Overall Rating Gold - expired
Overall Score 67.61
Liaison Margaret Lo
Submission Date Sept. 28, 2012
Executive Letter Download

STARS v1.2

Ball State University
PAE-8: Support Programs for Underrepresented Groups

Status Score Responsible Party
Complete 2.00 / 2.00 Dr. Charles Payne
Assistant Provost Diversity
Department of Educational Studies
"---" indicates that no data was submitted for this field

Does the institution have mentoring, counseling, peer support, affinity groups, academic support programs, or other programs in place to support underrepresented groups on campus?:

A brief description of the programs sponsored by the institution to support underrepresented groups within the student body:
The Office of Institutional Diversity is not only committed to diversity programming for students; it also supports several faculty development programs that encourage faculty to explore the relevance of diversity in all classes as well. The multicultural organizations develop and sponsor cultural, educational, and social programming for their members and constituents of Ball State University to enhance the Campus Life experience. They celebrate diversity and provide cultural awareness for the entire campus community. Any Ball State student can join a multicultural organization regardless of race, sexual orientation, or ethnicity. The university sponsors several multicultural organizations for underrepresented groups: Asian American Student Association, Black Student Association, Latino Student Union, Native American Student Association, and Spectrum. There are several programs to assist with recruiting underrepresented minority groups sponsored by the Office of Admissions. Some of those programs are: Summer Scholars, Stepping stone and Dream Day. Dream Day is an all day event for about a dozen underrepresented students in the Muncie Community Schools and is sponsored by Office of the President. There is also an Excel Program for entering minority freshman sponsored by the Multicultural Center. The Excel program consists of a four-day summer institute designed to address issues experienced by underrepresented minority students as they transition from high school to college. Excel students will also participate in structured activities throughout their entire freshman year. Excel is open to new freshman students who have been admitted to Ball State University. It features workshops and sessions that prepare students for college and expose them to campus resources.

A brief description of the programs sponsored by the institution to support underrepresented groups within the faculty:
Developing Pedagogies to Enhance Excellence and Diversity Overview The Office of Institutional Diversity offers a four-part faculty development seminar to support BSU teachers in developing inclusive and excellent pedagogy. Focus: Participants read about and discuss • Best practices from pedagogical theory • The relationship of multiple diversities and excellence • Privilege, inclusivity, cognitive authority, and vulnerability Benefits Beyond the principle benefit of improving the inclusivity of their pedagogy, participants receive free copies of the texts used in the seminar and a modest honorarium ($300). The interdisciplinary and interpersonal connections faculty and students make in these eight days have lasting professional and personal effects. Outcome Informed by what s/he learns, each participant prepares a brief report describing a pedagogical innovation s/he will implement during the next academic year. This report includes documents that will be used in that implementation. Seminar Facilitator David W. Concepción, PhD Associate Professor, Philosophy Faculty Fellow, Office of Teaching and Learning Advancement Eligibility Ball State faculty and graduate students with teaching responsibilities are encouraged to participate. Diversity of seminarians is valued.

A brief description of the programs sponsored by the institution to support underrepresented groups within the staff:
2009 Diversity Research Symposium The 2009 Diversity Research Symposium focused on research and writing projects in any discipline that involve cultural identities such as age, race, geographical location, ethnicity, physical and mental ability, socioeconomic class, gender, religion, sexual orientation, nationality, language, and their intersections.

The website URL where more information about the programs in each of the three categories is available :
Data source(s) and notes about the submission:

The information presented here is self-reported. While AASHE staff review portions of all STARS reports and institutions are welcome to seek additional forms of review, the data in STARS reports are not verified by AASHE. If you believe any of this information is erroneous or inconsistent with credit criteria, please review the process for inquiring about the information reported by an institution or simply email your inquiry to stars@aashe.org.