Economy: What Are the Lessons of the New Deal, with Hannsgen; Fiscal Policy for the Coming Recession, Are We All Keynesians (Again)?, The April AMT Shock, Time to Bail Out: Alternatives to the Bush-Paulson Plan, and Euroland’s Original Sin,, with Wray; The Greek Public Debt Problem, with Michalis Nikiforos and Gennaro Zezza; What Should Be Done with Greek Banks to Help the Country Return to a Path of Growth?, with Emilios Avgouleas; and Complementary Currencies and Economic Stability. Member, editorial board, Challenge, The Bulletin of Political Economy, and Journal of Economic Analysis; book reviewer, Cambridge Journal of Economics, Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, Journal of Comparative Economic Studies, The Economic Journal, and Atlantic Economic Journal. Frequent commentator on National Public Radio. Witness to U.S. Senate and House Committee Hearings on Banking, Finance, and Small Business. At Bard since 1977.
Bruce Robertson Biology 2017 B.S., University of Notre Dame; Ph.D., University of Montana. Postdoctoral fellowships at Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute’s Migratory Bird Center and Michigan State University. Professor Robertson’s research focuses on understanding the direct and indirect impacts of human activities on biodiversity, animal behavior, and species interactions, with special emphasis on how rapidly changing environments may disrupt evolved relationships and trigger behavioral maladaptation. He is best known for his interest in better understanding the causes and consequences of maladaptive behavioral scenarios—called ecological and evolutionary traps—that have the potential to negatively impact populations of native species. He is currently investigating how new forms of light pollution are triggering maladaptive behavior in birds and aquatic insects in ways that will help inform sustainable development and solar panel design. Robertson is also developing ways in which evolutionary traps can be used to manage pest species and fight cancer. He has published over 40 peer-reviewed articles and his work has been covered by National Public Radio, Scientific American, the Discovery Channel and National Geographic.
Gautam Sethi Economics BCEP 2017 BA, University of Delhi; MA, Delhi School of Economics; MPhil, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, master’s thesis on the conflicts between utilitarianism and libertarianism; Fellow, University of Texas, Austin; PhD, University of California, Berkeley (Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor Award). Research interests include natural resources and environmental economics, applied microeconomics, game theory, philosophy of economics, and history of economic thought. Worked in India on energy-economy-environment linkages and associated policy issues. Doctoral work focused on fishery management under certainty. Designed and taught a Rethinking Economics course at the University of California, Berkeley. Author, working papers of climate change policy impacts at Redefining Progress, San Francisco, and a companion volume to Jeffrey Perloff’s Microeconomics; article in the Journal of Environmental Economics and Management. Presented research talks at academic institutions (Binghamton University, University of California-Santa Barbara), research institutes (Institute of Ecosystem Studies, Millbrook, Tata Energy Research Institute, India), policy forums (OECD workshop, Oaxaca, Mexico), and numerous professional society meetings.
Pavlina Tcherneva Economics 2017 B.A., Gettysburg College; M.A., Ph.D., University of Missouri-Kansas City. Previously taught at Franklin and Marshall College and University of Missouri-Kansas City. Research and teaching interests include macroeconomic theory and policy; employment policy; monetary theory and the history of monetary thought; institutional and Post Keynesian theory; and the effects of pro-employment policies on gender outcomes and urban development. She has published articles in the Review of Social Economy, Basic Income Studies, Journal of Economic Issues, Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, International Journal of Political Economy, Rutgers Journal of Law and Urban Policy, and Oeconomicus, among others. She is coeditor (with M. Forstater) of Full Employment and Price Stability: The Macroeconomic Vision of William S. Vickrey (2004). Research Associate, Levy Economics Institute. At Bard: 2006–2008, 2012–
Sanjib Baruah Political Studies 2017 "Professor Baruah’s teaching and research interests include political economy, nations and nationalism, Asian borderlands, and South Asian Politics. His publications include India against Itself: Assam and the Politics of Nationality (University of Pennsylvania Press, 1999); Durable Disorder: Understanding the Politics of Northeast India (Oxford University Press, 2005); Postfrontier Blues: Towards a New Policy Framework for Northeast India (East-West Center, 2007); and the edited volumes Beyond Counterinsurgency: Breaking the Impasse in Northeast India (Oxford University Press, 2009) and Ethnonationalism in India: A Reader (Oxford University Press, 2010). His opinion pieces appear in the Indian Express and other newspapers. Baruah serves on the editorial board of the journal Studies in Indian Politics (Sage Publications) and the book series South Asia in Motion from Stanford University Press. He holds a concurrent position as Global Fellow at the Peace Research Institute in Oslo, Norway. A number of his books are available in the Oxford India Paperbacks series. BA, Cotton College, Guwahati, India; MA, University of Delhi; PhD, University of Chicago. At Bard since 1983.
Leon Botstein President 2017 B.A., University of Chicago; M.A., Ph.D., Harvard University, Department of History. Lecturer, Department of History, Boston University (1969); special assistant to the president, Board of Education, City of New York (1969–70); president, Franconia College (1970–75). Editor, The Musical Quarterly (1992– ). Music director and conductor, American Symphony Orchestra (1992– ) and Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra/Israel Broadcasting Authority (2003– ). Conductor, Hudson Valley Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra (1981–92). Coartistic director, Bard Music Festival (1990– ). Guest conductor, BBC Symphony Orchestra, Bern Symphony, Bochum Symphony Orchestra (Germany), Budapest Festival Orchestra, Düsseldorf Symphony, Georg Enescu Philharmonic Orchestra (Bucharest), Hudson Valley Philharmonic, London Philharmonic Orchestra, Madrid Opera, NDR Symphony Orchestra (Hamburg), New York City Opera, ORF Orchestra (Vienna), Philharmonia Orchestra (London), Puerto Rico Symphony Orchestra, Romanian Radio Symphony Orchestra, Royal Scottish National Orchestra, St. Petersburg Philharmonic, Wroclaw Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra. Recordings with the American Symphony Orchestra (Arabesque, Vanguard Classics/Omega, Koch/Schwann, New World Records, Telarc); BBC Symphony Orchestra (Chandos, Telarc); Hanover Radio Symphony Orchestra (Koch International Classics); London Philharmonic Orchestra (IMP Masters, Telarc); London Symphony Orchestra (Telarc, Carlton Classics); National Philharmonic of Lithuania (Arabesque), NDR Radio Philharmonic (Koch International); NDR Symphony Orchestra (New World Records); Pro Arte Chamber Orchestra of Boston (CRI); Royal Scottish National Orchestra (Arabesque). Honors include membership in the American Philosophical Society, the Carnegie Corporation Academic Leadership Award, American Academy of Arts and Letters Award for Distinguished Service to the Arts, Austrian Cross of Honor First Class, Centennial Medal from the Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Frederic E. Church Award for Arts and Sciences, National Arts Club Gold Medal. Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Board chair, Central European University; board member, Open Society Institute, Foundation for Jewish Culture. Member, National Advisory Committee for Yale–New Haven Teachers, National Council for Chamber Music America. Past chair, Association of Episcopal Colleges, Harper’s Magazine Foundation, New York Council for the Humanities. Articles in newspapers and journals including Christian Science Monitor, Chronicle of Higher Education, Gramophone, Harper’s, Musical Quarterly, New Republic, New York Times, 19th-Century Music, Partisan Review, Psychoanalytic Psychology, Salmagundi, Times Literary Supplement. Essays and chapters in a number of books about art, education, history, and music, including the Cambridge Companions to Music series and the New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians. Contributor to volumes in the Bard Music Festival series on Bartók, Beethoven, Brahms, Copland, Debussy, Dvoˇrák, Elgar, Haydn, Ives, Janáˇcek, Liszt, Mahler, Mendelssohn, Prokofiev, Schoenberg, Schumann, Shostakovich, Strauss, Tchaikovsky, and Wagner, published by Princeton University Press. Editor, The Compleat Brahms (W. W. Norton, 1999). Author, Jefferson’s Children: Education and the Promise of American Culture (Doubleday, 1997); Judentum und Modernität: Essays zur Rolle der Juden in der Deutschen und Österreichischen Kultur, 1848–1938 (Böhlau Verlag, 1991; Russian translation Belveder, 2003); The History of Listening: How Music Creates Meaning (forthcoming, Basic Books); Music and Modernism (forthcoming, Yale University Press). (1975– ) Leon Levy Professor in the Arts and Humanities.
Mark Danner Foreign Affairs and Humanities 2017 "Mark Danner is a writer and reporter who for 25 years has written on politics and foreign affairs, focusing on war and conflict. He has covered, among many other stories, wars and political conflict in Central America, Haiti, the Balkans, Iraq and the Middle East, and, most recently, the story of torture during the War on Terror. Danner is James Clarke Chace Professor of Foreign Affairs and the Humanities at Bard College and Chancellor’s Professor of Journalism, English, and Politics at the University of California, Berkeley. Among his books are Stripping Bare the Body (2009), The Secret Way to War: The Downing Street Memo and the Iraq War’s Buried History (2006), Torture and Truth: America, Abu Ghraib, and the War on Terror (2004), The Road to Illegitimacy: One Reporter’s Travels through the 2000 Florida Vote Recount (2004), and The Massacre at El Mozote: A Parable of the Cold War (1994). Danner was a longtime staff writer at The New Yorker and is a frequent contributor to the New York Review of Books. His work has appeared in Harper’s, The New York Times, Aperture, and many other newspapers and magazines. He co-wrote and helped produce two hour-long documentaries for the ABC News program Peter Jennings Reporting, and his work has received, among other honors, a National Magazine Award, three Overseas Press Awards, and an Emmy. In 1999 Danner was named a MacArthur Fellow. He speaks and lectures widely on foreign policy and America’s role in the world. At Bard since 2003.
Brooke Jude Biology 2017 "Brooke Jude is a molecular microbiologist who studies isolates of microorganisms cultivated from aquatic sources worldwide. Her work is currently focused on isolating and identifying beneficial violacein producing bacterial strains. She uses classic microbiological techniques for isolation, culture and characterization, and identifies organisms via modern sequence analysis. Investigations within the lab also include motility and biofilm assays, violacein analysis, whole genome sequencing and assembly, and investigation into bacterial behavior within microbial communities. BA, Colby College; PhD, Dartmouth College. At Bard since 2009.
Aniruddha Mitra Economics 2017 M.A., Delhi School of Economics, Delhi University; M.S., Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Teaching and research interests include microeconomics; game theory; industrial organization; developmental economics; the economics of race, ethnicity, and gender; and the economics of migration. His research employs both theoretical and empirical methods to investigate the phenomena of discrimination, ethnic conflict, and the international migration of skilled labor. He has published in Applied Economics Letters, Eastern Economic Journal, Mathematical Social Sciences, and Economic Systems. He previously taught at Middlebury College and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. At Bard since 2012.
Emily White Biology 2020 As part of the Bard Water Lab and the Saw Kill Watershed community, Emily White is involved in ongoing efforts to monitor water quality in the Saw Kill. She is currently working on the Annandale Dam Micro-Hydropower Project, using her training as an environmental scientist to consider the impacts of small hydropower on the Saw Kill. She received her BS in chemistry and environmental studies from Tufts University, her MS in environmental science from Ohio State University, and her PhD in environmental chemistry from SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry. She is interested in the natural and anthropogenically influenced processes that impact water quality. At SUNY-ESF, she received a NASA Earth System Science fellowship to investigate estuarine carbon cycling. She participated in several oceanographic research cruises, traveling all the way to Antarctica. Before coming to Bard, White taught introductory and environmental chemistry at Sewanee: The University of the South, and conducted research on the occurrence and fate of pharmaceuticals and personal care products in treated wastewater. At Bard since 2019.
Jeannette Estruth Historical Studies 2020 "Jeannette Alden Estruth is assistant professor of historical studies at Bard College, where she teaches American history. She also holds an affiliation with the Harvard Law School Berkman- Klein Center for Internet and Society. She received her doctorate in history, with honors, from New York University in 2018. From 2018 to 2019, Estruth was a visiting scholar at the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in Cambridge, Massachusetts. In 2019, her book project was a finalist for the Herman E. Krooss Prize for Best Dissertation in Business History. Estruth’s work has been supported by the Mellon Foundation, University of Virginia Miller Center, Hagley Library, Huntington Library, NYU Henry MacCracken Fellowship, and Fulbright Program, among others. She was formerly the associate editor of the Radical History Review, and an editorial assistant at Harvard University Press. Estruth is currently working on her book manuscript, The New Utopia: A Political History of the Silicon Valley, which explores the history of social movements, the technology industry, and economic culture in the United States. BA, Vassar College; PhD, New York University. At Bard since 2019.
Alex Benson Literature 2020 "Professor Benson’s research and teaching focus is on American literatures of the 19th and early 20th centuries, with active interests in media studies, indigenous studies, disability, and the environmental humanities. His articles on authors including W. E. B. Du Bois, Herman Melville, and Claude McKay have appeared in the journals Narrative, Leviathan, Small Axe, and Criticism. His current book manuscript, Soundblind: American Literature and the Problem of Transcription, was selected for participation in the Center for American Literary Studies’ First Book Institute at Penn State in 2017, and he is the recipient of a Chernin Mentoring Fellowship (2011-12), among other recent awards. He serves on the executive board of the New York Metro Area American Studies Association. BA, PhD, University of California, Berkeley. At Bard since 2012.
Richard Lopez Pyschology 2020 "Professor Lopez earned his PhD in cognitive neuroscience at Dartmouth College and subsequently served as a postdoctoral fellow in the Translational Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience Lab at Rice University. He has taught psychology and neuroscience courses at Dartmouth College and the University of Houston. He is the recipient of the National Research Service Award to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research from the National Institutes of Health (National Cancer Institute), as well as multiple teaching awards including the Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award from the Dartmouth Center for the Advancement of Learning. His work has appeared in journals such as Psychological Science; Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews; Cerebral Cortex; Social, Cognitive, and Affective Neuroscience; and other outlets. His recent published work has examined important individual difference factors implicated in successful regulation of cravings and emotions in daily life. BA, Princeton University; PhD., Dartmouth College; Postdoctoral Fellow, Rice University. At Bard since 2019.
Alys Moody Literature 2020 "Alys Moody’s areas of expertise include 20th- and 21st-century European, American, and world literature, with an emphasis on modernism and its contemporary heirs. She received her doctorate at the University of Oxford after completing undergraduate studies at the University of Sydney. Her research focuses on how the persistence and proliferation of modernism’s aesthetic ideas have shaped the way authors, scholars, and the public think about literature and its role in society. She is the author of The Art of Hunger: Aesthetic Autonomy and the Afterlives of Modernism (Oxford University Press, 2018) and coeditor, with Stephen J. Ross, of the anthology Global Modernists on Modernism (forthcoming). Manuscripts in preparation include the book The Literature of World Hunger: Poverty, Global Modernism, and the Emergence of a World Literary System and an article on the Lehrstücke of J. M. Coetzee. She has written on literature and contemporary art for such publications as the Journal of Beckett Studies, American Literary History, and Theatre Journal; contributed book chapters including “Global Modernism: An Introduction and Ten Theses,” in Global Modernists on Modernism, and “Against Culinary Art: Mina Loy and the Modernist Starving Artist,” in Gastro-Modernism: Food, Literature, Culture (forthcoming, 2019); authored book and theater reviews in, among others, Irish Studies Review, Syndicate, The Comparatist, and Beckett Circle: Newsletter of the Samuel Beckett Society. She has also translated works by Aimé Césaire, Suzanne Césaire, and Normil Sylvain. Professor Moody is the recipient of numerous awards and fellowships, including an Andrew W. Mellon Research Fellowship in the Harry Ransom Center at the University of Texas at Austin and a Humanities Traveling Fellowship from the Australian Academy of the Humanities. She previously taught at Macquarie University (Sydney), University of Waikato (New Zealand), Université Paris 7–Paris Diderot, and University of Oxford. BA, MPhil, University of Sydney; DPhil, University of Oxford. At Bard since 2019.
Gabriel Perron Biology 2020 B.Sc., M.Sc., McGill University; Ph.D., University of Oxford; Banting Postdoctoral Fellow, Center for Advanced Research in Environmental Genomics, University of Ottawa. He also served as visiting research fellow at Harvard University and Imperial College London, and received a teaching certificate from Harvard’s Derek Bok Center for Teaching and Learning. Additional honors and fellowships include: Canadian National Award of Linacre College; Clarendon Fund Scholarship of the University of Oxford; and postgraduate scholarship, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. Peer-reviewed publications: PLOS One, Genetics, The American Naturalist, Discovery Medicine, Current Biology, and others. Invited seminars and presentations at institutions throughout Canada, Europe, and the United States, including several at Bard: “A Blizzard in a Bottle: Antibiotic Resistance in Ancient Permafrost”; “Nature Walk: Seeing Evolution in Action”; and “Meet a Scientist.” At Bard since 2015.
Scott Kellogg Citizen Science 2020 Scott received his MS in environmental science and policy from Johns Hopkins University and PhD in science and technology studies from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. He is the cofounder and educational director of the Radix Ecological Sustainability Center, an urban environmental education nonprofit in Albany, N.Y., that maintains a demonstration site of regenerative tools and technologies designed to teach ecological literacy to youth. Scott’s research is centered on the idea of “urban ecosystem justice”—examining through a pedagogical lens how questions of equity, access, and justice pertain to urban ecosystems. He is chair of Urban Agriculture on Albany’s Sustainability Advisory Committee.
Wakako Suzuki Japanese 2020 Professor Suzuki’s scholarly interests in Japanese literature range from childhood memories, children’s literature, and women’s writing to literary criticism in 19th- and 20th-century Japan. Her teaching interests include gender and sexuality in Japanese literature, Japanese folklore, popular culture, and translation. Publications include “On the Present Reception of Yokomitsu’s Work in North America—From the Perspective of Shanghai Discussed in the Classroom,” and “Youth,” both in Yokomichi Riichi Studies, and “Sacred or Profane? Representing War Orphans in the Post-war Occupation of Japan: Ishikawa Jun’s ‘The Jesus of the Ruins’” in Japan Studies Association Journal, vol. 16 (2018). BA, Rikkyo University, Tokyo; MA, Columbia University; MA, Stanford University; PhD, University of California, Los Angeles. At Bard since 2018.
Thomas Wild German 2020 M.A., Free University of Berlin; Ph.D., University of Munich. Also studied at University of Rome, La Sapienza. Has taught at institutions of higher learning in Germany, Vanderbilt University, and Oberlin College, and recently served as Alexander von Humboldt / Feodor Lynen Research Fellow at the University of Chicago. His research and teaching interests include 20th-century German literature and film; the political dimensions of culture, art, and thought; Hannah Arendt; and contemporary developments in German media and society after 1989. Among his publications are a monograph on Arendt�s relationships with key postwar German writers; an intellectual biography of Arendt; and a edition of poetry by Thomas Brasch. He coedited Arendt�s conversations and correspondence with the eminent German historian and political essayist Joachim Fest. He is also a literary critic and cultural correspondent for the German dailies S�ddeutsche Zeitung and Der Tagesspiegel. At Bard since 2012.
Kellan Anfinson Political Studies 2020 Kellan Anfinson received his doctorate in political theory from Johns Hopkins University. His areas of specialization include environmental politics, critical theory, political economy, and American politics. Work in preparation includes the manuscript The Ethos of the Event: From Political Eruptions to Climate Change, which examines the role of “the event” in political life, with a focus on developing an ethos that could better attune us to an eventful world marked by climate change. Anfison is the author of the articles “How to Tell the Truth about Climate Change,” in Environmental Politics (2018) and “Risk or Security: Carl Schmitt’s Ethos of the Event,” in Telos (2018); and the coauthor of the introduction to “The Fragility of Things: A Symposium,” in Theory and Event, and the coeditor of that publication. He has taught at the University of South Florida, where he was a postdoctoral scholar; Sciences Po in Paris, where he served as a teaching fellow; University of Mannheim; and Johns Hopkins University. BA, Macalester College; MA, PhD, Johns Hopkins University. At Bard since 2019.
Jeff Jurgens Anthropology 2020 "Jeffrey Jurgens' research and teaching interests focus on topics related to migration and displacement, citizenship, affect, public memory, religiosity and secularism, urban space, youth, and the cultural politics of college-in-prison. His early scholarship examined formations of diaspora and citizenship among people of Turkish backgrounds in Berlin since the 1960s. More recently, he has written about the impact of labor recruitment policies on German citizenship, the role of immigrants in public memories of German division, the significance of Islamic religious instruction in Turkish and German public schools, and the affective dimensions of the “refugee crisis” in Europe. His research has been supported by the National Science Foundation, IIE Fulbright, Berlin Program for Advanced German and European Studies, National Humanities Center, and the Berlin Institute for Advanced Study. In addition to his work in the undergraduate college, he teaches in the Bard Prison Initiative (BPI) and directs its bachelor’s degree program. Jeff also participates in the Liberal Arts Consortium on Forced Migration, Displacement, and Education, which aims in part to establish a curricular cluster in migration studies at Bard. BA, Colorado College; MA, PhD, University of Michigan. At Bard since 2005.
Jon Bowermaster EUS 2020 Jon Bowermaster is a documentary filmmaker, journalist, author, adventurer, radio host, six-time grantee of the National Geographic Expeditions Council, and executive producer at Oceans 8 Films. The Oceans 8 project took Bowermaster and his teams around the world by sea kayak over 10 years (1999–2008) and documented their stories from locales such as the Aleutian Islands, French Polynesia, and Gabon, as well as their findings about how the ocean and its various coastlines are faring in today’s world. His first assignment for National Geographic magazine was documenting a 3,741-mile journey across Antarctica by dogsled. Bowermaster is a board member of Mark Ruffalo’s Water Defense and the Celine Cousteau Outdoor Film Fellowship, chairman of the advisory council for Adventurers and Scientists for Conservation, and member of the leadership council of Riverkeeper. His books include Wildebeest in a Rainstorm; Oceans: The Threats to Our Seas and What You Can Do to Turn the Tide; Descending the Dragon: My Journey Down the Coast of Vietnam; Birthplace of the Winds; and Aleutian Adventure. Recent films and film series include Ghost Fleet; Hudson River Stories: Hudson River at Risk and Hope on the Hudson; Dear President Obama and Dear Governor Brown; After the Spill; Antarctica 3D, on the Edge; and SoLa, Louisiana Water Stories. His films for the National Geographic Channel include Descending the Dragon and a sea kayaking series that includes The Dangerous Archipelago, Into the Altiplano, The Lost Coast of Gabon, and Around Tasmania. His films have won numerous awards at festivals around the world, including Wild & Scenic Environmental Film Festival, New York Wild Film Festival, Accolade Global Film Competition, IndieFest, Doc LA, Blue Ocean Film Festival, Vancouver International Mountain Film Festival, and others. He is the recipient of grants from, in addition to the National Geographic Society, the Park Foundation, Scenic Hudson, 11th Hour Project, NoVo Foundation, World Harmony Foundation, and Code Blue Foundation, among others.
Robyn Smyth EUS 2020 B.S., Cornell University; M.S., University of Vermont; Ph.D., University of California, Santa Barbara. Dr. Smyth has been a member of the Bard Center for Environmental Policy graduate faculty and an adjunct scientist at the Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies in Millbrook, New York, since 2012. She also previously served as a postdoctoral research fellow at the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center in Edgewater, Maryland; a Rotary Foundation Ambassadorial Scholar in Bagamoyo, Tanzania; and a Knauss Marine Policy Fellow in Environmental Research and Education at the National Science Foundation in Arlington, Virginia. Her research expertise includes coupling physical and biological processes in lakes, and ocean and aquatic ecosystem management. Current collaborative research projects include modeling the effects of vertical mixing and ultraviolet radiation on primary productivity in the Southern Ocean, and understanding the role of climate forcing and hydrodynamics on harmful algal blooms and outbreaks of disease in aquatic organisms in lakes. She is a member of the Global Lake Ecological Observatory Network (GLEON), which seeks to utilize high-frequency sensor data to better understand and manage lake ecosystems. Peer-reviewed journal articles have been published in Limnology and Oceanography, Geophysical Research Letters, Bioscience, and Environmental Management. At Bard, she has taught courses on lake and reservoir science and management, climate change and water, and the environmental science of built environments. She joined the undergraduate faculty in 2017.
Franco Baldasso (Maybe) Italian 2020 Franco Baldasso is the author of a book on Holocaust survivor Primo Levi, Il cerchio di gesso. Primo Levi narratore e testimone (Bologna, 2007) and coeditor, with Simona Wright, of an issue of NeMLA-Italian Studies titled “Italy in WWII and the Transition to Democracy: Memory, Fiction, Histories.” His articles have appeared in Modern Language Notes, Romance Notes, Context, NeMLA-Italian Studies, Poetiche, and Scritture Migranti. He is the recipient of many awards, including the Andrew W. Mellon Fellowship in the Humanities, NYU Humanities Initiative Honorary Fellowship, and the Remarque Institute Doctoral Fellowship. Baldasso collaborates with publicbooks.org and is member of the scientific committee of the Archivio della Memoria della Grande Guerra of the Centro Studi sulla Grande Guerra “P. Pieri” in Vittorio Veneto (TV). He is currently working on a manuscript tentatively titled Against Redemption: The Early Postwar Debate over the Transition from Fascism to Democracy in Italy.
Shuo Zhang (Maybe) Physics 2020 "Shuo Zhang comes to Bard after serving as a postdoctoral scholar and Heising-Simons Fellow at the MIT Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research. She received her PhD in physics at Columbia University, where her research focused on high-energy X-ray observations of the Galactic Center and Galactic Plane using the NuSTAR space telescope. The thesis, “Investigating the Physics of Hard X-ray Outbursts from the Galactic Center Supermassive Black Hole Sgr A*,” was selected for funding by NASA headquarters via the NASA Earth and Space Fellowship program. Professor Zhang has obtained funding for an original particle astrophysics project on probing galactic cosmic-ray particles at MeV through PeV energy scales using innovative methods. This research has far-reaching implications for a range of fields of study: the origin of galactic cosmic-rays, particle acceleration mechanisms, and dark matter searches. At MIT, she led a project on the discovery of a 40 keV hard X-ray source at merely 1 parsec from the Galactic Center supermassive black hole. In addition to her research, she is a referee for Nature, monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, and a panel reviewer for NASA’s Astrophysics Data Analysis Project. She is also a member of several scientific collaborations, including Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) Multiwavelength Working Group, eXTP Space Telescope Observatory Science Working Group, Chandra/ACIS Instrument Team, and NuSTAR Space Telescope Science Team, among others. Her work has appeared frequently in Astrophysical Journal and Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. BS, Tsinghua University; PhD, Columbia University. At Bard since 2020.
Marka Gustavsson (Maybe) Music 2020 B.M., Indiana University; M.M., Mannes College of Music; D.M.A., City University of New York. Violinist and violist, member of Colorado String Quartet. Active in commissioning and performing contemporary music, as chamber musician and soloist. Adjudicator, Banff International String Quartet Competition. Regular engagements at major halls in the United States and abroad. Recordings include Colorado String Quartet: Beethoven String Quartets, complete (Parnassus Records). At Bard since 2001.
A brief description of the methodology the institution followed to complete the research inventory:
2020: faculty survey asked if they used the Global Goals in teaching or research
2017: faculty members were selected from the EUS, Human Rights, Anthropology, and Sociology departments based on their fields of study listed in their bios and spot checked for duplication by Emily McLaughlin Associate Dean of the College
2017: faculty members were selected from the EUS, Human Rights, Anthropology, and Sociology departments based on their fields of study listed in their bios and spot checked for duplication by Emily McLaughlin Associate Dean of the College
Optional Fields
Additional documentation to support the submission:
Data source(s) and notes about the submission:
2020: faculty survey asked if they used the Sustainable Development Goals in teaching or research in lead up to the 2019 Climate Strike
2017: faculty members were selected from the EUS, Human Rights, Anthropology, and Sociology departments based on their fields of study listed in their bios and checked for duplication and consistency by Emily McLaughlin Associate Dean of the College in 2020
2017: faculty members were selected from the EUS, Human Rights, Anthropology, and Sociology departments based on their fields of study listed in their bios and checked for duplication and consistency by Emily McLaughlin Associate Dean of the College in 2020
The information presented here is self-reported. While AASHE staff review portions of all STARS reports and institutions are welcome to seek additional forms of review, the data in STARS reports are not verified by AASHE. If you believe any of this information is erroneous or inconsistent with credit criteria, please review the process for inquiring about the information reported by an institution or simply email your inquiry to stars@aashe.org.