Overall Rating Gold
Overall Score 76.02
Liaison Megan Litke
Submission Date Sept. 17, 2024

STARS v3.0

American University
OP-11: Materials Management

Status Score Responsible Party
Complete 3.75 / 4.00 Lucy Yearling
Sustainability Intern
"---" indicates that no data was submitted for this field

11.1 Surplus and reuse programs

Does the institution have a surplus program through which institution-owned items that are no longer needed are stored for eventual sale, donation, or reuse?:

Narrative and/or website URL providing an overview of the institution’s surplus program:

The Surplus Furniture Program allows faculty and staff to request and donate furniture for their workspaces.



Hosted annually, the Office Supply Swap allows employees to donate office items that they don't use but are still in good and usable condition. Donated items can be reclaimed by other employees interested in using the item for their own office.



Does the institution have or participate in a reuse program through which employees and/or students can donate personal items for redistribution?:

Narrative and/or website URL providing an overview of the institution’s reuse program:

Project Move Out is an annual program that takes place during spring move out each year. Students can donate excess food items, clothing, home goods, school supplies, and furniture as they move out of the residence halls. Items are either donated to local partner charities or stored until fall move in, when students have the opportunity to claim donated items.

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Points earned for indicator OP 11.1:

11.2 Single-use disposable plastics program

Does the institution have or participate in a composting program that accepts compostable alternatives to single-use disposable plastic?:

Narrative and/or website URL providing an overview of the institution’s composting program:

AU composts organic waste, including compostable alternatives to single-use plastic, in addition to food scraps from dining locations. Organic waste is sorted by the campus community into compost bins available across campus. Food scraps are collected back-of-house in dining locations. Housekeeping staff pick up compost bags and bring them to a checkpoint where the Compost Crew, student interns in the Zero Waste Office, inspect them for contamination. Bags that are not contaminated are moved to a compost compactor, and then to an off-site industrial compost facility. 




Does the institution have or participate in a reusable container program designed to reduce the use of single-use disposable plastic?:

Narrative and/or website URL providing an overview of the institution’s reusable container program:

American University uses reusable takeout meal containers in its main residential dining facility. Students on university meal plans recieve free reusable takeout containers and return them when done to be washed and reused. Staff, faculty, and other students not on a meal plan can enroll in the program for $5.99.



Has the institution eliminated the on-site use of at least one form of single-use disposable plastic?:

Has the institution eliminated the on-site sales and distribution of all single-use disposable plastic food containers, utensils, and beverage cups?:

Narrative and/or website URL providing an overview of the institution’s single-use disposable plastics program:

Single-use plastic straws are not allowed on campus or in Washington D.C. AU uses compostable alternatives to straws on campus.

AU also eliminated single-use plastic bags inside hand soap dispensers in campus bathrooms. Hand soap was replaced with a concentrated brand that goes into a chemical dispenser, eliminating plastic bags. The new soap then goes into a refillable container in the hand soap dispenser. Each container of concentrate gets over 20 refills before needing to be replaced.

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Points earned for indicator OP 11.2:

11.3 Electronic waste management

Does the institution have or participate in a program designed to collect electronic waste (e-waste) from employees for recycling and/or preparation for reuse?:

Does the institution have or participate in a program designed to collect e-waste from students for recycling and/or preparation for reuse? (required):

Narrative and/or website URL providing an overview of the institution’s e-waste collection programs:

Battery recycling boxes are located in central areas in many buildings around campus. Recyling locations for cell phones and other small electronics are located in the student center, library, and lobbies of residence halls. Faculty and staff can contact the Office of Information Technology in order to dispose of their other e-waste. Students can participate in periodic campus e-waste drives or email the Zero Waste office to dispose of larger electronics.



Does the institution use an e-waste recycler that is certified to a qualifying standard?:

Standard to which the institution’s e-waste recycler is certified:

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Points earned for indicator OP 11.3:

11.4 Hazardous waste management and disclosure

Does the institution have a hazardous waste management program or protocol that includes measures to minimize or reduce the use of hazardous materials?:

Narrative and/or website URL providing an overview of the institution’s hazardous waste management program or protocol:

Hazardous waste must be handled according to national and local guidelines. No amount of hazardous waste may be thrown into the regular trash or poured down the sink. All hazardous waste must be properly stored in compatible containers. Containers must be in good condition and stored in secondary containment. Hazardous waste must be marked with a completed AU hazardous waste label. The Environmental Health and Safety office can be contacted to dispose of all hazardous waste. Disposal varies by waste type.



Hazardous waste is reduced in labs through the use of a chemical inventory system which labels and codes all incoming chemicals assuring that excess chemicals are not purchased, additional chemicals are not brought to campus unnecessarily, and that chemicals are not disposed of when they could be used elsewhere.



Does the institution publish information about the specific types of hazardous waste it generates and how they are disposed of, recycled, and/or prepared for reuse?:

Online resource that provides information about the specific types of hazardous waste managed by the institution:
Document that provides information about the specific types of hazardous waste managed by the institution:

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Points earned for indicator OP 11.4:

Optional documentation

Notes about the information provided for this credit:

Additional documentation for this credit:

The information presented here is self-reported. While AASHE staff review portions of all STARS reports and institutions are welcome to seek additional forms of review, the data in STARS reports are not verified by AASHE. If you believe any of this information is erroneous or inconsistent with credit criteria, please review the process for inquiring about the information reported by an institution or simply email your inquiry to stars@aashe.org.