Overall Rating Gold
Overall Score 67.18
Liaison Weston Dripps
Submission Date Aug. 19, 2024

STARS v3.0

Amherst College
PA-11: Health, Safety and Wellbeing

Status Score Responsible Party
Complete 3.00 / 3.00 Weston Dripps
Director of Sustainability
"---" indicates that no data was submitted for this field

Does the institution make physical health services available to students?:

Narrative and/or website URL providing an overview of the institution’s physical health services for students:

The Keefe Health Center

The college has a campus health center whose operating principles are built on the ideas of accessible and comprehensive care for the students of Amherst College. In addition to the treatment of acute and chronic conditions, the Health Center takes a primary role in the coordination of care for our students including initiation of referrals as needed and collaboration with other departments on campus. All Amherst students’ medical and mental health care is covered by tuition if it is provided by the Amherst College Health Center staff. This includes visits in the Keefe Health Center by any of our Providers (MD, NP, PA, RN and CMA's). Services provided by the health center are detailed here.


Does the institution make behavioral health services available to students?:

Narrative and/or website URL providing an overview of the institution’s behavioral health services for students:

Center for Counseling and Mental Health (CCMH)

The Amherst College Center for Counseling and Mental Health (CCMH) provides mental health treatment and related prevention services to Amherst students. Our services to the student community are defined within three categories:  

1) Rapid Access - includes emergency (24/7) and urgent-care support, single sessions, workshops, groups, and consultation; 

2) Ongoing Support - highlighted by individual counseling/psychotherapy, psychiatric medication management, and therapy groups; 

3) Off-Campus Care - our clinical case-management team supports students in instances where off-campus clinical services and resources are indicated.

CCMH also provides consultation, training, and mental health promotion services to Amherst students, as well as consultation and training to all members of the campus community. We offer these services in order to facilitate the academic success and engagement of Amherst students, improve their mental health and cognitive functioning, enhance their personal development, reduce suffering and increase flourishing in our community, and to promote a campus culture of positive mental health and wellbeing.

Does the institution make sexual and reproductive health services available to students?:

Narrative and/or website URL providing an overview of the institution’s sexual/reproductive health services for students:

The Keefe Health Center provides a variety of sexual and reproductive health care services including contraceptive consults & management (oral contraceptive pills, IUD's, implant), emergency contraception information and prescriptions, pap smear/pelvic exam and clinical breast exams, PrEP counseling and prescriptions, STI testing and treatment, pregnancy and abortion support and sexual assault support.

Does the institution make contemplative and/or spiritual activities available to students?:

Narrative and/or website URL providing an overview of the institution’s contemplative and spiritual activities for students:

Center for Religious and Spiritual Life (RSL)


The Center for Religious and Spiritual Life (RSL) at Amherst employs chaplains from a variety of traditions that support many regular, religious programs that include elements of contemplation and spiritual practice. RSL also employs a Humanist Chaplain and a team of student staff, who (along with RSL Director) focus on interfaith and spiritual but not religious programs. Additionally, our Buddhist Chaplain regularly teaches meditation that is not exclusively for Buddhists. Examples of these programs include:

  • Mindfulness meditation

  • Breathwork

  • Spiritual counseling

  • Reflective journaling groups

  • Book groups on radical permission, body image/identity/wellbeing, embodied antiracism

  • Conversations on atheism and values

  • Climate justice programs

  • Engagement in and spiritual reflections on community service

  • Spirituality and tarot

  • New moon ritual gatherings


Does the institution have a campus safety committee that brings together students from vulnerable groups and management in the development and review of policies and procedures related to student safety and violence prevention?:

Narrative and/or website URL providing an overview of the institution’s student safety and violence prevention committee:

Amherst's Campus Safety Advisory Committee advises the Amherst College Police Department (ACPD), the Office of Student Affairs (OSA), and the College administration on campus safety policies, procedures and related issues. The goal of the committee is to support the College’s efforts to be responsive to the needs of the campus community and to provide advice on the implementation of fair, equitable, and effective campus safety and police practices. 


Does the institution have an emergency assistance fund that provides grants or interest-free loans to students who are experiencing financial difficulties?:

Narrative and/or website URL providing an overview of the institution’s emergency assistance fund for students:

Amherst College established a Student Emergency Fund in the fall of 2020 for students who experience financial strain and need supplemental resources due to temporary hardship. The funding is intended to assist students with meeting immediate, unanticipated, non-recurring expenses so that they can continue their studies with minimal disruption.

Does the institution have a food bank/pantry, meal donation program, or similar initiative that provides food at no cost to students experiencing food insecurity?:

Narrative and/or website URL providing an overview of the institution’s student food security initiatives:

All Amherst students are on a full meal plan with unlimited meals per week as part of their tuition. The full meal plan requirement was implemented to address issues of food insecurity for students living on campus. Under this plan, students have access to breakfast, lunch and dinner 7 days per week and late night dining 3 days per week. 

Points earned for indicator PA 11.1:

Does the institution make physical health services available to employees?:

Narrative and/or website URL providing an overview of the institution’s physical health services for employees:

HR Wellness


At Amherst, we are committed to the well-being of faculty and staff beyond just traditional coverage. That’s why we provide HRWellness@ Amherst, which provides programs and resources available to employees to help support all aspects of a healthy you.

Amherst College Emergency Medical Services (ACEMS)


ACEMS is a student-run, student-staffed, volunteer organization that operates 24 hrs/day while classes are in session. It provides Basic Life Support Quick Response (BLS/QRS) to medical emergencies on the Amherst Campus. Using the college dispatch system at least two Massachusetts certified Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT-B) are dispatched for all medical emergencies. If a call is thought to be of a potentially life-threatening nature or at the request of the patient, the Amherst Fire Department (AFD) Ambulance is dispatched along with ACEMS responders.

ACEMS provides transport for patients with non-life threatening conditions. Depending on which health centers are open, patients can be transported either to Amherst Health Services or University of Massachusetts Health Services. When the college health centers are closed, transport is only available through the Amherst Fire Department. For patients who require close medical supervision during transport or at the request of the patient, ACEMS will call AFD for transport to Cooley Dickinson Hospital or other hospitals as needed.


Does the institution make behavioral health services available to employees?:

Narrative and/or website URL providing an overview of the institution’s behavioral health services for employees:

Employee Assistance Program


Assistance is available for those who need help managing the stress, anxiety, and other emotional responses that appear in the wake of a traumatic event. New Directions is a comprehensive resource available to the Amherst College community to help and support you with life services for everyday living. Some of the resources and services available include:

  • Family and Caregiving: Parenting, Prenatal/Fertility, Adoption, and Eldercare Services

  • Daily Living: Legal, Financial, and Convenience Consultations and Referrals

  • Emotional Well-Being: Addiction and Substance Abuse, Mental Health and Stress Support

  • Health and Wellness: Referrals to Gyms, Holistic Health Resources and Support groups

Each member of the Amherst College staff and faculty—and their household members— is eligible for up to 6 counseling sessions per issue per year. This benefit is completely confidential and is at no cost to the individual. 

In addition to emotional support, the EAP also offers crisis support, coaching, legal and financial consultation, substance use disorder education, adult and child care resources, leadership support, resources and referrals, and much more. Members of the Amherst College community can access these services at any time.

Center for Counseling and Mental Health (CCMH)

The CCMH offers Faculty and Staff Office Hours every Friday. A Licensed Psychologist / Consultant, and Clinical Case Manager host weekly consultations for staff and faculty to help support students and navigate the many resources of the College. All faculty and staff across the College are able to take advantage of the sessions.


Does the institution make free or reduced cost fitness activities available to employees?:

Narrative and/or website URL providing an overview of the institution’s fitness activities for employees:

Amherst College Fitness Facilities


All employees have access to all of the campus gym and recreational facilities for free including the Wolff Fitness Center, Alumni Gym, and Pratt Pool.

The college also offers a discount and reimbursement through Blue Cross / Blue Shield to join an outside fitness facility. 


Does the institution make contemplative and/or spiritual activities available to employees?:

Narrative and/or website URL providing an overview of the institution’s contemplative and spiritual activities for employees:

Most of the offerings described under the student section are also inclusive of faculty and staff. Specifically offered programs to staff and faculty include membership to the Calm app, a colleague resource group for meditation (meets weekly for peer led meditation), and access to a Mind Spa room with various mindfulness and de-stress activities (Wednesdays are reserved for faculty and staff). In addition the college offers free yoga classes to all campus employees. The classes are taught in the gym a couple times a week.

Mind Spa - https://www.amherst.edu/campuslife/health-safety-wellness/mindspa

Calm App - https://www.amherst.edu/offices/human_resources/benefits/calm 


Does the institution have an institution-wide health and safety committee or network of committees that brings together workers and management in the development and review of workplace health and safety policies and procedures?:

Narrative and/or website URL providing an overview of the institution’s workplace health and safety committees:

The college has a number of different health and safety workplace related committees including:

Dining Services Health & Safety Committee

Facilities Health & Safety Committee

Human Subjects Committee - Institutional Review Board (IRB)

Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee (IACUC), which is personnel related

Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC), which is also personnel related

Laser and Radiation Health & Safety Committee


Does the institution have an emergency assistance fund that provides grants or interest-free loans to employees who are experiencing financial difficulties?:

Narrative and/or website URL providing an overview of the institution’s emergency assistance fund for employees:

Points earned for indicator PA 11.2:

Does the institution prohibit smoking within all occupied buildings owned or leased by the Institution?:

Does the institution restrict outdoor smoking?:

Does the institution prohibit smoking and tobacco use across the entire campus?:

Narrative and/or website URL providing an overview of the institution’s smoke-free policies:

Smoking Policy


Smoking is not permitted within a distance of 25 feet of any campus building. This requirement prevents the migration of tobacco smoke into air intakes, assembly areas, building overhangs, entrances, exits, loading docks, porches, and other areas where non-smokers would have to pass.


In accordance with the requirements of the State Building Code and Fire Prevention Regulations and the policies of the Town of Amherst, smoking is not permitted in schools, colleges, universities or public buildings. The ordinance strictly prohibits smoking in all workplaces, including private offices, classrooms, meeting and conference rooms, recreational and dining facilities, restrooms, lounges, or any other enclosed place where College business might normally be conducted.

The College has been advised that the Amherst Health Department views dormitory rooms to be exempt from the ordinance on the basis of their definition as private residences. In all dormitory building common areas, however, smoking shall be prohibited. 


Points earned for indicator PA 11.3:

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The information presented here is self-reported. While AASHE staff review portions of all STARS reports and institutions are welcome to seek additional forms of review, the data in STARS reports are not verified by AASHE. If you believe any of this information is erroneous or inconsistent with credit criteria, please review the process for inquiring about the information reported by an institution or simply email your inquiry to stars@aashe.org.